Chapter 11

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Above queen Aruna:-)

Chapter eleven


The cruise ship, night, 22nd March 2015

Desire, is the first step towards the path of love. Some then trots upon the twisting, narrow way leading to that supreme of sensations, some remains frozen at the beginning. Desire, gives birth to curiosity, curiosity conjures questions, questions start conversations, conversations gather knowledge, knowledge leads to acceptance and acceptance delivers faith. There is no worship that does not involve faith. Love is similar, a worship born of faith.

Shobha Bose wrote in her slender writing, curved to a side, slightly narrow letters that touched and entwined with each other. There was a time when she admired her penmanship, stopping between the paragraphs just to observe the curvy letters inked in to the page. The awe had died out a long while ago. But still the habit remained.  Her pen would pause after a lengthy paragraph and her eyes would find their way over the neatly scripted lines, re - reading what she had written and also subconsciously admiring her writing.

The VIP suite had three rooms allocated to her use. All conjoined to the larger sitting area. It was where she sat at the moment, the writing pad leisurely resting on her lap and her eyes currently captured by the painting she had decided to put up in the wooden wall, opposite to where she sat. Her mind, triggered by the sight of the painting had wandered off to a memory, of a previous morning, when they had been settling in the rooms, adjusting their belongings.

The painting was done by Shobha herself, in her youth. It was one of the few things she brought across the barriers from the elven lands to the human realms. It showed a moonlit night, the landscape below the silvery light was a place far in the mountains. The hills were cast in to shadows, dark against the deep blue of the sky, glittering in ghostly silver. From a far, a familiar eye would catch the glimpse of the Island of Spirits, in its hooded silhouette. What made the center of the painting was the ruins of a fallen fortress, the pillars tossed to the ground, the walls trembled and stones lying everywhere. It was sad, gloomy and isolated. Somehow tallying with the feeling that remained inside her when she left the lands she was born in, to never return.

Swara's slender fingers had smoothed out the surface of the bluish night painted upon the canvas. It was when Shobha handed her the painting with instructions to hang it on the wall. Before she schooled her features to an expressionless mask, her eyes betrayed a startled shock, almost a wonder of some kind as they gazed upon the ruins.

Have you been there?' Shobha asked her, stopping abruptly while carrying a pile of her writing to the arm chair they set up earlier.

Umm,' Swara shook her head, trying to get the thoughts off her mind. No, no. Is it a place you know?'

They are the ruins of the original palace of Agni. Agnidyuth was built by Vajras years after the high king had fallen. The elves say it is a cursed land, land of shadows. Most don't dare to set foot in there.'

But you went there?'

People who deal with shadows have business in shadowy places my dear.' Shobha gave her a grim smile. Witches from the three clans always visit there.'

Witches have clans?'

God girl!' Shobha said waving her hands. Where have you been living all the time? It doesn't seem you took much use of all the knowledge stored in Kaldwaara. Of cause witches have clans. The Island of Spirits ones may call themselves the high and mighty but they are the Noir the outcasts of Bhava and Sambhava,' she waved the careless hand again. They are the two major clans of witches aren't they? They had banished the dark witches from their societies some ages ago and the outlaws formed a third class the Noir.'

And I should have known this?' Swara said slowly, feeling sheepish for dragging the topic.

Yes!' exclaimed Shobha. Because Naga folk in Kaldwaara have Bhava ancestors, even lady Aruna comes from a line with magical blood doesn't she? That's how she was an Oneiro; an illusionist!'

You know lady Aruna?'

Of cause I know her, I was...' Shobha stopped, gulped her sentence and lowered her tone. Lady Aruna is famous for her inter cast marriage with the Vajra. There was a time when the gossip mills in elven lands ran purely on her and your mother!'

Swara watched her for a moment, not convinced entirely. But she decided to drop the idea for the time being. Together, in silence they gave the painting its proper place to stay.


20th March 2015, Island of Spirits

The cold night in the island of spirits was robed in its customary mist and wintery darkness. Under her bare feet the earth was frozen but inside her already weak body her soul was frozen more. Suvanna did not shiver as the mist engulfed her and trotted forward letting her knowledge of this place take over her eyes in guiding her through the shadows. When she reached the first thicket of trees, the threshold of the forest lying ahead of her, she stopped for a moment, letting her already weak resolve shatter and glanced at the sky above. The night was moonless, even stars were hidden away in the thick folds of blackened clouds.

Suvanna hurried inside the forest, briefly gripping the trees she passed for support, her shoulders slacked and her frame hunched forward slightly. She was shaking. Once enclosed in the shelter offered by the shadows, where no eye would see her she leaned against a huge bark of an ancient tree, letting her body shiver and her breath hatch as her eyes filled up with warm tears.

Her hands were sticky with blood, now drying off on her unwashed palms. She raised them to her eyelevel, examining them with absolute disgust and felt her stomach churn. This side of evil was not bone chilling, just repulsive and loathsome.

Suvanna stomped forward, trying to control her shivers and vomited, letting go of the restrains she tried to hold onto desperately. Her sight blurred, her pulse throbbing against her ribs, temples and wrists painfully. The wintery breeze burned her lungs as she drew in a gasp of breath finally regaining some of her composure.

She backed up, once more against the tree and heaved a sigh, looking up at the sky once more.

What have I done?' She muttered to herself, covering her face with her bloody hands unmindful of them blemishing her features with blood stains. What have I done?'

It had been a moment of self discovery as if staring at a mirror after a gap of many eons. She was very traumatized by the image of this new self she had transformed in to. Suvanna the monster scared her now.

Suvanna closed her eyes.

I can't let this happen! I can't back out now, not now, please, spirits give me strength, please, please, please!' She continued to mutter, her face still hidden, her tears still running. I need to move me, oh spirits, please! Please! Please!'

Then, as if shifting a veil of sorts a memory surfaced. It was a memory of a sunset, observed through someone else's eyes. A sight of golden and red hues, a sound of laughter, the heat of unsaid emotions...

You're very beautiful you know,' the words sounded soothing inside her head and she clung to them, very well knowing they weren't meant for her, still stubbornly focusing on their meaning instead of their recipient. It helped her to clung to her sanity and believe she was not a monster.

It is believed that pain allures pain. Perhaps Suvanna too shared a similar bond with the young Vajra prince, after all both of them were forsaken by their families.


The cruise ship, morning, 22nd March 2015

White and crimson! I said white and crimson!' The wedding planner was going hysterical. Her voice raised some octaves higher as she marched towards the decorators with a handful of curtains, the flowing material of lilac and hints of blue flashing past. What part of Ice and Fire theme don't you understand?'  The decorator gazed at her angry purple face, and rather foolishly shook his head. Parineeta Agrawal sighed, watching the drama unfolding in front of her for the sixth time that day. The wedding planner and the unwanted wedding!

Why can't we just tell them to "go to hell"?' She asked then, turning in the tall bar stool she had been sitting on, her junk earrings jiggling and the stud in her pierced nose catching light as she did so. She raised a curvy eyebrow and looked at the man still immersed in his i-pad and tapped her two inch, blue painted nails on the counter. You aren't going to marry me for real are you?'

No,' Sanskar said still not looking up from his e mails and in a very uninterested tone.

Good,' Pari visibly relaxed. Her nails stopped tapping the gleaming top of the counter as she eyed him again. Are you annoyed because I rejected you?'

Sanskar looked at her finally; one of his eyebrows raised a little.

Are you regretting your decision now?' He asked with a slight smirk.

Geez no!' Pari waved her hands in front of him. I'm just curious, how can a man work 24/7 like you do?'

Men can't,' Sanskar said simply, typing away in flourishing speed. He turned to her and dropped his voice. Why do you keep discussing our plans Pari? Seriously, do you want to get caught?' Pari did not catch the real meaning of his answer instead she was pouring over his next statement. You should have told your dad that you're in love with someone else and both of us wouldn't be knee deep in this...' he looked around at the fairy lights of the ball room twinkling at them. Ice and Fire nonsense!'

I did say sorry right?'

Yes. And then tried to elope and got caught.' Sanskar exhaled deeply. Now see where it landed you. Your father booked the entire cruise ship for the wedding functions so that you can't escape!'

I will, you know.'

I hope so too, because either way I'm not getting married to you!' He stood up to leave abruptly and she held his wrist, stopping him.

It's because of his research right?' Pari looked up and caught his eye; there was a knowing look in her glittery black orbs. Don't worry he said he is going to prove himself right tonight. For some reason you're interested in what he is looking for...'

Sanskar shook his head.

Nonsense, he said then. I'm funding him so obviously I'm interested in what he is doing with my money.'

Parineeta stood up, still looking into his eyes.

Is that all? Honestly?'

There was a pause in which Sanskar watched her coldly. With a fluid movement he released his wrist from her hold.

Yes. Have a good day Pari,' with a tilt of his head and an unexpressive smile he walked out, briskly.


The cruise ship, night, 22nd March 2015

Swara stood ready for the trick they were to perform. Without her and the elven magic that ran in her veins it would never be possible. The wind whipped against her as she stood on the deck overlooking her Baba performing in the stage below. The act would end with him disappearing, where in reality he would take a jump in to the water below. It would be her responsibility to take the stage from him then, making sure he would not sink to the bottom.

Sanskar watched her from a distance; she was standing at the very edge, ready for a dive he knew she should not take. He had to stop her and it would cost him a secret.

You care.' He heard the tone of accusation in Dida's voice as she said so. Or else you would not interfere.'

I've promised to take her back to Ma.' He said gritting his teeth.

And Devi Annapurna would not mind if she was already in a bad condition. She wants her alive, not unscathed.' She looked in to his eyes as he fought hard to avert his gaze. Don't deceive yourself Sunny!'

Swara took a breath, there was still time.

A butterfly, with wings of palest blue dotted with silver flattered its wings against the wind. It came to rest on her shoulder, a touch she did not even feel. Swara turned her head to look at the creature, the tiny wings folded as it rested, yet faintly pulsing as if it was breathing.

Then came another, a white, fragile winged one. Almost too tired to make it to a resting place. It was sad to watch how it fought against the harsh wind. Swara stretched out her palm for the tiny, beautiful insect, unconsciously. It perched on her fingertips gladly.

When the third zoomed in she knew this was no coincident. The sunny yellow one landed on her braided hair. She jerked her head and looked straightly at him, realizing that she was getting caught in an illusion, unknowingly.

Sanskar stood behind her, holding her elbows in a firm grip.

You're not going to perform.' He said clearly.

What are you doing?' She hissed frustrated, as her eyes felt heavy and more butterflies came. Casting a dream,' he replied simply.


The cruise ship,night, 22nd March 2015

Florescent lights silence and foreboding was all that surrounded her as she ran to the ship's infirmary, her heart pumping painfully against her ribs.

Go! Go away!' Ragini pushed her roughly, and Swara stumbled backwards her eyes blurring, her throat tight with guilt.

Ragini, don't!' Lakshya held her back, throwing his arms around her struggling frame. She struggled against him, with renewed energy, her eyes burning with spite.


Don't speak to me!' Ragini howled. You left him to die! He trusted you and your betrayed him! It was you who made this trick possible right? Then what? Then why? Just Go AWAY!'


There is no point in coming here now Swara!' she screamed forgetting for a moment that she was not to take that name. Swara flinched, both at the tone of her voice and also at the mention of her real name. You weren't there, when you were needed.'

As she slugged her shoulders and stopped struggling, Lakshya let her go. He was drenched in water himself and looked weary. Ragini, still shivering from the events she had witnessed and seething in anger, shrunk to a corner. She looked at Lakshya, still fuming.

Just take her away, take her!'

Janki?' Lakshya said curiously as he laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. He is alright now.' Swara looked at him, gratitude shining in the depth of her eyes as they brimmed with tears. The doctor thinks he needs to rest the night and then we can resume practice.'

Why are you telling her all that?' Ragini sneered. Just take her away!'

Ragini's here,' Lakshya said holding her shoulders and turning her firmly away from the fuming Ragini. Let's go.'

Swara nodded faintly and let him lead her away. They did not speak again until they reached the end of the corridor and took a flight of stairs to the upper floor.

Thank you for saving him.' She said in a shaking voice. I don't know what happened with me, I was supposed to jump and pull the strings so he wouldn't sink in to the water but I...' She let a sob silence her for a moment and Lakshya rubbed her back, his lips pursed. Trust me I did not want him to fall...I wouldn't...'

Ragini is not thinking clearly.' Lakshya said after a moment. Her father almost died you can't blame her.' He looked in to her eyes and smiled. But don't blame yourself either. You just missed a beat that's all.'

It would have cost him his life if you weren't there. I'm sorry for all I've said, for all the time I was against him making you his assistant. I'm sorry Lakshya.'

Lakshya shrugged, uncomfortable to be confronted with her honesty.

I didn't do it for him.' He said then, in a tight voice. His had eyes casted over her for a brief glance. I did it for you.'


Vajrateerta, 1995

Ancient folks of elven realms said the river Indra was born from peace, walked through trickery and drained down in war. As said, it sprung as a stream from the cold mountains of Kaldwaara, the city of peace, swept its way across Akashanagara the land of maleficent ploys and finally drained to ocean at the edge of Vajrateerta, the city of war.

The qualities of the stream too, changed with the land it seeped in to. In Kaldwaara, Indra was merely a stream, silent, pure and nourishing. In Akashanagara it streamed down dark shades of thick forests, listening to the whispered secrets of the trees and mixing with the herbs of the ground layer. The stream became larger, the bottom sank deeper and Indra herself would whisper with the hallowed woods of Anjanis. The violent waters made their way to Vajrateerta. Babbling, giggling, and splashing the silver pearls of water against the rocks smoothed against the time. As it seeped in to the land, nourishing it the water in return drank in the enchantments of the land. Indra was not just a source of water; it was a source of power too.

            As the charm of the spring lifted, the spellbound flowers lay at the feet of their parent trees. The monsoon was coming and the wind became colder towards the end of each day. Every night the dew would sprinkle itself upon the ground and every morning the sun would appear a little bit fainter.

The fainting away spring brought another pastel morning to the banks of Indra. Lilac shades appeared in the northern sky and the mist swathed around the huddles of trees. The river Indra muttering its morning prayers quietly narrowed itself as the branches of a giant tree dipped in to its cool water. Surprised by the sudden obstacle in its flow the river mumbled a little louder, white bubbles of water gathering around the branches and the round rocks that had created the barrier.

Slowly Indra conquered by the obstacle settled in to a pool that slowly drained down around the rocks. There sat a woman her reflection becoming clearer as the violent water of Indra settled down around her ankles; her feet were dipped in the river. A thick wave of dark hair framed her face hidden in the shade of the giant tree. The slowly fading tint of golden in the mauve sky reflected in her clear jade eyes. She was dressed in white with pearls embellishing her features.

It was one of the oldest memories Sanskar had of his mother; Aruna. He had sat there, in the shade of the giant fallen tree, with his mother, as a five year old. The morning mist circled them, although he did not feel the coldness it brought with the floating white mass, Aruna shivered, looked down at him and smiled, her finger tips running through the thick mop of his hair, brushing them away from his eyes.

Can you hear her?' She asked then, in a slow voice, tilting her head to show him that she was listening. Sanskar mimicked her movement, tilting his own head and strained his ears. First he could hear nothing except the murmuring wind, and then slowly, an eerie music filled his ears.

Who is that?'

It's Indra,'

The river?' He might have sounded disbelieving and Aruna laughed at his look.

No; her power. You know this Sanskar, everything in the elven lands have a conscious within them, they communicate with us always, only we are too busy to hear most of the time.'

What is she singing about?' Sanskar asked curiously.

Those words are from the mountain folk's tongue, she is singing about the fallen heroes.' Aruna closed her eyes, leaning her head against the rough bark and gathered him closer, with her arms. About how their souls are shining silver, unblemished as they ride to heaven with glittering sun rays...'

Sanskar tried to imagine the silvery souls of the fallen warriors floating towards the heaven with sunlight. It was hard and somewhat exhausting. He shook his head. He had more questions.

So that's what father's doing, sending the heroes to heaven?'

As he said the words, there was a splash. First a head emerged from the still surface of water. It belonged to a man in his youth. His long hair plastered to his cheeks. Droplets of water lingered down his face making him glitter in the rays of the rising sun, tracing the features in his golden face. His torso followed rising gently from the water. Hands clasped and lips moving in prayer he had his eyes closed. The top of his head vanished beneath the water once again.

No,' said Aruna softly as she watched her husband disappearing in to the stream of Indra once more. He is cleansing his soul.'

Why?' Sanskar asked in confusion.

Because some victories make you lose your purity, some lives you take leave you with regret forever.'

He is atoning?'

He is.' Aruna agreed. Although he has not sinned in the worldly sense. Sometimes your heart makes you feel like a sinner, it is a feeling hard to live with.'

I don't understand.'

I hope you never have to.' She smiled at him, and then looked up at the sun rising above them and the glittery skies of spring unfolding in the heavens. Her fingers twirled through the mist in soft movements and the whiteness thickened in some places while thinning in others. Shapes of horses, men and mountains made of mist surrounded them as Sanskar made a cheerful sound.

How did you do that?' He asked excitedly, forgetting their initial serious conversation.

You've fallen asleep,' Aruna explained softly. I'm casting beautiful dreams for you.' Her fingers stroked his hair, until he realized his eyes were closed heavy with sleep. The mist glittering in the seven colored sunshine, formed trillions of butterflies around them. His mother, in the dream, grinned gleefully. Sweet dreams my prince...'


The cruise ship, 22nd March 2015

He did know she will return. But her light footfall on the deck behind him still caught him by surprise. Sanskar had never in his life been so alert to someone's presence in his vicinity, he could almost hear each breath she took or let go of. He knew how the moment had to be played, but the knowledge never made it easier to be done. His grip on the railing tightened as she came to stand by him, gazing at the steep water below, where Shekar Gadodia was sinking few hours earlier.

You're an Oneiro,' she said calmly.

Sanskar sighed. He knew the tone of her voice was practiced. Her curiosity carefully casted aside, replaced by a fake serenity she tried hard to hold on to.

You don't have to answer you know,' she continued again. I already know your secret...' She turned sideways, and caught his eye.

But you won't leave without an answer.' She nodded, a little taken aback by his blunt acceptance. He caught her gaze finally. Her golden eyes reflected the skies above, tiny specs of stars gleaming in the honey depths.

You've been hiding for so many years and yet decided to give all that up in one moment. Don't you think that deserves an explanation Mr. Maheshwari?'

You wouldn't like my explanation Miss Gadodia.' He told her shortly.

You don't know me enough to decide that.' She was confident.

The person he had spent so many years of his life chasing after was declaring that he knew nothing about her. He could have almost laughed if not for the gravity of the situation.

It would hurt you.' He tried again.

Again, you don't know enough to guess.' She chuckled coldly.

Fine, decide for yourself.' Sanskar said in the end, taking her hand in his.

Only for a brief moment Swara felt their skins touching, as her warm hand fitted in to his cold one. Then her sensations, sight and mind was taken to a different time as a vision unfolded.

Kolkata, 14th March 2015

The twilight was fading. In a sky of deepest blues and hints of darker gray, stars were popping up. Beneath the heavens preparing for a warm, silent night, wind bristled about, weeping against the boughs of roadside trees or slamming against the hedges. The landscape was a deserted road, forked not much ahead and twisting out of sight. In the junction, sparing some isolation for people to linger in the shadows a huge tree rose above, almost brushing against the stars. In a few feet distance a lamppost casted an illuminate ocher light and a handful of shadows in its vicinity.

She has done a lot for me and my family. You must promise me that she won't be harmed.' A voice said, breaking the eerie silence. It came from the two people who stood in the shade offered by the tree and the shadows casted by the street lamp. The twilight had reduced them to mere silhouettes.

Shekar, why on earth would you doubt an old friend?' The other man shuffled an uneasy laugh. She is your daughter that makes her my child too. I just need to confirm she has some supernatural power that concerns my study or not.'

A car went by throwing a casual beam of light to the two men in the shadows. Shekar Gadodia still did not look convinced. And his companion was Dr. Agrawal, a scientist in his mid forties. He was a tall and bony man with a perfect Roman crooked nose in the dead center of a clean shaven face and gray hair thinning at the middle of his head. His eyes were bluish gray and had a sharp cold look in them.

Many years ago, when he was doing a research on street magic Dr. Agrawal had met Shekar Gadodia. The two men had shared a polite friendship since. But Agrawal's search of scientific basis for paranormal incidents hardly ever found any interest in Shekar's field. It was all science, as Agrawal would laugh, nothing magical; not until Shekar Gadodia stumbled upon one extraordinary girl; Swara.

Okay,' Shekar said after a long while of whispered discussions. You can see for yourself when she performs in our next show.'

Agrawal looked visibly pleased at this.

But, for that you'll have to make sure we get the chance to perform in that cruise ship,' Shekar continued. Can you do that much for an old friend?'

Of cause,' Agrawal gave him a tight smile. His eyes calculative and they gripped each other's hand in a brief hand shake.


Extracts from notes by Shobha Bose on 22nd March 2015

Desire, is the first step towards the path of love. Some then trots upon the twisting, narrow way leading to that supreme of sensations, some remains frozen at the beginning. Desire, gives birth to curiosity, curiosity conjures questions, questions start conversations, conversations gather knowledge, knowledge leads to acceptance and acceptance delivers faith. There is no worship that does not involve faith. Love is similar, a worship born of faith.

And they conversed, for the first time, out of curiosity and in the pursuit of answers; both still holding to their masks, not revealing much of their wounds, but both eager to explore the exquisite embroidery of fate, that knitted them together.

The Eye and the Oneiro; the reality and the illusion and to some extent the light and dark; too wrong yet perfectly fitting unknowingly they were standing at the start of their story.


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