Chapter 5: Pride Pair

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"Oh... and here I hoped we could settle it peacefully...", Satomi said as he pulled his collar a bit down and Colon walked towards him taking some blood before his weapon, a scythe, appeared as well as a chain connecting them.

"I guess we have to do it the hard way then.", Satomi said and he motioned for Colon to attack them. Colon charged towards Mafumafu and he was almost hit before Soraru pulled him away and took his sword to hold the scythe away.

The older male simply used the sword and moved his hand slightly making the light-blue-haired male shoot back from the impact.

Satomi acted quickly as he opened his book as he opened his pen cap scribbling something in it. A few seconds after he did a big soft pillow appeared stopping Colon from hitting the wall.

Soraru used that chance to grab Mafumafu and get out of the room. "Soraru-san, where are we going?", Mafumafu asked.

"I don't know but I'm sure we can both agree that we don't want to fight them.", Soraru said as Mafumafu thought back on them feeling a shiver run down his spine.

"But Soraru-san, you looked like you could have dealt with Colon-kun easily.", he stated and the older male hummed. "Why are we running away then?", Mafumafu asked.

"It would be possible to just kill them off but I can't do that. Also, I'm not in the mood to fight any of them and I am way to tired to deal with this.", Soraru mumbled.

Mafumafu was about to say something before he noticed something. "Um... Soraru-san, this is a dead end, isn't it?", Mafumafu pointed out and the older male cursed lightly as he stopped in his tracks. He then looked around to see a door and because they didn't have another way, he walked through it, pulling the albino with him.

The room was dark at first and the only light source from outside disappeared as well, as soon as the door closed.

Slowly, one candle after another lit up as they could see many people sitting there slightly injured. A girl with short, blonde hair who was tending their wounds, noticed them as she stood up confused before her eyes widened slightly when she recognized someone.

"...Soraru-san? What are you doing here?", she asked as Soraru stood there slightly surprised. "I could be asking the same... Lon.", Soraru replied as Mafumafu looked at them confused.

"You guys know each other?", the albino asked confused as Lon nodded and walked towards them smiling. "We both work a lot together here. I am in the theater department you see? There are two acting classes. The one with movies and the one with theaters where I am in as well.

We sometimes do musicals and Soraru accompanies me sometimes. They never told me that you were a Servamp though.", Lon said as Mafumafu widened his eyes.

"You know that Soraru-san is a Servamp?", Mafumafu asked as he tilted his head. "Well... I do now. Because you usually just can't enter here. And... the chain is connecting the two of you right now.", Lon pointed out as they indeed saw the chain connecting them.

"Eh?! How do we make it disappear?! What if other people would see—". "Ah, so there you are.", a familiar voice said and they turned around to see Satomi standing there with Colon.

Colon walked to the people who were there who walked up to him happily as well and gave them a hug or a high-five.

Satomi only smiled fondly as he sighed before his expression changed into a serious one again. "Now, if you guys are smart, which I hope you are, you will see why I need more power.", Satomi said as he motioned towards the other people which were lying on the ground.

Now that Mafumafu looked closer, he could see that the people looked somehow sick. "What is... with them? Are the alright?", Mafumafu asked worried and Satomi only nodded grimly.

"They are. For now.", Satomi said. He then started to explain further when he noticed the albino's confusion. "Those are Colon's subclasses. He picked them up while he lived as a vampire. I lived with them for only a bit and they are already like a family to me. The problem is that Luz's subclasses are killing Colon's subclasses.

The ones you see here are the ones who escaped but they are badly injured and barely managed to live. We used to have a lot more people here but they were all killed by Luz's subclasses.

I want to be able to protect them and my friends. And for that reason, I need more power. Do you understand now?", Satomi asked as he turned to look at the albino who nodded.

"I see... it must have been difficult to protect everyone. And if I can help you then I am going to help you.", Mafumafu stated to which the pink-haired male nodded.

"Yes. I'm glad to see that you understand what I'm talking about. Now hand me your Servamp over.", Satomi said but Mafumafu shook his head. "I'm sorry. But that is not my choice. Soraru-san is my Servamp and I'm not going to give him to you just like that.", Mafumafu said.

"What? Every Servamp has one seat for an Eve. If you don't have an objective or a goal to reach then I suggest you to hand him over to me—". "I didn't have a goal. But I have one now.

I am going to help you protect these from Luz's subclasses as well. Not as a business partner or anything like that. But as a friend.", Mafumafu declared as the Pride Pair widened their eyes and Soraru only sighed troubled.

"Don't just go and declare all that by yourself...", Soraru muttered annoyed. "Also, you guys talked about it a lot as if Mafumafu here has the choice of breaking the contract but in the end you two don't even know how to break a contract.", Soraru informed as they both widened their eyes when they realized that.

"Colon, you never told me about it, now that I think about it. Do it now.", Satomi demanded as Colon looked at him before nodding.

"Yes, yes. Well, as you know, Eve and Servamp are both connected by a contract which is made after a procedure that you'll probably know already. If not, that's not relevant for now anyway.

So, how do you end a contract? If you think you can just quit the contract without any consequences then you've got that wrong~", Colon chirped as Satomi felt annoyed and sighed.

"Just get to the point.", Satomi said and Soraru felt annoyed as well as he decided to explain it instead. "To destroy a contract with a Servamp, you'll have to destroy the item that their Eve gave them.", Soraru explained as Colon nodded.

"Wait... that's all you need to do?", Mafumafu asked and Colon nodded once again. "Yup! That's all! But... if you do that then... your Servamp will forget almost everything of you.", Colon explained as both Eves widened their eyes.

"So... Soraru-san would forget about me if our contract would be broken?", Mafumafu asked. "Well... There are some exceptions once in a while but basically, I'd forget everything that happened between us after we've made the contract.", Soraru explained and Mafumafu and Satomi widened their eyes once again.

"I don't want that... we've made a contract so early so you only knew me for two days or something close to that... Soraru-san forgetting me after that... I wouldn't want that!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru felt a light blush creep on his face. "W-well, I wouldn't completely forget you.", Soraru assured the other who pouted when he heard that.

"I... can't have that. You better protect your item so you won't forget about everything that happened after we made our contract~", Satomi told Colon as he awed. "That's so cute, Satomi-kun!

Am I such a good Servamp?", Colon asked as Satomi shook his head.

"No. I'm just worried that you'd forget all the scripts I've written and made you learn.", Satomi said as Colon gasped in offense.

"Is that all I am to you?! Ah! But at least, I'd get to finally stop doing all of this!", Colon exclaimed as Satomi only shook his head smiling.

"I'd just make a new contract with you. And then you can just go ahead and learn all of those scripts again plus more.", Satomi said as Colon whined when he heard that.

"You sadist!", Colon exclaimed as Satomi only chuckled unaffected by those words. "If I am a sadist, what is Root?", Satomi asked as the both of them halted to think about it.

"A black-hearted psychopath!", both of them exclaimed and Mafumafu giggled at their positivity. "The item I gave Soraru-san, huh... if I remember it correctly..."

"Oh, right! I have this cute ribbon here! I know that it'll suit you!", he said as he pulled out a long red ribbon and tied it around the black cat.

"Ahh!", Mafumafu shouted as Soraru flinched at the loud volume before glaring at the other. "What is it?", Soraru asked. "T-the item I gave you... it was just a ribbon!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the ravenette nodded shrugging.

"Well, it could have been worse.", the older male said shrugging. "I'll just have to be careful then so mine won't break~", Colon chirped.

"Ok, now that you guys know everything, can we go back to our dorm now?

I'm really exhausted and just want to get some sleep so I can actually work on my assignments in school tomorrow.", Soraru said as he yawned and Satomi nodded smiling.

"Of course. I'm sorry for keeping you up for so long then. We can talk tomorrow about this.", Satomi assured as he opened the door for them.

"You can get back to your dorm in the normal way now. Colon put his spell down.", Satomi informed them and they nodded as they both stepped out of the room. Mafumafu quickly remembered something though as he turned back and took Satomi's hands.

"And before I forget it, I want to help you protect everyone as well! Your friends and mine too! So let's become friends and help each other out, ok?", Mafumafu asked as the pink-haired male looked slightly surprised before giving the other a smile. "Of course~ I'll look forward to working together with you then.", Satomi said smiling.

Satisfied with that, Mafumafu walked back to Soraru who was waiting for him. "You... seriously want to become friends with him after he tried to attack you?", Soraru asked.

"Well, he did that for a good reason! And in the end, he didn't hurt any of us.

I want to become friends with everyone and solve it peacefully if possible!", Mafumafu exclaimed and Soraru only nodded.

"I see... well, you're my Eve so I guess I'll do it your way then.", Soraru stated as Mafumafu hummed happily. "We are going to probably meet up with those two again to discuss all of those things so you can finally understand things.

But for now... I'm beat so good night.", he said as he threw himself on the bed when they arrived.

Mafumafu looked at the watch to see that it was 2 am at the moment and felt himself yawn as well. He went to bed as well and decided that today, he deserved some good night's sleep.


Mafumafu quickly packed his things after his lessons were over, ready to rush back to his dorm where Soraru was but he was stopped when his red-haired friend suddenly hugged him.

"Mafudon! Are you already going back to your dorm? We didn't get to actually buy supplies so let's buy some now~ Ama-chan gave me this list of the things he needs because he still has to stay back~", Sakata chirped as he waved a piece of paper in front of him. "Ah, sure! I will text Soraru-san to tell him that then—".

"Are you and Soraru-san together?", Sakata asked tilting his head as the albino felt himself blush and immediately shook his head.

"No! Anyways, I will inform him now so please change yourself before we go.", Mafumafu said as he took his phone out.

"Eh... what's so wrong about my clothes?", Sakata asked and Mafumafu looked at the red-head, telling him to say it again after he looked into the mirror. "You are literally wearing a clown's costume! I am not going to go shopping with you looking like that!", Mafumafu exclaimed and Sakata only pouted before he nodded.

"Fine~ I'll go change my clothes then! You can go ahead and text your roommate that you'll come back later~", he said before he disappeared and Mafumafu nodded as he gave Soraru a text.

Mafu: Soraru-san, I'll be coming back a bit later because of Sakatan. Is that ok?
Soraru-san: That's fine. Just come back at 7pm. That's when we're going to meet.
Mafu: Ok! See you later, Soraru-san! (๑>◡<๑)

"Mafudon? You ready?", Sakata asked as he came back with his usual clothes as the albino nodded. "Let's go~", he said as they headed to the city to go shopping.


"Mafudon, what are you looking at?", Sakata asked as he looked over the albino's shoulder to see him holding a wirst watch.

"Hm? I was looking for a watch. You know how my last one got broken? I was thinking of buying a new one.", Mafumafu explained as Sakata frowned at that. "You shouldn't buy the one here, Mafudon! I heard the things here are cursed! Once you use it you'll never be able to—".

"Sakatan! Keep your voice down! And don't say it so loudly!", Mafumafu whisper-shouted as he hushed the other male.

"Ah... Fine! Here you go!", Sakata exclaimed as he shoved a brown paper bag to the albino. "Eh? What's that?", Mafumafu asked as he opened it to see a watch on there.

"Sakatan... this is—". "I know it's weird because it's not your birthday or any special occasion! But I still wanted to give you something back, you know?", Sakata asked smiling.

"I can't accept this—". "No. Please do. You are my best friend and I decided to do this, ok?", Sakata assured him and Mafumafu hesitated a bit before he nodded smiling happily.

"Thank you, Sakatan.", Mafumafu thanked as the red-haired male returned the smile. "Of course! Now let's go back before Ama-chan will scold us~", Sakata joked as the albino giggled but nodded as the two of them exited the store.

On the way home, the two of them talked cheerfully and Mafumafu felt at ease until he suddenly felt someone's presence behind him. He quickly turned around only to find nothing there.

"Mafudon? Is something wrong?", Sakata asked in slight worry as he tilted his head but the albino shook his head smiling in assurance.

"I'm fine. Sakatan... if something weird ever happens to you then please tell me.", he said and walked ahead again but he was stopped again by the other male. "Are you sure that you're alright, Mafudon? You can tell me, you know?

I'm your friend after all and we trusted each other this whole time. You... me... Ama-chan... We were all friends for such a long time so I can see when something is wrong. You're not hiding anything from me, right?", Sakata asked as his face didn't have a smile for once like usually.

Mafumafu was shocked as he was almost ready to tell Sakata what happened to him. But in the end, he swallowed his words down as he gave Sakata a smile and shook his head.

"I'm really fine! Just stressed with the assignments but I'll be fine!", Mafumafu assured and the red-head stayed silent for a while before he nodded smiling. "Well, if you say so~ Anyway, we've arrived so see you tomorrow!", Sakata said as the albino nodded and gave the red-head a quick hug before disappearing into the campus.

"Be careful of vampires~ I don't want you to get into trouble after all~", Sakata jokingly shouted after him.

"I'm sorry, Sakatan. I don't want to drag you into this... I just want to protect you and Ama-chan... So please let me protect you!", Mafumafu thought. Sakata stayed there for a while as he watched the albino going inside.

He didn't say anything until he suddenly received a call. He looked at the ID before he took the call, his voice without missing its usual cheerfulness.

"Yes?", he asked. "Sakata? Could you come? There are some problems here right now.", the person said as Sakata frowned when he heard that. "What happened?", he asked.

"We have discuss some things. I'll tell you the details when you come so please get here as soon as you can. Also... Nqrse got injured so could you get some new bandages on the way here?", they asked as Sakata nodded.

"Ok, I'll come in a few minutes after I dealt with some things. See you later then, Luz-san."

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