We'll be Friends forever (Mafusaka)

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Requested by: LisaYuuki17
Pairing: Mafusaka
Genre: Fluff

It was a rainy day and Mafumafu lazed around at home. He finally had a day off but now he was so bored as he had nothing to do and his fans told him that he should rest on his day off instead of working.

He didn't know what to do alone so he scrolled through his contacts to see if anyone was free at the moment right now.

He thought of asking one of his friends but he just asked Soraru to hang out with him some days ago. Amatsuki was busy going on a date with his lover which he planned for a long time already.

He did make plans with Urata but that was for a collab and that would be in the late afternoon because Urata was busy with work in the morning. It was still morning and he was very very bored so after thinking on who to ask he decided to ask either Kiyo or Sakata to hang out with him.

He thought that he and Sakata were closer anyway and that he really wanted to hang out with the red-head so in the end, he decided to ask his red-haired friend if he was free.

MafuTheGod: Sakatan, are you free right now?? (*≧∀≦*)
Idiot-san: Oh, Mafudon! I am! Why? (*'▽'*)
MafuTheGod: I'm bored! Entertain me you mortal!!
Idiot-san: Ok www I'll come over then~ Do I have to bring anything?
MafuTheGod: Your motivation www
Idiot-san: WWWW Ok, see you in about half an hour then!! (='∀`)人('∀`=)
MafuTheGod: I knew I could count on you! See you then!! (๑>◡<๑)

After Sakata agreed to come, Mafumafu put his phone down as he quickly changed into a black hoodie and cleaning everything up a bit.

He was scrolling through twitter and before he knew it, his door bell rang and he opened it to see the red-head standing there with his usual big smile. "Mafudon, I'm here! Did you miss me?", Sakata asked as the albino giggled before nodding. "Of course! Of course! Come in my beloved friend~", Mafumafu said as he stepped aside.

Sakata stepped in before taking his shoes off and walking inside. "So... anything you wanna do?", Sakata asked and Mafumafu pondered about it for a while before he snapped his fingers.

"Sakatan, be proud of me cause we'll be doing something else besides playing video games for hours today!", Mafumafu exclaimed proudly as he put his hands on his hips, puffing his chest out proudly. "Oh~ What is it?", Sakata asked curiously. "We'll make a cake! Because I crave something sweet!", Mafumafu said and Sakata clapped.

"Yes! I wanna a cake! Let's make a cake!", Sakata repeated and Mafumafu laughed. "Then follow me now! We will make the greatest cake in the world!", Mafumafu exclaimed and Sakata shouted motivated before they ran to the kitchen.

"Ok, what cake do you wanna make?", Mafumafu asked as he scrambled to put out the basic ingredients out. Sakata thought about it for a while before snapping his fingers.

"Let's make a strawberry cake with white cream! They'll represent us! I'll be the strawberries and you'll be the cream!", Sakata suggested and Mafumafu giggled.

"That's stupid, Sakatan! But let's make that then!", Mafumafu said as he packed out the ingredients and started to put some ingredients in. Sakata followed him as he put in some eggs and after they put everything in, they started to stir it.

"Um... do cakes always look like this?", Sakata asked as he looked at the dough.

"E-eh? Of course they do! And even if it's not, it'll look good once it's in the oven!", Mafumafu assured as he put the dough into a batter and then into the oven.

"Now, that it's baking... anything you wanna do?", Mafumafu asked as Sakata pondered for a bit before he laughed, confusing the albino. "Eh, what's so funny, Sakatan?", Mafumafu asked tilting his head as the red-head pointed at his face.

"You have a bit of flour on your face.", Sakata excaimed and Mafumafu touched his face to see that it was true.

He took the pack of flour as he threw some of it at Sakata who flinched before he took some flour as well and the two of them spent the waiting time throwing food at each other.

In the end, the two of them were sitting on the floor laughing. "Look, Mafudon! My hair is the same color as you now! We match!", Sakata exclaimed and Mafumafu noticed this as he laughed.

"Ah, it's true! Wait, let me take a pic so I can put in on twitter!", Mafumafu said as he positioned himself next to Sakata and took a picture before putting some stickers on it and putting it on Twitter. He then put his phone away and looked back into the oven to see if it was finished.

"I think we can take the cake out now!", Mafumafu said as he stood up, brushing his pants and Sakata followed him as Mafumafu opened the oven and carefully took the cake out.

They let it cool for a bit while they started to make some cream. Afterwards they put it on the cake and finally they cut some strawberries and put it on the cake. "Finished! Um... do cakes always look this uneven?", Sakata asked as Mafumafu laughed sheepishly and scratched his cheek.

"O-of course! Now let's try some!", Mafumafu declared as he quickly took a plate, a fork and a knife. He then went to cut a piece as he gave it to Sakata, the red-head eyeing it suspiciously before looking at Mafumafu.

"Huh? Where is your cake, Mafudon?", Sakata asked confused as Mafumafu laughed nervously. "I'll eat some later so you go ahead!", Mafumafu told him.

"I can eat with you later as well then!", Sakata said as he put his plate down but Mafumafu pushed the plate back up towards the other male.

"No, no, no, no, no. You go ahead and try some now.", Mafumafu insisted and the other male reluctantly took a piece into his mouth as the albino waited for his reaction.

"And? How does it taste?", Mafumafu asked fiddling with his hands. Sakata didn't answer at first as he scooped up some cake before holding it in front of Mafumafu.

"Have a taste and answer yourself~", Sakata said holding the cake in front of the albino who put his hands up on defense.

"I-I'm fine! You go on and keep eating it!", Mafumafu insisted laughing but Sakata already shoved the cake into the albino's mouth. Reluctantly, he ate it and chewed it scared of the taste. Surprisingly, it tasted good though as Mafumafu widened his eyes.

"Eh? It tastes good?", Mafumafu asked as Sakata laughed. "It does! You should have seen the horrendous look on your face!", Sakata exclaimed laughing and Mafumafu pouted before joining in the laughter. "Anyways, we should probably wash our hair to get all the food off us.", Mafumafu said as the red-head nodded in agreement.

"You can go first. I'll just clean the kitchen up while you're taking a shower then. You can borrow some of my clothes if you want to.", Mafumafu said and Sakata nodded before going into the bathroom. The albino put gave of his oversized clothes to his friend before going to the kitchen to clean up.

After Sakata finished he went ahead and took a bath himself. He exited the bathroom and walked back to the living room to see Sakata sitting on the floor, playing with his cats.

He lifted Potato into the air when he noticed the albino standing there. He grinned before holding Potato in front of his face and talking in a high-pitched voice.

"Mafumafu-san! It's me! Potato-chan!", Sakata said and Mafumafu was surprised that Potato stayed where she was and didn't jump off immediately. "What are you doing, Sakatan?", Mafumafu asked as Sakata didn't answer that but instead continued talking in the high-pitched voice.

"I'm not Sakata! I'm Potato-chan! Sakata said he'd come back in a few minutes.", Sakata insisted as Mafumafu giggled at this and sat down on the floor as well. "Potato-chan, were you a good girl today?", Mafumafu asked petting the cat.

"Yes! I was a good cat and played with Iroha-chan today.", Potato answered moving the paws up and down occasionally. Mafumafu giggled even more seeing Sakata grinning behind Potato and couldn't help but smile with him.

The smile of Sakata was so contagious that it could brighten up anyone's day.

"Ah, so you played with Iroha-chan today! Hey, Potato-chan... Do you know where Sakatan is? I invited him over for today but I don't know where he is.", Mafumafu explained as Potato hummed thinking for a while before nodding.

"Sakata said he wanted to show your friendship artistic and went somewhere else to finish it. He started while you were in the bath! If you want to see Sakata then you have to close your eyes and count to three. That's what he told me!", Potato told him and Mafumafu nodded before closing his eyes and counting to three loudly.

Sakata giggled as he let Potato go who walked away and when Mafumafu opened his eyes Sakata waved at him with both hands.

"Mafudon! Did you miss me while I was away?", Sakata asked as Mafumafu giggled for the nth time nodding. "Of course I missed you, Sakatan~ Anyway, what else do you want to do?", Mafumafu asked as Sakata pondered about it again before he stood up and walked to the couch patting the space next to him.

Mafumafu stood up as well as he walked to the couch where countless of his plushies were scattered around.

"Let's watch Gochiusa! I never watched it and it's your favorite anime right?", Sakata asked and he saw how the albino's eyes started to sparkle. "Eh? Really?! You're the only one of everyone who suggested to watch Gochiusa on your side! Let's watch it then!", Mafumafu said as he switched the TV on and started from the first episode.

He started to talk about all the characters and which characters he liked the most while Sakata nodded and gave his opinions in as well.

"Who do you like the most? I have to say that I love Cocoa-chan and Chino-chan really much.", Mafumafu said enthusiastically as Sakata nodded. "I think I like Cocoa as well. I mean, she looks like she enjoys life very much.", Sakata explained and Mafumafu nodded along taking in every word of the other male.

They continued watching the anime without standing up once and they talked so much and had so much fun that they didn't notice the time passing that fast as the sun slowly set.

Mafumafu who was now speaking a bit slower than before felt his eyes growing heavy while Sakata noticed this and felt himself growing tired as well. "Hey, Sakatan... I had a lot of fun today. Thanks for coming over.", Mafumafu thanked the other male who smiled lightly and nodded.

"You're welcome, Mafudon. I had a lot of fun today as well. To be honest, I would have spent the time alone being bored. So I was happy when you contacted me.", Sakata said sleepily. The two of them felt their fatigue overtaking them as they slowly fell asleep.


"Mafu-kun? Open the door!", a brunette called out as he knocked on the door several times.

He tried to message and call the albino several times but the younger male didn't answer nor pick up the calls.

He first called Sakata who didn't pick up as well and then he called Amatsuki who said that he didn't know and asked if he should come over in worry. Urata has to assure Amatsuki that it was fine because he didn't want to interrupt their date. He knew that the other brunette didn't get to spend much time with his lover so he decided that he would find the solution by himself.

Now the short brunette was standing in front of the albino's house not knowing what to do as his worry gradually grew as well.

He ruffled his head in frustration before muttering a small apology.

He then reached to the red hair pins he had in his hair to keep his bangs away and took them off as he started to pick the lock and opening the door. "Sorry for the intrusion...", he said as he walked into the house in slight panic.

"Mafu-kun! Are you there? Mafu-kun— Eh?", Urata looked at the couch, confused to see the albino leaning his head against the redhead's head as he sighed out in annoyance and relief.

"Seriously... you were asleep this whole time? And Sakata's here with you? Now I finally get why he didn't pick up...", Urata said as he walked into the albino's bedroom to take a blanket and cane back into the living room, placing it gently over them. He then switched the television off and wrote a quick note to the albino.

It seems you had a exhausting day and are tired so let's do our collab some other time. —Urata

The brunette looked at his note before putting it down on the table in front of them and was about to go until he noticed a folded paper next to Sakata as he picked it up confused unfolding it.

He chuckled slightly when he saw a bad drawing of an albino and a red-head standing in front of a sakura tree with some words written over it.

He placed it on the table with his note before he walked back to the entrance and closed the door gently walking back home.

He thought back to the picture and smiled unconsciously.

From what he saw in the whole house, he knew that the two of them had a lot of fun today and when he remembered the picture of Sakata and how those two were so comfortable and peaceful around each other he agreed... Mafumafu and Sakata would be friends forever.

That was the Mafusaka chapter where they just hang out together. I hope I met your expectations of your request and I'm sorry that it took so long www I was a bit busy with school. But I still hope you liked it and thanks for reading~

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