53🔸 His colour

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Song- Ek chitvan mein - Extended part of Ghar more pardesiya


"Princess, shall I bring your dinner to your room?" Kuhu who was helping me to make garland by opening the lotuses asked for the hundredth time.

"Kuhu, looks like you need to visit the royal physician" I commented finally finishing the garland for Maa Gauri and looked at her "There seem to be some problem with your ear"

"Princess" Kuhu huffed "I can't see you torturing yourself like that. Why should you suffer because of him when he didn't think about you at all. He cle—"

"Kuhu" My voice louder and firmer than I aimed for "This would be the last time you'll say anything against him. Whatever happened it's between us. I hope you'd respect the privacy"

How dare she or anyone say anything about our relation, about him. Everything that we went through only affected two people, Arjun and Draupadi. No one else had any right to comment over it.

I shifted my eyes from the garland to Kuhu whose face displayed her hurt. Releasing a breath I brought my eyes back on the garland of one hundred and eight pink lotuses. Followed by a small pause, I whispered "There's no point of blaming him for falling in love" Swallowing the lump I smiled "He must have found something in those women that he didn't in me"

"Oh Princess" Kuhu wrapped her arms around me. I closed my eyes and stayed there until I managed to fight the tears back.

Removing myself I wiped her face that had tears smudged all over "Have your dinner and go to sleep, Kuhu"

She nodded silently and rose on her "Don't strain yourself too much. You worked too much and I know will do the same tomorrow so you better get some sleep"

After she left, I finished some more work as the priest Dhaumya was very particular about the daily worship. The Pandava family starts their day by worshiping the Goddess Shakti who was their Kuladevi and Mata Kunti had entrusted me with the responsibility of taking care of it and I was more than glad.

I had always felt a connection with the Goddess of Universe. Whenever in life I found myself lost, it's my devotion toward her that guided me. Starting everyday by worshipping her gave me the strength I needed to lead the kind of life fate had gifted me.

Taking the old plate of vermilion that would be changed with fresh vermilion tomorrow I stood up and as soon as I turned, my body crashed into something hard making a gasp of fear escape my mouth while the plate of vermilion flew up. I immediately closed my eyes but before my body could touch the ground a strong pair of hands caught hold of my waist

"Old habits die hard, don't they?" A feathery voice husked.

I slowly opened my eyes only for them to collide with a certain pair of amber eyes whose gaze roving over my face and slowly I saw them darkling with something that I refused to name.

With his one hand still grasping my waist he raised another and touched my forehead with his long fingers and brought it before his eyes, making me forget how to breath. I closed my eyes to inhale some air when he purred "Her highness got coloured by this poor man, what must he be punished with?"

I found my tongue twisted in my mouth reason being the surreality of the moment. Arjun, my Arjun so close to me, his warm rough skin against mine, his smell enveloping my whole being while his eyes staring through my soul.

How many nights in the past twelve years have I dreamt of something like this? Only to realise he was miles away from me, not just physically but probably emotionally as well.

"Do not play with me revered Prince" I whispered, my voice hollow and cold while the corner of my eyes became wet "I am not the Princess you had abandoned twelve years ago. Along with her innocent love, desire and longing, the Queen of Khandavprasth has killed her"

"If I won over the Princess" He began in his hypnotic voice removing a strand of my curly hair  off of my face "I am fairly certain I will win over the Queen. My wife will help me, won't you Krishnaa"

Not knowing what to reply him back with I just stared into his eyes feeling the tears burn the back of my eyes but I somehow managed to keep my face rigid. After what felt like forever I broke the halcyon silence "Leave me"

Realising the firmness in my voice he slowly removed the hand that was supporting my back and I immediately stepped away "What are you doing here?"

"What a man who had been away from his beloved wife for twelve years does after he comes back to her?" He questioned back, a sly smile playing across his lips and somehow it flared my anger

"If you think I'm like those women who would give up even their self respect to be loved, you're wrong Arjun" I fumed "I do not need your sympathy"

"Sympathy?" He asked incredulously taking a step close while I backed away "Presumptions are destructive Krishnaa. Our love and your self respect are anything but competitors"

"I do not wish to speak to you on love" I tried to even my breath "You've proved enough"

He opened his mouth to say something before my voice which appeared colder than I intended stopped him as I turned my back to him "If you're here to follow the formality of consummating our marriage then you may leave"

A single tear trailed down my eyes as I continued "Yes, You're allowed to touch me, consummate the marriage that years ago took place and have already served its purpose of gifting my father with you as his son in law and your brothers with a wife" My words that were meant to wound him, wounded me instead "But in that case you'll not have my consent"

I could feel my whole body shivering while cold sweats beaded on my forehead but I ignored all the physical discomfort and quickly wiped the the trace of tear and spun around still holding the tears that were blurring my vision as I looked at him with my jaw clenched "Do you want to possess me that way?"

His eyes which were gleaming with love and passion few minutes ago appeared like they just went through the most ruinous storm. He took another step closer but I raised my hand making him halt "I know you don't want that. You've the beautiful Subhadra waiting for you in your mansion, please go to her instead of wasting your time on something that holds no value in anyone's life. It—"

A gasp escaped my mouth when I was yanked onto his sculpted bare chest. I looked at him holding me by my elbow before shifting my gaze on his eyes which flashed indignation "Blame me, curse me and hate me all you want but you've no right to insult our love, Draupadi"

My heart dropped when he called me Draupadi. In all these years it was the first time he called me by my formal name, it had always been Krishnaa for Arjun. Ignoring his jab, I tried to free myself of his grasp but in vain while he continued coming dangerously closer, mingling our breaths in the process.

"Our love may not hold any value to anyone else but it does to me and I know it does to you as well and that's what matters" His voice held the kind of firmness that couldn't be countered back.

I let out a small scoff looking defiantly into his eyes "Really? Are you talking about the same love you refused to acknowledge years ago? The same love you ran away from?"

I watched his eyes glistening with tears while his Adam's apple bobbed as if he was gathering strength to answer but my voice that was thick with tears interrupted "I'm sorry Prince Arjun but all these words that you're uttering appearing nothing but mere joke to me"

He placed his forehead on mine before closing his eyes "I know I won't be forgiven so soon and I am ready to wait just don't humiliate the divine bond that we have Krishnaa, I can't take it"

"If at all any bond was there between us, it's now gone" I whispered back, closing my eyes. This time I couldn't hold back the tears. Now that I admitted it, the realisation stung like a blunt edge of a dagger, slowly and mercilessly hitting my heart.

"It's not" His lips inches away from my own before he removed himself from me he gave me his usual charming smile "And I will prove it"

I instantly missed the warmth his closeness provided as my eyes lingered on his disappearing figure. Feeling weak in my knees I sat down on the floor. My soul was excruciating me to give it what it needs and wants; Arjun. My heart screamed at me for hurting its beloved with harshest of words but the ego in me smiled in exultation.

I looked down at the small pond of lotuses to observe my replica and in that dim light I saw my whole forehead and hair was coloured with Maa Gauri's vermilion, some even were on my nose. I touched the middle part of my hair and brought my gaze on my finger recalling his words

Her highness got coloured by this poor man.

"Maa Gauri, your daughter is tired" I closed my eyes "So very tired"

Not really sure how it turned out but hope you liked it :) Don't forget to comment and vote if do.

Jay Shri Krishnarjun

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