Chapter 9: A Jokester's Past

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"Eh?! Luz-san?!", Mafumafu exclaimed as the light-haired male only laughed lightly as he took a sushi and ate it like meeting each other was normal. "Ah, Mafumafu-san. Fancy meeting you here."

"Luz-san, what are you doing here?!", Mafumafu asked as the other male only continued to eat. "Well, I am here to have some dinner.", Luz answered making a face as if it was obvious.

Soraru sighed as he stood up and took Mafumafu by the wrist with him. The albino stood up as well and followed the ravenette but he stopped in his tracks when Luz started to speak up again.

"If we meet each other here again anyway, why don't we talk about Sakata?", Luz suggested as the other male widened his eyes.

His face morphed into one of terror as the light-haired male ignored that look.

"What are you—".

"Aren't you interested? About Sakata's feelings when he betrayed you? About how he became my subclass or about what his past was like?", Luz asked as Mafumafu slowly sat down again.

"Mafumafu— Nevermind...", Soraru mumbled as he sat down as well next to the albino and only continued eating his sushi and try to mind his own business while the other two were talking to each other.

"Sakata has been born in a family full of liars. The first person who has ever lied to him, was his older brother."

"Today, our father will return home, Sakata. Under no circumstances are you going to leave the room. Alright?", a taller male asked a small read-haired child as he was swinging on the swing.

"What about you, onii-chan?", the younger male asked as the older male only laughed as he stopped before he ruffled the child's hair.

"I will be fine, alright? Onii-chan is a strong person after all!", he assured the child who stayed silent for a while before nodding. "Alright... I am going to believe you.", he said as the taller male nodded satisfied.


"How much will you get if I die?", the same red-haired male from before asked his parents who gave him a reassuring smile. After they answered him and told him the sum, he only nodded.

"Don't you dare to touch Sakata and do anything to him.", he said as the said male was hiding just behind the doors, trying to not make a sound as he watched everything terrified while trying to comprehend what the hell was happening right now. "Of course.", his father assured him smiling before he lightly pushed his son from the balcony.

Sakata ran out of his hiding place as he reached his hands out to his big brother shouting his name. "Onii-chan!", Sakata shouted as the older male heard him and widened his eyes as he could feel tears welling up as well.

But before he could even say anything, he already fell from the balcony and died.

Sakata wanted to shout. But before he could even utter a word, a hand clamped over his mouth while he was being held back.

Sakata only stayed still as tears were streaming down his face from the traumatic thing he just saw. "Listen... if the police comes, you are going to tell them that onii-san died while playing with you, got it? It was all an accident and nothing more. You don't want his death to be in vain, do you?", the father asked as Sakata could only nod.


"So what happened?", a police officer asked as he kneeled down to be on the same height as Sakata. The redhead wanted to tell them the truth.

But he knew that that wouldn't be good so he swallowed his words down. "We were just fooling around like we always did when—"

"That was the first time in Sakata's life where he lied. His family got the money they wanted from the insurance company. Everything went as normal as it could for some while. But some years later... Sakata suffered the same fate.", Luz told the albino who only widened his eyes.

He could remember Sakata telling him about an older brother but after everything that happened, he didn't know if what he remembered was even correct or not.

A light-haired male saw a redhead laying on the ground surrounded by a pool of blood as his eyes were wide open. He kneeled down as he lifted him up a bit. "You look like you must have had it horrible... Alright, it's settled then... You are going to come with me now."

"Subclasses are made from deceased people after they had drunk the blood of their Servamp.

And from then on, they have to vow their obedience to their Servamp.", Luz explained while Mafumafu only sat there shocked as he tried to take everything in and comprehend what he had just heard.

Luz widened his eyes when he saw that the albino was actually completely clueless.

"You... really don't know anything about him, do you?", Luz asked as Mafumafu bit his lip and the light-haired male only sighed as he called the waiter over. "The bill please.", Luz said as he paid before standing up.

"Eh? Where are you going?", Mafumafu asked as the taller male looked at them. "I am not going to stay here. I have a feeling that if I did, we would start fighting again. And I really don't feel like it today. Have a nice day.", Luz told Mafumafu who reached his hand out to the other male to stop him. But it was too late as the taller male already disappeared after a few seconds.

He had so many questions. Like, where was Sakata? Was he alright? Is he with Luz? How was he doing? There were so many questions but Mafumafu couldn't even stand up as he clenched his fists and tried desperately not to cry.

"...I have messed up, haven't I? Because of me... it had to end like this and now I've lost an important friend...", Mafumafu whispered as big tears rolled down his cheeks.

Suddenly, he felt a hand placed over his as he looked up confused to see the ravenette giving him a troubled expression.

"Sorry, I'm not the best comforter here but if you want to still be his friend even after everything that happened then... I am going to be on your side.", Soraru assured the albino who looked at the older male surprised.

"Y-you would be on my side? Even though Sakata is working for Luz who is your enemy?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru only sighed nodding.

"Humans live for a short time but I know that it's better to not have any regrets.

If you are going to become enemies with him then you will definitely regret fighting against him in a few years.", Soraru explained.

"Do you have any regrets in your life, Soraru-san?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru just put his hand on the younger's head instead.

"What do you think?", Soraru asked and both of them knew that he didn't expect an answer and wanted to quit the topic at that.

And because Mafumafu didn't want to annoy Soraru and put more stress on the older male, he stayed silent and concentrated on the warmth of Soraru's hand on his head instead.

He felt secure and safe for some reason as his tears dried and a small smile formed in his face. "You are really kind, Soraru-san...", Mafumafu said as the ravenette blushed at that and looked away.

"Not really. I just don't want you to be moping around all day because of regrets.", Soraru defended himself as the albino only giggled nodding.

"Soraru-san, let's go home.", Mafumafu said and the older male only nodded as he stood up and paid for the things before going back to the albino.

"Let's go back then.", Soraru said and the younger male nodded before they both exited the restaurant. When they got back to their dorm, Soraru immediately slumped down on his bed burying his face into a pillow.

There was a silence as Mafumafu kneeled down next to Soraru's bed and he wanted to speak up. But Soraru beat him to it as he spoke up first.

"The festival tomorrow. Are you going to participate?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu knew what he was talking about and looked down. "I... don't know. I didn't even sign up so it's too late anyway.", Mafumafu mumbled.

"You don't have to sign up to participate. The festival is just for fun anyway. You can go around and explore the campus and learn about every class. And there is a stage where students can perform and show what they can do.

You can just ask if you can go on stage and then you can show your singing skills.", Soraru explained as Mafumafu hummed.

"...But I don't know... I mean, is there even a purpose of me performing up there?

I am not even that good...", Mafumafu said as he gripped his arm tightly. Soraru turned his head sleepily to see that Mafumafu was sitting there as he sat up and crossed his legs.

"Well, there must have been a reason why you were scouted. And people mess up all the time so you don't have to worry about that.

And... I think your two childhood friends would both be proud to see you up there.", Soraru added at the end and Mafumafu knew exactly about whom Soraru was talking about as he bit his lip before he nodded. "You're right...

People might forget about Sakatan tomorrow like they did about Root-kun's accident but... maybe... just maybe, Sakatan will be close by tomorrow and then... I will do my best to reach him with my voice!", Mafumafu exclaimed cheerfully as Soraru smiled softly at him and Mafumafu blushed as it was the first time for the albino to see the ravenette smile at him like this.

The younger male hasn't ever seen the older male smile at him like that for the time they've been together and he couldn't avert his gaze as he sat there frozen.

So the albino didn't even dare to move an inch when Soraru suddenly leaned in closer and gently patted his head.

"I see. I'm glad that you finally have a clearer vision then. You'll still have to choose a song to sing for tomorrow though so you should choose one now to be prepared for tomorrow.", Soraru informed the albino who nodded.

Soraru hummed as he pulled away but saw that the other male didn't go away as he raised an eyebrow confused, asking him what he wanted. Mafumafu only fiddled with his fingers nervously before he looked at the older male bashfully.

"U-um, because you have some experience in music and such... do you want to choose a song with me?", Mafumafu asked as Soraru thought about it before shrugging and nodding.

"Sure. Why not?", Soraru agreed as he shifted a bit and patted the space next to him. Mafumafu's face immediately brightened up as he sat next to the ravenette and waited for Soraru to set his laptop up and hand one of the earpods to the albino.

They started searching through the different songs there were but none of them seemed to be the one that Mafumafu wanted.

After a little more searching, Soraru put his laptop away as Mafumafu apologized for this while the ravenette only waved it off.

"Alright. You said that you like to compose, don't you? Do you maybe have one that you've written and such before? Which only needs some work on it before it's finished?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu thought about it before nodding.

"Why though?", he asked as Soraru rolled his eyes. "Just finish one of your almost finished songs for Sakata.", Soraru suggested as Mafumafu widened his eyes. "Eh?!

What are you talking about, Soraru-san?!

It's already in the evening and I don't have any lyrics and the mixing isn't done yet for the one I had in mind!", Mafumafu explained Soraru who merely shrugged.

"And? I'm kinda good at mixing so I can help you with that. And you can continue writing in the lyrics. Taking a look at you, I'm guessing that you do pull some all-nighters sometimes.

And I'm a vampire so I'll be fine without some few hours of sleep. So?

Are you feeling up for this challenge?", Soraru asked as Mafumafu smiled brightly.

"Yes! I am ready to do this for Sakata! Thanks for helping me out with this, Soraru-san!", Mafumafu thanked the other male who blushed slightly but covered it up with his face and only hummed.

"Let's do this then.", Soraru said as Mafumafu hummed. And for the rest of the night, they worked on the song in hope that Mafumafu would be able to reach Sakata with his song.

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