Chapter 2: The Vampire Servant

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"And now we got into this situation I avoided for such a long time.... How troublesome....", Soraru sighed as he ruffled his own hair as Mafumafu could only lie there still perplexed.

"What just happened? I saw a cat and s-suddenly you are there... A-and when you appeared and the cat disappeared! Y-you are a cat?!", Mafumafu screeched again as Soraru covered his ears and was about to complain but stopped himself as he just sighed and ruffled his hair again.

He didn't really know if it was right to tell Mafumafu but he guessed Mafumafu deserved an explanation after Soraru was too stupid and transformed in front of him.

Also... they did tell him he should meet him when he gets older. "How do I even start? Well, I guess you could call me a vampire...", Soraru said as Mafumafu widened his eyes in shock.

"A-a vampire?! So what Sakatan said is true? Are you going to drink all of my blood?!", Mafumafu asked as Soraru sighed flicking Mafumafu's forehead. "Relax, I'm not going to kill you. I didn't even drink blood for the last hundreds of years.", Soraru assured Mafumafu who suddenly had sparkles in his eyes.

"Wow, so you've been living for so long already! I'd love to ask more about that later but before that... what was that chain?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru sighed again for the nth time this day.

"Well, you kinda formed a contract with me. The chain symbolized that I am your vampire servant and you're my master.

It was a long time since I had a contract though... following every order is not very pleasing for me.", Soraru said as Mafumafu pouted.

"Would it be so bad to be vampire servant?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru shrugged. "I don't need to find that out though because this is only temporary.

After 24 hours this contract will not count anymore if I didn't drink any blood of you. Until then we have to stay together.

After that... I guess I'll have to leave this school. Was a fun way to distract myself a bit.", Soraru said as Mafumafu frowned.

"Why would you have to leave?", Mafumafu asked confused. "You know my secret. I told myself to not let myself be found out.

And it worked for two years here and so many years before. Ironic how you would be the one to find out that I'm a vampire.", Soraru laughed emotionless as he stood up.

"But Soraru-san, it doesn't matter if you're a vampire! We can still become friends because just because you're not human doesn't mean you're not nice! Also, I bet the whole school would be sad to lose you as their student.", Mafumafu said as Soraru stood there surprised.

He was about to say something but Mafumafu shouted out suddenly remembering that he was supposed to meet his friends now.

"I promised my friends to meet them to do some shopping. I have to go now so let's talk later.", Mafumafu said and Soraru wanted to stop him.

But it was too late as he ran away and the chain became visible again as it pulled Mafumafu back by his wrist and Soraru closer to Mafumafu by his neck. "Jeez, don't forget that the contract is still intact.", Soraru reminded Mafumafu who sheepishly apologized.

"Soraru-san, could we go together then please? I promised them and I can't just cancel it! They know something will be up!", Mafumafu reasoned as Soraru just waved with his hand sighing.

"Whatever, just make it quick. I will transform into a cat then.", Soraru said but a grip on his wrist stopped him.

"I'm... kinda allergic to cats and they'd probably want me to put you away or they'll carry you instead so...", Mafumafu trailed off and as Soraru nodded understanding.

"I'll just go as in my human form then.", as he walked ahead but was stopped by the chain as he turned around to see Mafumafu standing there still. "But how will I explain to them that Soraru-san came with me?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru looked at him with an Are-you-serious look.

"Just tell them that I'm your roommate and, I don't know, said that I had to go and buy some things in the city as well. Now let's go already.

I can imagine your friends wondering why the hell you take so long.", Soraru said as he grabbed Mafumafu's hand and pulled him with him so that the chain wouldn't appear again to show that they're connected. Mafumafu felt startled and his face turned into the same color as his eyes as he let Soraru pull him nonetheless.

As soon as the door closed the windows were crashed and a person stepped inside the room as they looked around. "Huh? I was told this was the right place... I guess I'll have to keep searching then...", the person sighed as they jumped out of the room again.

They soon arrived as Mafumafu spotted his two friends and Soraru let go of Mafumafu's hand making Mafumafu seek for the missing warmth. "Ama-chan! Sakatan! Sorry for being late!", Mafumafu apologized.

"Ah, it's fine, Mafudon! I just arrived as well!", Sakata not noticing another person standing beside Mafumafu which Soraru was thankful for. Now he just has to continue staying like this before— "Hey, aren't you that guy who played the piano in the opening ceremony?", Amatsuki asked as Soraru cursed for being noticed.

Soraru merely nodded as Mafumafu noticed that Soraru didn't really want to talk and decided to answer instead.

"This is Soraru-san. He's my roommate and he decided to tag along to buy some things as well. Soraru-san, these are my friends, Sakata and Amatsuki.", Mafumafu introduced them as Soraru muttered a nice to meet you.

And when Mafumafu turned to look at his friends he had a bad feeling already. "Um... is something the matter?", Mafumafu asked as Sakata and Amatsuki both put an arm around Mafumafu and both asked the same question.

"When's the wedding?", making Mafumafu blush as he pushed both of his friends away. "Eh? You're here as well?", a familiar blonde walked over to them along with a red-head.

"Root-kun! Riinu-kun! Are you two shopping for supplies as well?", Mafumafu asked as the two of them nodded. They started to all chat a bit as Soraru stood on the side putting an earphone in his ear as he started tapping along to the rhythm.

When Mafumafu noticed it he decided to talk to Soraru as well but before he could he was interrupted by a loud shouting and then a blonde person put their arms around Amatsuki and Root. "Konnichiwa, dear students!

Are you interested in watching my wonderful show?", the person asked as they took of their hat and pulled out a sword and a crowd started forming around them.

"My name artistic name is 96Neko but you may call me Kuro as well! By the way, I'm female if you couldn't see it..", she informed them making the crowd laugh.

"Oh~ a magician show!", Riinu exclaimed excited as Sakata, Amatsuki and Mafumafu looked interested as well.

"W-we should go now, Riinu-kun.", Root said as he grabbed Riinu by the wrist and pulled him with him as he could hear Riinu protesting.

The others were confused on why they suddenly wanted to leave. Before they could leave though Root was stopped by the blonde girl grabbing his shoulder and Root immediately let go of Riinu and pushed him behind as to not let him closer to the girl in front of them.

Like he knew something was going to happen. "...Is something the matter?", Root simply asked smiling even though you could see that he was feeling uncomfortable.

"Question time! Why did I stop this young man from going away?
1. Because he ignored me.
2. Because I'm hungry.
3. He walked in front of me.
4. Because he ignored me.
The answer is... all of the above!", the girl said as he bit into the neck of Root as he just gasped and fell on the floor.

"Gomen~ I'm really hungry so I need one person to satisfy my hunger!", Kuro apologized as crowd screamed in fear as everyone ran away leaving the only people Root, Riinu, Amatsuki, Sakata, Soraru and Mafumafu.

"Root-kun!", Riinu shouted as he let himself fall beside Root to see if he was alive. The wound was large as a large blood puddle started to flow. "Root-kun! Root-kun! Please answer!", Riinu begged and he held onto Root's hand as he started to cry.

"Please don't die... you can't leave me!", Riinu said as Kuro laughed. "Ahahahaha, thank you for the applause! I finally got all of your attention! I'm more a vampire than a magician after all, aren't I?", Kuro asked. "Vampire?!", Amatsuki screeched as Kuro nodded. "Yes, indeed!

Your friend over there picked one up, didn't he? Which one did he pick up I wonder... there are 7 vampire brothers and each of them are soo unique in their own way!

Gluttony, Wrath, Pride, Lust, Greed, Envy... but you picked none of them, right? You picked up the oldest brother~ The Vampire of Sloth.", Kuro said as she jumped around swinging her sword back and forth.

"I don't understand what's happening... are you a friend of Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as Kuro laughed so much at that, that she had to hold her stomach. "Us? Friends?

I'm sorry but as much as I like cats the rest of my family hate black cats. And when it comes to this one I have to agree with them...

Please give a grande applause for what is about to happen! A show to see who kills whom! Ah, I wish Luz was here to see this—", Kuro was interrupted as Soraru jumped high and kicked Kuro strongly making her fly a few meters away.

He landed as he quickly ran over to the others as Mafumafu looked over at Soraru, his face showing that he was lost right now and didn't know what to do. "Soraru-san, what do we do now?", Mafumafu asked as he looked over at Root who was going to die from blood loss if nothing happened in the next few minutes.

Mafumafu panicked when he saw that Amatsuki and Sakata suddenly disappeared.

"Oh god, where are Ama-chan and Sakatan?! Did they just get killed?! We have to find them, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu told Soraru tears already streaming down his face.

Soraru looked up to see a tall brunette carrying one of his friends in bridal style and the red-head over his shoulders as he looked back at Mafumafu and put his hands on his shoulders.

"Calm down. Those two are fine. They were just saved by my brother. More importantly, we have to run now before he comes and kills us.", Soraru said and grabbed him as he pulled him away as Mafumafu gasped.

"We can't leave Root-kun and Riinu-kun! They're my friends too!", Mafumafu said as Soraru rubbed his temples annoyed trying to explain everything to Mafumafu. He was happy he kicked Kuro far away enough and strongly enough. But unfortunately not strong enough as Kuro came back.

"Oh, where are that brunette and red-haired person? Ah, who cares... oh so you're still alive? Wanna change that?", Kuro asked as she looked down at Riinu who was standing in front of Root putting his arms wide open as if he wanted to protect him.

Kuro took her sword ready to stab Riinu with it but Mafumafu ran towards her as he pulled her back with all of his might.

"Please run away with Root-kun!", Mafumafu said as Kuro struggled away from Mafumafu and smiled as she was about to push her sword through Riinu. But before she could the ravenette quickly rushed in front of him as the sword went through his body.

He gasped as he coughed up a bit of blood and Kuro stood there baffled for a while as Mafumafu could only stare in shock as he ran towards Soraru. "Soraru-san!

Are you alright?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru just nodded and slowly pulled out the sword.

"I'll survive this and all but you better listen to me now and do as I say. I haven't drunk blood for the last hundred of years...

I'm basically a normal cat who can transform into a human is all. You take those humans and run away now and I'll try to hold him back.

Even though, I'm probably not strong enough to do much alone... I'm going to stall you some time so get away.", Soraru said and that's when Mafumafu had one of his flashback moments.

"Mafumafu, remember that when you're alone you may be able to achieve some things but together with another person you can reach even more. Look at me, I'm a great actress but with your father we're invincible! I hope you get to find that person someday as well."

When Mafumafu remembered those words he made his decision as he pulled back his sleeve and ran up towards Soraru and pushed his wrist into Soraru's mouth as his teeth sunk into Mafumafu's arm making the albino wince.

Soraru was surprised as he quickly tried to comprehend what just happened.

"You may not be able to do anything alone right now... but the two of us will be able to do something!", Mafumafu shouted as Soraru jumped back landing on the floor.

"God... why did you have to be such a pain and do this...", Soraru asked as a chain appeared connecting the two of them.

It was chained in a pink color around Mafumafu's wrist and blue on Soraru's neck flowing into one color in the middle.

"Look what you've gotten us into... But I guess you are my master now.", Soraru said as he licked the remaining of the blood away.

"Oh, so you've gotten into a contract... that is not good but oh well! The contract you've gotten into... your vampire servant.

Servant + Vampire = Servamp! A servant vampire... a Servamp! This little black cat is your Servamp!", Kuro explained laughing.

"Well, what will you do? What will you say? Do tell me! Do tell me!", she said waiting for a response of anyone.

"My roommate, Soraru, is a vampire and now... he's my Servamp. Together we'll win this!", Mafumafu thought as he looked at Soraru who slowly stood up again and muttered something as a dark blue light came forming into a silver sword which kind of looked like a cross.

Mafumafu took a fighting stance as Soraru looked at Kuro almost mockingly as he decided to humor her with an answer. "...Nya~"

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