Chapter 3: Servamp and Eve

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"Well, what will you do? What will you say? Do tell me! Do tell me!", she said waiting for a response of anyone.

"...Nya~", Soraru said before running towards Kuro with high speed striking with his gear sword as Kuro dodged smiling happily.

"Oh~ finally deciding to fight?", Kuro asked as she looked challenging at Soraru who gave her a blank look before turning to Mafumafu.

"Hey, do I have to fight her? Is it really worth to fight her?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu and Kuro gasped at the same time.

"Are you saying my friends aren't worth to fight for?", Mafumafu asked.

"Are you saying I'm not worth to fight against with?", Kuro asked at the same time. "Well, I mean... is she?

We could always escape with your friends now that I have enough power.", Soraru explained as Kuro stopped them snapping with her fingers as everything turned darkly.

"Wow, look at this new pair! You look so happy to have a master now.", Kuro said sarcastically as Soraru shrugged.

"At least I won't take any responsibilities. I can just say: This guy made me do it. It's not my fault.", Soraru said as Mafumafu pouted.

"Hey, that's not how this is going to work! And why are you attacking Soraru-san when you're a vampire as well?", Mafumafu asked Kuro who shrugged. "Hm? I'm just here on an errand!

Like fulfilling my duty, you know? People like me were made by one of the seven Servamps. They are called Subclasses! And the Servamp that I obey... is called Luz! And Luz... despises you!", Kuro said as she stopped to make a dramatic pause.

"That only leaves one question left! Why does Luz hate you? I will answer you that if you survive this!", Kuro said as she charged towards Mafumafu with her sword ready to skewer him but before she could Soraru took the chain that connected then and pulled Mafumafu towards him as he scooped Mafumafu up and jumped up high.

Mafumafu automatically put his arms around Soraru's neck as he screeched. "Oi, could you please stop screeching so much? Or do you want me to go deaf like Beethoven by the end of this year?", Soraru asked annoyed.

"I'm sorry... but it's really scary, you know? Thanks for saving me though, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu thanked Soraru who just nodded before landing on the floor again.

He put Mafumafu down as he kneeled down. "I don't know what to do now so I'm sorry to say this but you have to give me an order.", Soraru said as Mafumafu nodded.

"I... hate to say this but let's take her down!", Mafumafu said as he striked a pose. "Stop acting like a chuunibyou...", Soraru sighed as he pulled out his sword again.

"Anything that happens now... will be your responsibility...", Soraru said as he charged towards Kuro kicking her before hitting her with the sword. She coughed up blood as he was too fast and strong as she could only let herself being hit every time. She soon landed on the ground her eyes wide open as she couldn't believe what just happened.

Mafumafu could only watch in fear as some blood splashed on his face.

And when Soraru, his eyes being cold and harsh, lifted Kuro by her hair up again he knew that he had to stop him. "S-soraru-san!

That's enough! Please don't kill her!", Mafumafu pleaded as Soraru ignored him and put his head against Kuro's neck, as he opened his mouth revealing his sharp teeth, ready to drink her blood. "Soraru!", Mafumafu said as he immediately grabbed the chain and pulled with all of his strength. But Soraru still remained there not inching away. He only managed to yank Soraru's head a bit away from Kuro's neck.

"Soraru, you said that I have to take responsibility, right? Then get away from, Kuro-san!", Mafumafu said as Soraru went silent and let go of her letting her fall down. As soon as Kuro fell down she started to curse.

"Damnit! Damnit! You may have won today but one day you'll regret everything! Just look forward to it! But for now...", Kuro trailed off as she tapped on her hat. "The show is over!", she said as some smoke suddenly appeared making the close their eyes and cough and when they opened them again Kuro was... a stuff doll. Soraru and Mafumafu looked at Kuro both very perplexed.

"Eh? What is it? Did she die?", Mafumafu asked confused as he lifted the doll and as soon as he did it started moving and speaking.

"Of course not, silly~ I'm a vampire! I won't die that easily!", Kuro said laughing as Soraru grew annoyed and grabbed her by the hat and started to shake her. "Ah, please don't shake me.", Kuro said as Soraru still continued.

"Enough already. Just tell us the answer.", Soraru demanded as Kuro stopped moving and just hang there. "Don't you already know the answer as to why Luz hates you?

I mean you failed the quiz after all.", Kuro said as Soraru raised an eyebrow. "Stop talking in mysteries and everything. I'm too tired to deal with this right now. I don't even know a person called Luz.", Soraru said.

"Exactly! You don't know him! Poor Luz-chan~ no one knows him! He had to make himself a name so that the humans would know him.

Which is why all the people who don't him are doomed.", Kuro said and neither of the two dared to say anything else.

Then Mafumafu suddenly felt a himself being yanked to the floor as he sat there confused. "Eh? Soraru-san, where did the chains suddenly go?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru let himself fall on the ground. Soraru didn't answer as he just groaned instead. "Are you alright, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as he rushed to Soraru's side.

"No, I'm not. My muscles feel sore... I'm just a classical musician, you know? And lessons start tomorrow too... I am forced to join lessons with these... maybe I should just skip...", Soraru trailed off as Mafumafu frowned.

"You can't skip just because you're not feeling like it! Also, you're a vampire, right? Why are you like this then?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru didn't answer but slowly stood up again. Mafumafu pouted for a while longer before it turned into a relieved smile because honestly he was happy to see Soraru like this.

"At least you are more like yourself now... I wouldn't know what to do if you stayed like that...", Mafumafu thought as he remembered the sudden change in Soraru when he almost killed Kuro.

"I'm glad that he's the old Soraru now...", Mafumafu thought relieved as he suddenly noticed how his surroundings started to get blurry.

"Huh? This is weird... so many things happened. And there's so much that is confusing me... can someone please explain to me?", Mafumafu felt himself staggering as he fell unconscious.

Before he could he was caught by Soraru though who managed to stand up again at some point when Mafumafu started to space off.

He rubbed his neck as he sighed and picked Mafumafu and the doll, Kuro, up. He then looked at a boy who was standing next to him.

"You called me, Nii-san?", the boy asked jokingly as Soraru's face stayed the same. "Where did you come from? Good timing, can you manage these two? They seem to be injured. Can you alter their memories and treat their wounds?", Soraru asked as he pointed at Root and Riinu who both became unconscious at some point as the other gasped when he saw who it was.

"Since when did Root and Riinu get in so much trouble?! This is so much work... you know that my master gives me so much work already! Whatever! You owe me a dinner next time, Nii-san!", the boy said as he walked over and inspected their wounds. Soraru muttered a small thanks as he quickly disappeared with Mafumafu and Kuro.

The boy just ruffled his own hair in frustration as he walked over to the two as his phone started ringing. He took it out grumbling when he saw who it was. "Hello? What is it, slave driver?", the boy asked as the guy on the other side just laughed.

"I'm no slave driver. Anyway, where are you? I need you to look over my script and then act it out for me.", the guy said as the boy just sighed.

"Root and Riinu got themselves into trouble and my brother called me to deal with them.", the boy explained. "They did?

And since when did you have a brother?", the guy asked as the younger boy just sighed. "Can we talk about that later? Or do you want them to die while we're talking?", he asked as the other just sighed. "I understand already.

You better explain everything once you come back.", he said and the Servamp muttered a yes before he hanged up.

He then kneeled down to inspect the wounds of Riinu and Root to see that Root was bitten but he was still alive even though he should be dead by now. "Eh?", the boy exclaimed surprised as he decided to check something. After he did his eyes widened as he looked down at the two of them. "No way! You two are.... Subclasses?"


Mafumafu woke up as he looked around confused. Next to him there was Soraru as a cat lying next to him. "So it wasn't a dream...", Mafumafu sighed as he thought of that and poked the cat.

"Hey... Soraru-san, wake up! There are some questions I have to ask.", Mafumafu said and continued poking him as Soraru grumbled.

"Stop it... I am so close to gaining the Ultimate Pillow after taking so long for my quest...", Soraru mumbled still half-asleep as Mafumafu sweat-dropped when he lifted the cat.

"Wait, if all of this wasn't a dream then...", Mafumafu immediately ran out of the room taking Soraru with him who transformed into a human on the way. "Oi... stop walking so fast.", Soraru complained as he followed Mafumafu.

"Root-kun!", Mafumafu stormed into the room where the singing class would be as he looked around. Root was standing there confused as he looked at Mafumafu smiling.

"Good morning.", he greeted as he gave them a polite smile. "You're alive! Are you alright after what happened yesterday?", Mafumafu asked as Root nodded assuringly.

Soraru looked at Root and slightly narrowed his eyes when he saw how his wounds were covered by bandages. "Of course... Riinu was too worried. It's true that I got into a car accident but it wasn't that serious. Please don't worry.", he assured as Mafumafu widened his eyes.

"Eh? But you were bitten by a vampire yesterday!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru clamped a hand over Mafumafu's mouth as to stop him from talking. Root stayed silent as he widened his eyes before chuckling slightly.

"A vampire? You sure are funny, Mafu-san. Anyway, the teacher is coming. We should go and greet him.", Root said as Mafumafu followed him and Soraru did as well.

Mafumafu was confused when he noticed that Soraru followed them as he was about to ask him when the teacher came in and he immediately went silent as that teacher was very strict. She came in and looked at them coldly.

"Everyone line up!", she said and looked to see that everyone except Soraru did so as Mafumafu looked over panicked and tried to warn Soraru as the other students just looked at him in pity knowing he would be shouted at.

They all looked over to see her walking over to Soraru before her face turned softer.

"Ah, Soraru, so you decided to visit us today?", she asked in an almost motherly tone as he nodded. "I got to choose where I was going to help out today and when I saw that there was this class and you are teaching it I thought I should come over for a bit.", Soraru said as she nodded.

"Well, then you can do the accompaniment for this class here on the piano.", she said as Soraru simply nodded and walked to the piano and then the lesson started as it was better than the day before as she was in a slightly better mood.

She ended the lesson after a few hours again and they all painted as they drank some water and she dismissed them as Mafumafu waited for Soraru and he noticed how the other students would look at them curiously as well.

"You're welcome to come over anytime again, Soraru.", she said as he gave her a small smile. "I'll make sure to do so, Sensei. Now have a nice day.", he bowed before walking over to Mafumafu. "What did you do to make her take such a liking to you?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru shrugged.

"She always thinks of the students in class like you guys in the beginning. She thinks you're here just for the fame and you think it's easy.

She doesn't really hate you guys. She just wants you to grow up.", Soraru explained as they walked outside to buy some things they didn't get to last time.

They suddenly heard some muffling and something moving inside Mafumafu's bag as he opened it to see Kuro in there still in her doll form.

"Can I have some blood? Please? Just a bit!", Kuro pleaded as Mafumafu ignored her and just held her as they walked.

Soraru became lazy at some point and transformed into a cat as he laid on Mafumafu's shoulder. "Luz is going to kill you, you know?", Kuro warned as Mafumafu frowned and looked at Soraru.

"Luz seems to be like a boss from another side. Shouldn't we do something before other vampires come and try to kill you?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru yawned and shook his head.

"We'll be fine. I think.", Soraru said as Mafumafu sweat-dropped. It suddenly started getting a bit difficult to see their surroundings as Mafumafu looked up around. "...Fog?", Mafumafu asked confused as you could hear some footsteps slowly getting louder.

Mafumafu turned around to see a light-haired guy in a suit walking towards them.

"You're late!", Kuro complained as she got out of Mafumafu's grip and jumped towards the guy as Mafumafu could only look at him.

"I'm sorry... I had some things to do.", he apologized as he then looked at Mafumafu and Soraru as if he just noticed them.

He walked towards them as Mafumafu could only watch shocked. "Are you perhaps... don't tell me you are a Servamp?", Mafumafu asked as the guy just smiled at him and put his hands into the pockets of his pants.

"What if I am? Yes, I was the one who started the news of a vampire killing people.

I am the one who wants to kill those who don't know me.", he said as Mafumafu could only watch in fear. "My name is Luz in case you didn't know. It's very nice to meet you.", he introduced himself as he went very close to Mafumafu and reached his hand towards the albino before he grabbed Soraru throwing him on the floor.

Soraru sat there confused as he turned into a human and Luz looked down and him smiling. "I'm very sad, you see. Sloth. Please tell me something nice or at least tell me that you agree with me that this world is a worthless place. You may not know me but I do... And if you disagree with me then I'd suggest we'd start a war... Onii-san."

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