Chapter 1: The black cat

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"U-um, Soraru-san! Do you maybe know Akira and Sakiko, the film producer and the actress?", Mafumafu asked as he expected a no but instead the male just smiled slightly.

"Yeah, yeah, I do.", and that's when Mafumafu was sure that he found the person he searched for. "They're famous after all.

Even I know of them.", Soraru added as Mafumafu's hopeful face sunk. "Eh? So you don't know them personally?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru shook his head.

"Why would I? I'm not into film production and things like that. I'm just some musician, preferring classical music, who heard of them through my classmates.", Soraru explained as Mafumafu nodded feeling his mood going down.

"Anyway, you should unpack your things. They're going to make you start pretty early so it's best if you get enough rest until then.", Soraru said as he put his headphones back on and lied down closing his eyes. Mafumafu did as he was told and finished unpacking as he looked over to his senior who was lying completely still.

Mafumafu, being the curious person he was, walked over as he crouched down. The music was so loud that he could hear it even though he wasn't even wearing the headphones.

Besides Soraru there were several music sheets scattered as Mafumafu took some out of curiosity. Some were from famous composers that Mafumafu heard sometime at school at some point.

He thought it was weird how the titles were all in a different language. He picked up one of the thin books which contained the music sheets that peeked his interest. It looked very old as if he had that for hundreds of years already.

Mafumafu didn't know what that was as he tried to pronounce it correctly. "Li-l-liebes-lied? Li—". "It's pronounced Liebesleid.", someone interrupted him as Mafumafu flinched and let the music sheets fall straight on Soraru's face.

Soraru was not amused by this as he sat up tiredly putting his headphones down. "Oi, be careful with these. They're really old and rare, you know?", Soraru informed Mafumafu as he looked at the sheets to see if they were alright.

"Ah, I'm sorry! I was just curious so I thought I could maybe take a look at it...", Mafumafu confessed as he looked down in shame.

Soraru felt guilt building up when he saw the albino looking down so he decided to say something.

"The piece is called Liebesleid also known as Love's Sorrow composed by Rachmaninoff in 1921.", Soraru told Mafumafu knowing full and well that it was probably not interesting at all but he was surprised when he saw the albino looking at him with his eyes sparkling.

"Eh, so that's what that meant! Thanks for telling me!", Mafumafu thanked Soraru who just nodded awkwardly. "It's fine... why would you want to know that though?

It's just some boring classical music to people like you.", Soraru said as Mafumafu pouted. "Well, I wanted to learn more about you, Soraru-san! And even I know some classical music!", Mafumafu said as Soraru just looked at him slightly surprised before humming. "Oh, really?

State one musical piece that you listened to then.", Soraru said crossing his arms as he looked at Mafumafu almost challenging.

Instead of answering Mafumafu started singing instead as Soraru widened his eyes when he listened to Mafumafu's song.

"Twinkle twinkle little star~ How I wonder what you are~ Up above the world so high~ Like a diamond in the sky~ Twinkle twinkle little star~ How I wonder what you are~", Mafumafu sung and then looked at Soraru waiting for a reaction.

Soraru stayed silent for a minute before his face showed a very small but visible smile. "...You have a nice voice.", Soraru complimented making Mafumafu blush.

"Do you think so? Thank you...", Mafumafu thanked as he looked away bashfully.

"That is one of the basics though so that doesn't count. Also, I bet you just know the melody and not any of the variations Mozart made.", Soraru said as he sighed when he saw how clueless Mafumafu was. "What you just sung is what everyone knows. Mozart made many different variations, 12 to be exact, and those should be listened to too.

There are so many musical pieces that more people should listen to... but all of them are so unappreciated.", Soraru said sighing as Mafumafu stayed silent listening to Soraru before flashing him a smile. "What is your favorite piece then?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru pointed at himself questioning. "Mine?

You want to know my favorite piece?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu nodded smiling.

"I may not know much about classical music but that doesn't mean that I don't want to know more about it and you.

So you could recommend pieces you like so I can learn more about you!", Mafumafu said smiling as Soraru felt himself looking away.

"Ah... ok... I'll make sure to do that then.", Soraru said as he waited for Mafumafu to go away before realizing that he expected Soraru to actually give him a piece.

"Well... I don't really know if I have a favorite because there are many pieces I like. But if I had to choose one then I would recommend you...", Soraru trailed off as Mafumafu leaned closer to Soraru and he got lost in the red eyes of the albino.

"...Liebestraum.", Soraru quickly covered his mouth as soon as that slipped out. "Oh, is that so? What does it mean? Will you play it for me?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru shook his head and didn't answer the question making Mafumafu pout.

"Eh? Why not? Please play it for me! Pretty please?", Mafumafu asked clinging onto Soraru's arm making him annoyed.

"I... don't want to. I meant to let you listen to another piece. It's just as good.", Soraru diverted the attention from the piece as he took his earphones and gave one to Mafumafu before plugging it into his laptop.

"It's quite a relaxing and famous piece of Debussy and it's more modern. Maybe you've heard of it before. It's called Clair de Lune...", Soraru trailed off and remembered how he would play it so often in the past. He snapped out of his thoughts though when he saw Mafumafu looking expectantly at him with his big red eyes and Soraru coughed before he looked away.

"Let's just listen to it.", Soraru said as he clicked on the audio. (You can listen to it too ww it's quite relaxing) Mafumafu saw Soraru closing his eyes as he did the same and after a few seconds a soft melody on the piano started playing.

Mafumafu hummed along after a while making Soraru snap his eyes open and look at him awestruck. After the piece ended Mafumafu opened his eyes smiling.

"You have good taste, Soraru-san. You should recommend me some more pieces!", Mafumafu said as Soraru completely ignored that and sat up instead. "Where do you know this piece from?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu was confused by the question before his smile turned a bit sad.

"...My parents used to hum that melody all the time when I was young. They didn't really sing a lot but they would hum this melody while cooking or doing their all day activities so I guess I picked it up on the way.", Mafumafu explained.

"So they used to do that...", Soraru said and Mafumafu nodded. "Yeah, they are both deceased...", Mafumafu confessed and looked over to see Soraru not the least surprised at all.

He figured it was probably because people would obviously know if two famous people are dead. "Ah, I'm sorry if I made things awkward... I'm really sorry...", Mafumafu apologized as he felt tears coming up.

I really miss them.... "Mafumafu... do you like to compose songs?", Soraru asked while taking some music sheets out of his folder as Mafumafu looked up confused. "Eh? Composing songs? I do enjoy it but I don't really think that I'm good at it...", Mafumafu answered as he scratched his cheek.

"That's good to know. Do you want to compose a melody to this lyrics then? You can keep it in the end as well and do what you want with it. That is... if you have time and want to do it...", Soraru said as he looked away.

Mafumafu took the empty music sheets and another paper with the lyrics on them as he skimmed through them.

There was a short silence and Soraru thought that the albino didn't want to do that as he wanted to take the papers back.

But before he knew it he felt himself being hugged by the albino. "Thank you! I feel honored!", Mafumafu thanked as he buried his face into the other's torso. "I get it! I get it! You're thankful!

Now get off me and go to sleep!", Soraru said as he pried Mafumafu off. Mafumafu pouted as he crossed his arms.

"Eh? But I want to talk more to you, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu said as Soraru sighed. "We can talk more after your lessons tomorrow. Until when will you have them?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu thought for a bit before answering.

"I have from 7 am till 1 pm I think.", Mafumafu said as Soraru hummed. "First years do have it hard in the beginning... my lessons start a day later so I can sleep in.", Soraru said before saying that Mafumafu should go to sleep.

After some protest the younger male finally gave in. "Good Night then, Soraru-san.", the albino said. "Night...", Soraru mumbled going back into his own world.


The next day Mafumafu woke up by his alarm as he sleepily switched it off.

He looked over to Soraru who was still asleep and went into the bathroom to change his clothes. After that he ate some light breakfast before muttering a quiet: I'll be off.

Before stepping outside of his dorm and walking to his class. He was one of the first, he noted, as there were only a few students sitting there. "Oh, a new student! Hello!", a red-haired male said as he waved at Mafumafu who waved back shyly.

He told him to come over which Mafumafu did and they started to introduce themselves. "I'm Riinu, a voice actor, and this is Root, a singer! What are you?", the red-haired male asked.

"I'm Mafumafu... also a singer...", Mafumafu said as he fiddled with his fingers as the blonde male now knows as Root took Mafumafu's hands as he smiled at him friendly.

"We're the same then! Let's have a good year together!", Root said as Mafumafu nodded now smiling as well.

"Ah, so you've gone ahead and left your childhood friends behind already.", a voice jokingly said as Mafumafu turned around to see Sakata and Amatsuki walking towards them.

"Ama-chan! Sakatan! Good morning!", Mafumafu greeted them. "So... care to introduce ourselves to your new friends?", Sakata asked grinning as Mafumafu nodded.

"These are Riinu-kun and Root-kun! Riinu-kun is a voice actor and Root-kun is a singer. And these are Amatsuki, a dancer, and Sakata, a comedian.", Mafumafu introduced them.

"Nice to meet you~", Sakata said and they all had some small talk before the classroom slowly filled with other students and the teacher came in. Everyone walked to their assigned seats as the teacher introduced himself.

"Welcome to your first lesson. I am your teacher, Arisugawa. Before we start with the actual lesson I want to congratulate you guys for managing to get in here. But just because you managed to get in here doesn't mean you get to relax yet.

As you can see this class doesn't have as many students as normal schools. The first year only contains 40 students.

But if you fail to get any results and only slack off then you can forget getting a career.

I just want to make it clear that you cannot afford to put your guard down.

If there is anyone here who doesn't have the ambition to work through this, they can exit this room now.", he said as he looked at the students to see them sitting still and smiled.

"Good, then we can start with homeroom. After that, please split up into your groups. All dancers together, all musicians together and so on.", Arisugawa said as he started the lesson.

Mafumafu sighed exhausted as he walked back into his dorm and put his bag down.

After getting some basic information about their school year, they immediately split them up into groups and made them work, with the second years teaching them.

Luckily, he was with Root so he was with at least someone he knew. They would work with the third years too who would start their lessons a few days later though. They practiced scales and many other things too and he was really exhausted.

But when he looked at Amatsuki then he was just happy he wasn't in his place as he saw how a second year was pushing Amatsuki to his limits already. The singers were allowed to go back to their dorms for the day and as he left Amatsuki and Sakata looked at him for help as he could only apologize and go.

He walked into his room he shared with his senior. "Soraru-san? I'm back!", Mafumafu called out but he received no response as he was confused and walked in to find his senior missing.

Instead, there was a black cat sleeping on Soraru's bed as Mafumafu immediately walked over to it. "Aw, since when did a cat live here? Are you Soraru-san's cat?", Mafumafu asked as he started to pet the cat who was sleeping peacefully.

Mafumafu giggled as he started petting it before remembering something.

"Oh, right! I have this cute ribbon here! I know that it'll suit you!", he said as he pulled out a long red ribbon and tied it around the black cat.

He then lifted it as he rubbed the cat against his face. He ended up lying on the bed as he held the cat up squealing.

"Kya~ you're so cute~ and for some reason my allergies didn't act up yet!

I love you so much already! I wonder if Soraru-san would let me play with you.

You look so much like him though... kinda the same aura? Maybe I should call you Soraru too then.", Mafumafu giggled at his statement before realizing that the cat opened its eyes sleepily and next thing he knew he wasn't holding the cat anymore but a tall ravenette was hovering above him as he yawned and looked down.

Mafumafu blushed but he was even more confused as Soraru finally understood as well what kind of situation they were in right now.

"Mafumafu? Why are you back so early? What the heck happened...", Soraru asked more to himself as he sat up. "Eh? Soraru-san?!", Mafumafu asked but before he could even hear an answer a chain tied around his wrist and Soraru's neck connecting them as Mafumafu could only stare at it bewildered.

"Eh? Ehhhhh?!", Mafumafu screeched as Soraru covered his ears glaring tiredly at Mafumafu. "Can you please be quiet for a second? You weren't even supposed to be back yet... and now we got into this situation I avoided for such a long time.... How troublesome...."

This is the end of only the university life of Mafumafu and now it will actually start www I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'd be really happy if I would see you in the next chapter as well~ (><)

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