Chapter 6: A Useless Weapon?

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"There you guys are! What took you so long?", Colon asked as Mafumafu bowed several times apologizing. "Calm down. He just went out with his friend for a bit. Anyway, what did you guys want to talk about? If you have nothing to say, I'll go back home because I really need to practice.", Soraru said as Satomi chuckled.

"It won't take too long. I just wanted to see if Mafumafu-san here knows all the basic things there is to know about a Servamp.", Satomi said as Mafumafu tilted his head.

"The basic things? All I know is how to make a contract, break a contract and that we are both connected by a chain.

Oh! And also that he drinks blood to become stronger and that it's not really necessary.", Mafumafu said and Colon and Satomi looked at each other before they sighed at the same time. "Well, I guess I can explain you some things since your Servamp looks like he was incapable of doing so.", Satomi said as Soraru glared at him.

"Oi, I would have told him at some point.", Soraru said as Satomi looked like he didn't believe him. "Nii-san... you didn't explain him anything at all!", Colon exclaimed.

"You're not any better. Satomi didn't even know that you had siblings until some days ago.", Soraru countered as Colon pouted at that.

"Well, I am at least a great actor who will help him to go to the top of the writing world! As for I was chosen by god to make this happen!", Colon boasted as Soraru rolled his eyes at that while Satomi chuckled in amusement.

Colon was about to give another comment before he was stopped by Mafumafu. "So, what are those basic things?", Mafumafu asked as the pink-haired male turned his attention back to the albino.

"Well, you already know that every Servamp has one seat for an Eve. There are seven servamps in total. Sloth. Pride. Lust. Gluttony. Wrath. Envy. Greed. Every Servamp is bound to their Eve wether they want it or not.

Eves usually have Leads which are weapons. And you can summon them after you got it.", Satomi explained and Mafumafu widened his eyes when he heard that. "I could get a weapon?! Soraru-san, you didn't say a word about that!", Mafumafu accused as the ravenette just yawned bored.

"Well, you didn't really need one yet and everything was kinda hectic.", Soraru defended himself. "Also... do you actually think you can hold a weapon? It's dangerous.", Soraru said as Mafumafu frowned. "I... want to be able to protect everyone I love. And if I can have a weapon that I can summon at any time to protect them...

Then of course I'd want to have one! And I think I can do it!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the two looked at Soraru waiting for an answer. The raven-haired male only stayed silent for a while before ruffling his head in frustration and nodding.

"Fine... Close your eyes then.", Soraru said as Mafumafu did. so even though he was confused. "What is that going to do though?", Mafumafu asked confused but he didn't receive an answer so he opened his eyes to see that the room was suddenly pitch black.

"Happy Birthday, Mafumafu!", a distorted voice congratulated him and he flinched as he looked down to see a small white, fish cake standing in front of him.

"Eh?! Where am I? Where are Soraru-san and the others?", Mafumafu asked confused. "You're inside Soraru. This way. This way.", it said as it hopped ahead and Mafumafu followed it even though he didn't know what was going on.

"Where are we going?", he asked as it turned around to look at him. "You want a gift, right? Your very own birthday gift.", it said as Mafumafu tilted his head. "It's not my birthday yet... but I want a weapon! So if you have that I do want to get it!", Mafumafu said nodding as the fishcake nodded and continued jumping.

"I'm part of Soraru and I am the one in charge of his power.", it explained as it stopped in front of a pile of different, colorful wrapped presents.

"Well then, this is your decision of fate. Choose one.", it said as Mafumafu looked at the pile to be shocked by the amount of them.

"There are so many though...", Mafumafu mumbled. "Happy Birthday, Mafumafu. Choose one present which will give you the power you want. There are many different routes but the end will still be the same. The most important thing is for you to choose on your own.

Now... choose wisely.", it said as Mafumafu looked at the pile of presents until he took the one that he liked the most. "I'll... choose this then.", Mafumafu said as he reached out to a black box with a white ribbon tied around it.

As soon as he touched it the box dissolved itself and turned into a— "What the hell?! Is that a staff? What are you, a mage?!", Colon asked when he saw Mafumafu's lead.

"Well... that's what he got so now we just have to see how to make it work.", Soraru said as he eyed the large wand.

The wand soon disappeared though as it dissolved and the dark light went to Mafumafu's wrist where it turned into a tattoo. "Eh?! What happened?!", Mafumafu exclaimed confused. "I'll explain that later. Anyway, let's go and practice then."


"Luz-chan, I'm bored~ Let's go out!", a blonde woman suggested as Luz looked a bit troubled. "Nqrse is still resting though.", Luz informed as Kuro only whined at that.

"He will be fine! It's not like he'll be here alone anyway!", Kuro argued as Luz shushed him because the pink-haired make was lying there. Kuro continued whining though until a red-haired male stepped in. "Is something wrong?", he asked.

"Well, Kuro really wants to go outside but I have to watch over Nqrse.", Luz explained as he nodded. "Well, I can do that so you two go out and have fun. You need to rest for a bit anyway, Luz.", he said and Luz hesitated for a bit longer before nodding.

"I guess we'll do that then... Thanks Araki.", Luz thanked him as the other gave him an assuring smile. "No problem.", Araki assured them as the two of them left.

They decided to go to a japanese restaurant which sold ramen and Kuro only laughed when she saw how Luz couldn't even use his chopsticks correctly. "Hah... japanese culture is so difficult...", Luz sighed as he continued trying to eat it and the two of them just chatted lively until the door opened and Luz glanced at the person entering to see that it was a red-haired male.

He was holding a half-dead body as he threw him aside and everyone except Kuro and Luz freaked out as they ran away for their life.

Luz merely glanced at the body for a few seconds, recognizing it as a subclass of another servamp, before turning away uninterested.

"...What are people going to think when they see you like that? You still want to go to school, don't you, Sakata?", Luz asked. "...I don't care anymore. My friend lied to me and I hate liars.", Sakata said as he licked away the blood that remained on his hand before giving Luz a smile.

"Anyway... what did you call me here for? Is there any liar that I need to dispose of? Because I'd be happy to do that~ Liars... need to be punished for their sins after all..."


"Ah... I can feel my powers awakening... Go! Soraruuuuuu!", Mafumafu shouted as Soraru just sighed in annoyance for the nth time that day.

Satomi and Colon both just stood there laughing so much that their stomachs must hurt insanely. "No! Can you please just shut up and calm down now?", Soraru asked as the albino ignored him and tried using different made up spells.

"Eternal Force Blizzard!"

"God! This is too much!", Colon said in between his laughter as he held his stomach as Satomi was trying to stop laughing as well.

"I don't think I've laughed so much in my life before.", Satomi exclaimed as Soraru grumbled. "This has been going on ever since he got his lead and I really regret this...", Soraru muttered.

"Your lead is a staff like of some mage cosplayer... And you can't even summon the lead correctly...", Soraru mumbled in annoyance but Mafumafu still heard him as he pouted.

"How mean! I am trying my best here!", Mafumafu defended himself as Soraru rolled his eyes.

"I mean, all you've been doing until now is shouting some nonsense.", Soraru mumbled and Mafumafu was about to complain until he was interrupted by Satomi.

"Now, now. I'll explain you some things then. Maybe it'll help you to summon your lead.", Satomi suggested after he finally stopped laughing and he tried to calm them down.

"That would be great! Thank you Satomi-san!", Mafumafu thanked smiling brightly. "Well, as you already know, each Eve of an Servamp can use a weapon which is called a Lead.

If they can't use it that basically means that they don't have their Servamp in control yet.

You could see this as a game with three levels if it helps you. To reach 1st level, you have to be able to summon your lead and make it disappear intentionally. 2nd level is when you can control your weapon and use it.

I don't know how to use that wand so you'll have to figure it out. When you managed to do that you can achieve Level 3 by managing to control your Servamp and making combined attacks with him.", Satomi explained as Mafumafu nodded writing everything down as Soraru only looked at the albino questioning where the hell he got that notebook from and how the heck he was writing everything down so quickly while not even looking at it. "How the—".

"I see! That's good to know, Satomi-san! Could I ask you some questions though?", Mafumafu asked as the pink-haired male nodded.

"Of course. Go ahead.", he said as the albino nodded and put his notebook down. "You are talking about controlling and attacking the whole time. Which makes me ask myself... Are servamps only there to fight?", Mafumafu asked.

"Well... Don't they mainly exist to fight against—", Satomi answered but he was interrupted by Colon who noticed that this wouldn't be a good answer. "It depends~ You could just think of why you want to use that power~", Colon said and Mafumafu thought about it.

"Nii-san, doesn't feel your will which is why you can't summon your lead~ That's just a guess though.", Colon said as he crossed his arms behind his head. "Well... I want to be able to protect my friends and all the people I love.

Especially Sakatan and Ama-chan... they've been together with me for such a long time so... they are kind of like a family to me.", Mafumafu explained as he scratched his cheek smiling sheepishly.

"Am I exaggerating?", he asked as Satomi shook his head. "No... they sound like good friends to me.", Satomi said as Mafumafu hummed happily. "They are! I'll introduce you to them sometime! I think you guys will get along with them!

I think you two would especially get along with Sakatan cause he is joking around very often!", Mafumafu said as Satomi and Colon nodded smiling. "We'll be looking forward to meeting them sometime then."


"Huh? Where is Sakatan? Us three wanted to hang out together today, right? Or did I get the date wrong?", Mafumafu asked confused.

"No, you're right. I wonder where he is...", Amatsuki wondered as he frowned worried. "If you look for Sakata-kun, he said he'd go home for a while for personal reasons.", their teacher said as the two of them looked at each other before silently agreeing to go to him now.

They both ran towards the entrance but Amatsuki was pulled back by his teacher. "Amatsuki-kun, you still have some lessons. Don't think about going away.", his trainer said and Amatsuki gulped before he was dragged away by him.

"Mafu-kun! Go check on him for me!", Amatsuki told him as the albino nodded.

"Sakata is that red-haired guy, isn't it?", Soraru asked who was in his cat form as he sat on Mafumafu's shoulder right now.

"Yes... I wonder if Sakatan is alright... What could have happened? Anyways, I'll see when I go to his house.", Mafumafu told himself but stopped when he realized something.

He didn't know where Sakata lived.

"Huh? That can't be... I visited Sakatan so often in the past before...", Mafumafu mumbled as he held his head in pain as he tried to remember the way but just couldn't.

"Mafu?", Soraru called our but they albino didn't answer him as he was in his own thoughts. "Eh? We are childhood friends so of course I'd know where he lived... We've always been together.

Me, Ama-chan and Sakatan. Was that all even real? What am I talking about, of course it was. But since when did I know him? Where did I meet him? How did I meet him? Sakata...".

"Sakata... Who was that again?", Mafumafu asked himself and he felt someone grab his shoulder as he flinched and turned around to see the red-head. "Sakatan?! What are you doing here?", Mafumafu asked confused.

"Sorry, Mafudon~ Truth is that my father got bitten by a vampire so I rushed to home right away because I was so worried.", Sakata explained before he giggled. "That was just a joke~", he chirped as Mafumafu slightly pinched his cheek.

"Don't worry me like that! I really thought something serious happened! Anyway—", before Mafumafu could continue speaking he was interrupted by a loud scream.

Mafumafu looked around confused but before he could even think of doing something he was pulled by his wrist as he looked at Sakata confused.

"Sakatan? Where are we going?", Mafumafu asked. "Don't worry, Mafudon! I will get you away from that! We're best friends and you trust me right?", he asked and Mafumafu hummed yes.

They arrived at an abandoned place which laid away from the school. "Then if you trust me... you wouldn't have lied to me, right?", Sakata asked as he let go of Mafumafu who looked at him confused. "Lie? What are you talking about, Sakatan?", Mafumafu asked confused.

But Sakata ignored him as he continued to speak. "Mafudon... You always know that I am the jokester of our group so I'll ask you this. To what extent was our relationship, our friendship a joke?", Sakata asked as some strings suddenly appeared which tied Mafumafu and Soraru who was in his cat-form.

And soon after, two swords threw towards Soraru almost touching him as he flinched. "Soraru-san!", Mafumafu called out in shock as Sakata turned back to them and a blonde woman appeared next to him. "Hello~ Long time no see~", Kuro greeted them as Mafumafu looked at Sakata shocked and confused. "I told you, didn't I? That there are vampires lurking around here. That you should be careful... I told you so many times! But you didn't listen to me!", Sakata shouted. "Those are... Luz's subclasses.", Soraru muttered. "Sakatan? What—".

"Mafudon, have you ever imagined that the world might have just appeared five minutes ago?", Sakata asked as Mafumafu was about to say that this wasn't possible but Sakata beat him to it.

"That can't be. I have memories after all! Is that what you think? What if those memories have been implanted into you?", Sakata asked again as Mafumafu stayed silent this time.

"With that logic, what if I became your friend just five minutes ago? Can you prove... that that's not true?", Sakata asked.

"But that can't be! He was there for me for such a long time! He was with me and Ama-chan for such a long time!", Mafumafu thought as he just wanted this to be a bad nightmare and wake up again. But this wasn't a dream but reality.

And he just couldn't believe it when he saw Sakata's plastered smile dedicated to him as he pulled some knives out.

"So... Mafudon... To which extent were our memories together a lie?"

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