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Being a ruler for some, would be a blessing. Others would shudder with just the possibility of said position. After all, isn't the crown the most desperate for blood?

Unlike wild animals, humanity has long hunted for more than they could ever need. It happens so often that people would say that greed was the worst trait for a ruler, but little do people like to admit, greed was something that was inevitable. Everyone has at least some greed inside of them, either burying or flaunting it as their unique trait.

Y/N L/N, the current ruler of Corea was yet to be an exception. Though, they have enough conscience to at least hide it and be a decent ruler.

Using their right palm to steady their head, they continued to look over the countless ministers standing in front of them as the regular audience continued to take place.

" Your majesty, we need to send troops to the east to defend our borders immediately."

The eastern border connected Corea to the ancient nation that owns the eastern sea. As a result, those people were extremely arrogant and deemed themselves superior because of the amazing achievements that their ancestors have done years ago.

" The eastern bastards are causing trouble again?" Y/N asked, annoyed.

The ministers couldn't help but flinch hearing profanities come out of the monarch's mouth. Everyone knows that such words could not be said during a formal meeting but who were they to lecture the monarch?

" Yes, your majesty. Even after our recent victory, they have yet to turn around and surrender to our nation."

Y/N's eyes glanced up from their nails to the nervous individual, irises gleaming in interest.

" Is that so? What have they been doing?"

" Reporting to your majesty, the Grimores' guards have been destroying our farmlands and threatened many of our people there. As a result, agriculture has decreased by a large amount. People living there are suffering under Grimore's violence."

Perking their left eyebrow at the somewhat expected eyebrow, Such ignorant people, Y/N thought.

The eastern land was one of the best places in Corea for hurting crops and agriculture. The crops there almost took up half the entire stock of supplies that the palace gets every week.

So that's why the servants were complaining, they thought.

" Do you have any suggestions, General Kwong?"

General Kwong, a name that would bring fear to people across all lands. He was part of the four leaders that have guarded the borders for years on end and have made many outstanding achievements because of it.

" I believe that it is best to send troops over to the border and eliminate them all."

After hearing those words, the monarch's eyes turned cold.

" General Kwong, you truly do have some courage," tilting their head, Y/N continued to taunt the general, " Are you not afraid that they would retaliate? Even if we were to bring victory home, our relationship with them would be on thin string. Are you willing to take such responsibility when such things occur."

Cupping his left hand over his right, General Kwong brought them to his forehead before executing a low bow to show his respect.

" My bloodline would take all the responsibility if the eastern bastards were to declare war with our nation," he announced.

Letting out a smirk, eyes gleaming with bloodlust, Y/N glanced at the bowed figure.

" How are you so certain that they will not declare war with us?"

He affirmed, " Compared to the Grimores, our nation is prospering at an inhumane pace. Even if we are much younger than them, they would still have to show some face and be more pliant. The guards at the borders are just teenagers who know nothing and just want a taste of power, I am sure that the intrusions have yet to even reach the main city."

Have not yet reached the main city, does he mean that...

" By that, do you mean that the imperial family have no idea about the attacks. And that it was caused by children?"

General Kwong shivered at their tone, feeling all too warm in a sudden.

" I'm afraid it is so."

Y/N glared at him, " You mean that you were incapable of protecting the border? To what? Measly children who have even yet fallen into reality? How daring of you, General Kwong!" 

Practically letting gravity push him towards the ground, he frantically tried to come up with an explanation.

" My apologies, your majesty! This servant does not know that those bastards were going to threaten the border."

Y/N did not like short sighted people to serve under them. People who only focus on what may benefit them would not put out the necessary effort to ensure that they were safe from less ideal possibilities. Hence, why Y/N have to deal with the current mess the east is facing now.

It has only been a few hours after the sun has rises but they could already sense that a headache is brewing. 

" How shortsighted you are, General Kwong," Y/N seethes out, " Did those dozens of years out in the battlefield crippled your brain that you were unable to even think of such a possibility?"

" T-this servant acted rashly. This will not happen next time, your majesty." 

Sighing, Y/N shook their head, " Make sure to keep this promise, General Kwong."

General Kwong nodded his head immediately, mouth rambling promises to help support his genuine apology. He only stood back up after Y/N motioned him to.

" Send 1000 soldiers to the eastern border. General Kim, you will be leading this mission," the monarch commanded.

General Kim stepped up from his position, and bowed down, accepting their command.

General Kim, one of Y/N's most trusted officers. He was once their companion who has travelled together long before Y/N have to ascend the throne. General Kim was already notorious for his sharp knowledge on various weapons along with a keen mind. As a result, he was one of the first people to be granted a position after the new dynasty was formed.

Knowing that he will definitely complete it, Y/N let out a satisfied nod.

" Make sure that those kids will never escape from their job again. You can do anything to educate them. Children like them need a strict instructor in order to blossom," the monarch said, satisfied.

And with that, the topic came to an end.

Seeing the previous topic have finally come to an end, another soon appeared.

" Your majesty, regarding your harem, this s—"

" Minister Jung, why are you so persistent in expanding my harem? Isn't four already enough?" Y/N interrupted.

Minister Jung, another old officer from the previous dynasty who has switched sides in order to survive. He was also a man known for his greed yet a thoughtful insight who would choose the absolute best option, even if it meant being a two-faced bastard. Even though his personality wasn't the best, he has helped Y/N multiple times in the past thus granting him the position of higher rank.

Minister Jung, was also infamous for his suggestion on constantly wanting to admit new concubines every couple of weeks. Regardless of how powerful he seems, however, he does not get to have the final say. Never in his life would he get the chance to do so.

" Your majesty, just by having four consorts doesn't give the imperial a natural balance. Your majesty's harem has been the most limited in the entirety of Corea's history!"

All the officers nodded in agreement. They all knew that if their son were to enter the harem, and even gain a piece of the majesty's favour, then their house's name will become known for as long as the monarch was on the throne and hopefully even after that.

" And where are you going with this, Minister Jung?"

" Your majesty, I suggest a competition to help select a few more concubines."

Ah... the same old idea, how utterly boring.

" Continue."

" A concubine selection would occur at a good time where the imperial family will be recruiting whoever you see fit."

Looking contemplated, Y/N then looked over to their bodyguard to see his uncomfortable face. Obviously wanting to tease him, they decided to follow whatever plan the minister was setting out.

" The selection will definately be happening," Minister Jung lightened up at their words, but that quickly changed when he heard what came after.

" But when it's happening will be undetermined."

" Y-y-your m-majesty, please reconsider. Your age is not that small anymore, if we were to pass your young adult years, it will be much harder to recruit concubines later on," Minister Jung then motioned to the rest of his section to follow his lead.

Soon after, over one third of the ministers all yelled out while bowing down to the monarch, " Your majesty, please reconsider! Your majesty, please reconsider! Your majesty, please consider."

Seeing how much of a fraction Minister Jung managed to gather for himself, Y/N began to think that all the effort they had put in was all in vain. After all, they didn't need disloyal bastards? Who knows what they could be planning behind their back?

" Tch, who do you think you all are?"

Everyone in the room shivered at the monarch's tone, knowing that if they did not upset them with bringing up this topic, they clearly have now.

" You think that you could control me with your little words? How daring of you!"

" Y-your majesty, we don't mean it that way. W-we all j-just want the b-best for you," Minister Jung stuttered out. 

" The best for me? You think that you're in the spot to do so?"

" Y-your majesty, p-p-please dwell your anger, it will affect your h-health."

" My health? Are you taking me as a joke? Thinking that you can control me because I have yet to fully mature?" Y/N seethed out.

Though, the current monarch was yet to be the youngest but they have still not reach a mature age to properly decipher from right or wrong.

Well, at least that was what they all thought.

Standing up from their throne, they made their ways down the stairs while looking into every single pair of eyes that were previously begging them to reconsider.

" I believe that you have forgotten that I single-handedly killed the previous king hence ending the Min dynasty. I was also kind enough to save your disloyal asses to enter my court and serve me, knowing the possibility that you all will change sides when another one appears."

With their words, all the ministers bowed down in shame, knowing that it was true.

" I was also the one to help you build your fame. You all were lower rank nobles and didn't have that much influence. I was the one who guided and helped you to become what you are now! And what did you do to repay my kindness? By forcefully controlling me for your own gains?"

Y/N walked to where Minister Jung was, " It looks to me that I didn't train you all enough... No, if you even dare to even repeat this same mistake, don't even think of entering this room ever again!" Y/N announced, " We're done for today. Jungkook, let's go."

Jungkook then snapped back to reality from Y/N's mentioning his name. Immediately after, he quickly rushed towards their walking figure and both left the room.

☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

Not being able to conceal his curious gaze, Jungkook kept glancing at the powerful figure in front of him.

Obviously sensing his curiosity, you could help but rub the area between your eyebrows to help soothe your headache.

Sighing, you told him, " Asked whatever you want, Jungkook."

Flushing at how obvious he seemed, Jungkook shyly fidget the violet tassel of his sword, not knowing how to start the conversation.

" If you don't mind me asking, how were you able to... to do that?"

" Do what, Jungkook?"

Jungkook pouted, knowing that you obviously knew what he meant.

" How you managed to win."

"Win? I didn't think it was that much of a victory...In your perspective, how did I do it?" You questioned back.

As he continued to walk behind you, Jungkook tried to recall what he earned in the previous lessons he did with you. Unfortunately, all he got was a few unnecessary words and a black mind.

As a result, he could only go for the most obvious option.

" Hmm... you managed to control the situation by poking at their weakness?"

" That... is part of it but it occupies quite a small part in how I managed to do it."

Jungkook nodded, obviously intrigued at your previous actions.

" At the beginning, I acted quite intrigued at the suggestion to lead him to where he could possibly make a mistake. You must know, Jungkook, that anyone will make a mistake when their adrenaline reaches a certain point. You must take hold of such opportunities and use it to your advantage,"  you explained.

" What did you do next?"

" You must observe the situation and predict what will happen."

Not understanding your words, the boy stopped in his tracks, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

" How does that work?"

You stopped in your tracks and turned around, staring into his doe eyes, you let out a smile.

" That is a lesson for another time but for now, you need to do something for me."

Letting out a small pout, Jungkook looked at you curiously, " What do I need to work on."

" Your emotions."

" My emotions?"

" Yes, you wear your emotions on your sleeves, practically letting everyone the chance to manipulate you."

" Please elaborate."

" Alright, hmm... you know how predators always sneak up on their prey and wait for the right moment to finish them?"

Jungkook nodded, " Unlike you, these predators are always calm and act strategically, making sure that they leave no tracks behind while approaching the prey. They hide into the background and stay silent until the perfect time where they launch towards the prey and end them."

With this explanation, Jungkook becomes more confused.

" So I need to be the predator?"

You nodded, somewhat happy that he understood the overall concept.

" Yes, you need to be aware of what you are letting others know about you. You have to be able to use what you have to your advantage," you said, " Do you understand?"


Not hearing his response, you chuckled, " You don't need to understand it now. We will continue to work on it. If you want, go to Taehyung whenever you are free and ask for his assistance."

You then lift your right hand from their position from your side before setting them on top of his head. Ruffling his ivory black hair before turning away.

Jungkook, on the other hand froze at the feeling of your hand on top of his head.

"... Y-yes, your majesty."

" Good, let's go."

And with that, you continued your way to your office, content with the current outcome.

☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️

Walking into your office, you couldn't help but let out a tired sigh. Today was truly one of those days that exhausted most of your energy. Unfortunately, being the person who makes the final say in all the decisions of the nation does not leave you that much time to relax and have your way.

Taking off the outer jacket of your hanbok, you stretched out your back before making your way to the expansive desk in the corner of the spacious room.

Contrary to popular belief, your office was rather simple. With just your desk and a little table for guests as the centrepieces. There were multiple shelves displayed on the other walls. You liked to keep the space simple as the place mostly gets covered in the amount of work you finished over the spans of days.

You made yourself as comfortable as you can in the seat, and began with the papers that were underneath the paperweight. Picking up the brush nearby, dipping it into the already grinded ink, you then began to work on the necessary papers that were starting to pile up.

To say the least, your office was a busy destination. There were constantly people entering your office day and night but you made sure that those people were yours; to ensure that no unneeded individual could get any information that was likely going to threaten your position.

Minutes then morphed into hours leading you into the familiar embrace of the night.

Deciding that it was time to take a break, you stood up from your seat and began to organize the paper into piles that were going to be returned to the different departments the day after.

After that, you began to stretch out your sore limbs to try and relax your tense muscles. Groaning at how your muscles seem to refuse to move, you tried to warm it up by doing a few exercises.

As you were warming up, you noticed that the lavender oil that you have used earlier was still permitting a comforting fragrance within your study. Impressed by the quality, you found yourself spending some time inhaling the scent while stretching out your muscles.

When you were finally able to move properly, you walked towards the desk and pour yourself a cup of tea.

As you continued to work, Jungkook constantly entered the room to refill the pot of tea despite you insisting that you don't need it. Though, you were thankful for his thoughtfulness as you got to enjoy a cup of hot tea that was tingling your numb senses.

Letting the bitter taste of the tea coat your tongue, waiting for the effect to sooth your tired self and come back to life. Your tired eyes that were previously blurring your vision from how strained it was, slowly loosen up before clearing up.

Blinking a few times to help clear your vision, you looked over to the shadow that was behind your closed doors. Knowing who it is, you began to walk your way towards the door after setting your cup down, feeling the need to go for some fresh air.

However, before you managed to even take five steps, a figure suddenly approached Jungkook.

His shadow was quite tall and was quite similar to Jungkooks. The pair seemed to be arguing about something that you didn't quite manage to catch on. Confused at whatever they were talking about, you started to contemplate whether or not you should intervene.

That worry soon came to an end when the door was pushed open.

" Y/N?"

Oh, how you missed this person.

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