Chapter 22 part II

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Chapter 22 B

Stars that guide

Megha clicked his tongue, tasting the blood from the cut inside his cheek and wiped his sweaty brow, before looking up at the figure that towered above him. Those eyes were acid green, seething in anger like a vicious serpent. For a moment he anticipated another blow, when none came, rolled to his side and jumped back to his feet, shaking hair off his eyes. His jaw still ached from where Sanskar's knuckles had found it and Megha was sure he would be seeing a bluish bruise by the dawn.

"Wasn't I clear enough when I said, take her home? His tone if possible was more venomous than the blow, instead of facing him he turned away from Megha, hands still fisted and breathing heavily. "And you brought her here? To this pit of flesh eaters?

"I told her treating a Vajra could possibly cost me my life, Megha chuckled completely unfazed by the accusation and almost got rewarded with another blow. "Watch it, your highness, he added with bitter sarcasm. "The tournament seems to suck out your knightly qualities.

"I should have known better than to trust a nomad, Sanskar shook his head and sat down massaging his forehead.  

"for your kind information, bit out Megha. "I took her to Mohan. She decided to stay back.

"I told you to take her away at whatever cost.

Both sighed exasperated and turned away from each other.

"I know why you want her out of here, Megha started after a pause, choosing his words carefully. "Personally I'm not a fan of this place either.

"Pratula is going to turn her into his pawn, Suvanna won't take it lightly.

"That is why you should let her play her own cards, Megha replied, handing him the goblet of the bitter brew he brought along. "No one should know she is here for you.

"Is she now? The green of his eyes darkened.

"Yes. He said shortly. "So stay away from her.

"Tell me something Megha, and be honest in your answer, Sanskar paused, looking at the dark eyes of the Bhava youth. "Why are you here?

"You mean to ask, who am I here for? Megha rephrased calmly, holding his green gaze. "Do I really have to answer that?

"You could have run; you could have stayed back at Kaldwaara. No one comes to Padmapeeta without reasons.

"I'm still searching for him my father. He said flatly and scratching his head continued. "Although I was lied to, something tells me there was some truth in that story. I get that vibe from this place, he is here close by. He looked at Sanskar who had retreated to the tiny window in the corner. Only a patch of dark sky was visible from it, a lone star glittering amidst the gloomy clouds.

"Go to the hall of annals, he said softly after a moment. "Look for your mother in the noble lines.

"Noble lines?

"I don't believe your mother was a Bhava by birth. She was probably chased away from her community, or escaped like princess Arya. Once you find your mother, tracing your father won't be hard.

"What do you need in return?

Sanskar's blank face cracked into a faint smile.

"Mohan, he said thoughtfully. "Has taught you well. Everything in elven lands comes at a price, everyone helps with hopes of return.

"Except for one, Megha corrected him, his thoughts on Swara.

"She is not of this land, he agreed. "Priceless people don't seek price.

"You like her, don't you?

Sanskar flashed him a look, a hand running through his already unruly hair.

"I'm the Lord of Vajra's. I can't like people, he stated bluntly. "Or they might end up being targets.

"Well, Megha shrugged, rolling his eyes at his logic. "I thought you were going to ask me to watch over her.

"I can do that myself, Sanskar raised an eyebrow. "But yes, you owe me a favor, just remember that for now.


The door cracked with a ghostly sound in the darkness. The hallway ahead was lit with silvery moonlight and hushed in the dead of the night. Giving a sideways glance at the path behind her and the corridors in both sides, Swara blew out the single candle she was carrying and tucked it under her cloak. The swish of her skirts sounded too loud in the isolated wing, as she moved forward towards the double doors at the very end of the twisting hallway.

The hall of annals was locked with a charm making it accessible only to those of Royal blood. For everything Megha had done for her, this was one too insignificant return. She had opted for it herself, instead of  letting Megha wonder the Padmapeeta unguarded and exposed to danger. It was closer to dawn and the stars were fading away. The remaining faint light, issuing from the transparent moon hanging low on the horizon was enough to lead her into the dusty library.

The doors were high, made of ancient wood, carvings on them telling febbles unknown. There was no lock, instead the doors simply merged together without a crack only a circular plate bearing the Akashanagara coat of arms rested in the center. She ran her cold fingers over the complex design aimlessly and her fingers fitted to the gaps left out in the carvings. There was a crack of recognition, and a slit developed where the double doors touched each other and finally they pulled apart soundlessly in the night.

Swara stepped back and inhaled in awe, watching the now open entrance to the hall of annals. She could see an aisle between rows and rows of shelves. Taking a deep breath of frosty night air, she made her way inside, her steps echoing in the night. The moment she stepped past the threshold, the doors closed, merging into that seamless wall of carved wood once more. In the bluish darkness, silver dots of fairy lights hang above her head, like stars that were hanging low or fireflies that were floating they moved with her, casting light on her path. She felt isolated and nervous, a little lost with no directions. There were so many records sacked in neat dusty heaps, Swara had no idea where to start.

"A book may teach one all about fire, but the pain of burn only a flame can teach. The voice made her jump and then look around wildly. Sanskar was leaning against one of the shelves to her right, his arms folded and legs crossed at ankles, his expression at ease and eyes a warm olive green. He took in her pale complexion with satisfaction, lips pressed in annoyance. "Bow, he said dismissively. "You're in the presence of a lord, a foreign prince, lady of Anjanis.

Swara couldn't help the snort that escaped her lips.

"Obnoxious as always, she said, merely dipping her head and never breaking eye contact.

"Impolite, he muttered, but a faint smile twitched his lips. "Don't forget I was the one who tipped your friend into finding this place.

"Now I wonder, Swara said slowly. "Was it your plan to corner me?

He reached her faster than she had predicted, trapping her against the shelf behind her and his hands resting just inches from her head, both sides on the shelf. His gaze was emarald as it bored into her golden one.

"Whatever gave you the idea it's hard to get you cornered? He asked in a low voice, a whisper against her ear that sent and involuntary shudder down her spine.

"Whoever told you I had such an idea? She shot back, completely unfazed or pretending so, to his close proximity. Sanskar almost laughed before stepping back.

"Mohan, he said, running a hand through his hair. "He has taught you well. She tried to move away just as he pressed her against the shelf once more, obstructing her movement. "Now, he said looking down at her sternly. "Why are you here? She chose to ignore that question, looking anywhere but at his insistent green eyes. "What makes you think you're helping me in anyway?

"Lakshya trusts me, she looked up at him meaningfully. "Let me work as an intermediator.

"Why would you do that? The doubt in his voice made her flinch. After all they had been through, she hoped for a little trust, if not absolute faith. "Why would you risk your life, your safety, the identity you kept in secret for so many years?

"I don't understand why it's so hard to believe some people are willing to help you without any of your so called royal deals! Swara snapped, pushing him away from her she marched to the opposite shelf and pulled out a random scroll. "Everything comes at a price, Sanskar told her coldly. "Can you honestly tell me that you're not helping me in hopes that I would put an end to the battle of Kaldwaara?

"And that makes me selfish? She replaced the scroll which had a list of emulation candidates and pulled out another.

"No, it makes you foolish! It makes me an even more idiot that I try to protect you!

She stopped in mid movement.

"You do what?

"Are you insane? What were you thinking when you decided to hand yourself over to the anjani king? Don't you know you're nothing but a pawn in his hands? Don't you know what Suvanna might do to anyone who dares to obstruct her path towards the throne?

"And you're oh so wise to interject yourself into this mass murder called emulations? Knowing that there is no possible escape, knowing Lakshya is not in his senses, knowing Suvanna has him under her control, knowing the king wants your head, tell me what's the point of walking into this pit of vipers? She yelled back, her fists clenched in anger.

For a moment Sanskar looked amused, his eyes squinted in thought.

"Why do you care? He asked softly.

"Why do you? She shot back and then inhaled deeply, realizing amidst the argument they had stepped closer to each other that she could hardly see anything beyond his sparkling lake green eyes.

"You saved my life, he said casually but then reached in and pushed back a strand of hair behind her ear with his index finger, letting it trail down her jaw and throat. Swara gulped, looking up at him.

"So did you.

"You're supposed to hate me, he whispered in awe. His eyes reminded her of the dreams she used to get.

"You're supposed to drag me to your mother, she reminded him.

"What makes you think I wouldn't?

"What makes you think I don't?

"You're good, he praised her rather unwillingly. "Very, very good. Good, I'm relieved, you can survive the court politics.

"This was some sort of a test?

"Everything is, in the end. Didn't Mohan tell you that? He asked her lightly, stepping away and snatching that scroll from her hand to return it to its proper place. "You're not going to find anything if you go like that.

"You've been here before? She asked as she hurried after him, when he turned and walked further into the dark hall.

"Herz, he answered without turning back to look at her. "It teaches you many things.

"So how would you find someone's records here?

"It's easy, he replied, stopping somewhere down the aisle. Sanskar stretched out his hand and looked at her. "Do you know the name of the woman you're trying to find?

"Parjanya, Swara told him, hands folded and expression watchful. Sanskar's eyes narrowed for a fragment of a moment, before his face became unreadable once more.

"You just concentrate on that, asking the annals to come to you, the knowledge to enlighten you.

And he did just that, his hands outstretched and his eyes closed. A moment passed, then another, then some more. Swara cleared her throat.

"Seems like the herz was wrong this time, a faint smile twitched her lips and Sanskar scowled. Without replying to her sarcastic remark he clicked his fingers. "Mohan! He said holding her gaze. There was an airy sound, a swish before a scroll floated through the air and fall on his hand. He tossed it at her, raising an eyebrow. "Anything you want to know about your old friend.

Her eyes widened a little.

"So, it means...

"I was right in both occasions, Sanskar couldn't help but sound a little smug. "About the hall of annals as well as Megha's mom.

"I don't understand.

"Use your head, whatever you were taught about Anjanis. Why would a place of answers supply you no answer?

"Because, Swara said slowly, eyes squinted to focus. "Someone with a higher authority has suppressed our request. Like in information bases, you have to have the required level of clearance to access certain information, but who would do such a thing?

"The question is, why would someone wants to erase the origin of a nomadic woman?

"Who is she, really?


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