Just like a Dog Part 2 (SakaUra)

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Requested by: @marysa04045
Pairing: Sakata x Urata
High School AU
I'm sorry that your requests took such a long time! I hope you can still enjoy these though~

To say that Sakata was clingy would be an understatement. That is something Urata learned after he spent some time together with Sakata.

The younger male had been following him everywhere in the past few weeks, making sure that the brunette was eating enough and not over-working himself.

Even when Urata told him that he could take a day off, Sakata would still insist on staying by his side and spend the whole day with him. If you would ask Urata if he grew fond of Sakata, he would deny that immediately.

But you could still see that he did grow fond of the other male. Sure, he could be clingy and annoying but he was caring and always cheerful no matter. And he was one of the only people who could handle Urata's sarcastic attitude.

So he was surprised when Sakata was the one who suddenly asked for a vacation from his side.

"I'm sorry, Urata-san! But may I take a week off tomorrow?", Sakata asked bowing as the brunette looked at the other male confused. "You... want to take a week off?", he asked.

"Is he actually so exhausted of me already that he needs a break?", Urata asked himself. "Why? Is there any reason for you to suddenly want to take a break?", Urata asked.

"Well, my family called today and told me there was something I needed to attend so I wanted to ask if I could leave for some days... I'm sorry for informing you so late!", Sakata apologized bowing. There was a short silence before Urata spoke up.

"...That's fine with me... I'm used to it anyway so it's not like it's something new for me. Just go and be there for how long your family needs you.", Urata told the other who only frowned but bowed again. "Thank you very much!", Sakata thanked him and the shorter male only hummed before he looked back on his papers.

"It's not like I'm going to miss you, idiot...", Urata thought to himself. Before he knew it, he was pulled into a hug. "Wha—". "I'll work hard and do my best to come back early!", Sakata declared as the brunette only blushed and pushed the redhead away crossing his arms.

"Whatever! It's not like I'm going to miss you or anything! In fact, having some silence once in a while will be refreshing! Now go to your family!", Urata said and to any normal person, those insults would have hit them hard with how the brunette said them. But Sakata only laughed nodding.

He already knew that Urata was a tsundere after all so he didn't really take those words seriously. "Yes~ See you in a week then, Urata-san~", Sakata chirped he turned around, ready to leave. He suddenly thought of an idea though as he turned back confusing the other male.

"What is it? Did you forget something? Then—", before the brunette could even continue talking, the redhead suddenly leaned down and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"That was just to keep my motivation up high~ See you, Urata-san~", Sakata chirped as he left the room, leaving Urata as a blushing mess there. When the shorter male finally comprehended what just happened he shouted out in annoyance.

"Ugh, don't even think about coming back, you stupid dog!", Urata shouted.

Meanwhile, Senra who had been making dinner in the kitchen heard them as he just sighed while continuing to cook. Sakata has told him about it so he was prepared.

He just wondered how the day without Sakata would be as he was the one to lighten up the mood in this household. "Well, we'll just have to wait and see how it goes then."


Life without Sakata was surprisingly dull and quiet. This was something Urata learned after the first few days without the red-haired male. Usually, the other male would always strike up a conversation whenever they walked home.

But now whenever he was walking home alone, it was strangely quiet and the brunette couldn't help but wish that Sakata was by his side right now.

Urata didn't admit it and never said anything about Sakata but Shima noticed that the brunette would be a bit more grumpy whenever they were eating on the rooftop.

"Does someone miss their special someone?", Shima asked in a teasing tone as Urata only clicked his tongue and gave Shima a warning glare which didn't have any effect on the purple-haired male though. "I'm not. Just concentrate on eating.", Urata told the other male who didn't stop talking though. "You know, you can call him if you miss him~", Shima suggested as Urata's blush worsened and he threw his book at the purple-haired male.

"I said I'm not missing him! He calls me so often anyway which is just annoying so I am happy, alright?! Just go to your lover or something!", Urata shouted as Shima only whined and feigned hurt. "But I was just making sure that you wouldn't be all alone~", Shima said.

Urata was about to argue about something when they were interrupted by Shima's phone ringing. The purple-haired male took the call as Urata decided to just ignore him and go back to reading his book. From the tone of his voice, Urata already guessed that it was Shima's lover who called him. And when Shima hung up and gave Urata a guilty look, the brunette only waved it off.

"Go. I'll be fine because the break is almost over anyway.", Urata pointed out as Shima gave the brunette a thankful smile.

"Thanks, man! Let's go out to eat some ramen sometime! My treat!", Shima exclaimed as he stood up and waved at the shorter male who only waved back lightly.

Soon after Shima left, the bell rang as Urata sighed. He felt his phone vibrate as he took it out to see that the redhead sent him a message.

StupidDog: The weather here sure is rainy... I hope the weather is good where you are~ I'm working hard so I can get back soon~

Urata couldn't help but crack a smile when he read that message which had a picture of the redhead attached to it. "You look like an idiot...", he muttered and he quickly responded before he stood up having a small smile. "Let's get this day over with then..."


When the school bell rang signaling the students that the last period for today was over, everyone sighed out in relief. Urata only quietly packed his things as a teacher walked to him.

"Urata-kun, you seem like a good friend of Sakata-kun, don't you? Can you give him these papers?", he asked as Urata only nodded and took the papers before he exited the room.

The grey clouds were covering the sky and Urata could already feel small raindrops falling from the sky as he took an umbrella out of his bag. The red umbrella reminded him of the taller male as it was Sakata who gave it to him.

"Now that I think about it... Even though he is really is annoying, he has been taking care of me a lot...", Urata mumbled as he thought about how cheerful the redhead always was whenever he talked to him in his phone.

"Maybe I should give him a call after all...", he said as he took out his phone searching for Sakata's contact number. He hesitated a bit before clicked on the call button. The phone rang but the call wasn't answered. Urata waited for a bit more before the voicemail played.

"Hello, you are currently talking to Sakata from the Akira Family. Unfortunately, I'm currently not available but please leave a message so I can call you back later.", and Urata was surprised at the professional speech of the other.

But Sakata did come from an honorable family who was working with business a lot so it was to be expected. Urata was still surprised though as he remembered how the redhead would always act around him.

There was a peep sound and Urata started to stutter as he hadn't prepared anything to say yet.

"A-ah, Sakata? This is Urata here. I just decided to call you because Shima pestered me to, ok? It's not like I—", Urata didn't even get to say anything anymore as a hand suddenly clamped over his mouth, hindering him from talking any longer.

He lost his grip on his umbrella as he looked behind to see some shady-looking men trying to get him into their car. "This is him! Let's do this quickly and get our promised money!", he said and Urata struggled which was in vain though.

He looked around to see if there was anyone there to help him. But all the people that passed him, immediately averted their gaze as they walked faster to get away.

Urata felt like laughing honestly when he saw that. Urata stopped struggling as the men were confused but didn't think much of it as they pushed him into the car. "Ah... what did I even expect? People really only care about themselves after all..."


"And that's it for today's meeting. You are dismissed.", the head of the family said as they all bowed. "Thanks for today!", they all said in unison before they exited the japanese looking room.

As soon as the meeting ended, Sakata rushed to his room to change into his usual clothes to get back to Urata. "Someone's eager to get back to Tokyo. Did you get a girlfriend or something?", a taller red-haired male asked as Sakata shook his head. "No, but it's someone very cute~", Sakata chirped as he walked towards the exit.

"Well, I'll be going now so see you someday, nii-san~", Sakata told his brother as the other male wanted to say something but his younger brother already left as he only sighed fondly before he decided to tell his parents about Sakata's change. "He sure grew more cheerful in the past weeks... Maybe I should pay a visit to meet that Urata sometime...", he thought.

In the meantime, Sakata took the first train available home as he hummed happily.

He checked his phone to see that he missed a call and cursed himself when he saw that he missed Urata's call. He felt lucky though as the brunette seemed to have left a voicemail and immediately played it. He chuckled when he heard the first part thinking that Urata was a tsundere like always.

"A-ah, Sakata? This is Urata here. I just decided to call you because Shima pestered me to, ok? It's not like I—", the voicemail stopped as Sakata raised an eyebrow confused.

"Maybe he was too embarrassed to continue this...", Sakata told himself. But the unsettling feeling still didn't leave.

And it grew more when he saw that Senra called him which he usually wouldn't do.

Hesitantly, he picked the phone up and spoke just to be interrupted. "Sakata! This is bad! Is there any chance that Urata is with you right now because you are about to come to Tokyo?", Senra asked in distress as the redhead was confused.

"No? Senra, what happened?", Sakata asked. "I just got a letter which said that Urata was k-kidnapped!", Senra confessed and that's when Sakata's heart stopped.

It all happened so fast for Sakata. He didn't remember any time where he ran as fast as today. He didn't want to believe it.

He wanted all of this to be just a cruel joke but the look on Senra's face when he arrived, told him that all of this was true.

"...You came really fast, huh? This is the letter that arrived while you were gone...", Senra said grimly as he handed the other the letter.

Sakata read through it as his expression darkened even more. "I'm going to search for him.", he stated as he was stopped by the blond.

"Don't even try to stop me.", Sakata told the other as Senra shook his head. "But you can't do anything when you don't even know where he is!", Senra argued but Sakata only pried his hand off as he slightly glared at the other.

"But even so, searching for him is better than waiting here—", Sakata stopped when he heard a ringtone resonating through the room. He looked around to see that it came from the television and the caller was... Urata himself.

Sakata immediately rushed over as he took the call only to see two men in front of the camera instead of Urata. "Who are you? What do you want? Where is Urata-san?", Sakata asked as one of the man laughed. He looked like he was the leader of them with his blond hair and flashiest look.

"Straight to the point, huh? Well, we got something you want and you got something we want. So we just want a small trade.", he answered as Senra stepped up. "And what trade would that be?", Senra asked as the gang leader smiled satisfied when he saw how cooperating they were.

"Give us yen now and we will give this shortie here back.", the man said and Sakata wanted to accept immediately but he knew that Urata would hate him for doing that so he decided to let Senra handle this for now because he looked like he had something to say.

"Unfortunately, we do not have that money at hand at the moment so we'd have to get it. If you could wait for some hours, we can get the money.", Senra informed them as the other man just laughed.

"You don't get the position you're in right now, do you? You'll get one hour to deliver the money or else...", he trailed off as they stepped aside to show the brunette tied to a chair who sat there glaring at them as he tried to struggle.

"They are trying to make our company go down! They were offered to get paid if they helped to get us down by another company!", Urata warned them as the leader had enough and punched the brunette in the stomach causing him to cough.

"Urata-san!", Sakata shouted as he glared at the leader who only grinned at him. "You see, I am a very impatient person. Bring the money in one hour. That is... if you don't want your next leader to die today.", he said before he hung up.

"What are we going to do now?!", Sakata asked as Senra put an arm on his shoulder.

"They just sent me the place where they are. Sakata, I have a plan... It's risky but I think you should at least listen to it. Of course, we'll get Urata back but are you willing to do this?", Senra asked as Sakata nodded. "Of course. If we can save Urata then I will be willing to do anything."


"Jeez, how long are they taking?!", one of the gang members asked as he tapped his feet impatiently. "Five more minutes... Should we start thinking of what to do with him when they don't come?", the leader asked as Urata flinched when he heard that. The blond gang leader turned towards the brunette as he walked to him.

"Right... now that I look closer at you... you're sure shorter than the average guy.", he said as Urata glared at him in return.

"Shut up! Let me go already, you worthless trash!", Urata shouted at him as the other male only grabbed the brunette by face and forced him to look up. "You sure have some bravery to talk back like that even though you're in this dangerous position. Let's see how you'll act after I'm done with you.", he said as Urata struggled.

"Wait, until my people come and save me so you get what you deserve.", Urata threatened as the other male only laughed confusing the brunette.

"Do you really think they'll come for you? One hour is over already! Your company only cares for the money after all so they probably didn't even think about doing something as troublesome as to save you. Just like those passengers didn't even bother to take another look at you.", he exclaimed as Urata widened his eyes.

"See the reality here. No one gives a damn about you.", he told Urata who only hung his hand low as the other male hummed satisfied as he lifted Urata's head up more to take a good look at him.

Even if no one cared about him, Urata would still do his best to save himself by struggling. But it didn't seem as if he even had to do that as the leader was being pulled away from him and the next thing he knew, the blond male laid on the floor with a foot on his face keeping him in place.

"I'm sorry but no one expect me is allowed to touch Urata-san.", a familiar redhead spoke as Urata looked up shocked to see Sakata standing there. "You think you can actually win against us? You're here alone and we are much more than you.

The people outside are going to come at any minute now.", he said as Sakata only presses his foot harder down. "Don't worry about that~ My friend has taken care of them already~", Sakata answered. "...Sakata?", Urata asked shocked as the taller male turned around when he was called.

"I'm sorry for being late, Urata-san! If it's not too much to ask, could you please close your eyes for one minute?", Sakata asked as Urata tilted his head questioning as the redhead only laughed sheepishly. "I'd rather have you see me as the idiot rather than a boring person~", Sakata said but both of them knew that that was a lie.

Nethertheless, Urata closed his eyes as he could hear Sakata thanking him. He counted until one minute was over as he could hear people groaning in pain and muffled screams.

After one minute, Urata opened his eyes to see everyone laying on the floor and Sakata standing there whispering one last thing to the leader before letting him fall on the floor.

He then walked over to Urata as he kneeled down to untie the shorter male. Urata only rubbed the places where it hurt a bit. "Thank you...", Urata thanked the other male and the next second he knew, he was enveloped by a hug.

"I'm sorry... If only I came earlier... If only I didn't leave... If only I took your call... Then this wouldn't have happened to you!", Sakata exclaimed as he hugged the other male only tighter.

"It's fine... I... didn't expect anyone to come so you didn't disappoint me or anything...", Urata said.

And for the nth time this day, he was surprised as the redhead suddenly pulled away only to push his lips onto the shorter male who only made a confused noise as he tried to pull away.

But he couldn't because Sakata held the back of his head. So after a while he just melted into the kiss as he gripped the shirt of Sakata. After a while, Sakata finally pulled away as Urata only took big gulps of breath trying to calm himself. "W-why the hell did you do that?!", Urata asked.

"That's to show you that someone does care about you! I care about you! Senra cares about you! Shima cares about you! And so many other people! So don't think that no one gives a damn about you!", Sakata exclaimed as Urata widened his eyes when he realized that the other male was there when that gang leader told him that.

"I wanted to jump in and just punch him for saying that to you! But Senra told me to wait or he couldn't make it work! And it hurt me to see you actually believe him when he said that! Because I think you're important! I care about you!", Sakata declared as Urata widened his eyes and could feel tears of relief welling up in his eyes.

He gave the other a rare smile which surprised the younger male. "Ah, I see... Those words better be true!", he warned the other male who only returned the smile nodding.

"Of course! After all, I love you, Urata-san!"

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