Just like a Dog (SakaUra)

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Requested by: @KawaiiPatootOwO
Pairing: Sakata x Urata
Genre: Fluff
High School/Servant AU

Urata always did everything alone. Since he was young, he was always taught how to do things by himself and how to manage things alone. Being alone for most of the time and only occasionally interacting with his servant, he didn't really have time to make any friends.

There was a certain purple-haired male who he could call a friend but even then, they didn't really hang out much.

But he didn't care anyway. He just had to go for one or two more years before he could finally leave that place with all those incompetent people and become the heir of the company. He always did everything alone. He always spent his time working and studying to be a good successor.

And he was always successful so that many universities offered him scholarships which he always declined. He was already good enough and could graduate right then and there.

So he didn't get it when the only servant he trusted, Senra, told him a guard who would go to school with him and protect him. "What the hell do you mean, we'll get a guard accompanying me everywhere?! I don't need anyone following me the whole time!", the brunette shouted angrily as he threw the staple of papers on the desk.

The blonde male didn't even flinch as he organized the scattered papers again while he started explaining. "Your father said that there are many companies against ours in the past few months who want our company to fall apart.

And because money is one of our strongest points, there are people targeting to take you hostage because you are the only one who can become the next heir of this company.", Senra explained as he put the now organized staple of paper back on the desk. "But that doesn't mean that I can't defend myself! All these years, I managed to do things by myself! I don't need any help now!

Next year will be my last year anyway!", Urata argued and Senra merely sighed as he walked towards the tray where the tea was and started to prepare some.

"Urata-sama, you just have to bear with it. I heard that he is new and is around your age. It would be a nice change if you could become his friend.", the blonde said and the other male huffed.

"I don't need any friends. I can live without them, thank you very much.", Urata said crossing his arms as Senra rolled his eyes before placing the cup of tea in front of the male.

"Your father's health is in a critical state right now so you don't want to worry him, do you?", Senra asked him seriously as Urata grumbled as he drank his tea. Urata didn't complain any further though as he only drank his tea and Senra smiled knowing that the brunette accepted his situation more or less. "I'm happy that you finally understand.

Your new bodyguard will be transferred to your school tomorrow. Here is a file of his profile if you want to know what he looks like by tomorrow. Please try to not show your discomfort too much.", Senra stayed chuckling as it was now the brunette's time to roll his eyes.

"We'll see. And Senra?", Urata called out as the blonde hummed in response. "Stop calling me like that. We are childhood friends after all.", the brunette stated as the blonde smiled in return. "I'll call you Urata in private then.

Now then, I'll excuse myself.", Senra said before he exited the room. Urata leaned his head on one of his hands as he used the other hand to lift the papers and looked at the personal file in front of him. There was a picture of a red-haired male without any expression.

"Sakata... 16 years old... Huh, so he's younger than me... and he should be smart if he was able to skip one year to my class.

He also did kendo in middle school and comes from an honorable family. If he was that successful then maybe he is able to do some things after all... Only thing that bothers me is his height...

But let's just see how tomorrow goes.", Urata said as he put the file down and continued working without any break as usual.


"As I told you a while ago, a transfer student will arrive today. Let us all welcome him. You can come in!", the teacher shouted as the door opened soon after revealing a redhead walking inside the classroom.

He took a chalk and wrote his name on the board before turning towards his classmates. "Hello! My name is Sakata and I just transferred from Kyoto! I'm still new to this city so I'll hope you can help me!", Sakata said smiling brightly as the class clapped.

The teacher coughed slightly as the redhead looked at her in confusion and looked to where she pointed. "The kanji of your name is wrong, Sakata-kun.", she noted as the class started laughing when Sakata realized it and quickly corrected it.

"Anyways, I hope we can get along!", Sakata said as the class clapped once again. Urata merely clicked his tongue in annoyance as he looked out of the window.

"Not only is he different from what I imagined, he is an idiot as well. Can't even write his name correctly. Smiles like an idiot and he doesn't look like he can protect me. Where did that professional image of him go?", Urata thought frustrated and he didn't notice how the teacher instructed the younger male to sit down next to the brunette.

He only noticed something when the class suddenly started to murmur with each other as he looked to his side mortified to see the younger male kneeling down in front of him.

"You are Urata-sama, am I correct? I will be your bodyguard so I hope I will be useful to you.", Sakata said taking the brunette's hand and giving him a kiss on the knuckles as the girls squealed while Urata slapped his hand away blushing from embarrassment and anger.

"He is so going to cry after Urata is through with him...", one of his classmates whispered as the other one nodded. "He made so many girls cry already and there are so many guys hating him for thinking that he is better than the others just because of his father and the money their company earns.", another one said.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!", Urata asked glaring at the other who seemed unfazed. "I was only doing something my family taught me to. If you don't want that then I'll stop next time.", Sakata offered smiling as Urata merely crossed his arms. "Who said I'd accept you? You're much more of an idiot than I thought.

Just go back to Kyoto or something and tell your family you're not needed here.", Urata instructed as Sakata looked down his hand now pulled to his chest. "I see... if you don't want my assistance, then it can't be helped.", Sakata said as he stood up surprising Urata.

"He gave up way quicker than I thought. He isn't that much of an idiot then I guess...", Urata thought as he slightly felt bad for his tone.

But he just wanted to be alone like always so he stayed still. "It's just... that my parents are both very successful in life already and my older brother did so many things to make them proud already while I didn't success in anything yet.", Sakata started making Urata confused.

"So when I was hired for this position I was so happy. Not only would I make my family proud of finally doing something good. I would even be able to spend my time with someone around my age who is in a similar situation as me. Pressured by the family to be successful. But it's fine...

I'll just go back and tell them that it was because I was a failure that you fired me and that I messed up so much, you didn't even want to try to spend a day with me.", Sakata said as he turned away and counted to three while he started packing.

One. "There's no way I'll say yes! He has to be lying!", Urata thought. Two. "But what if he's telling the truth? No! Even if he is you shouldn't let him stay!", Urata argued with himself.

Three. "Wait!", Urata said as he grabbed the other on his sleeve as the taller male turned around smiling at the other. "Is something the matter, Urata-sama?", Sakata asked sadly.

"W-we can try it for a while to see if you're useful. B-but don't get me wrong! It's not like I thought we were similar or anything!

You just looked like an abandoned dog. That's all!", Urata shouted embarrassed as Sakata's smile immediately turned happy.

"Ah! So you will finally accept me! I'll gladly be your dog if you want me to be a dog! I will follow you everywhere to make sure that you're save!", Sakata assured. "N-no! Wait, you misunderstood. I said we could try—".

"Thank you so much, Urata-sama! Now I can finally make my family proud!", Sakata interrupted him and Urata was about to say something again before he was pulled into a hug by the younger male. "O-oi! Let me go!

Don't touch me! Let me go right now!", Urata demanded as the redhead ignored him and just laughed smiling. And when he pulled away and Urata saw that smile, he thought that maybe. Just maybe, it wouldn't be that bad.

Oh, how wrong he was. The next few days he noticed that Sakata would follow him everywhere. And he means everywhere. He accompanied him to the school's toilet always standing there waiting with a towel. He would always follow him for lunch where he would only watch the older male eat instead of eating anything.

He would follow the brunette to the bedroom, grocery shopping, cram school, EVERYWHERE. Urata finally had enough as he one day ran away from the redhead as he was surrounded by his classmates. He messaged Shima that he'd eat somewhere else today as the purple-haired said that he'd come in a few minutes.

Urata walked to the rooftop where Shima was already waiting for him as he looked around before sighing in relief, sitting down next to the other male. "Woah, you look way more stressed than usually. Is it because of Sakata?", Shima asked laughing. "That idiot has been following me everywhere for the past few days and I just want some time alone.

I shouldn't have let him stay after all.", Urata grumbled before taking out his textbook. "You're not going to eat?", Shima asked as Urata shook his head. "I forgot my food thanks to him being annoying. And it's not like I eat that much on lunch anyway. I was just forced to eat by him.

I never ate lunch before and you know it.", Urata said as Shima hummed. "Well, you know that— Ah!", Shima exclaimed as Urata tilted his head confused. "What's wrong? You are looking weirdly at— Ah!", Urata screeched as he fell back seeing the redhead sitting next to him.

"What the hell?! How did you get here?! And when?!", Urata asked as Sakata merely smiled as he took a bento box out.

"Please calm down, Urata-sama. I've brought your lunch because I know that you don't eat healthy enough.", Sakata said as he opened the box revealing a fancy lunch box. "I'm not eating.", Urata simply stated before standing up.

"You sure? It looks like he really did his best making that.", Shima said and Sakata nodded. "Yes. I woke up at 4 am to make this so I could stand in front of your bedroom before you woke up. But it's fine. If you don't want to eat it then I'll just swallow all of food along with the feelings in there as well.", Sakata said looking down as the brunette felt guilty and the redhead counted until three again waiting for the brunette's reaction.

One. "I won't give in! That idiot thinks I'd just do what he wants?", Urata thought. Two. "But that food... it looks like he worked so long and hard to make it... No! Not this time!", Urata shook his head several times. Three.

"Ok, fine! I'll eat it! Just stop looking like an abandoned dog!", Urata said as he sat back down and Sakata immediately smiled brightly at him. Urata went to grab the chopsticks but Sakata held them away.

Urata tried again but the younger male simply pulled back again which ticked the shorter male off. "Oi, you wanted me to eat so you better give me those chopsticks now or I'll throw your food into that stupid face of yours.", Urata threatened as Sakata still smiled happily.

"I will feed you, Urata-sama. You worked so hard already so please let me do this.", Sakata pleaded as Urata's face turned the same color of the younger's hair. Shima whistled impressed before he noticed his phone pinging. He took it out smiling to see a message. "Sorry, I'm gonna skip the rest of the day. Have fun the two of you~", Shima said as he stood up waving at them as Urata looked after the purple-haired male feeling betrayed.

"Oi, don't leave me alone with him—", the door closed as Sakata pushed the brunette to the railing behind them holding the food in his chopsticks. "Now open your mouth and tell me how it tastes, please. Say: Ah~", Sakata said as Urata reluctantly opened his mouth and the other male put the food gently in his mouth.

The brunette chewed as the redhead looked at him expectantly. "I-it tastes decent, I guess...", Urata said as Sakata frowned at him.

"Do you mind telling me what doesn't taste good? I want the food you eat to be worthy of you and because I want that I—".

"Oh, will you please shut up?! It tastes great, alright?!", Urata admitted looking away, his face now even darker than before.

"That's good. Then you will eat everything, right? Because Urata-sama is a nice master he cares for my feelings so he'll eat everything, am I right?", Sakata asked as he leaned in closer to the older male whose eyebrows twitched as he felt slightly intimidated. "Did you hear anything about personal space? Back off!", Urata demanded. 

"Now open up and say Ah~ for me~", Sakata said ignoring what the older male said so the brunette could only comply as he spent the rest of the day with the redhead.


Urata sighed as he sat in front of his papers, sorting things out as he remembered this week. The younger male somehow guilt-tripped him into being his servant, convinced him to eat his whole lunch, followed him everywhere and was now living in this mansion as well.

He was so annoyed that he let himself be convinced so easily as he almost ripped his papers. He hit his cheeks as he went back on concentrating on the political news. And so he worked for hours not taking a break like usual.

He felt his eyes growing heavier but he ignored that and forced himself to stay awake. This continued on until he heard a knock and knowing that it was Senra he told him to come in. The door opened as the male stepped in and Urata continued working leaning his head on his hand.

"Senra, you can just prepare my tea and put a lot of sugar in it as always. I need it to finish this. After that I'll dismiss you for the day.", Urata said not looking up from his papers as he took notes.

It was silent for a while before the cup was placed in front of the brunette and the older male flinched. "Senra! You know that you shouldn't do that! These papers are important!", Urata warned as he looked up and widened his eyes to see the redhead in front of him. "Wha— Where is Senra?!

And why are you here?!", Urata asked pushing himself away from the desk. "Senra-san said that he was busy today and wanted to take a day off. He said that he wanted to meet someone important so I offered to do his chores instead because I had some free time. And that way, I can be closer to you more often.", Sakata admitted as a blush crept on the others face again.

"D-don't say such embarrassing things! I'll force Senra to tell me everything after he comes back... Anyway, now that you brought me the tea, get out.", Urata said as he composed himself and looked back on his papers. He felt drowsy and went began to type some more words as he saved his works and wanted to start something new.

But before he could he felt himself being lifted in the air and he needed a few seconds to comprehend that the younger male is carrying him in bridal-style right now. "W-what are you doing? Put me down!", Urata demanded as Sakata stayed silent and carried the shorter male to his bedroom while the other continued protesting.

When they arrived the taller male put him down on the bed. "Oi, I still have to do some work before going to sleep...", Urata protested weakly but he was too tired to stand up as the other male sighed and pushed him down gently before putting a blanket over him.

"You can't even stand straight right now. You already worked hard enough for today. Now please have some sleep.", Sakata said. "But—". "If you don't sleep you'll end up being an idiot like me, not knowing how to take care of your health, Urata-sama~", Sakata told him as Urata felt ticked off and he grumbled under his breath.

"Why do you care anyway?", he mumbled but the redhead still heard him. "Because I work for you. I am your servant. It's my responsibility to make sure you're alright. My family taught me that.", Sakata reminded. "Ah, is that so? I'm alright now so get out.", Urata said and turned away.

"But that's not the only reason. I wanted to get to know you as a person and when I spent more time with you I knew... that I wanted to spend the rest of my life by your side.", Sakata confessed as he put a hand over his heart and closed his eyes while Urata turned back to him with widened eyes.

"W-wha—". "I don't know you that much yet. But that is why I want to get to know you more. I can see that you are a hardworking person striving to reach your goal. And I admire you for that.", Sakata explained as Urata's face felt hot all of a sudden. "I really enjoy being with you.

So... if it's alright with you... will you let me stay by your side from now on as well?", Sakata asked and Urata thought for the first time that the redhead looked handsome with the setting sun behind him shining warmly at him.

"I guess you're not that bad... I'll allow you to be my official bodyguard then. The files will be filled out tomorrow.", Urata said as Sakata widened his eyes before smiling happily.

"Thank you very much, Urata-sama! I'll look forward to our time together! May I stay here for the night?", Sakata asked and Urata covered his lower face to hide his face.

"Do whatever you want. Good Night... Sakata.", he mumbled and the younger male hummed happily, knowing that it was the first time the brunette called him by his name. That night Urata thought back on all the things they did together even though they didn't know each other for that long.

Sakata was an idiot to him. He couldn't write his name correctly. He followed him everywhere and annoyed him. He scolded him for not taking care of his health when he, himself, is waking up at freaking 4 am to just make a lunch box for him and he has his ways to make the brunette give in. All that annoyed Urata.

But... he was kind. He made him food knowing that he doesn't eat. He cares about the older's health and he can still smile despite the brunette's sharp tongue. And... he was the first one complimenting Urata like that.

"Thinking back on all that, Sakata is just like an annoying, clingy dog.", Urata thought before a slight smile appeared on his face. "But maybe... it's not so bad having him around after all."

That was my first SakaUra fanfic so I don't know how I should have done the characters. But I still hope I met your expectations when you gave me that request and I hope everyone who bothered to read this liked it~

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