Follow your Dream (EveSou)

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Requested by: nozuO__
Pairing: Eve x Sou
Dancer AU

I'm sorry that your request took so long! For some reason, it took longer than I thought and I don't even know if that is enough! If you want to have a part 2 after you've read it or another Dancer AU with another ship, then please just tell me! Also, to the one who suggested Sou x Isubokuro to me as a ship. If you're reading this, I'm sorry too! I don't know anything about Isubokuro so I couldn't really write about it. Only thing I know about him is that he sung One off Mind which I listened very often to before so... yeah. Anyway, please enjoy this chapter~

"I don't know if I can do this...", Sou mumbled sighing as he sat down on the school bench when he finally got a break. He was one of the new students in dance class and the teacher was harsh on every single one of them. But for some reason, she was even stricter with Sou, always finding some mistakes to point out.

As a result he was exhausted after every single lesson. "Was it a mistake to choose dancing as any major? Maybe I should have studied literature instead...", Sou started depressed but he then snapped out of it.

"No! You chose this! So you'll do it until the end!", Sou said as he turned the MP3 on after plugging his earphones in. He danced as he was so focused on getting the right steps right, that he didn't notice someone getting closer to him.

"Excuse me—". "Kya!", Sou screeched as he jumped slightly, losing his balance as he fell down. "Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?", the male asked as Sou nodded quickly. "I-I'm fine! I'm sorry too for being here. I'll leave right away!", Sou assured as he quickly scrambled up and packed his bag fast.

He stopped though when he heard the other male chuckle lightly as he stopped in his tracks. "Please don't stop. I just noticed that an underclassman was here and stopped when I saw you dancing. You seemed like you were struggling a bit.", he said as Sou blushed.

"Y-you saw me dancing, senpai?", Sou asked as he looked up at the male for the first time, blushing at how handsome the other was. He had mushroom hair with blue eyes which had a pair of round, black glasses in front of him.

"Yes. But it seems like I startled you. Ah, I didn't even introduce myself yet. I'm Eve. My major is music and I'm mainly composing songs.", Eve introduced himself.

"A-ah, m-my name is Sou! I'm majoring in dancing...", Sou introduced himself stuttering. "I guessed that when I saw you dancing here. I guess you could say I was entranced by your dancing and that's why I decided to come and maybe ask you for your name.", Eve admitted and Sou's face felt even warmer than before.

"I-is that so? I'm glad you liked my dancing then...", Sou said as he averted his eyes. "Yes. So could I maybe watch you practice for a bit? I need some inspiration for my next piece.", Eve explained as Sou's head shot up immediately again.

"E-eh?! I'm not sure if you'd want to watch me dancing... There are even more talented people here so you could watch them to get inspiration. I mean, I-I'm not really good and—".

"Please don't think so lowly of yourself. I wanted to watch you because I thought that you were good. And don't you think I am the one to judge who gives me inspiration?", Eve asked and Sou fumbled with his fingers looking away.

"I-I'm sorry... I-if you don't mind, I-I'll keep practicing then.", Sou said as Eve nodded satisfied. Sou took the MP3 out, this time putting it the music loud enough so the older male could listen to it as well. As soon as the music started, Sou started dancing, trying to remember the steps.

He practiced for a while before sighing. "Is something the matter?", Eve asked as Sou flinched, as he had forgotten that the other was there momentarily.

"A-ah, it's just I can't get all those steps in time and I don't know on what to focus on...", Sou explained as Eve thought for a while before smiling.

"How about not focusing on your steps but on the music this time. Try to match your dancing to the music.", Eve suggested as Sou looked at him confused but he decided to give it a try because he knew the older male only meant well for him. The music started again as Sou just focused on the music this time.

To his surprise he finally managed to fit the steps into the music and when he finished he stood still for a while before he was snapped out of his thoughts by the mushroom-haired male clapping. "So you can do it after all.", he said as Sou nodded enthusiastically before bowing several times.

"Thank you very much for your advice. It helped me a lot! If there's anything I can do to thank you then please just tell me!", Sou said and Eve wanted to answer when he was interrupted by the school bell. "Ah, I'm sorry! I have to go now or Sensei will be mad at me again! Have a nice day, Eve-senpai!", Sou said before he ran off leaving the mushroom-haired male back.

Eve sat there surprised that the younger male left so quickly as he merely smiled before his phone pinged. He wanted to decline the offer to compose a song for them that had been given to him again but after a while of thinking, he decided to accept it instead as he sent them a message.

He then put his phone away as he decided to head somewhere else since he had some more time before his lessons started and he smiled as he thought of a nice place to go.

"Ok, let's do some stretching before we start. After that I will split you guys into groups and you will practice in those groups with the choreography you practiced. At the end of next week you'll perform it in front of a small audience.

To keep you motivated, the group who wins gets a price.", the teacher said as Sou stretched himself before the teacher started to tell them their respective group.

"Group 3. Sou, Nqrse, Mafumafu, Amatsuki, Colon. Group 4...", Sou looked up when he heard his name as he headed towards his group. He was just happy that he knew most of his team members.

"Ok! Let's practice so we can win this price!", Amatsuki exclaimed happily as he threw his fist into the air and the others agreed in the same energy as him. One hour later, they finished as Sou changed his clothes and exited the room after saying bye to his friends.

It was enjoyable for him to be able to dance with them today. He hummed happily but he stopped confused when he saw a familiar mushroom-haired boy standing there as if he was waiting for someone. "Eve-senpai?", Sou exclaimed quietly unaware that he said that.

The mushroom-haired male heard him as he looked up smiling at the younger male gently. "Ah, Sou-kun, I see that you finished your lesson.", Eve said as he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards the other male.

Sou could hear how some students suddenly started to whisper to each other and in panic, he grabbed the older male's hand as he pulled him away until they arrived at a nearby park where Sou looked around before sighing in relief.

"So was there a reason why you suddenly pulled me away and that we escaped from university?", Eve asked amused and Sou looked away sheepishly. "Um... it's just that I panicked because they were suddenly whispering and a-ah, I'm sorry!", Sou apologized as he noticed he was still holding Eve's hand and let go.

"I-I'm so sorry! You were probably waiting for someone and I just took you away! I-I just thought that it would be impolite to leave you and run away alone. B-but now that I think about it, that's worse! Oh god, I'm so sorry. I—", Sou was interrupted by a hand suddenly ruffling his head.

He looked up confused to see Eve chuckling and muttering something. "Cute.", he muttered and Sou's face felt like it was about to explode from embarrassment.

"I was waiting for you.", Eve finally said and Sou didn't think his face could get even darker at this moment. "E-eh? For me? Why would you want to talk to me?", Sou asked surprised.

"I noticed that after I watched you dancing, I got more inspiration for the assignment I am supposed to do so I wanted to ask if I could watch you practice sometime again.", Eve confessed.

"W-what assignment do you have to do?", Sou asked as he tried to not answer the question. "I have to compose some music for my teacher who wants to use it.", Eve explained.

"So... would you dance for me?", Eve asked. "N-now?", Sou asked and Eve nodded.

"Yes. I know I'm just a student in the composing department but I can give you some more advice if you want me to.", Eve suggested and Sou looked at him surprised.

"Y-you would do that?", Sou asked as Eve merely nodding giving him a gentle smile. "Of course. In return, you just have to stay like this when you are dancing. I can see that you love to dance and that you are dancing purely because it's fun.

If you promise that you dance only for your passion, then I'll be willing to help you.", Eve said and Sou wondered why the mushroom-haired male would suddenly say that but nodded nethertheless. "I only dance because I love it!

So I can promise you that!", Sou exclaimed happily as Eve smiled satisfied at that. "That is good to know. Now that that's cleared, will you dance a bit for me? I love seeing you dancing.", Eve confessed and the blonde male blushed at that.

"O-ok...", Sou agreed as he walked a bit further to have enough space. He took a deep breath before he started to dance when the music from Eve's phone started playing.

In the beginning, he was a bit nervous. But after a few minutes, he slowly warmed up as his movements got smoother and a small content smile appeared on his face.

Eve just smiled calmly but he didn't just flatter the younger male because he took a liking to him. He truly felt happy when he saw the other male dancing. How he just danced, purely because of his love for dancing.

Truth is, that it wasn't the first time that Eve saw Sou dancing. The first time Eve met Sou was one night when he was feeling down from the fact that he just couldn't think of a melody for his new song. Not having any inspiration for weeks, he decided to go for a walk. And that's when he saw the younger male dancing by a lake.

The moon shone lightly as the other male danced as if he was a fairy coming from the moon itself. Eve was in awe and he felt as if that was a way of god giving him a present and that's when he would sometimes notice the blonde dancing in his free time near the bench whenever he would have to change classrooms. The fact that the other male looked so happy while dancing...

He admired that deeply and it reminded him of his past self when he still enjoyed dancing just like the blonde male in front of him right now. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed that the younger male now stood in front of him before placing himself next to the older male.

"What were you thinking about, Eve-senpai?", Sou asked curiously as Eve was slightly surprised by how the younger male seemed sharper than he thought. The music on his phone continued as Eve smiled warmly at the other male.

"You don't have to call me senpai, Sou-kun.", Eve said and Sou wanted to protest before he closed his mouth again when he saw Eve's expression. "Alright... I'll call you Eve-san then. Is that alright?", Sou asked and Eve nodded satisfied. "Yes. That's fine.", Eve said.

"Now you know that I like to dance. But I don't really know much about you, Eve-senpai— Eve-san.", Sou noted and Eve merely laughed lightly as he leaned back, noticing that the sun was slowly setting and that all the people who were playing or only talking went home.

"Well, you already know that composing or music in general is my major. The only thing that I know about you is that you like to dance so we know about the same amount about each other, don't you think?", Eve asked.

"I-I guess so... but I want to know more about you, Eve-san... Why did you decide to talk to me? I just don't understand it... my dancing is normal. Maybe even under average. Sensei told me that I had to practice more if I don't want to fail...", Sou said as he hugged his knees and Eve frowned when he saw how sad the younger male looked.

He knew who the teacher was as she was the same person who was as harsh to him as she was to Sou. She was the reason why he stopped dancing but at the same time, he couldn't hate her because she was the person who made him realize his love for music and creating his own songs.

But seeing how the male in front of him loved dancing even more than him in the past, he promised himself to help him as much as he could. So that the younger male could continue loving to dance like he is now.

"Sou-kun.", Eve called out after a short silence and the younger male flinched when he was called out. He bowed several times when he noticed how depressing he just sounded as he apologized.

The older male didn't say anything as he stood up and Sou was afraid that he made the older male hate him. "A-ah, I-I'm sorry—", he stopped talking when he saw Eve extending a hand towards him. Confused, he looked up to see Eve smiling down at him. "Sou-kun, have you ever danced a waltz?", Eve asked as Sou shook his head.

"That's fine. I'll lead then. So... May I have this dance?", Eve asked and after Sou recovered from his surprise, he took the mushroom-haired's hand as he was pulled up with ease.

The next thing he knew, a hand was put around his waist, while the other hand still grasped his own hand. Sou put his hand on Eve's shoulder slightly flustered as Eve merely chuckled, seeing the younger male blush.

The sun has set as the moon was out and the sky was cloudless as the stars shined brightly. Eve leaded Sou as he counted the steps for the younger male. "One, two, three. One, two, three. You're doing good so look at me and not at your feet.", Eve encouraged the younger male who blushed.

It's true that he needed to go use but at the same time, he was too flustered to look Eve into the eyes. A slow piano melody was playing as Eve merely hummed along with it happily while dancing with Sou and they danced for a while as Sou forgot about his worries temporarily.

But soon, he remembered them again as his face gained a slight frown. "Is something wrong?", Eve asked as Sou did his best to give the older male a smile. "It's nothing.", Sou lied and Eve noticed as he stopped in his track for a while.

"You don't have to worry about your teacher scolding you that harshly anymore. I'll help you after all. And you can do it. I know it. So please have more faith in yourself.", Eve said as his grip tightened slightly and Sou only nodded before flashing the older male a genuine smile.

"Thank you, Eve-san. I don't know if I'll ever be able to repay you for your kindness.", Sou said as Eve only smiled before he started to pull Sou along with him again, moving along with the music. "You don't have to thank me.

As long as you dance with passion and you are truly happy, that's enough for me already.", Eve told Sou and that's when Sou thought that Eve was truly the kindest person he's ever met.

He was truly thankful to have met him today and even though they just talked to each other for a bit and even though they only interacted since this morning, he knew that Eve would become one of his most important people.

He looked at Eve who returned the gaze with a gentle smile, the moon illuminating both of them. And that's when he thought, that he was truly grateful for this day. And that he was truly grateful that he was able to meet Eve.

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