Chapter 10: School Festival

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"We... we finished!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Soraru sighed out in relief and nodded. "Good work, Mafumafu.", Soraru praised as he raised his hand lightly and Mafumafu understood as he high-fived the older male.

"Well, you go and tell them that you want to perform today then. I am going to wait for you backstage later.", Soraru told the younger male who tilted his head.

"Are you not going to participate as well, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as the raven-haired male shook his head.

"I'm fine with not performing this year. I have more opportunities to perform anyway and this is about you and Sakata today.", Soraru explained as Mafumafu only nodded as he felt guilty.

Soraru noticed this as he only sighed and walked past the albino and gave him a quick pat on the head. "Don't worry about it.

Just go and do what's right. I'll be waiting on the stage and watch behind the curtains.", Soraru assured him as Mafumafu looked behind him to see the ravenette leaving and waving without looking back. The albino only blushed as he touched his head where Soraru just patted him before smiling softly. "Alright! Let's do this then!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he ran to the staff to ask them to sign him up for today.


"...Soraru-san, I might not be able to do this after all.", Mafumafu said after he looked at the audience. He didn't expect that there were actually so many people coming.

When he said that though, he only was only hit lightly by the thin book Soraru was holding. "Don't be ridiculous.

You've been working hard on that song just so you could reach Sakata so now you are going to pull through it till the end, got it?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu pouted slightly but nodded before smiling. "Thanks, Soraru-san! I am going to give it my all then!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the older male hummed satisfied.

"Mafumafu-san? You are up next.", a staff member said as Mafumafu only nodded before going out on the stage. "U-um... I am going to sing a song that I've written dedicated to my friend. I hope you guys will like it.", Mafumafu said as the music started playing. (You must have guessed the song now ww Imagine it only Mafumafu singing~)

Mafumafu continued to sing the song as he imagined the redhead actually being there with him and listening to him.

After he slowly got used to singing in front of the crowd, he decided to scan through them and look if they liked his singing.

Mafumafu sang the last part as strong as he could and he widened his eyes when he suddenly saw a red-haired male standing there in the middle of the crowd staring up at him.

And Mafumafu was shocked and surprised to see the red-haired male crying when he heard that. Honestly, he felt like crying as well but he held it back as he finished singing the song.

As soon as he finished, Sakata already turned to leave the room.

The audience cheered and applauded after he finished but Mafumafu didn't pay them any attention anymore as he only quickly bowed before running off the stage and ran after Sakata.

Soraru noticed this immediately as he only followed the albino who followed the redhead. Fortunately, it was easy for Mafumafu to spot Sakata because his red hair stood out.

He made sure to not run into any people and apologize whenever he did bump into people while Soraru just dodged all of them and followed the albino. "Sakatan! Wait for me!", Mafumafu shouted but Sakata didn't pay them any attention anymore as he tried his best to get away from Mafumafu.

And after all the running of trying to escape and catch up to the other, they ended up on the rooftop. They all stood there as they tried to catch their breath. "Give it up, Mafumafu.

We aren't friends anymore.", Sakata stated as Mafumafu's face showed hurt when he noticed that Sakata didn't call him by his nickname anymore and that he had just told him that they weren't friends anymore.

But he knew, that he couldn't just let it end like that. This time he would speak up and say all of his thoughts. "Liar! If that's the case, why are you still here? Why did you come to the school festival and listen to me singing?!", Mafumafu asked.

"I happened to be around! And it's not a lie! I tried to hurt your friends! The ones who don't betray you in the end!", Sakata countered.

"But the wounds weren't too deep! You made sure that they weren't too bad because you didn't actually want to kill us!

You even told me!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Sakata shook his head and took a few steps back.

"How would you know if I didn't lie to you again? This world is full of lies and jokes! And you actually believed me when I told you about it?!", Sakata asked as he jumped up onto the railings balancing on it as Mafumafu could only stare at him in terror. "It's impossible for us to be friends... after all, I am not a human anymore.

We can't be like in the past...", Sakata told him as he gave Mafumafu a bright smile which he would always give him and Amatsuki.

"It was nice to have met you. Goodbye Mafumafu.", Sakata exclaimed before he jumped off. Mafumafu reacted as quickly as he could as he ran towards the railings and jumped off as well. "Mafumafu?!", Sakata shouted surprised as Mafumafu tried to grab him.

"I won't let you leave again just like that! Even if you don't, I still see you as my dear friend!", Mafumafu exclaimed as he wished to have the power to save them right now.

"Please work!", Mafumafu thought as he did his best to summon his lead. And it appeared as he prayed that they would get down safely.

Next thing he knew, a shadow was above them as Soraru caught the two of them and jumped onto a tree as he tried to balance them.

He managed to set Mafumafu down safely but because Sakata was moving too much, he lost his grip as Sakata slipped down.

Mafumafu prayed that Sakata would be save as he clasped his hands together with the staff in between him and the next thing he knew, Sakata was being surrounded by a light and landed down safely.

"Woah, I didn't know you were a mage, Mafudon!", Sakata exclaimed impressed as Mafumafu hummed proudly. "Fufufu!

Well, I was always this great after all!", Mafumafu declared as they both started laughing. But Sakata's laughing soon turned into a sad laughter though until he stopped laughing completely.

And soon after that he start crying as Mafumafu stopped laughing as well and looked at the redhead in worry instead.

"I wish we could just continue laughing about stupid things like this everyday... but I am the subclass of Luz-san now.", Sakata explained sobbing. "If it was just that, I would have still resisted and stayed your friend but...

I have a goal to fulfill and I can't do that by your side when Luz-san is still here. I am sorry, Mafumafu.", Sakata apologized as he continued crying and Mafumafu felt big teardrops rolling down his cheeks as well.

"I am sorry—".

"Don't apologize! If that is the problem then I am going to stop Luz-san! And then we can continue being friends!", Mafumafu declared as Sakata widened his eyes and looked down.

"Can I... believe you? It's not just some cruel joke, right? Because I really want to believe that you still see me as a friend...", Sakata whispered as the albino only nodded.

"I still do! So please believe in me when I say that I am going to free you from Luz-san! I will—". "Mafumafu...", Sakata interrupted him as he took the other's hands.

And Mafumafu didn't know what he should have felt when he saw Sakata's expression. He was crying but nethertheless he flashed a bright, thankful smile towards the albino.

"That's enough. I'm glad that you still want to be my friend and I'm really happy that you want to help me. But for now, we can't be together.

I will work hard to achieve my goal so we can someday spend the rest of our days with Ama-chan together as friends. Thanks for everything. Let's hope to see each other someday again.", Sakata stated as he smiled through his tears.

He then pulled away as he jumped up with his vampire abilities as Mafumafu reached his hand up to the sky calling out to the red-haired male.

"Wait!", Mafumafu shouted but of course his words didn't stop Sakata as he soon disappeared from his sight. Mafumafu wanted to cry.

Everything hurt and now his friend left him. He just wanted to hole himself up in his room. But instead, he wiped his tears away as he looked up the sky before speaking up with determination knowing that Soraru was there listening to him.

"Soraru-san... I want to become stronger so I can actually protect my friends this time. So will you help me?", Mafumafu asked as he turned around and Soraru was leaning against a tree as he had his arms crossed and thought about it.

"...Sure. As long as you are fine with me."


"I was born in a place full of liars, smiling and telling me that everything was just a joke. When I transferred into a new middle school I wasn't that happy child like people have come to know me now. I didn't know what friends were. I didn't know what it felt like to be important to someone."

"Hey, what are you doing here alone, Sakata-kun?", an albino asked a red-haired teenager who only sat there hugging his knees. He glanced at the two people standing there and could make them out as his classmates which he saw today after he introduced himself.

"...I'm waiting for the break to be over so I can go home after school is finished.", the adolescent merely answered as the brunette next to the albino frowned. "But that sounds really boring...

Hey! Do you want to hang out with us? Mafu-kun is kinda weird but that's why I am here!", the brunette assured as the other male pouted.

"How mean! Don't listen to him! I am a really nice person!", Mafumafu exclaimed as Sakata looked at the hands suddenly extended to him and then looked at the owners to see them smiling warmly at him. "Let's become friends together, Sakata!", they both exclaimed. And from the friendliness and the warmth of their voice, Sakata couldn't help but take their extended hands as he wished that he could become friends with the two of them.

Sakata looked up at the sky as he tried to stop the tears that flowed continuously down his cheeks. "I'm sorry for causing you all this trouble, Mafumafu... I'm sorry for not explaining anything to you at all, Ama-chan... I bet that you are going to be so confused when Mafumafu has to explain everything to you...

Thanks for everything you two have done for me!", Sakata exclaimed loudly as he hoped that his feelings would someday reach his two friends.


"I'm back...", the redhead exclaimed as his roommate only hummed. He looked at the watch before back at Sakata to see that he was a mess. Being the kind of person that he was, he just couldn't leave it at that.

"Oi, you. You look horrible. Go and take a shower to clear up your mind a bit.", he said as Sakata pouted at how mean his roommate was even though he felt down at the moment.

Not having the motivation to argue though, he went to the bathroom as he took a shower before coming out in his pajamas. When he got back to their shared room, he saw that the older male was sitting on his chair with one mug of coffee while there was another mug standing on his table.

"Drink that. It's hot chocolate so it should give you at least some motivation back.", he said as Sakata felt some warm, weird feeling in his stomach. "T-thank you, Urata-san.", the younger male thanked him as he took his own mug and sat down on his bed while Urata only hummed.

"Urata-san... have you ever lost a dear person to you before because you screwed up?", Sakata asked. "Hah? What's with that question? Did you do something to mess things up again?", the brunette asked as he expected the redhead to protest. But instead the younger male only nodded before he gripped the mug tighter.

Upon seeing the male like this which wasn't what the brunette was used to, he only sighed before deciding to answer the question truthfully.

"I have.", he answered as Sakata widened his eyes and looked up at the brunette to see that the older male wasn't looking at him but was looking out of the window with a blank face instead.

"Who have you lost?", Sakata asked after a while as he was intrigued. But the brunette only scoffed as he turned to look at the redhead again.

"You think I'm going to tell you? It's my privacy and I am not going to tell my past to a subclass.", Urata sneered as Sakata widened his eyes.

He almost let his mug fall but instead he just took a tighter grip on it to have something to hold on to. Was he that obvious? But why would Urata know what a subclass is?

"H-how did you know?", Sakata asked as the brunette rolled his eyes.

"Try to get the blood of your victims off better next time. I don't like it when you come back smelling like blood.", Urata merely said in response.

"You could smell my blood? Even though I wiped it off before coming back here?", Sakata asked as Urata hummed.

"Yeah. Just an advice, but if you want to keep vampires from trying to find you because of your blood you should use disinfectant.", Urata informed him as he threw a bottle of it next to Sakata as the younger male took a look at it.

"Thank you?", Sakata said not knowing what else to say as Urata only hummed before turning back to his script.

Urata was a voice actor and took his assignments very seriously so even if there was drama going on, he wouldn't really pay attention to it.

Sakata thought Urata would be terrified or would try to kill him as some vampire hunter or something like that. But instead, the brunette acted as if this was normal for him as the younger male wanted to know more about the older male.

"So are you not going to tell anyone about me being a vampire?", Sakata asked.

"Well, if I did I could finally have some peace.", Urata said as Sakata felt panicked. But Urata's next words assured him.

"But saying that would make me look insane and I don't want to stand out like that. Also, you're better than my last roommate.", Urata explained as Sakata's face lightened up and he ran up to Urata to give him a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you, Urata-san!", Sakata thanked the brunette who blushed as he pushed the other male away.

"I get it! Now get off of me!", Urata demanded as Sakata let go giggling. His smile then disappeared again as he sat back down thinking about what happened. He really wanted to talk about it and when he looked at Urata, he decided that he wanted to trust the brunette with that information.

"Urata-san, can I tell you about some things that happened to me? About my friends?", Sakata asked as the brunette widened his eyes.

"Why would you want to tell me? I am really rude and such things.", Urata reminded the younger male who only hummed but gave the other a bashful smile as he scratched his cheek.

"W-well, but I still trust you! Ah! But if you don't want to listen to it, then that's fine too...", Sakata assured as he looked away and Urata felt as if he would reject a puppy if he would reject Sakata now. So all he did was sigh before nodding.

"Tell me about your story. I guess I have some spare time to listen to it.", Urata said as Sakata's face lightened up. And so, Sakata started to tell Urata about his past.

About his difficulties. About his goal he wanted to achieve and about how he worked for someone for certain reasons. He decided that he wouldn't mention any names but besides that, he decided to tell Urata everything as he felt a weight being lifted from himself.

Urata only silently listened to the younger male as he hummed occasionally to show that he was still listening. "I see... well, if you are a subclass and you want to achieve that goal... just make a contract with another Servamp and become an eve. If you do that, the bond you have with the other servamp will be gone. Even if you are a subclass. They can make contracts as well.", Urata suggested.

"That way, you don't have to be with your Servamp anymore and can concentrate on your goal you were talking about.", Urata said as Sakata nodded.

"But... I don't know any servamps who don't have an eve... So I can't...", Sakata reasoned as the brunette only shrugged.

He thought about it for a while before he decided to just go for it and see how it goes. "...How about forming a contract with me then?", Urata asked as Sakata widened his eyes.

"A contract with you? Eh? But aren't you a subclass as well?", Sakata asked as Urata rolled his eyes. "There's no way I'd ever be one of those. I am a Servamp as well.", Urata confessed as he stood up and walked towards Sakata who was smaller now as he was sitting on the bed while Urata stood.

He bowed down a bit so he was now on eye height with the other as he gave him a mischievous smile. "I would even let you become my eve under some conditions. Aren't I nice?", Urata asked.

"Eh? Huh? Um...", Sakata stuttered as he didn't know what to say.

"Hah... you're such an idiot. But I guess I have never introduced myself properly yet. My name is Urata and I am the Servamp of Greed.

If you are going to listen to my conditions I will help you achieve your goals and free you from that Servamp of yours~"

And another chapter is finished~ This was a bit longer than usual but I hope you liked it~! Event is gonna end today and I'll dm the winner! Right now, someone is clearly leading so let's see if it'll stay this way ww Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter as well and see you in the next one! Sayonyara~!

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