Wishing you'd come back (ShimaSaka)

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Requested by: Gaming_Crystal3099
Pairing: Shima x Sakata
Genre: Angst
High School AU

That day was something they'd never forget. It all happened so fast. But for Shima and Sakata, it was as if everything happened in slow motion.

And both of them could remember every single detail of that moment. Especially Sakata who blamed himself for what happened.

Urata, Shima, Sakata and Senra were on their way home from school chatting lively with each other. They wanted to go to Urata's house because they wanted to play some video games and just hang out after they spent most of their time studying for their upcoming tests in the school library.

Because of that, the sun was slowly setting already. They just planned to relax for the day and maybe do some other things.

Senra tried to convince them to study more while Shima and Sakata declined at the same time, earning a small insult from the brunette as the two of them started bickering again.

Being so focused on talking to each other, Sakata didn't react in time when someone bumped into him. He looked down at a man whose face and eyes were already red and he looked very angry from being pushed down.

"Can't you see where you're going?!", the man shouted at Sakata waving his bottle of wine threatening. "I-I'm sorry...", Sakata mumbled and Urata glared at the man.

"You were the one who bumped into him so it's not his place to apologize.", Urata said which triggered the drunk man even more. "Who do you think you are, telling me that?!", the man shouted as he swung the bottle at Urata, aiming at his head.

There was a loud crash as some passengers noticed that and they surrounded them. Shima and Senra who were slightly behind ran towards them. "What happened here?! Urata?!", Senra asked as he ran towards the brunette who lay on the floor wincing in pain as his head was bleeding.

"Someone! Call the police and an ambulance!", Senra shouted as someone pulled his phone out dialing the number.

Senra looked down at the brunette checking if he was still alive, sighing out in relief when he felt his pulse and heard the other breathing. You would think that the man would run away by now to not get caught by the police.

But apparently, he didn't feel satisfied as he turned towards Sakata angrily. "Ah, god! This is all your fault! If you hadn't bumped into me then this wouldn't have happened!", he said blaming the redhead who flinched.

Urata who was still conscious glared at the man angrily as he held his head.

"If you weren't that drunk you'd maybe be rational and notice who's at fault here! You freaking alcoholic!", Urata spat in disgust as the man looked at the brunette in anger.

"You shut up! My day was already bad and now you guys had to get in my way!", he complained. They could hear sirens from afar as they noticed that the police and ambulance would come soon and they'd be save. The drunk man heard it as well and he noticed what would happen to him soon, as he looked at the redhead in fury.

"You... It's your fault that my reputation will be ruined! You better take responsibility for that!", the man screamed with his unreasonable argument and when Sakata didn't manage to say the right words the man had enough.

The redhead could only widen his eyes when he noticed the man taking a knife out of his sleeve and charged towards him. He closed his eyes as he was ready to feel the pain soon.

But it never happened. That moment when he opened his eyes again. That moment where his purple-haired friend jumped in front of him. That moment when he tried to save Sakata by pushing the other away. That moment when the knife didn't stab him but Shima instead.

Sakata would never forget that moment. He would never forget the terror Urata, Senra and he felt. He would never forget how Urata tried to strangle the man even though he was harshly injured as well as the brunette was held back by the blonde.

And he would never forget the moment when Shima turned to look at Sakata as he flashed the redhead a last smile.

He grinned at the other as he took his fist bumping it lightly at the redhead chest. "Don't look like that! This won't kill me. You'll see that I'll be back in no time.", Shima said as Sakata could only stare at him terrified as he fell back towards him.

"Just wait for it. I'll be back...", Shima said as Sakata's face was terrified. Urata was being carried by Senra towards the ambulance and the police who came as he explained everything to them as fast as he could.

The man was pushed down on the ground as he was handcuffed before the police lead him away. Soon, one of the police officers came to him and asked him what happened.

That's when Sakata snapped out of his shock as he held the purple-haired tightly. "H-he was stabbed by that man with a knife when he jumped in to protect me! B-but you can save him, right? Right?!", Sakata asked desperately as someone took Shima and carried him away.

"We'll do our best to save him.", he said as he carried the purple-haired away. Sakata remembered that day when he sat in the waiting room with Senra as the two of them sat in silence.

The moment the doctor came out to tell them the results. He remembered how Senra cried in relief when they were told that Urata was in a stable situation and could go home after two days.

And Senra could remember exactly, the face of terror on Sakata's face when they were told the sad news about Shima.

"I'm very sorry to say this but... your other friend. The one who got stabbed. We couldn't save him because the criminal destroyed one of his organs which he needed to live.

The stab was vital and I'm sorry to say that... he's gone.", the doctor said and that's when Sakata felt his whole world crash down.

"It was my fault... if I hadn't bumped into the man. If I said the right words to calm him. If I hadn't closed my eyes... then Urata wouldn't have been injured like that.

Then Shima wouldn't have died. It was all my fault. Why? This wasn't supposed to happen! None of this! So why?!", Sakata asked. The next second, he was pulled into a hug by the blonde.

"I was at fault too. Instead of jumping in to defend you like Shima and help him, all I did was sit next to Urata shouting at people to call an ambulance.", Senra said and that night, the two of them hugged each other crying at the loss of their dear friend. When Urata heard the news the day after, he shouted and screamed so much wanting to get out that the doctors even had to hold him back.

"Oi, it's not true, right?! Tell me that it's not true!", Urata shouted and he continued even gaining the attention of the other patients. In the end the doctors had to give him some tranquilizer to calm him down before putting him to sleep for a while.

The next few days were even worse for the three of them. Especially for Sakata and Senra who had to bring the message to Shima's parents. At the funeral, a lot of people were gathered, all grieving over the loss of the purple-haired male.

Ever since that day, Sakata would visit Shima's grave everyday apologizing to the purple-haired male. Sometimes, Urata and Senra would accompany him.

But most of the times Urata and Senra were too busy because of the part-time job they did to pay the rent of their shared apartment. It was a Friday afternoon and Sakata once again went to the grave of Shima after school.

The weather was nice and sunny as he crouched in front of the grave, cleaning it like he always did. "Shima, I'm here again. I brought you some dango this time and because I have a lot of time, I'll eat them with you.", Sakata said as he placed a tray of dango in front of the grave before sitting down his knees pulled towards his chest as he started telling Shima about his school day.

Even if he knew he was alone it was as if his dead friend was listening to him every time he came here. As if he was actually here. "It was really fun overall...", Sakata said chuckling.

After that there was a silence as Sakata simply looked down, tears welling up again. "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry, Shima. If I was less careless on that day, you could have been with me today. I'm really *hic* sorry...", Sakata apologized as he couldn't even make up right words again.

Suddenly, he felt a hand placed on his head ruffling his hair. "Don't worry about it, Sakata!", a familiar voice said and Sakata looked up confused to see the purple-haired hovering above him grinning down at him. "Sh-shima? Is this a dream?", Sakata asked as Shima looked surprised at the redhead as if he didn't expect him to react to him at all before he shook his head.

"Nah, I promised I'd be back soon, didn't I?", Shima reminded the redhead. He was floating and was slightly taller than the redhead now. Soon, Sakata finally got it. This was just like in all the books he read in the past.

Where the important person of the protagonist dies but you can see them one more time until they disappear forever. He was an idiot.

But even he knew Shima couldn't stay with him even if he would say so. But he would use this chance to apologize to Shima directly. "Shima! I just wanted to tell you that I'm—".

"That you're sorry? Yeah, I know. You've told me that for the past few weeks and I would be really grateful if you'd stop. It's not your fault that this happened, alright?", Shima said but the younger male still looked unconvinced.

"I'll never be able to rest in peace if you're gonna keep blaming yourself.", Shima said as Sakata just nodded before putting on his best smile. "I should send Shima off with a smile so he can finally rest in peace.", Sakata thought as he nodded.

"Ok! I'll keep on living positively for you! So you don't have to worry about me anymore!", Sakata assured as the older male chuckled.

"That's what I want to hear! Ah! We should tell Uratan and Senra that I'm fine!", Shima suggested and Sakata nodded as he stood up.

"Yes! You don't have to worry anymore, Shima! I'll quit moping around and I'll do my best to be a good friend for Urata and Senra and console them!", Sakata said as Shima nodded and Sakata closed his eyes smiling. He knew that Shima would disappear soon so he would use this last chance to talk to him. But he still had so many questions.

"B-but why now? What have you been doing all this time while we were grieving over your death? Since when were you with us?", Sakata asked as Shima smiled sadly.

"I... was with you guys from the very beginning I guess. From the moment where you guys found out I was dead. When Urata freaked out after the doctors told him about my death.

At my own funeral. And everyday when you guys came to my grave. I was there every time. I... tried to talk to you guys. I tried to tell you guys that I'm fine. Every time you came alone I tried my best so that my voice could reach you.

I wanted to tell you. To tell you... That it wasn't your fault. That you shouldn't blame yourself. But it never worked. You guys never saw me.

Until today... I was so happy... that my feelings could finally reach you.", Shima exclaimed smiling happily. Sakata smiled as well feeling happily at the purple-haired male.

He decided that he should use his chance to talk to his friend one last time before he would leave. "Shima! Thank you for everything you did for me! Goodbye!", Sakata said smiling as he did his best to not cry. When he opened his eyes again, the purple-haired male was gone.

Or so he thought. In reality, the other male was still in front of him, looking confused. "Um... Do you want me to leave or what? I have nowhere to go though so I was hoping to live at your place for a while. Because you're kinda the only one who reacted when I talked to you.", Shima confessed and Sakata looked at him utterly confused.

"Eh? You're not going to leave?", Sakata asked as Shima shook his head. "This isn't like the book you've read! I may be a ghost but I won't leave you that soon! I can't just go off to heaven or something!", Shima told Sakata and the redhead felt as if this was a dream.

A dream where his friend was back with him, even if he wasn't a human but a ghost now.

"See? I'm still here! I can even touch you and that's an incredible ability for a ghost, don't you think?", Shima asked as he pinched Sakata's cheek to prove his point.

"S-so you're going to stay with me? You won't leave me?", Sakata asked as Shima nodded grinning. "Yeah, of course! I'm gonna haunt you even if you don't want me to~", Shima joked as he flew ahead of Sakata before looking back.

"Let's go to Uratan and Senra to explain them the situation now. If they can't see me... Well, just do your best to convince them that you're not insane.", Shima said laughing as the younger male merely pouted in response.

"That's not funny, Shima! Seeing how I was the past few weeks they might as well send me to the hospital if they suddenly hear me saying that you're alive!", Sakata complained before he laughed as well. "Don't worry about it~

I'll just throw a pillow at Uratan or something to prove your point. It'll work out somehow! I'd love to see their reaction.", Shima snickered.

"I don't think they'd be happy to know that they're being haunted.", Sakata pointed out as the older male merely laughed in response.

"Well, the most important thing is that I'm back, right? Even though I'm a ghost now, you can still see me and I can be with you at least! And my wish to be by your side came true!

I know it'll be complicated but... I know that we'll get through it together! We'll find a way! Because the two of us make the strongest team ever, don't you agree?", Shima asked as Sakata nodded in agreement enthusiastically.

They walked to Urata's and Senra's shared apartment and Sakata knew, things would get very complicated and confusing at this point. But... Shima was back with him.

Even if he was a ghost. But that wasn't a problem. It could be even fun to have a ghost friend. And they could still touch each other even though others couldn't according to Shima.

Sakata felt as if the two of them had a special bond together and that made him happy. There would be many obstacles for the two of them from now one. But... Sakata could finally be together with Shima again. He could finally have his friend back. And that's all that mattered for now.

Another request finished~ I hope you enjoyed it! I don't really know if this is the best ending or if it's even a good ending but Shima's not gone so that's not the most negative thing, right? www Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter~

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