18🔸Divya-Parinayam (ii)

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Song - Albela sajan aayo ri | Bajirao mastani (extended version)

Third Person

"Madhav, my discomfort is justified, isn't it?" Arjun solicited in a low voice while his amber eyes rambled over the wedding venue as he descendent the chariot.

The wedding venue looked extraterrestrial, as if King Drupad had created an earthly version of Amaravati in Panchal. The whole place was decorated with various kind of white flowers, some were recognizable to him, some were not. The distant majestic strain of Veena was getting stronger as he advanced toward the main gate.

"Its not" Krishna replied shortly as they were greeted by the King and crown prince of Panchala.

Arjun bent down to touch the King's feet but instead he found himself in his father-in-law's tight embrace. "Since the day I had first encountered you in battle field you've captured my heart with your valour and magnanimity dear son"

Arjun didn't know how to answer so he just smiled when King Drupad removed himself from him before continuing "The day my daughter was born, I knew no one but only an equally divine soul like you who possessed beauty, valour and unique demeanour all together deserved my Agnija"

"I-" Arjun's soft voice was impeded by another satirical one

"Of course he does Pitashri, he has proved exactly how much he appreciates and desires my sister" Dhrishtadyumna's lips were curled up in an insolent smile while King Drupad fixed his eyes on his son daring him to say another word.

Arjun's jaw tensed as Dhrishtdyumna's sharp words pierced his already wounded heart. Dhrishtdyumna or absolutely anyone had no right to comment on what he felt for his wife.

He managed to put on a soft smile "That's where you are wrong brother, I don't just desire your sister, it's much deeper and purer than mere desire but don't try to understand it and pressure your unmarried brain just yet"

Dhrishtdyumna's fingers curled up in a fist while his brown eyes went darker. He took a step closer to Arjun before Krishna barged in.

"Maharaj, let us in. Kalyani has probably started lamenting and cursing me for not bringing her groom sooner" He Jeered.

King Drupad chuckled and nodded letting the two Krishnas in. The other Pandavas along with Kunti, Vidur and Satyaki had already reached.

After touching his elders feet Arjun was asked to sit in the Vivah mandap by the priest, Dhoumya. Still unable to evade the uneasiness that had sink in his heart, Arjun side glanced at his brothers

Bheem and Nakul were laughing at something while Sahdev was busy chatting with an elderly person dressed in saffron. His eyes travelled to where his eldest brother and mother along with King Drupad and Queen Prishati were sitting. He looked calm and composed as always.

Suddenly a rich fragrance of blue lotus prevailed around demanding Arjun's attention as he slowly turned his head to look ahead.

A blue hued flame draped in white advanced toward him. Her slender frame was decorated with various ornaments as she walked steadily with her payel making sensuous sounds.

All his fluster, discomfort and agitation vanished into thin air as he gaped at the divine wonder. She never seemed like person to him, not the day he had first met her in the tenebrous forest, not in her Swayamvar and definitely not now.

She seemed like a celebration, a reverie, an art.

And she was his


My toe curled in ecstatic, feeling his eyes all over me while I dug my nails into my palms. Although my gaze was implanted on the ground all I could vision was him and his hauntingly beautiful golden eyes.

"Arjun a small suggestion from this friend of yours, please shut your mouth you look weird" Satyabhama's deride forced the ladies even some men to burst into laughter while I bit my lip to fight my own.

"I can never look weirder than you do when you stare at your husband" His rich voice teased back "And since when did I become your friend?"

"Since now" Satyabhama declared before adding "Swami, I guess I've won the bet. Don't forget what you've promised"

"Victory is a tricky idea, isn't it Bhama?" I heard Govind's voice. I felt his footsteps coming closer before he stood right beside me. He almost demanded in a low voice "Kalyani, don't let your Govind lose"

I didn't have any idea what he even wished me to do but before I could stop myself my ebony orbs met a certain pair of golden ones. My heart caught in my throat as the third Pandava stood before me in all his glory.

In his white garment and golden ornaments he appeared like a devastatingly magnificent thunderbolt while his curls resembled the rainy cloud , his eyes the golden sun and his face,  that of a moon.

What did the creator think before decorating this human with universe's finest elements?

"Pardon my audacity to interrupt two souls busy worshipping each other but the wedding is today"

I forced my eyes to shift from the striking thunderbolt to my annoying friend who was smiling down at me innocently while Satyabhama let out a giggle.

Soon the wedding started with us garlanding each other, after my father performed Kanyadaan, he had placed my hand on Arjun's as we sat together. I could hardly concentrate on the mantras or anything being too aware of his closeness. I silently prayed he didn't paid attention to how cold my hand was as I dared stealing a glance at my husband and found him staring down at me.

It was probably the first time after my Swayamvar that I didn't find any hint of hesitation in his eyes when they looked at me.

"You look beautiful Krishnaa" He husked.

My lips parted open as I searched for any sigh of fallacy in his eyes but found none. I was sure It was the first time that he had voiced what I always felt he conveyed through his eyes. I never thought I would ever need someone to tell me that I was beautiful to feel beautiful untill now.

Not knowing what to do I lowered my eyes as I gulped the knot down.

Maharshi Dhaumya took an end of my chunri and his uttariya as he articulated "This Gathbandhan  symbolises the sacrosanct bond of your souls"

My lips curved in a small smile as I side glanced at my husband. His potent gaze was settled on me, sending shiver down my spine.

Soon it was time for Pheras. Arjun rose to his feet and extended his hand down at me. My eyes lingered on it for a moment before placing my right palm over it and standing up.

We slowly walked around the blazing fire while everyone showered flowers on us. I walked ahead while Arjun followed me, I closed my eyes and vowed to be his with my Kaymanavakya  (body, soul, words), to share his every joy, every pain every victory and every defeat. I vowed to be the best of his friends, to be the shoulder he could cry and the mirror he could be vulnerable to.

After Saptapadi we were told to sit again as the priest gave us two red sacred threads before asking us to tie it around each others' wrist "Putr Arjun tie it around her left wrist"

Arjun took the thread and tied it around my wrist as I admired his unblemished face. His thick lashes were framing his prominent cheek bones as his focus was on my wrist

How could a man posses such thick and long lashes?

A small dry cough took me out of the trance as my husband whispered "I know it's hard to not look at me but at least control yourself till we are done with the wedding"

I gaped at his boldness. I didn't why it just made him even more attractive, damn my obsession and damn my shyness which seemed to have snatched my most precious weapon


"Putri Draupadi tie this around your husband's right wrist" Maharshi Dhaumya handed me the another red thread,like the one he had given Arjun. I tied it around his right wrist.

"With Sindurdaan Prince Arjun will accept Princess Draupadi as his ardhangini" Priest Dhoumya stated as he sprinkled some water and flower over the plate of Vermilion.

"Parth had already accepted her as his wife the moment he hit the fish target Maharshi" I heard Govind asserting.

"That's true Vasudev Krishna" Maharshi nodded with a small smile before he turned to Arjun "Fill her maang with this sindur putra, without looking"

Satyabhama lifted the mang ka tika off of my forehead. I forgot how to breath when Arjun's artistic fingers drew my forehead with the vermilion while a lone tear escaped my eye.

"Vivaah sampann hua" Maharshi Dhoumya announcement was followed by loud cheers while the auspicious sounds of conch shells filled the airs

We both rose to our feet before touching Maharshi Dhoumya's feet as he blessed us "May UmaMaheshwar bless you"

We both went to our elders and touched their feet and just when it was Govind's turn he pulled Arjun in his embrace while I hugged Satyabhama.

"Congratulations Parth, Kalyani. I don't know why I'm feeling like a proud father whose kids just got married. I mean it's not really odd considering you two are my most favourite weapons"

"Govind I'm too tired to listen to your riddles" I complained removing myself from Satyabhama who chortled

"Madhav I need to talk to you about something in private" Arjun's words snatched the smile I had on my face

I stared at my husband, incredulously  . I refused to let him treat me like this. If he didn't want my presence, I was more than ready to give him the space he desired. The last thing Yajnaseni Draupadi wanted was enforce herself in someome's life.

Even if it was the person who ruled her heart.

"The only person you need to talk to today is your wife" Govind refused firmly.

"Exactly, and what kind of privacy you want from your own wife Arjun?" Satyabhama pressed.

"It's okay Govind. I need to get some rest anyways" I managed to say before swirling around and walking toward the temporary hut that had been created specially for us.

Who do you think have won the bet? Krishna or Satyabhama?

Can you guess what the bet was? :P

Ps. Mahabharat doesn't mention any mangalsutra or sindur except a sacred thread (that I had included).
I'm a Bengali so I mixed up some bengali rituals and North Indian marriage rituals and I don't know what I did lmao.

Anyways I really hope you enjoyed the update. Don't forget to VOTE if you did. <3

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