Chapter 11: Breaking free

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"Lately, we don't really have much going on, do we?", a pink-haired male asked as he placed his cards down.

"Don't complain, Nqrse. You may have had nothing to do but I was going around cleaning all the mess up that all of you guys made.

I am just happy that everything went smoothly and I could do what I was tasked to by Luz.", a red-haired male sighed annoyed as Nqrse giggled.

"I'm sorry, Araki~ Let's go to a cafe together to make it up to you~", Nqrse suggested as the older male sighed.

"You know that I don't like sweets that much and you are just going to make me pay for your food in the end anyway.", Araki said as Nqrse laughed. "You know me very well I see~", Nqrse chirped as the other male shrugged.

"Yeah... for the better or for the worse.", Araki answered as Kuro placed her cards down next as the two of them looked at the table to see what she did. "You two, stop flirting and concentrate on the game! And if Araki is going to treat you then he has to treat us as well! Let's go and get some bubble tea!", Kuro exclaimed as Araki sighed.

"Stop... I am not going to treat you guys...", he said as Luz chuckled and placed his cards down when it was his turn.

"I am going to treat you guys next time if you want to. Let's all go out and eat together sometime.", Luz suggested as the three looked at him happily. "Yay! That's why I love you, Luz-chan!", Kuro exclaimed happily as Nqrse cheered as well.

"You sure about that?", Araki asked as Luz nodded smiling. "Of course, you guys have been working hard lately. So I'll treat everyone to dinner after the next mission.", Luz told him.

"That's nice and all... but do you really want to go out to dinner with someone who is going to be a traitor sooner or later?", Araki asked as his face turned cold when he looked at Sakata who looked out of the window and didn't even dare to look at the other red-haired male.

"Well, I want to believe in Sakata until the very end so if he tells me that he won't betray us then I will obviously believe him. Everyone in here is like my family after all.", Luz said smiling but his smile disappeared after he started his next sentence as he looked at Sakata.

"But... if you do want to betray us then get out of this building right now.", Luz told the red-haired male. There was a short silence and the light-haired male continued to talk to explain the situation to Sakata. "If you do end up leaving our group then I won't try to stop you. Why?

Because you have worked so hard for me for some time and had a rough past... and because I like you and saw you as a family member as well.

But remember, as soon as you exit this building and decide to go against me, you are going to be my enemy. And you know how we see enemies.

You know what consequences there will be if you decide to end up being enemies with me, Sakata. So you should choose wisely and think about it if you actually want to make me your enemy."


"Kya~ Soraru-senpai, please eat this bento I made! We can eat this together somewhere!", a female classmate said as she held her box in front of him. "Eh?! No fair!

I want to be with Soraru-senpai as well!", another girl said as the female crowd which surrounded him tried to convince him to go with them.

"Soraru-san sure is popular, huh?", Amatsuki asked as he ate his food and watched how the raven-haired male was trying to tell the girls to go away. Mafumafu only ate his food as he tried his best to not look at them too much.

For some reason, his heart squeezed in an uncomfortable way whenever he saw some classmates trying to get closer to Soraru or even asking him out.

But he never said anything and didn't stop it because he thought that he had no valid reason to stop them anyway. That if Soraru wanted to spend time with one of them, then he should.

But he still felt sad for some reason every time he saw them. He then noticed a notification from Colon as he opened the message. They had exchanged their numbers so they could message on line instead of e-mail so it would be easier.

ShakespeareFreak: Hey, Mafu-kun, Satomi-kun is in a stable condition and is perfectly fine now~ Just wanted to tell you! Aren't I great?
Mafumafu: Ah, yes! That's great! Tell him thanks for helping me please! And if he has time we should meet up again!
ShakespeareFreak: Got it! I'm gonna message you again when we have time then!
Mafumafu: Alright! See you soon then, Colon-kun

"Oh~ Who was that? Was that your secret lover?", Amatsuki asked grinning as Mafumafu waved his arms around shaking his head.

"No! It was just a friend of mine!", Mafumafu defended himself as the brunette only nodded. "Mhm, I know. Don't worry, Mafu-kun, I was just teasing you~", Amatsuki assured the albino who sighed out in relief.

But a bright blush settled on his face after he heard Amatsuki's next words.

"I know that Soraru-san is the only one for you after all~", he chirped as Mafumafu wanted to hit his friend with his chopsticks.

Amatsuki only laughed as tears were on the corners of his eyes. "God, I wish Sakata was here to see this!", Amatsuki exclaimed laughing as Mafumafu's mood immediately sunk when he heard that.

He just remembered that he had to explain some things to Amatsuki without exposing Sakata's identity. He was about to explain it when Amatsuki started to speak up again.

"Well, it can't be helped. Sakata has to stay behind to work on a comedy gig so he has a lot to do.", Amatsuki said sighing as Mafumafu widened his eyes. "Wait, Sakatan is still going to this school? And he spoke to you?", Mafumafu asked as Amatsuki tilted his head confused.

"You sure that you're alright, Mafu-kun? But yes, I talked to him this morning and he told me that.", Amatsuki answered and Mafumafu wanted to ask more but before he could even say anything Amatsuki made a surprised sound.

"Kashitaro-san?! You're finished with your lessons already?", Amatsuki asked standing up as Mafumafu turned to see a taller brunette walking towards them.

"Yes, the teacher let me go a bit earlier because I was already finished.", Kashitaro explained before he noticed Mafumafu sitting next to Amatsuki.

"Ah, you must be Mafumafu who Amatsuki-kun talked about. It is nice to meet you.", he said as he extended a hand and Mafumafu took it as they shook hands.

"I'm sorry, you guys were talking to each other. I didn't want to interrupt but may I borrow Amatsuki-kun for a bit?", he asked Mafumafu as the latter tilted his head.

"Ah, of course. What do you need him for though?", Mafumafu asked curiously as Kashitaro merely smiled at that as he put his index finger in front of his lips and smiled.

"That's a secret.", Kashitaro answered and Mafumafu could see how Amatsuki's face turned red as the albino only smiled.

"You can have him all to yourself then! Here you go~", Mafumafu chirped as he lightly pushed the brunette towards Kashitaro as Amatsuki stumbled a bit, leading him to fall into Kashitaro who caught him so he wouldn't fall.

"A-ah, I'm sorry, Kashitaro-san!", Amatsuki apologized as he pushed himself away and bowed several times as Kashitaro assured him that it was fine laughing lightly.

Amatsuki then turned to Mafumafu as he slightly glared at the albino who only stuck his tongue out. "Payback.", he mouthed as the brunette rolled his eyes. "Ah, look! Soraru-san is coming now~ Now I don't have to worry about my precious childhood friend getting kidnapped in the meantime!", Amatsuki joked as Mafumafu pouted.

"I won't get kidnapped so easily anyway!", Mafumafu denied as the brunette ignored him and only waved at the albino.

"Well, see you later or tomorrow then!", Amatsuki exclaimed before he and Kashitaro left. Mafumafu only sighed as he packed his things while Soraru was walking up to him.

He looked tired and even more annoyed than he usually did. "Soraru-san, are you alright?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru clicked his tongue. "No, but I feel better now that I'm finally away from them. Seriously, what's wrong with them?

How can humans possess so much motivation and energy?", Soraru asked and Mafumafu giggled making the raven-haired male raise an eyebrow confused. "Is something funny?", Soraru asked as the albino shook his head.

"It's just that it's funny how Soraru-san is reacting. Wouldn't people usually be happy to have so much attention from girls?", Mafumafu asked.

"As long as the people that I actually want to pay attention to me to do give me their attention, I'm fine with it. I don't need any attention from people that I don't know at all. Those girls can go away for all I care.", Soraru answered and for some reason it made Mafumafu happy to hear that as he only hummed happily.

"Do you still have any lessons in the afternoon, Mafumafu?", Soraru asked as the albino shook his head in response.

"No, what about you, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as the older male shook his head.

"Me neither. If the two of us are free anyway, we should go to the firework festival that is today.", Soraru suggested as the younger male nodded enthusiastically.

"Really? Let's go together then! But why would you suddenly want to go? Don't you usually want to stay at the dorm as long as possible?", Mafumafu asked as he tilted his head and the raven-haired male only looked away before answering.

"We're both musicians so I thought it could give the two of us some inspiration for songs or lyrics... Things like that.", Soraru answered even though it was more of an excuse.

But Mafumafu being himself didn't notice that as he only nodded in understanding.

"I see! That's a good idea! I can't wait to go there later!", Mafumafu exclaimed happily as he turned around to walk back to the dorm first so he could take his wallet and things.

But he suddenly bumped into a person as he almost fell if not for Soraru standing behind him. Soraru held him by the arms so he wouldn't fall as Mafumafu thanked the older male.

But the person he bumped into didn't have anyone as he fell backwards.

"Ah, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?", Mafumafu asked as he held a hand out to the black-haired male who was sitting there.

"Ah, it's fine. No need to worry~", the black-haired male assured as he stood up.

"Just be more careful to not bump into any more people~", he warned before he bowed and walked away. "Be more careful to not be so careless...", Soraru muttered as the albino apologized.

"Anyways, let's go back to the dorm so I can take my wallet then! I want to see that festival!", Mafumafu exclaimed happily as he took Soraru's hand and pulled him as the raven-haired male only sighed out let himself get pulled nethertheless. Usually, when girls did that, he'd get annoyed and pry them off.

But for some strange reason, he didn't mind it when the albino did those exact things.

Soraru found it strange somehow.

When girls or people try to talk to him, he'd get annoyed and would want to tell them to go away. But whenever Mafumafu would talk to him, he found himself to be enjoying listening to his stories. When people would ask him to hang out with him, he'd always reject them.

But when Mafumafu was feeling down, it was him who suggested to go out a bit just so the younger male smile. He normally didn't care at all when people were laughing or smiling or were sad because of him.

Not after all these years except for some exceptions. But those rarely happened so for it to happen with Mafumafu... he wondered why he felt that way.

He guessed that it might be because Mafumafu was the son of them. Either way, he decided to protect Mafumafu. "I'm doing that for Sakiko and Akira... That's all...", Soraru told himself.

But even he knew that it sounded like an excuse. He decided to shake it off though and not think about these confusing feelings of him for much longer today. "Soraru-san! Were you listening to me?", Mafumafu asked pouting and Soraru blinked as he looked at the albino.

"Sorry, what were you saying?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu pouted again before he continued talking though, making sure to see if the older male was still listening to him once in a while.

Soraru was confused with his feelings.

He didn't know what he felt and he didn't know what he thought about the albino. But he decided that he wanted to keep this relationship of him and Mafumafu for just a bit longer.

Another chapter~ ww By the way, out of curiosity... Does anyone play the piano? And... do you like Zen Zen Zense or Swaying from season to season more? Don't question why I'm asking this please www

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