Chapter 4: Servamp of Melancholy

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"I'm very sad, you see. Sloth. Please tell me something nice or at least tell me that you agree with me that this world is a worthless place. You may not know me but I do...

And if you disagree with me then I'd suggest we'd start a war... Onii-san.", Luz suggested smiling as Mafumafu and Soraru just looked at him before Soraru decided to speak up.

"You're calling me onii-san but I don't even know you.", Soraru said as Luz widened his eyes before he started to chuckle all of a sudden.

"How mean... You don't know me either? Even you, onii-san... In the end there is no one who actually knows me... ", Luz chuckled as his eyes showed how sad he actually was.

"You over there... you are Sloth's eve aren't you?", Luz asked as Mafumafu looked confused.

"Eh? His eve? I don't know... I think so?", Mafumafu answered as Luz nodded and asked another question.

"Do you know how many servamps there are?", Luz asked as Mafumafu nodded and answered that it was seven. "Yeah and what is 7 plus 1?", Luz asked as Mafumafu tilted his head confused by the question. "It's eight, right?", Mafumafu responded as Luz nodded smiling.

"Yes! And that's me! I'm the 8th servamp. The Servamp of Melancholy also known as the unwanted 8th Servamp.", Luz reintroduced himself as Mafumafu could stare at him.

"Well, it was nice to meet you. I'll be taking my leave for now.", Luz said as he took the doll and walked away. "W-wait!

Luz-san... So are you really the vampire who killed innocent humans? If so then please stop! You can't just kill people who did nothing wrong to you!", Mafumafu said as Luz turned around his face not showing a smile anymore.

"Useless bystanders shouldn't tell me that. You are all so annoying. You are all pretending as if I don't even exist. Especially you.", Luz said as he came rushing back and kicked Soraru who landed on the floor hardly as Mafumafu could even see a crack in the floor.

"Sloth-onii-san? Everyone acts as if they don't know me.", Luz said as he was ready to trample on Soraru as Mafumafu tackled Luz who stumbled slightly. "You're cute for trying to help. But that won't do anything.", Luz said as he was ready to grab Mafumafu but before he could Soraru kicked Luz away as he came back on his feet.

"Stop complaining so much and doing all of this... because of you my head hurts so much now...", Soraru complained as he rubbed his bleeding head. Luz who avoided Soraru's kick was now standing a few meters away from them.

"God, I still can't believe that you made a contract with a human! So that means I'm the only one without an eve...", Luz muttered to himself as he stood back on his feet.

"Soraru-san drink my blood! We have to beat him before he can kill other humans!", Mafumafu said as Soraru shook his head.

"No way am I doing that. Do you know what a pain that is?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu pouted before pushing his hand towards Soraru's mouth forcing him to drink blood. Mafumafu looked at Soraru satisfied which changed quickly when he saw how Soraru spit the blood out.

"...I said I don't want to. Yesterday it already took too much effect on me...", Soraru said as he remembered how he almost killed Kuro.

Mafumafu, who didn't know that the blood was the cause of that, frowned as he was now angry at Soraru. "Soraru-san, this is not the time for you to be lazy!", he shouted but he was interrupted by Luz chuckling again.

"Do you really think servamps are like some kinds of pets who will do anything you say? Despite the fact that we are vampires we still have emotions, you know? All of my siblings forgot me and that makes me sad. Not only that but the world doesn't know me so for that they shall perish.

It's what Sensei would want too. I just want the world to perish this way.", Luz said as he kicked Soraru away. Mafumafu called him but there was no response and he couldn't even defend himself as he was being lifted by Luz by the neck.

"So Mafumafu-san... perish. Perish for being born. Perish for befriending onii-san and then taking him with you. Perish for making a contract with him. Perish for ignoring me.

Perish for forgetting me. And... perish for killing sensei. Perish.", Luz repeated as his smile disappeared after the final sentence.

Mafumafu just looked down at Luz confused as he still struggled to get some air as he closed his eyes unconsciously. "Sensei?", Mafumafu thought confused as Luz continued speaking.

"I'm very depressed you see.", Luz told Mafumafu as Mafumafu opened his eyes again.

"Eh? Someone died? Is that why he's...", Mafumafu looked down again as he saw Luz's face which surprised him.

He didn't know Luz could make that face. "You don't know I feel. There's no word that satisfies me. There's truly no one in this world... that understands me.", Luz said as his face turned sad and he looked lonely and so broken.

"Depressed? That's not the emotion he is feeling. Those emotions... I know them all too well...", Mafumafu thought.


"Mafumafu, are you alright? You can still stay here if you want to.", Amatsuki's mother said as Mafumafu shook his head smiling.

"I'll be fine! My things are still in the old house anyway so I'll be fine! I'll go to school now! Thanks for letting me stay here for a while!", Mafumafu said as he waved at the adults and followed Amatsuki to school.

"Are you really alright, Mafu-kun?", Amatsuki asked as Mafumafu nodded assuringly.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thanks for worrying about me, Ama-chan!", Mafumafu said as a red-head walked towards them. "Mafudon, do you want to go to the new café? Apparently, they have cats!", Sakata said as Mafumafu smiled but shook his head.

"Sorry, but I have to do something today. Maybe another time!", Mafumafu said as he packed his things and waved at them before exiting the school. "Why are you asking him to go to a café after his parents died? And you know he's allergic to cats!", Amatsuki reminded as Sakata pouted.

"I thought he would cheer up if he was surrounded by cats...", Sakata said.

Mafumafu who didn't hear the conversation walked out of the school and as soon as he did, his smile disappeared as his frowned instead and walked home with a face that looked lonely and broken at the same time.

As soon as he arrived at his old home he threw his things at the floor as he sat in the corner of the room and pulled his knees to his chest.

He remembered the time when his parents would greet him as soon as he arrived at home and that's when he started crying.

"Mother! Father! I miss you so much! Why did you leave me?! Now... now I'm... I'm so lonely without you two!", Mafumafu sobbed but no one could hear his crying as he was alone.

That's when he remembered the words of his mother that she always told him whenever he was sad. "Mafumafu, try to give your emotions a name. If you are feeling sad it's fine too. But remember that you have to face all of your emotions."


"Eh? Why... are you crying?", Luz asked his eyes widening when he saw that the albino started crying. "Luz-san, you said that you don't have an eve, right? In that case... I can also do what I did to Soraru-san. If I form a contract with you then you will become my Servamp right?

They would mostly listen to their eve, right?", Mafumafu asked as Luz started laughing again before throwing Mafumafu on the floor.

"Yeah, that's true. Then what? Why would I want to be a Servamp of you?", Luz asked as Mafumafu stood up still determined.

"I could see in your eyes that you're lonely! So I want to form a contract with you! So please let me help you!", Mafumafu said as he walked towards Luz who shook his head and was ready to impale Mafumafu with his hand which turned inhuman. Soraru who got his consciousness back noticed this and ran towards Mafumafu.

"Mafumafu, get away from him!", Soraru shouted as a light-blue owl flew over them and that's when both of them disappeared leaving only Luz and Kuro back. "That technique... Sloth-onii-san isn't able to do that.

Was it Pride? How dare he interrupt my party... Well, I guess we'll go home then.", Luz said smiling at Kuro as he walked away.

"Eh? Can't we kill them?", Kuro whines as Luz shook his head smiling. "Next time. We have to prepare for the next party....

Anyway, are you hungry? Let's invite the others to eat some sushi.", Luz said as Kuro nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I want to eat some delicious sushi! Let's go and call the others!", Kuro said. Luz smiled as he saw Kuro talking happily in her doll form as he looked up muttering to himself. "My name is Luz... right, Sensei?"


Mafumafu and Soraru both landed on the floor with Mafumafu landing on Soraru as he winced.

"Eh? Where are we?", Mafumafu asked confused as he looked around and noticed some trash cans around him. "We're... in an alley?", Mafumafu realized confused.

"Yeah... it was probably Pride... he is the only one who can do that.", Soraru said as Mafumafu tilted his head. "Pride? Who is that?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru took a glance at Mafumafu before explaining. "He's another servamp I guess. I felt his presence back then.

You probably saw him too.", Soraru said as Mafumafu tilted his head confused.

"I did?", Mafumafu asked as he thought back and remembered that he saw the rare blue owl which he never saw before. "Ah, was it that blue owl?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru nodded.

"Yeah, that's him. He's super annoying but I guess he does have talent in acting. He has always been some sort of Shakespeare freak.", Soraru told Mafumafu who nodded.

"Ah, Soraru-san, you were kicked very harshly by Luz-san. Are you really alright?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru nodded.

"I'll be fine somehow. Anyway, can we go back to the dorm now? I'm so tired.", Soraru complained as Mafumafu frowned and poked Soraru.

"Soraru-san, I saw how strong Luz-san is right now and how much he did to you. The best way to defeat him is to find the other servamps.", Mafumafu said as Soraru groaned.

"You say that as if it's easy but I lost contact to almost all of them. I only know that Pride is in Japan and that's it. I can't even call him because I don't have his contact number.

I merely met him by coincidence yesterday.", Soraru muttered the last part.

"Eh... so we have no way to meet any of them?", Mafumafu asked frowning again and just after he said that a letter flew down and landed in between the two of them.

Mafumafu was curious as he lifted the letter as Soraru could only sigh as he saw the letter. "What a show-off he is...", Soraru mumbled as he looked at the old-style letter. "Eh? What is that?", Mafumafu asked more to himself as he opened the letter to reveal a message.

Dear Mafumafu and Nii-san,

I can see that you need some help so I, the great Servamp of Pride, will give you some help.
To contact me just use this e-mail~
[email protected]

From your dearest Servamp of Pride

"This guy... he's got eyes everywhere.", Soraru sighed after Mafumafu finished reading the letter aloud. "For now, let's go back. I'm tired.", Soraru said as he pulled Mafumafu up and Mafumafu nodded as they walked back to their dorm.

When they got back Soraru let himself fall on the bed as Mafumafu looked at him worried. "Soraru-san, are you sure, you're alright.", Mafumafu asked as Soraru hummed.

"Yeah... you saw how I was impaled by that sword right? And I'm still fine as you can see so stop worrying so much.", Soraru said.

Mafumafu wanted to say something else but Soraru fell asleep so in the end Mafumafu decided to leave it be for now and let himself fall on his bed as well. Mafumafu couldn't sleep though because he was still trying to comprehend everything and he couldn't just go to sleep after everything that happened. He looked at the letter again which proved that it indeed happened.

"Ah... this is not how imagined my school life to be...", Mafumafu sighed as he pouted.

"I can't sleep... and Soraru-san's asleep even though I still have so many questions... what to do? Ah, I try composing the song like Soraru told me to!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he took his laptop.

He started listening to some piano music to get some inspiration as he smiled before starting to work on the lyrics fitting for it.

He struggled finding the lyrics though and did his best when his phone suddenly started vibrating. Confused he took it to see a message of an unknown person.

Sender: [email protected]
Subject: Sorry to keep you waiting >~<
Dear Mafumafu-san,
I've come to pick you two up~ I can't wait to introduce you guys to me and my eve (><)
See you soon~!

Mafumafu was very confused as he could only stare at the new e-mail.

"It didn't say who send it but that e-mail address... is it the Servamp of Pride?", Mafumafu asked himself not expecting an answer.

"You're correct! It's me!", a boy said as a long hood covered himself and his head. He had blue hair and blue eyes and he sat on the edge of the window as he smiled down at Mafumafu.

"Nice to meet you, Mafumafu-san. And good morning to you too, Nii-san!", the boy greeted Soraru and Mafumafu looked over to see that Soraru indeed woke up looking very tired.

"Why the hell do you have to appear now, Pride?", Soraru asked grumpily as the shorter boy just laughed. "Nighttime is the best time to discuss things, is it not? Well, I don't want to keep my eve waiting for much longer so let me just bring you to him real quick.", the boy said as he snapped with his fingers and the next thing they knew they were in an old-fashioned room.

A pink-haired male who had been working on something noticed them as he turned towards them and offered them a smile.

"Oh? So you finally brought them over.", the guy said as the Sloth Pair looked at the blue-haired boy waiting for an explanation.

"Care to explain who that is, Pride?", Soraru asked as the boy sighe dramatically.

"Nii-san, I have a name, you know?", the boy complained as Soraru simply ignored him and the pink-haired guy just smiled at them opening his eyes which were blue like the sky.

"You're getting off topic.", he warned the other as he turned back to the Sloth Pair. "Sorry for him. He's always dramatic. It's nice to meet you, Mafumafu-san and Soraru-san.

I am the Eve of Pride, Satomi. And this is my Servamp, Colon.", the pink-haired guy smiled as he introduced the two of them.

Mafumafu who still had problems to understand everything tried his best to comprehend something. Satomi noticed this as he gave him an reassuring smile. "I'm sure you're confused now so allow me to explain some things.

But first... I'd like you to listen to one of my requests.", Satomi said as Mafumafu looked up at Satomi. "Request?", Mafumafu asked as Satomi nodded standing up with his book and pen.

"Yes... you know, I need power and in order to get that power I made a contract with him.

But that's not enough so... please hand Sloth over to me. Of course you will be given some money as a thanks.", he said as he continued smiling even though Mafumafu looked at him shocked.

"I... can't do that. Soraru-san is my Servamp and I won't let you have him just for power.", Mafumafu said as Soraru looked at Mafumafu slightly surprised. Satomi's smile disappeared for a second before appearing again.

"Oh... and here I hoped we could settle it peacefully...", Satomi said as he pulled his collar a bit down and Colon walked towards him taking some blood before his weapon, a scythe, appeared as well as a chain connecting them. "I guess we have to do it the hard way then."

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