Spirits Part 2 (Yokai Series)

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Yokai AU (Series)
Collab with: -L1GHT
Pairings: Soramafu, Urasaka, Shimasen, Kashitsuki, Evesou, Soraru & Nqrse, Nanamori & Root, Colon & Satomi

Shima was currently sitting on the floor. He decided to take a break from practicing with Urata, Sakata and Senra. He took a sip of his water bottle, while watching his phone. He wasn't talking, which was something rare for him. Urata noticed that and sighed. Of course Shima would act weird.

Senra noticed so as well as he frowned when he saw that. The purple-haired male was less talkative than he usually was and Senra was worried so he decided to talk to the older male as he stood up and walked over to Shima.

Sakata noticed this as well as he slightly panicked and looked over at the brunet hoping Urata will stop Senra.

Urata nodded and took Senra's arm. "Don't worry, he's just tired. This idiot called us at 4am. So, he's too tired."

Senra looked at Urata and nodded, his worried expression not changing. "I guess... But I can't help but worry...", Senra said looking at Shima who was still silent. "I think I will still ask him just in case."

"Hm..Nah. Just let him rest for a little. Okay ?" The brunet was still holding Senra's arm, wanting to prevent him from talking to Shima, knowing the purple-haired was really bad at lying when it came to Senra.

"Well... if you say so, Urata.", Senra reluctantly said as he sat back down, next to Urata as Sakata smiled in relief. "If we're taking a break anyway, how about some food?"

"Sure, sure. Do you have something to eat ?" He didn't even glanced at Shima, who was still silent, and the purple-haired finally stopped looking at his phone to look at Senra. Ouch.

"Well, I brought some onigiri for everyone.", Senra said before he noticed the older male looking at him as he looked back, offering him a smile. "Do you want some onigiri as well, Mashi?"

Shima quickly nodded, smiling. "Sure, why not !" He sat next to the blonde-haired boy.

"Great~ Here you go then.", Senra said as he took some packed onigiri out of his bag and handed some to Shima and Sakata. "You want some too, Urata?"

Shima took an onigri, while Urata nodded. "Why not."

Senra handed Urata some onigiri before taking one for himself and start munching on it. "By the way, are you guys going to do anything after we finished work today?", Sakata asked with full mouth.

Urata took the onigri, before talking. "I dont know. Probably play some video games." The purple-haired stopped eating before thinking. "I..Actually don't know what i should dooo. Maybe sleep ? Aah, i don't want to sleeeep.."

"Sleep is boring, Mashi~ You don't want to end up being like Soraru-san, right?", Sakata joked as Senra chuckled. "If we all have time anyway we could just hang out together or something like that.", he suggested.

"Eeeehh... That will be without me. Sorry guys, just remembered I had something to do later~ !" Shima talked, trying to keep his tone as cheerful as usual while he is talking. Of course, he wasn't busy, buut he was just scared.

Senra's smile turned into a frown as he tilted his head. "Really? What do you have to do, Mashi?"

"Something privaate. You wanna know everything i am doing, now ?" The purple-haired teased Senra, while chuckling.

"Eh? A-ah, no. Just asking.", Senra denied blushing as he waved his hands around in defense. "Well, if Mashi won't join us, how about the rest of us just sleep over at your house and play games together, Ura-san?", Sakata suggested excitedly.

The brunet sighed. "Why me, exactly ? But sure, you and Senra can come at my house." Meanwhile, Shima finished eating and got up.

"Eh? Are you going already, Mashi?", Senra asked tilting his head.

"Yuup. Bye bye." The purple-haired smiled.

"A-alright? See you tomorrow then.", Senra said as Sakata waved at him cheerfully.

"Bye, Mashi." Urata looked at the purple-haired, sighing quietly. Shima looked at his phone, before leaving again. Oh. He was really scared of Senra knowing that Shima was a yokai, after all.

"I hope you have fun with what you're doing then. Make sure to get a good nights rest as well.", Senra said as he gave the older male a slight smile.

"Sure, sure ! Same goes to you,okay ?" The older smiled back.

"Yes, see you tomorrow then.", Senra said. "Wow, you guys sure take long to bid farewells~", Sakata stated while eating the rest of the onigiris.

"Shush, Sakata. I bet you want to cry everytime Urata leaves." Shima pouted.

"Wah, that's not true! I don't do that!", Sakata denied. "I don't want to cry every time he leaves! I actually cry every time he leaves!"

"Wait what ?" Urata looked at the red-haired, while Shima laughed.

"Well... you always leave so early and I feel very lonely being alone.", Sakata confesses pouting.

"Sorry sorry." He sighed.

"If you are sorry, will you stay with me for a loooong time then?", Sakata asked.


"Yay! Ura-san's the best!", Sakata exclaimed as Senra chuckled. "I wonder if I should even join. I don't want to third wheel or anything."

"Weell. Leave them alonee. Lovebirds like Urata and Sakata needs to be alone, you know ?" The purple-haired smiled, while Urata was slightly blushing.

"I guess I will do that then.", Senra said chuckling as he packed his bag before swinging it over his shoulder. "Do you mind if I accompany you for a bit then on my way home?"

"..Sure, if you want." He sighed.

Senra frowned when he saw how Shima looked so disappointed. "W-well, see you two tomorrow then.", Senra told Urata and Sakata before standing up to go to Shima.

The purple-haired glanced at Senra, before looking at his phone. "Soooo. Can we go, pleease ?"

"Ah, yes!", Senra said as he quickly waved at the other two before Senra and Shima exited the building.

"Uh..Senra, are you okay ?" Shima asked.

"Eh? I'm alright. I should be asking you that. You have been acting really weird ever since today. Are you alright?", Senra asked back.

"Ah..Well.." He sighed, before making his voice cheerful again. "Everything's fine~ ! Why shouldn't i be okay ?"

Senra only sighed as he adjusted his bag while walking. "You don't have to lie to me about it, you know? I could clearly see that you weren't happy to hear me walking back with you. If you don't want to talk to me and such, I will just keep silent. But let's not show it to Urata and Sakata, alright? I wouldn't want them to worry."

He slightly panicked. "No no, it's not your fault, and i really like walking back with you !"

"I see... Well, I'm glad that I didn't do anything wrong then.", Senra said smiling relief. "Well, if it's something else worrying you, just wanted to let you know that you can always talk to me about it."

He thought about it a little, before looking at the younger. "Uh..Senra ? If i told you that i wasn't...Exactly human..How would you react ?"

Senra looked at the purple-haired male confused. "Not exactly human? I don't get it. Are you going to tell me that you're the devil or what?", he asked laughing lightly.

"Just forget it,okay ? Sorry, i'm a little tired today.." He lowered his head.

"Eh~ You are making me really curious right now.", Senra pouted. "But it's fine. Don't push yourself too much, alright? If you are too tired then I can always come and help you out with anything."

"Really, everything ?" He had this smile plastered on his face, while looking at Senra. His inccubus side was showing up. Oops.

"Of course! We are teammates after all! When one of us has problems, we are bound to help each other out~", Senra chirped.

"Okaay, so you can help me with one of my probleems ?" His smile got bigger while he was talking.

"If I can help that is, yes~", Senra nodded not looking at Shima as he focused on not bumping into anyone in front of him.

He nodded and took Senra's hand, before dragging him to a place without anybody who could hear them.

Senra got confused as he followed the older male nethertheless , careful to not to stumble. "Mashi? Where are we going?"

"Okay soo. Please, don't repeat what i am going to say,okay ? Nobody has to know."

"Alright then... What is it?", Senra asked, lowering his voice unconsciously.

"Okay, i will be perfectly cleear. Once, i'm a yokai. An inccubus. And twice, Urata and Sakata are yokais too~ !" Shima explained, his fear slowly fading away.

Senra blinked a few times before his face showed pure confusion. "Eh? Would you mind repeating that?"

"I am an incubbus." He smiled.

"Mashi... I'm sorry for letting you work so much. Let's get you back home and I'll make you something warm to drink, ok?", Senra said as he took Shima by the hand and pulled him lightly towards the direction of his house.

"I'm saying the truuuth.." He whispered,letting himself get dragged by the younger.

"Mhm...", Senra hummed, clearly not believing the older male as he continued walking before arriving at Shima's house.

He took his keys ,before opening the door. "What should i do if i want you to believe meee ?"

"Wow, you sure overworked yourself to end up like this... Um... give me some prove I guess?", Senra answered unsure as he walked into the house. "You can go lay down and I'll make you something warm to drink before going back home."

"You want some proof ? Okay." He whispered, before letting demon horns, little demon wings and..Well, a demon tail. Yeah, basically a true inccubus. He then came to where Senra was, before hugging him by behind.

"Mashi? What are you doing?", Senra asked confused and flustered as he started blushing darkly.

"Hugging you~ I can hug you,right ?" He smiled.

"W-what's with you today?", Senra asked as he buried his face into his hands.

"You wanted some proof, i'm giving you proof." He backed off. "Look at mee."

Senra only hummed confused as he turned around to look at Shima like he was told to. "Eh?". When he did though, he was so startled by what he saw that he accidentally slipped and fell.

He laughed a little, and helped Senra to get up. "Are you okay ?"

"Y-yes... Wait, so it was actually true and you weren't so sleep deprived?", Senra asked. "Thank goodness then..."

"I told you ! Why can't you believe me ?" He pouted.

"I'm sorry.", Senra apologized, laughing sheepishly as he scratches his cheek. "It's just... it's really hard to believe it when your friend suddenly tells you that they're not human."

"Ah yeah. If you say it like that..." Shima chuckled.

"Now that I know that you're actually right... You said that Urata and Sakata were yokais too, right?", Senra asked.

"Yeep~ !" He smiled.

"I see... Are they coincidentally a tanuki and a dog? Cause that would be hilarious~", Senra said chuckling.

"What a genius~ Yeah, they are a tanuki and a dog." Shima laughed.

"Eh?! They actually are?! Wow, it fits them perfectly!", Senra exclaimed laughing as he held his stomach.

"I knoow, right ? Mafu said that too.."

"Mafu-kun also knows about you guys? Wow, you should be more careful to not get found out by more people. Or am I the only one who didn't know until today?", Senra asked as his laughter slowly calmed down.

"You're the second one who knows about this~ !"

"I see~ Wait, so was this the thing you were worried about, Mashi?"

"I was kinda scared you would hate me or be scared of me.." he played with his fingers.

Senra widened his eyes before he chuckled taking the older male's hands in his as he gave the other a soft smile. "You shouldn't have worried about that. No matter what you are, you are still the Mashi I know and love. You guys are all really important to me even if you're not human."

He slightly blushed, and nodded.

"Well, now that that's all done, I'll let you rest for the day then~", Senra said as he let go of Shima's hands.

"Can you rest with mee ?" He pleaded.

"E-eh? I'm sure you can manage to rest on your own. We will see each other tomorrow again after all.", Senra reminded Shima.

"Yeah but i want to stay with yoou."

"Don't say that... it's embarrassing.", Senra said blushing.

"Who cares ? I want to stay with you~ !"

"A-alright, alright. I'll stay then.", Senra gave in sighing.

"Yaaay~ ! Thanks !"

"You're welcome... Well, it's late so let's just go to sleep, ok?", Senra said.

"Yeees. Wow, you would be a great mom." He teased, before dragging Senra to his room.

"I wouldn't. I-I'm not a woman to begin with..."

"Yes yeees." He laughed.

"Seriously... Let's just go to sleep then.", Senra said as he walked ahead trying to calm his blush.

"Yeees." He laughed, following the younger.

Senra only walked into Shima's room as he put his bag down before stretching slightly. "Ok, Mashi, you've worked hard today so just tell me where the futon is so I can get it myself."

"Naah. Sleep with mee."

"Eh?! No, I won't do that. Go to sleep alone. If you won't tell me where it is, I'll go find it myself.", Senra said looking around for the spare mattress.

The purple-haired pouted.

Senra continued searching for the mattress sighing when he couldn't find it. "Mashi, your room is a mess... clean it up sometime or I will do it even if you don't want to!"

"I find it pretty clean since I can always find what I am searching for." He smiled.

Senra sighed as he continued searching only to fail. "That's only cause this is your house... Ugh, forget it, I'll sleep on the couch. You go lay down and get some rest, ok?"

He took Senra's hand. "Nope~ !"

"Yes! Now let go and go to sleep! We have to wake up early tomorrow, you know?", Senra said feeling himself grow sleepy already.

"I won't sleep without you." He pouted.

"Are you a child or what? I... could sit on the floor and stay with you until you fall asleep. How does that sound?", Senra suggested hoping Shima would accept.

"Okaaay, i'm fine with that~ !"

"Good, lay down then.", Senra said as he sat on the floor next to Shima's bed.

He laid down on his bed, smiling a little.

Senra then put the blanket over Shima before he switched the lights off, playing with Shima's hair. The older smiled.

Senra only continued doing so silently as he felt himself also growing tired from this.

"Are you tired ?"

"Mhm... a bit... Don't worry about me and just go to sleep, Mashi.", Senra said smiling softly even though it was dark.

"Hm..Okay.." Shima closed his eyes.

Senra continued to play with Shima's hair in a comforting manner before his eyes started to feel heavy. Next thing he knew, Senra fell asleep.

Shima opened his eyes once again, and saw Senra asleep. He smiled, and quickly kissed the blonde-haired boy's cheek.

Senra only stirred slightly but didn't wake up as he smiled unconsciously.

He then started to carry Senra to put him next to the older.

And because Senra was asleep, he was unaware of anything as he only leaned in closer to Shima, finding comfort in doing so.

He smiled, before falling asleep.

The next day, Senra stirred slightly before opening his eyes sleepily. He looked around confused before realizing that he must have fallen asleep and that Shima carried him here. He looked at Shima before he started blushing furiously, trying to get off the bed without waking him up.

The older woke up, and saw Senra trying to get off the bed. He chuckled. "Are you trying to leave ?"

Senra flinched when the older male suddenly spoke as he stopped and ignored the question. "Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"Nope, I woke up by myself."

"I see... Well, I will make us some breakfast before we're going to work then.", Senra said as he stood up.

"Yes yees."

Senra only chuckled before he stretched and left to go to the kitchen and make something for the two of them.

Shima got up and looked at his phone.

In the meanwhile, Senra put on an apron he found before he started making some eggs with bacon and salad. Shima sighed.

"What's with the long face? Is everything alright?", Senra asked when he saw Shima walking in, looking tired.

«Yep, I'm fine, thanks Senra~ !» Shima chuckled.

"Of course. I will try to help you the best way I can if I am able to.", Senra said smiling as he continued making breakfast.

"You really are a housewife, huh ?" He whispered, chuckling once again.

Senra heard this as his face flared up. "Mashi! I'm not a housewife, even less of a woman!", he exclaimed embarrassed.

«You are my housewife, and that's enough !»  He smiled.

"Your housewife?! I'm no one's housewife here!", Senra denied.

«You are my wiiife.» He pouted.

"When did I ever marry you?!", Senra asked as he finished breakfast and put it on a plate before placing one in front of Shima.

«Thanks for the breakfast, honey.» Shima laughed.

"What is wrong with you?", Senra asked embarrassed as he buried his face into his hands.

«Sorry, sorry.»

"I'll forgive you if you stop.", Senra said, trying to calm down before picking up his chopsticks as he started eating.

"Okay okay. I will stop." He sighed.

"You're forgiven then. Now start eating or we'll get scolded by Urata for coming late.", Senra said as he continued eating.

He nodded and started eating.

"Is the food alright? If you have some constructive criticism, I'll take it~", Senra said smiling.

"Nah, it's good. Thanks." Shima smiled.

"That's good then.", Senra said sighing in relief. He then finished eating as he put everything down waiting for Shima to finish.

Shima finally finished and also put everything down.

"I'll clean everything up then so you can go ahead and take everything you need so we can go.", Senra said, taking all the plates to the sink to wash everything.

"Sure sure, thanks Senra~ !"

"It's no problem.", Senra replied as he started washing the plates. "Ah, would you be so kind and bring me my bag when you packed so we can go immediately?"

"Me, kind ? Pfft. But yeeah,sure !" He chuckled, before going to pack his things.

Senra dried his hands after washing everything as he put the apron down which he forgot to do so before, as he waited for Shima to come back.

The purple-haired finally put his bag on his shoulder, while taking Senra's bag. He then came back.

"There you are. Thanks for bringing me my bag. Let's go.", Senra said as he walked to Shima to take his bag.

"Yep yep." The older gave the blonde-haired his bag.

"Thanks.", Senra said as he took it. "Let's go then?", he asked as he looked at Shima. Shima quickly nodded.

Senra opened the door as they walked to Urata's house. They talked about all kinds of things before they arrived. "Oh, by the way... how are we going to tell Urata and Sakata that you told me about you guys being yokais?"

"Oh, i will just tell them the truth. Like i said it peacefully~ !" He chuckled.

"Well, if you say so.", Senra said chuckling as well. He then knocked the door as he waited for someone to open it.

Urata finally opened the door. "Oh ? You're not late ?"

"Mhm, thanks to me~", Senra joked as he smiled at Urata. "Good Morning~"

"Good morning. Well, come on. Sakata is late, so.."

"Sakata is late? Didn't he sleep over at your house?", Senra asked as he walked inside.

"He fell asleep really late. So as a punishment, i refused to wake him up and that will make him panic~." Urata explained, making Shima laugh.

"Urata being the sadistic tsundere as always I see~", Senra laughed.

"Hey. Anyways. Shima, why do i feel like you told Senra the truth ?" Urata asked, and the purple-haired laughed sheepishly before sighing. "Sorryyy."

Senra was about to put his bag down and sit down until he got startled by a scream and fell down. "Urata-san, where are you?!", someone shouted from the bedroom.

"Here. The punishment worked." Urata slightly smiled.

Soon after he said that, the door was slammed open as a redhead appeared with teary eyes and messy bedhair.

"Oh. It worked better than i thought." He whispered, and Shima chuckled.

"U-urata-san~ Why did you leave me~?", Sakata whined as he walked towards the brunet before hugging him.

"That's what you get. Anyways. Senra, you slept at Shima's home ?" Urata asked, while the purple-haired nodded.

"Well, some things happened and that's how it ended.", Senra added.

"Sure sure. But aren't you happy about sleeping at my home,dear housewife ?" Shima teased once again.

"Ehh?! You guys married and didn't invite us to your wedding?!", Sakata asked shocked as Senra blushed and buried his face into his hands.

"We aren't marrieed.." Shima laughed.

"Eh? You aren't?", Sakata asked tilting his head. "Of course we aren't!", Senra exclaimed blushing.

"So..Now, Senra knows about us. So Mafu and Senra are aware for us being yokais. I hope the others will not react too bad.." Urata sighed.

"Are you guys going to tell the others too? I mean, I guess it looks like Mafu-kun and me were fine with it but if you would tell the others and they would panic... that would end up in a chaos.", Senra told them.

"Which is why I didn't want to tell it at first. Then Soraru and Shima HAD to tell we were yokais." Urata sighed once again, and the purple-haired lowered his head, just like a child. "Sorry.."

"There, there. It's not like it was only Mashi's fault. I also urged him to tell me the whole time.", Senra defended the older male as he patted Shima's hand.

"If you say so. Anyways, let's start ?" Urata asked.

"Mhm! Let's start~", Sakata agreed. And so, USSS continued their usual life like they always did, continuing being friends despite their differences.

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