Chapter 12: Summer Festival

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"Thanks for helping me, onii-chan!", a small boy said as he waved at Mafumafu before he walked away with his mother. Mafumafu smiled brightly as he waved back before sighing.

"You sure like to help people, don't you?", he heard Soraru saying as he turned around to see the raven-haired male leaning against a railing and eating the takoyaki that he bought while Mafumafu was helping all kinds of people with things.

"You seem like you enjoyed yourself, Soraru-san...", Mafumafu muttered as the older male shrugged nodding.

"And you seem like you worked hard. Here you go.", Soraru said as he threw something at Mafumafu which the albino caught clumsily.

And when he looked at what it was he smiled slightly. "Thank you, Soraru-san...", Mafumafu thanked the older male as he looked at the bottle of tea and a box with food in it.

Soraru only hummed in response as he continued eating as well.

"I just went to the food stands to buy these so we can go to the other booths later.", Soraru assured the albino who nodded happily.

"Ok! Thank you, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu thanked him once again giving the older male a bright smile. "I get it already... you're grateful. Now stop thanking me so much...", Soraru muttered as Mafumafu only giggled before nodding.

"Let's go now then!", Mafumafu exclaimed cheerfully and was about to go but he stopped when someone tapped him on the shoulders and turned around to see a red-haired male standing there as he gave him a polite smile.

"Um, excuse me. Could you maybe help me with something?", he asked as the other male nodded though confused.

"A-Ah, yes! What do you need help with?", Mafumafu asked as the red-haired male smiled gratefully before explaining.

"Well, you see, I found this suitcase here and wanted to bring it to the lost and found. But unfortunately, I don't know where that is because I am not from around here so could you please give it to them instead?", he asked as Mafumafu nodded giving him a smile.

"Of course! I will do that then!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the other male nodded and handed him the suitcase.

"Thank you very much. Well, I'll be going then. I'm going to trust you that you'll deliver it there before the fireworks start.", he told the albino who only tilted his head confused as the other male had already gone away.

Mafumafu only stared at the silver suitcase which was now in his hands and wondered what was in there. Being the person he is though, he knew not to open it as he turned towards the raven-haired male who was still standing there.

"Soraru-san, I am going to bring this suitcase to the lost and found! You don't have to wait for me and can go enjoy the festival though!", Mafumafu assured as he already turned away to run to the lost and found place.

"Eh? But Servamp and eve shouldn't be too far apart...", Soraru called after him as the albino probably didn't hear him.

And so, Mafumafu disappeared, leaving Soraru back there as he only stood there for a while before ruffling his head and sighing.

"How troublesome..."


"And there was really no one looking like that around here? He is about this tall and has brown hair.", a brunette repeated as the woman only shook her head.

"I'm sorry. We did walk around a lot but we didn't see anyone that fit your description. You could go to the food stands and look there though.", the woman suggested as the male only sighed before nodding.

"Well, thank you for your help either way.", he thanked bowing as he turned around to leave, only to run into someone.

"Ah, I'm sorry... Mafu-kun?! What are you doing here?", he asked as the albino widened his eyes as well. "I should be asking you that as well, Ama-chan! Well, I am here to deliver something to the lost and found.

What about you though?", he asked as Amatsuki laughed sheepishly scratching his cheek. "Well, I know it might sound weird but I lost Kashitaro-san and now I am trying to search for him.", Amatsuki explained as Mafumafu nodded.

"But couldn't you just text him and ask him where he is?", Mafumafu asked as the brunette shook his head. "No, cause he left his phone back in the dorm so he wouldn't receive my messages.", Amatsuki explained.

"Well, I am going to help you search for him then!", Mafumafu declared as the brunette widened his eyes in surprise before he smiled happily. "Really?! Thank you, Mafu-kun!", Amatsuki thanked the albino as he gave the other male a hug.

"Yes! Let me just hand this over to the lost and found and we can—", Mafumafu didn't even get to finish his sentence as he was interrupted by a loud explosion. People started to freak out as they all talked among each other.

"An explosion?!". "Apparently, something exploded over there!". "Eh, really?! No way!". "Yes. They said that it was a silver suitcase which exploded.". Mafumafu and Amatsuki both froze as they looked at the suitcase which the albino was holding as the brunette looked at Mafumafu confused.

"Mafu-kun, don't tell me that you're some terrorist and I didn't know about this.", Amatsuki said as Mafumafu shook his head quickly. "I'm not some terrorist!", Mafumafu shouted as he looked at the suitcase in distress.

"I'm not suited for these kinds of things! The suitcase was given to me by that red-haired guy before so he is probably a vampire.

He said that I should deliver it before the fireworks starts which is in about five minutes...

Should I call Soraru-san? But then Ama-chan would see this and I don't know if that would end well... he is my friend but will it end like it did with Sakata? What if Ama-chan is a vampire as well?", Mafumafu mumbled to himself as he thought back on the day where Sakata betrayed his trust and turned out to be his enemy.

He then looked at Amatsuki who tilted his head, confused from all of the things that were happening right now. In the end, Mafumafu gripped the suitcase tightly as he looked at the brunette in determination.

"Ama-chan, you're one of my best friends so I am going to believe you that none of what you see today is going to get revealed to anyone else.", Mafumafu said as Amatsuki only nodded still very confused.

"A-ah, alright. You can believe in me, Mafu-kun.", the brunette assured as the albino nodded before he called for his partner who appeared almost immediately after that.

As soon as he saw Soraru, he rushed towards the raven-haired male as he gripped the other in distress. "This is bad, Soraru-san!

The suitcase I was given was actually a bomb and we have to get rid of it before it explodes!", Mafumafu explained the older male quickly who only ruffled his head confused.

"...What the hell is happening to you and your surroundings when I'm only gone for less than an hour?", Soraru asked.

"That's not the problem here right now! Now help me so no one here will die from a bomb today!", Mafumafu demanded as he leaned his head to the side so Soraru could drink his blood.

The raven-haired male only sighed before he leaned down and bit to get some blood as the albino flinched but didn't say anything.

After a few seconds, their chain appeared as Soraru quickly scooped the younger male up and jumped high into the sky as Mafumafu clung tightly onto Soraru while holding the suitcase.

Amatsuki who had only been watching was surprised and shocked at the same time as he watched them go high up.

"No way... a Servamp?", Amatsuki gasped.

In the meanwhile, Mafumafu noticed how high up they were as he trusted Soraru to not let him fall down. "Ok, Soraru-san, you have to throw the suitcase up so it'll explode there and not down there.", Mafumafu instructed as the ravenette only hummed before he threw the suitcase up.

"Not now! What if it goes down too quickly?!", Mafumafu screeched as Soraru sighed. "I don't know but it'll be fine somehow.", he assured the other male as the albino looked at the suitcase, only to see it slowly descending again as he freaked out. "Don't worry, Mafu-kun! I've got this!", Amatsuki assured as he pulled out a traditional japanese bento box and opened the lid.

"Eh? Ama-chan, I don't think it's going to fit in there—", Mafumafu said but he stopped when he saw how the suitcase fell into the bento box as if it was normal. "Eh?!", he exclaimed shocked and he grew even more shocked when he saw that Amatsuki closed the lid.

"Ama-chan, what do you think you are doing?! The bomb is going to explode soon so you should get away from there!", Mafumafu warned as the brunette just gave him a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Mafu-kun~ Nothing can break my bento box. Nothing~", Amatsuki reassured him.


"Now... let us see a very new and interesting kind of fireworks.", a red-haired male said as he sat on top of a tall building, watching everything occurring from above.


Soraru and Mafumafu both heard an explosion which was surprisingly quiet as it came from the bento box which stayed the same as before. Mafumafu stared at it in disbelief and wonder while Soraru only looked at it emotionless.

Amatsuki looked at Soraru and realized that it was the upperclassman and roommate of Mafumafu as he gave him a smile.

"So you're a Servamp, Soraru-san? Which sin do you represent?", Amatsuki asked curiously. "You can probably guess it already...", Soraru said as he yawned tiredly as the brunette snapped his fingers in realization when he understood.

"You're the Servamp of Sloth, aren't you?", Amatsuki asked as the older male merely nodded sleepily.

"Wait, you know what Servamps are, Ama-chan?! Do you have one too? If so then, who is your servamp, Ama-chan?", the albino asked as Amatsuki was about to answer but stopped himself when he noticed a figure jumping from tree to tree until he noticed them and descended down to them, his japanese wooden sandals making a small sound as Soraru and Mafumafu looked at the taller brunette with a fox mask covering his face.

On top of that he was wearing a green kimono as he looked at Amatsuki and gave him a gentle smile. "I finally found you, Amatsuki-kun! Where were you?", he asked as the younger male felt ticked off as he walked up to the older male.

"Where was I?! You were the one who got lost! And because of me searching you, I was the one who had to help with stopping the bomb!", Amatsuki complained as the other male froze and immediately grabbed the other by his shoulders.

"A bomb? I did hear about it but that you were involved into it... are you alright, Amatsuki-kun?", the taller male asked as the shorter brunette was shocked for a short moment before he shook his head, looking away in embarrassment.

"I-I'm fine... Don't worry about it...", Amatsuki assured. "That's good then! I am going to treat you to some dango or mochi as an apology!", he offered Amatsuki who only nodded.

"U-um...", Mafumafu spoke up even though he didn't want to interrupt their moment. But he just needed to know who that was and what was going on. The taller male looked at Mafumafu and Soraru before he gave them a warm smile.

"Ah, it's nice to see you again, Mafu-kun and Soraru.", he said as Mafumafu tilted his head in confusion while Soraru waved at him lazily.

"Eh? I get it that you might know Soraru-san because you are both servamps and probably siblings but... How do you know me?", Mafumafu asked confused.

He was really confused but for some reason, he thought that he recognized the voice somewhere. Mafumafu thought that every voice is unique and would remember every voice when he once listened to it. So he knew that he had probably met this person in some way before.

But he was just too tired right now to recognize the person. Luckily, the taller brunette didn't seem to mind as he only laughed lightly.

"You just met me once so it's fine if you didn't remember me. It's me, Kashitaro.", Kashitaro told him as the albino widened his eyes.

"Eh?! Kashitaro-san? Kashitaro Ito-san? Ama-chan's upperclassman and roommate?", Mafumafu asked just to make sure he was right as the fox-masked male nodded.

"The one and only. I'm sorry for being impolite. Let me introduce myself again.", he said as Amatsuki stepped next to him.

"I'm Kashitaro Ito, the Servamp of Envy and Amatsuki's Servamp. It's a pleasure to meet you."

And another chapter finished! I hope you guys enjoyed it www By the way, I promised to put a message from Light-chan in here so here you go ww:
"Everyone go protecc Luz he is not a bad guy he just needs love-"
What do you guys think? Do you guys agree or do you think he is the bad guy? www

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