Chapter 12

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Chapter twelve

The Ruthless Prince

Agnidyuth fortress, Vajrateerta, 23rd March 2015

With her white shawl blowing against the winds of dusk and her eyes burning up in rage Devi Annapurna made quite a sight as she left the chamber of ministers abruptly. The doors closed behind her, turning on the oiled hinges, still managed to make a noticeable sound in the muted noises of the background.

The dowager queen said no more, her fingers curled in to fists for a moment before she exhaled sharply and let go. Her face, immobilized in to a mask of indifference, with features betraying no hint of emotion, the lady walked off. Some shadows from the dingy corners joined her as she marched on, soundless as if they were made of air and light just as the other unanimated shadows of the passageway, but alert of every movement the queen would make. Annapurna was accustomed to her guards, but at moments like these she did not feel grateful of their presence.

The bodyguards, or *Skia as they were called in Vajrateerta, were trained from a young age to blend in to the background of their ward and to be fiercely loyal to the throne of Vajra. They were shadows as their names suggested, yet with the ability to act when needed. Their senses where sharpened and always on alert, the Skia would hear everything and notice the tiniest of details there was to note about their wards. The last thing Annapurna wanted was her Skia to prey on her fury against the ministers and take a word to Sanskar shuttering her carefully constructed house of cards with a single blow of wind. The Skia would never lie to the crown prince hence maintaining the facade of serene innocence was needed.

Her footfall echoed in the empty hallways as she tried to walk as fast as she could without visibly attempting to flee the Skia walking a few paces behind her. The hallway opened to a vast balcony, windy at that time of dusk and grimly casted in to bluish shadows. The lamps, kept inside the carved holes of the wall were not lit. Annapurna stopped there for a moment, casting a sideway glance at the Skia stopped in the shadows. She could not see them, still her senses with their practice sharpening them, sensed them lurking in the background. For a moment, she let a tint of doubt blur her resolve. Where the Skia guarding her, or spying on her? If so, to whom did they report? Who would have sensed that her motives were different from those she feigned to the majority of Vajra race?

As she stepped in to the windy balcony and the relative light, the shadowy guardians did not follow her. They would not appreciate being seen, unless of cause the queen was in a life threatening situation. Annapurna let her eyes wonder to the twilight, reflected in the heavens before her. The different shades of blues and grays and the blurring edges of gold and pink, sprinkled over with a faint sliver of tiny stars.

Her sharp ears picked up the faint sounds of her guardians moving just beyond the line between the dusky light and the darkness of the passageway, stationing themselves so as to watch her, but hide their presence and give her an illusion of isolation and privacy. Annapurna sighed. It seemed she had been right, someone did instruct the Skia to keep their eye on her.

Who could it be? She wondered again. Only one would be able to answer that question. No, Annapurna told herself. That would be inaccurate. There were two people answerable. But there was only one whom she could approach with the question.

She walked to the railings of carved stone which marked the edge of the balcony in perfect off white spirals and gripped the stony bar that ran over the railing, gently. Closing her eyes, she took a gulp of the night air and reached to the depth of her mind and then beyond the fringe of her psyche to her brother, miles away in the camp of Vajras.

It was the only communication which she could rely on at the moment and trust that it would not be intercepted. A thread of thoughts beyond the read of the Skia...

Attacking a mirror leaves no wounds brother, if you need to make some real damage discard the mirror first...'


The cruise ship, 23rd March 2015

Inside its glass case of protection, Aithne gleamed innocently. Swara let her fingers glide over the cold surface of the glass, imagining her fingertips were running along the edge of the blade. The fascination was still there, the pulsing power of the blade now dulled to a weak throb in the absence of a yielder reached out to her. It was a blade of legends...perhaps one of the legends that had fairly less embroidery comparing with the other legends of the elven land. The power of Aithne was far from speculations and Swara had experienced it firsthand.

She reminisced discussing it with Mrs. Bose, the day after she had been cut by the elven blade. The lady had been paranoid when she was informed of her grandson's adventure. But that had not been Swara's concern.

I think,' she had said, in a cautious tone. That blade affected my powers.'

Shobha had raised her eyebrows before nodding intently.

Aithne, that blade is called Aithne. One of the Agni's trio. You're right, it can absorb power from the blood it touch, making that individual powerless for a while.'

A tactic that ensures the opponent's defeat, in a battle.' Swara mused aloud.

Yes; and the history vouch for its success as well.'

The dull power seemed to read her thoughts, shape them to the will of Aithne, when she was not excising its effect, urging her to open the locks of the case and pick the sword, yield Aithne for a moment.

She had almost given in to the urge when the door opened once more. Dark against the lights that blinked friendly from the passageway outside, the lean frame of Mr.Maheshwari entered the room. Owing to the darkness that lingered until he switched on the lights, he was oblivious to her presence in the room; or so Swara thought. She stood watching him, until the florescent lights sprung to life basking her in the beams of brilliant light, she blinked for a moment and noticed he was not surprised to find her in there.

Insomnia?' He asked with a tilt to his head, bolting the door after him. Homesick?' He tried again, since she did not reply to the earlier inquiry.

Swara shook her head.

I've never had a home for a constant period that would make me homesick,' she looked at him and shook her head slightly, pursing her lips. But yes, I couldn't sleep.'

He did not offer her a reply as he came to stand by the glass case, his eyes fixed upon Aithne once more. Swara looked at him; he was directly standing opposite her, with Aithne lying between them. His face was half hooded with shadows, had hidden in an un-comprehendible mask.

Somehow his presence was not alarming. She did not voice that thought and mentally conjured the expression Mohan would have given her at such a declaration. She, the most wanted person in the elven lands was being lured into trusting an absolute stranger. She did not even know his first name, although she guessed it was something starting with S, neither did she know what he did with his power over other people's dreams. The Nagas, especially Ashvini would call her a fool for trusting an Oneiro. The only defense she had was that she knew his secret; the unpleasant counter would be that he also knew hers.

Her trance was awoken to his gaze, he was scrutinizing her, while she remained lost in her thoughts.

What are you looking at?' She asked him, her eyes suddenly cold.

He shrugged, still not dropping his gaze and replied. I was trying to decipher what you see when you look at me.' Swara's eyes widened a little and he continued. What fascinates you so that you keep observing, analyzing, thinking over and over again.'

I'm not,' she oppressed hastily.

Sometimes straightforward questions reap more answers Miss Gadodia, didn't you learn it at your...whatever training sessions?'

I was trained not to engage in conversations, conversations leads to discoveries.'

A strategy of spies,' nodded Sanskar, he could imagine Mohan teaching his ward to keep away from strangers. And outlaws.' The girl visibly stiffened at the word. I know you're on the run,' he said casually. What amazes me is that you choose to override that command, when you came and talked to me that night, when you found out what I was. I could have been a spy, worse an assassin, I wonder what made you take such a risk?'

The Vajra prince would never take an Oneiro in to his forces.' Sanskar raised his eyebrows at the odd statement, but said nothing as she continued. I know it is him you're hiding from.'

And what gave you the idea?'

I know how monstrous he is,' she said bitterly.

How? Have you seen him?' Sanskar said carefully choosing his tone. Or just feeding on rumors are you?'

I've seen him.' She turned to look at him, her golden eyes ablaze. I've seen him kill.'


Kaldwaara borders, June, 2009

It was her fourth summer in the lands of Nagas. The sky of periwinkle blue were rolling to the endless infinity, before being conquered by the shades of deeper forget-me-not, the sun, in its most brilliant white shone across the heat - beaten landscape below. The Kaldwaara lying in the horizon to their east, Mohan and a fourteen year old Swara was scouting through the woods. The eternal spring of the city of peace had not prepared them for the blazing hot sun waiting for them outside. They trotted from shady paths, keeping mostly to the cool darkness of the forest, their outfits drenched with sweat as they kept walking forward.

Mohan,' panted Swara bending over and trying to catch her breath. Sweaty sheets of dark hair hang around her face, strands of the same, stuck to her neck and ears. Please tell me you see your orchid somewhere near-by!'

I don't.' Mohan grinned, with his hands on his hips as he stopped to look at her. Swara scowled at him, through the curtain of her hair frustrated at how he could look rather graceful, clean and sophisticated all the time. They don't grow on eye - level you see, I have to climb up and search.'

So what are you waiting for? A pair of wings?' Swara hissed as she dragged her feet to join him at the foot of a taller tree, than the canopy casting them in to shadows.

I thought you might like to do this one,' Mohan said cheekily. It's good for your training.'

Mohan,' Swara pleaded. I'm hardly standing upright and you want to to climb, what? Twenty feet?'

That's about it.' Mohan concluded with an air of a customer placing an order at a restaurant. Remember the flower is a black one, with pink dots.' Swara muttered something. What? Didn't catch that - sorry!'

Still muttering under her breath, at the unwanted training Mohan was pushing her through, Swara started to climb. Bafflingly the bark was so smooth that her foot slipped many times before she finally managed to swing her arm around a bough with enough strength. The leaves rustled as she footed the branch and launched for a higher one, reaching the crown of the tree in another few moments. The canopy of the forest around her ended at a certain level and the tree rose above all else. She could hear Mohan whistling a tune from the base of the tree, but could no longer see him. The sun dazzled her eyesight for a moment and then wind slapped hard against her.

It was like exchanging view points with a bird. The borders of Kaldwaara lay below in the sparkling sun. Green, golden and hints of red and white, morphed in to an image of a perfect landscape. Swara sighed loudly.

Beautiful isn't it?' Mohan called over.

Yes!' She replied. Yes,' she repeated slowly as her eyes traveled the landscape. The different shades of the sky and the softest of clouds caught her sight now. Her eyes moved south and found a splendorous sight. Mohan, what are all those white towers?' She asked, not taking her eyes off the sparkling whiteness that almost touched the clouds.

That's Vajra Mandapa,' Mohan said knowingly. The court of Vajra.'

But that's Agnidyuth, is it not?'

Agnidyuth is the palace of Vajrateerta, Vajra Mandapa doesn't belong to Vajrateerta, and it belongs to the Vajra whoever he is.'

Oh!' She said, soaking up the information. Your orchid isn't here either...' she said then. There's one...a yellow and white one, want some?'

Come down, if you're done sightseeing.' Mohan replied in a bored tone. He leaned against the bark, waiting for her to slide down and reassumed his whistling. After a long moment he stopped. Swara?' There was no reply. What are you doing up there?'

Mohan, it's them!' Something in her tone, the eerie slope her pitch had taken, made it clear to Mohan who "They" were; the soldiers of Vajra.

Come down this instant!'  He said at once, his tone tight and his words stressed. But Swara did not comply. She remained in the crook of the topmost branch, her head bowed and eyes squinting through the crown of the ancient tree.

There was no mistaking of the black and gold colors, or the crests with thunder bolt imprinted on them proudly. The soldiers of Vajra were chasing after someone, a girl in fact, who was running for her life. She did hear Mohan calling urgently and did know that it was time to climb down and perhaps run to the shelter of Kaldwaara. But something held her in place, her eyes on the teen in the robes of the Skia making her way to the forest. The gap between her and the horses were thinning as minutes passed, but it seemed the girl had almost made it. Swara took a breath of relief as the teen Skia reached the first cluster of trees and then she felt it.

The ground beneath her trembled and the branch she had been embracing heated up as a living being. A pulse of power ran through the forest and the trees grew in a breath. It was the moment when the master of those lands stepped in to them and every being recognized his footfall. The prince of Vajra was coming.


The Skia tripped over the roots as the ground jerked beneath her. By the time she gathered herself, she was already standing in the shadow of the prince, who had dismounted his glossy dark stallion.

At nineteen Sanskar was leaner, his broad shoulders still had scope to be filled. His skin had darkened, leaving out the Naga paleness that lingered over his features and his hair, cut short to suit the human world he spent most of his time in. His eyes had taken a paler almost gray shade of green and looked colder and remote like a lake covered with a thin layer of mist. He was angry, for those who were familiar, the signs were enough.

The Skia knelt at his feet, with no other choice left to make and pleaded in a throaty tone.

Forgive me, my lord! Forgive me this once!'

Rise,' he said almost bluntly, looking at the shivering form of the girl. If you're an assassin behave like one.'

Forgive me!' The girl muttered again.

The soldiers were catching up to them now. Aryamaan, Agni and a few others dismounted and joined them forming a circle around the prince and the traitor.

You attempted to murder me, is that what I am supposed to forgive?'

My lord I had no choice, please, I can explain...!'

We're wasting our time, your highness.' Aryamaan said, the corners of his mouth curled unpleasantly. There are important things to do rather than listen to whines of a traitor!'

Your fate sealed the moment you dared to practice your tricks on Yuvraj, Oneiro, knowing the art is banned for Skia.' agreed Agni, looking down at the girl with disgust. I am the lord of Skia and I decide so, you bring shame upon the entire sect!'

Agni had almost drawn out his sword when Sanskar gestured him to stop.

But my lord,' Aryamaan interrupted.

A Skia has nothing to gain with my death,' he explained slowly, his voice cold and calm. I am interested in knowing what made a Skia give up her code of conduct and commit such a grave treason.'

I had no choice...' the girl said again. I had to bring my sister back; he said he would bring my sister back.'

Who did?'

The girl gasped.

I can't tell you.'

You have to,' said Sanskar as his green gray eyes started to deepen in color, regaining their pleasant, mountain lake green. Your life depends upon it. The air buzzed for a moment, as something went past his ear. Sanskar pursed his lips, gulping, and his jaw rigid.

It had been a dagger than came out of nowhere; now buried in the abdomen of the twitching Skia.


Listening was not enough anymore. She wanted to see what was happening. Swara slide some paces down, to the first branch she had stepped on, on her way to the top of the tree and swung forward. The canopy of the forest was so tightly woven that it was not very hard to move from one tree to another. She had to reach where the girl was, she had to help her, and she had to see what her fate was.

But for that she had been too late.

The prince pulled out the dagger, from the motionless body of the dead Skia.

Lead coated,' he said in a slow deep voice. The poison kills if the cut doesn't.' He stood up, handing the dagger to Agni. Keep an eye on the rest of your crowd Agni; we don't want any more of them dying unnecessarily do we?'


The way he spoke,' Swara said bitterly, her eyes squeezed shut as she recalled the day. As if the dead girl did not matter at all. His voice, so cold.' She looked at him, shivering slightly. Mohan told me that it was punishable in Vajrateerta to use your powers on the royal family.'

And cause them harm,' Sanskar corrected her.

But she was forced to and that evil prince couldn't see it! That girl was so afraid; she did not deserve to die.'

Sanskar said nothing as he absorbed her view point of the incident he knew very well and still regretted once in a while. There was a fire in her golden eyes, the glittery specs of pale gold sparking up, as she seethed with anger. There was something else too, something almost faint, but still there.

You're afraid of him.' He concluded in the end.

No,' Swara shook her head. I'm afraid of those people who made him what he is. I know what they would do if they found me ever.'

Sanskar inhaled abruptly. He had never thought about that. What would Ma do with her, when she finally reaches the court of Vajrateerta. For his astonishment Sanskar found the question beyond his capacity. Or perhaps he did not want to admit to the truth he knew perfectly well. What else would the queen, seething in anger, burning in flames of hatred for so many years would do?


Camp of Vajra, 23rd March 2015

The torches of Aryamaan's tent flickered once, dimmed and reignited as if the flames were interrupted by a gust of wind. The heavy built of Aryamaan was hunched over a map laid out in the table for him to pursue. The night had already rolled in to those borders of Vajrateerta. He looked up, slightly startled at the change of the light and saw, to his astonishment, a faint, shadowy figure of his sister standing a few feet away.

Anu?' He muttered reaching the thread that controlled his curtains and pulling it, to close the tent entrance. The figure of Annapurna's thoughts watched him as he prepared the surrounding for their conversation. What brings you here, in this form?'

The ministers are not convinced.' Annapurna said plainly. They still hold the prince of Vajra in high regard.'

Things take time sister.' Aryamaan said calmly. You have to be patient.'

I cannot. Not with swarms of Skia after me.'

What do you mean?'

I'm being followed by Skia, every step I take. I'm afraid they're spying on me and reporting to...'

Agni,' offered Aryamaan. I should have known.'

Annapurna gave a low humorless laugh.

See how fate plays,' she said then. You were a minister and now reduced to a mere commander, he was just a shadow, now elevated to a minister.' She shook her head. We should have disposed him along with his old mistress; devi Nanda.'

That reminds me, the Gurukul we invaded in the borders of the Naga city had some information regarding the key. After all it seems, we might not need your mother in law to speak after all.'

The words, seemed to light Annapurna within.

Is that so?' She said contentedly. But still, we're far behind in what we planned for Sanskar.' She said his name in a low tone, as if someone might hear her taking the Yuvraj's name and watched as Aryamaan shook his head.

Conspiracies don't get over in a night sister, you need to plan, plan and plan again. After what we hope to do with his lumiere, there is a less chance of survival for him.'

Annapurna did not say anything. Her silence seemed to bother Aryamaan as he circled the faint figure of Annapurna. She shone ghostly in the torches of the tent, turning darker as her thoughts took a dark turn. Aryamaan watched as she turned from a pastel gray to muted black.

That still worries me.' She said then. When Aryamaan looked at her quizzically she continued to explain. He is growing in power, I can sense it every time we meet.  And I shudder to think what his dark form would be like...what his wrath would be like. Can we take it or not?'


Kaldwaara, 23rd March 2015

Mohan slowly tasted the bitter concoction, brewed herbs of Nagas charmed by the spell Adarsh brought with him. The magic was pulsing against his lips as he took the burning potion in to his mouth. The heat of magic ran down his throat and then tingled to the ends of his nerves.

He smacked his lips and kept the earthen cup aside, before looking up at Ashvini who stood by the window, glittering in a soft silvery aura created both by her power and the morning sunlight.

That is correct. There's a conspiracy inside the walls of Agnidyuth which in my opinion is targeting the prince of Vajra.' He said calmly. The look Ashvini gave him clarified that she was not interested in the internal struggles of Vajras at all. But still he had to share this with her.

So I was right.' Ashvini said wistfully. The attack on Gurukul was deliberate. It was a hunt for information.'

Mohan bowed, not wasting words from his sore throat on affirmations.

I think Kaldwaara itself is the target not the Naga race.'

Ashvini raised her eyebrows.

Explain.' She said shortly.

Mohan stood up, the muscles of his legs still tight and painful. Yet he was instructed to take short walks from time to time.

You and I both know what kind of evil hides behind the gates of time mother**,' he said then. You know what will happen if the gates open.'

They cannot, unless the master of Aithne commands it.' Ashvini pointed out. And Aithne at present has no master!'

If they planned to overthrow the son of Vajra it is not hard to find a master for Aithne either.'

We have no say in their political matters Mohan,' Ashvini said wisely. The Vajra prince is the enemy.  We have better things to do than think about his enemies.'

I knew you would say so.' Mohan said bitterly.

I am the Mother of Kaldwaara!' Ashvini inhaled deeply. I have to think about my people.'

It won't be long and our enemies will be same people mother.'


Extracts from Shobha's records; 23rd March

One truth, one secret, one wall broken... That was the principle of the spell of vessels. And the victim would never know where they stepped in to the spider's web, or where it started to wrap around them, or when the spider started to crawl towards them.

The spell was not hard one. You just have to be honest, as much as you can. And each truth you speak creates a bond of a kind. She did not wonder why she was trusting so blindly. What was there to wonder after all, when he was being so open with her?

She had been taught to doubt everyone, not to engage in conversations, she who walked with a double edged dagger on her belt; never for a once reflected how easily she had overridden an entire life's practice and trusted a master of illusions.

That was the spell and the Oneiro had casted it.


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