Chapter 22 part I

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Chapter 22 A

Lonely World

Her chamber was circular, with a high ceiling decorated with paintings of folktales and deep red drapes hanging from the high windows. Everything had colors of fall the reds, golds and yellows; it might be a cheerful room in the sunlight. Beyond the windows the sky was dusky purple, few stars scattered over the thickets of clouds. Swara took a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears running down her face. No one is supposed to know why she was here and her obvious horror would give her secret away. Muttering to herself and her arms wrapped around her shaking figure she sank to the ground at the foot of her four-poster, leaning her head against the carved and polished wood.

The battle she had witnessed had been brutal. She shuddered at the recollection. The practicing Naga soldiers had never came even closer to the caliber of these brothers. And Lakshya; he was not in his senses was he? Then Sanskar; what exactly had he been thinking? Watching them cut each other open was excruciating; especially so, since the sight stimulated her mind to play a different version of this same dual one she knew would end with his death.

It was this same fury in Lakshya's eyes that empty, monstrous thirst for blood; the corner of his lip tugging upwards as a growl escaped his throat. There would be an old cut across his cheek, scarring his boyishly handsome face and that demon of a sword secured in his grip. His moves would be smoother than they are now; but the way he flipped across the air, his blade swishing as effortlessly as a whip each stroke would be rewarded with blood.

Distantly she heard someone banging on her door; she had walked out of the emulations abruptly; of cause people would come looking. Hastily she wiped her eyes, trying to restrain her ragged breathing, and stood up dusting her clothes before speaking in an even tone.


To her relief instead of a flock of attendants who would consider her a doll that needed pampering, Megha rushed in, closing the door behind his back.

"What exactly where you thinking, my lady? His tone was worried and reprimanding at the same time. He stopped leaving a distance of few feet between them and gave her a disturbed stare. "Are you all right?

Swara waved her arms wordlessly, her eyes starting to burn with fresh tears. She collapsed on the nearest chair and placed a cool palm over her burning eyelids.

"I can't watch them fight " her voice shook as she confessed. "It reminds me "

"Of the vision? Megha supplied, kneeling at her feet a hand stretched out to take hers. Swara nodded wordlessly, a sob choking her. "He is not going to die Swara not all visions come true.

She stared at him, faintly recalling Sanskar had told her the same words once before. Not all visions come true...

"But that doesn't stop me from having nightmares. Watching them fight, the way they fought it brought back everything I tried to push deeper into the back of my mind. It made me realize how real it is how detailed and accurate that vision was. He Lakshya was exactly what he was back there, a senseless bloodthirsty monster!

"You can't let him affect you, Megha reminded her gently. "You can't appear to be concerned about the Yuvraj no one should know, you're here for him. Abruptly standing up, Swara let her eyes wonder around the room, taking in the shadowed corners, the silent shadows brushing against the stone walls. "There are no spies " Megha answered her fear, slowly. "I can sense it, when someone approaches. I can sense their auras from a mile. Remember I knew when Pratula's spies were tailing us back in the woods?

She nodded distractedly, hugging herself once more.

"What should I do now? She asked in a small voice. "What is going to happen now?

Megha chuckled in spite of the situation.

"The one who can see the future is asking this good for nothing wanderer what is going to happen?

"Suvanna noticed didn't she? She approached the question differently.

"I'd be surprised if she didn't, replied Megha nonchalantly. "She was eying you like a hawk.

"So now she is going to test her hypothesis. She said slowly, turning the thought over in her head. "She is going to test my affections towards both fighters to zero on the one who brought me here. So she will "


With a wet thump Lakshya landed on his side, a palm pressed against the bleeding cut on his abdomen he groaned softly. The pain cleared the hazy clouds obstructing his senses. He realized Aithne was no longer in his grip and the battle had ended a long before. Suvanna stood over him, the blood gripping blade of Aithne in her hands. She regarded him with a look and placing the sword away, clapped her hands.

"Call a healer my champion is injured. She told the maid who responded her call and then her eyes swept over him once more. "Wait that blade was poisonous was it not? She muttered to herself. "Call one of those new Naga healers they'd know what to do.

The maid bowed and left as Lakshya groaned again.

"What was that? He asked flinching at the pain produced by speech. "I thought you wanted me alive for this whatever drama of yours?

Suvanna shrugged.

"This was the only way to bring you to your senses, she said matter of fact ly. "The pain is the best wake up call.

She almost walked past him when he reached out and gripped her wrist, pulling her to a halt.

"What are you doing to me? His tone was dark, she narrowed her eyes at him. So the princeling was noticing things huh? The gaps in his memories, waking up to cuts he did not remember sustaining, the glory he was receiving in the arena it was all starting to make sense? "What kind of a bloody charm is this?

He was still on the ground and bleeding but his tug had the power to make her hunch to his level. Her blue eyes were as unreadable as they ever were.

"Your brother is here. She said sweetly.

"Bhai? He sounded puzzled, a little worried.

"Yes, and you've just given him a very generous greeting.

"What did you make me do? He growled, pain cracking his voice. Suvanna did not reply, she simply laughed lightly. "Answer me!

Why don't you lay back and think? She suggested. "Try to piece some memories together? Still laughing she gripped his elbow and with a strength nobody would imagine her to posses, hoisted him off the ground. His larger frame supported by her smaller one, Suvanna helped him to reach the divan. Lakshya did not protest, as she slumped him on the mattress. He was too exhausted; both physically and mentally. When their eyes met again, he tried to seek his answers in her impenetrable ocean eyes. "No darling you did not kill him, she cooed mockingly. "Not yet however.

She straightened up, and folded her hands over her chest, ignoring the incoherent insults he muttered.

"I did tell you dealing with witches could cost a lot, didn't I, kuwar Lakshya? She asked after a moment. "You could have forgotten all about Ragini and stayed back in the safety of human realms. This choice was yours.

"And you wonder why no one ever love you? Lakshya said bitterly. But he did not wait to get the satisfaction of watching his words wound her, instead he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, shutting the sheen of acid tears that burned his eyes against his eyeballs. She was right, he had made this choice and his choice had lead him to harm his own blood. He couldn't remember anything, neither seeing Sanskar nor attacking him.

Fear, crawled over his heart like a lake freezing in the first storm of winter. Was the prophecy finally coming true? Will he end up actually taking his brother's life? He had never really considered the possibility. He had been always mentally defending himself repeating it to himself that he was never going to lay a finger on his brother. But was he certain of that now? When his actions were not his own? When he felt himself changing turning in to something dark and sinister?

He desperately wished for someone to come. Not to help him escape the emulations or Suvanna as for that matter. Just to keep him sane, save him from himself.

There was a knock on the door followed by footsteps. Suvanna's voice was overtly sweet and tinted with a smile as she spoke.

"Ah Lady Kalyaani why did you take the trouble to come?


She wondered whether he was still beyond the worldly senses. There was no acknowledgement on his face of the needle puncturing his skin and sewing it together. Surely the pain would made one flinch the least right? Instead, Lakshya's eyes remained on her face, unfaltering and insistent. He seemed to be regarding her with a thoughtful observation his stare made Swara think uncomfortably of a insect under a microscope, about to be dissected.

"So you're not human? He asked in the end and Swara's eyes flicked upwards into his face. His gaze was empty when she held it.

"Half human, she replied slowly, noting Suvanna was no longer in the room. Perhaps it was her absence that had prompted Lakshya to start a conversation; however Swara knew better. Suvanna was out of sight, not earshot.

"And you're Kalyaani, not Swara?

"That is my human name; this is my elven identity. She still managed to answer holding to that composure.

"And you're of royal blood?

She could not see where this conversation was going. So she decided to let that question slid. Lakshya's eyes narrowed, as he watched her cover his wound. It was started to make sense, why his brother was interested in her. She was worthy of his attentions after all. He thought darkly. Why did it have to be her? The only girl who managed to hold his fancy as well? He looked at her again, as she soaked the bandages in a greenish liquid of some herbal brew.

It will stop the infections, she answered his scowl, her fingers fumbled a little as she bandaged his cut. He held her wrist, making her stop in mid movement.

"Why are you here? His tone was low yet doubtful. "Who are you here for?

She flinched and he wondered whether it was his hold or his question that had hurt her. Her golden eyes looked startled, and she avoided his gaze.

"No one.

"Are you sure it's not my brother? He asked her directly, the question that had been plaguing him. Did she return his feelings? Something cold crossed her face, which turned unreadable almost instantly.

"What do you mean?

"My brother is here, is he not? My brother the lord of Vajras? She did not answer his question yet, instead she pulled her wrist free of his grip and finished the bandaging. "Did you see him? Did you " he swallowed the bitter knot in his throat. "Did you see me hurt him?

This time he could clearly read the terror in her face. Lakshya closed his eyes disappointedly. All this while he had been holding on to a faint hope that perhaps Suvanna lied to him. After all the woman was yearning to see everyone suffering.

"I did do it didn't I? His voice was broken when he spoke. He ran a hand over his unruly hair and sighed. "All my life I was trying to escape this and now "

"You weren't in your senses, her voice was almost a whisper, he looked up at her hopefully and saw in her eyes the exact understanding he hoped to see. She did not see him as a monster. She did not loath the mere sight of him.

"I'm scared, he confessed in despair. Her cold fingers waved themselves around his wrist and she tugged down his hands covering his face.

"Then fight it there is no charm that cannot be fought.

"Can you fight fate Kalyaani?

She winced a little at the use of her elven name.

"Please call me Swara Kalyaani makes me uncomfortable. She told him with a small smile. "We used to be friends didn't we? Nothing much has changed.

True...he thought with his eyes closed. Her words did have the taste of those old times, back in the human realms, abroad that yacht or in her grandmother's cafe. The playful banters, evenings in the company of their father and Ragini. He had almost forgotten his cursed existence and tainted name in the elven lands. There he used to have friends.

"I'm not someone you should be friends with, he told her flatly, his eyes still closed. "I'm a traitor to my own family.

"I choose my friends for who they are, not for who they'll become. She said lightly, standing up to leave. "You should be careful for a night or two. It will heal completely.

"Will it leave a scar?

She flinched again, as if his words had reminded her of something gruesome.

"N no. It won't.

She had almost left, when he called after her.


"Yes? She smiled at him, a little hesitantly.

"Can you stay back for a moment? He asked hopefully holding her gaze. She nodded, walking back to his side and gracefully settled herself on the chair by the window.

He watched the way her cheeks shimmered in the moonlight. Her glow was not elven, it was something more beautiful soft and golden. Faintly it made him recall the heart tree of the elves. He had only seen it once, in a very distant childhood day. But he could have sworn the evergreen tree had a similar glow of soft golden the moment his father the Vajra had touched it. As the drowsiness started to lull him into an uneasy sleep, Lakshya wondered what it mean, if it, at all meant what he thought it did. His eye lids dropped heavily and he sighed. Did she like the herz belong to the Vajra?

Swara watched him pass out and sighed, her heart burdened with pity. He was no murderer, or monster. He was just a broken man, with a terrible fate. She wished she could stop using him to cover her. He really needed a friend, someone who could guide him to the light. She wasn't sure if she could be that person. She wanted Suvanna to think Lakshya was the reason she was here. If Suvanna was using Ragini had been using her for a while  - she would know that Lakshya and her had been friends. It is possible that her thoughts may never turn towards Sanskar. But in the process was she giving Lakshya false hope?

She looked out of the window and thought back to another one of her visions. Was she giving reasons for Lakshya to fall in love with her?


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