Chapter 7: Liar

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"So... Mafudon... To which extent were our memories together a lie?"

Before Mafumafu could even answer the red-haired male charged towards him trying to scratch him with his knives.

Before he could though, Soraru jumped in front of him and shielded Mafumafu hitting the knives away as he tried to attack Sakata who only jumped back. Soraru wanted to summon his ice-looking sword but before he could, Kuro threw two of her swords towards him which pierced through him.

"I can't believe it... Sakatan is a vampire?", Mafumafu thought. "That you are a vampire... that's a lie, right?!", Mafumafu asked as Sakata only giggled. "It would be so nice if it was a lie, wouldn't it? Humans always want to believe the most convenient lie.

Which is why I was able to befriend you this quickly.", Sakata explained as Mafumafu could only stand there frozen.

"Sakatan—". "Why?", Sakata asked as he looked down, a shadow casting over his face.

"Why did you have to become roommates with him? Why did you have to make a contract with him and lie to me?

If you didn't... if you didn't then...", Sakata looked up showing Mafumafu the most pained face he ever saw from the red-haired male.

"Then I could have stayed by your side for even longer. Then I could have still been your friend...", Sakata said. "I just didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to involve you into those dangerous things!", Mafumafu explained him.

"Liar! You didn't tell me because you didn't trust me, didn't you?! I know I was always some idiot in your eyes but I thought you could at least trust me!", Sakata shouted.

"I... really hate lies... You lied to me! How could I believe you? Ah... But I lied to you as well so I am just as bad...", Sakata said as he scratched the glass wall beside him with his nails causing a uncomfortable sound.

"I have to tell Soraru-san what to do...that he has to fight Sakata?", Mafumafu thought as the ravenette pulled the swords out of him and used one to pierce through Sakata but he stopped after that as he immediately collapsed onto the floor.

"Soraru-san?!", Mafumafu called out worried. The older male didn't answer as he only coughed up some blood instead making the albino worry even more. "Soraru-san, hurry and drink my blood!", Mafumafu said as he tried to run towards him but the strings and Soraru's next words stopped him.

"It's no use... The blood of an Eve is just something like a pretense.", Soraru muttered as the albino stopped looking at him confused.

"Servamps like me feed from the will inside your blood and my strength comes from your will. And right now... I have no idea wether you want to kill or protect that guy in front of you.", Soraru said. Mafumafu just stood there, tears threatening to fall as he didn't know what to do.

Just when he was about to end up doing something stupid, the strings which tied him up were cut through and he stumbled lightly as he tried to stand straight. He looked in front of him confused and was surprised to see two familiar people in front of him. "Colon-kun?! Satomi-san?!", Mafumafu asked shocked. "Mafu-kun, stay back.

We will handle this.", Satomi said as he summoned his pen and book. "W-wait! Satomi-san, he is my friend!", Mafumafu told him and Sakata nodded laughing. "Yes~ I am his friend! Do you think you would want to hurt me?", Sakata asked as the pink-haired male's expression darkened.

"I see... so you are one of the friends that Mafu-kun mentioned, huh? I don't think we'll get along.", Satomi said. Mafumafu could only stand there as he was lost and didn't know what to do.

On the one hand, he wanted to help Satomi. On the other hand, he wanted to protect Sakata from Satomi. "What was it... that I want to protect again?". Colon only yawned before he summoned his scythe grinning.

"I didn't fight for quite some time but I read enough dramas to know how to wield a weapon! I will freaking win this!", Colon exclaimed.

Kuro took her hat as she pulled some new swords out of it and ran towards Colon. "You look like fun~ Let's see if you're not all bark no bite~", Kuro said as she charged towards him and he immediately defended himself which got him some hair cut off. "Ah! Be more careful!", Colon complained as he moved his scythe to throw Kuro back.

They continued fighting and Sakata looked away from them as he looked at Satomi instead. "Are you going to fight against me with some pen and book? You sure you don't need your Servamp to help you?", Sakata asked tilting his head.

"If you want to rely on Mafudon then it'll be useless. He considers me as a friend so he'd probably not hurt me~ And you wouldn't want to rely on that lazy cat, would you?", Sakata asked as Satomi stayed calm and ignored him.

"Since when and where did you know Mafu-kun?", Satomi asked as Sakata pulled his face into a frown. "Why are you acting like a husband being cheated on? You barely know Mafumafu.

For like what? Two weeks? You two are still strangers.", Sakata said as Satomi didn't change his expression.

"Time doesn't matter. Mafu-kun called me his friend. And if he considers me as one then I am going to act according to one and help him out.", he said as Sakata stayed silent for a good second before he started laughing holding his stomach.

"Friend?! And you are believing him just like that?! He could be lying to you for all you know! Such lies are the most common lies in the world! You are some writer who really loves the cliches and such things! But still... if you attack a pair you always want to attack the Eve so isn't it really stupid to leave you just like that?", Sakata asked.

"Then again I'm an idiot myself so what would I know?", Sakata asked jokingly as Satomi sighed and pulled the cap from his pen down.

"Talking to you is probably just a waste of time. Colon always complains about being with me but he'd never just leave me without a reason.", Satomi stated. "Hello, I'm Kuro~ The Magician who will show you the trick called Skewering!

The skewering box without any escape!", Kuro declared cheerfully before she pulled a large box out of her hat. "The one who will be screwed will be you, magician-san.", Satomi said as he started scribbling something on his book.

"Mafu-kun. Look closely. I will show you one move with my lead.", Satomi told him.

Satomi mumbled something and as soon as he did, Colon appeared behind Kuro with his scythe and he cut through her neck as she could only blink once before she slumped onto the floor. Mafumafu only gasped as he held his mouth and Satomi noticed that as he sighed.

"Don't worry. She only feels the pain mentally. Colon didn't actually cut off her head.", Satomi assured him as he looked at Kuro who laid there. He then looked back at Sakata who only stood there looking at them.

"That is really a pity... Mafu-kun really wanted to introduce you to us the most.", Satomi said as Sakata widened his eyes surprised.

"Yeah... that would have been nice... if our friendship would have held for one more week... Your class didn't get told about it yet but there was going to be festival where you could show your talent. I really wish our friendship could have continued for a bit longer....

Then I could have watched you sing for the first time in front of a huge crowd, Mafudon...", Sakata told Mafumafu smiling sadly as the albino could only stare at him hurt.

"Satomi-san, you are friends with Mafudon like you said... if that's the case then we could have become friends, right? I... don't think he'd want us to kill each other off.", Sakata said as Satomi hesitated and Colon noticed that as he turned towards the older male. "Satomi-kun, don't listen to him!

He is trying to weaken you!", Colon warned but Satomi already hesitated as the chain between them disappeared and the blue-haired male panicked as he ran towards the pink-haired male.

"Satomi-kun! No! Please don't release!", Colon pleaded and he wanted to reach Satomi. But before he could Kuro was lifted up by some strings as she was controlled to take her sword and attacked Colon, cutting off his arm.

Colon was shocked as he was surprised that she was controlled by strings but he ignored that as he turned to Satomi who was still in daze.

And because of that, he was injured by Sakata as he was cut on the chest and the arm and he sunk down by the pain as Colon noticed this and ran up to the pink-haired male.

"Satomi-kun!", Colon shouted as he noticed that there was another subclass lurking somewhere. "Hah... I just recovered and now I have to work again.", a female looking pink-haired male said as he controlled some strings.

Sakata smiled as he licked the blood away from his knife before putting it away. "Now, how much of what I said was a joke?", Sakata asked as he chuckled and Mafumafu could only cry as he shouted at Sakata.

"Stop it... stop it! Sakatan, this isn't you!", Mafumafu shouted as Satomi coughed as he looked at the albino. "Say... should I have done something else? Did I do something wrong?", Satomi asked as Mafumafu shook his head.

"I guess, he should be wrong if this is the outcome~", Sakata said as he motioned towards everything.

"But this isn't how this should be! We are all friends, aren't we?!", Mafumafu asked as he tried to stop crying which he failed at miserably. The next thing he knew was that a knife was being held against his throat as Sakata only looked at Mafumafu smiling.

"I mean, I guess we were but... do you know how I felt every time I was with you guys? The more I talked to you guys, the more I felt my throat getting drier. The more I had fun, the more I felt how fake I was.", Sakata said as he looked down.

"But I am a vampire now and we can't survive without hurting other's so this... is the only way, I guess...", Sakata said as Mafumafu widened his eyes and shook his head.

"I'm sure that there are many other ways! We just have to find them together!", Mafumafu exclaimed and Sakata shook his head as he pushed the albino away. "You really sure about that? If you won't try to kill me then, who knows?

I might be killing Ama-chan next. So killing me is the best option~ Being friends is useless anyway", Sakata said.

"Liar... you actually want to stay by their side for even longer, don't you?", a voice of a red-haired guy said as Sakata flinched and turned around. Soraru noticed this as he took that chance to grab the albino by his shoulder.

"Mafu, we aren't save here so let's escape.", Soraru said but Mafumafu shook his head. "But... if we don't do anything then no one will! Sakatan is actually threatening to kill Ama-chan!", Mafumafu shouted as Soraru sighed.

"Look. You are not in any condition to fight right now. Those two over there are injured and I can't fight when your feelings are this uncertain.", Soraru said trying to reason with him but Mafumafu didn't listen to him as he took the watch off and threw it at Sakata who caught it.

Mafumafu concentrated and soon after, his staff appeared. Sakata smiled satisfied as he opened his arms. "That's right, Mafudon~ Kill me with that lead of yours!", Sakata exclaimed but Mafumafu shook his head.

"I am not going to attack you! I will only defend myself with this!", Mafumafu explained and Sakata's smile disappeared as he hummed. "I guess you will have to try and defend yourself then.", Sakata said as he started charging towards the albino who used his staff to not get hurt.

Nqrse only watched from above as he held his strings still until he noticed some fog appearing.

"I didn't know you would come, Luz.", Nqrse said as Luz only hummed and stood next to the pink-haired male.

"I just thought something interesting might happen so here I am.", Luz explained as Nqrse hummed and the two of them just watched how the red-haired male attacked the albino several times until the other male didn't have any other chance other than attacking back so he wouldn't die.

And so, it came and Mafumafu accidentally hit Sakata on the head hardly as the redhead flew back and crashed against a wall.

"Oh no... I injured Sakatan... I hurt him!", Mafumafu exclaimed in his head as he felt like horrible. Some blood was dripping from Sakata's head as he reached up and smiled satisfied.

"Yes... this is the best way anyway... You see, I wanted to spend the high school days with you happily and disappear again after that since I can't age anymore. But now... it's just a story of a happy future that will never happen."

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