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"What?" I repeated for the fourth time unable to wrap my head around whatever Arjun was saying and how could I? It's Malini he was speaking of, someone I had known, loved and trusted since I was born.

Why on earth would she do something as bizarre and as drugging me and Arjun, the very idea was absolutely repellent to me. She was well aware of the fact I wanted no one to even guess there was anything wrong between me and Arjun yet...

"Only one way to find out" Arjun's voice made me snapped out and look at his way before he clapped and the next moment Malini was almost dragged inside my room

Her face smeared with tears and sweat of fear, her eyes anywhere but at me and that was enough for me to know it was in fact my closest of friends who butchered my trust

The fresh taste of betrayal made its presence known when I felt a sharp pain in my throat and I tried to swallow it down.

The silence made the air around thicker and while none of us spoke a word, I heard Arjun's breathy whisper "It's better if you speak to her alone"

I didn't avert my eyes from Malini but felt him moving away and I stepped closer to Malini "Privacy"

When everyone went out Malini sat on the ground and grabbing my feet she began lamenting "Princess, just hear me out please. It wasn't me—"

"Why Malini?" I cut her off, my voice oddly calm as I bent down and made her stand "Is my life already not amusing enough for people to gossip about or did you plan on making things even more facetious?"

"I am sorry" She sobbed "I thought...."

"You thought if you drugged us with something that would force us in..." I stopped unable to even word that "It would fix everything?"

Her sob turned into bawling making me even angrier as I released her arms "First of all, you've absolutely no right to interfere between me and my husband for you have not even a slightest idea what is between us because if you did you'd have known it's anything but physical"

I stopped realising I was shouting but at that moment the fury was too blinding to care about anything "You not only put me and my husband's life at risk by serving him God knows what but shattered my trust. You were my friend Malini"

"I still am, ple—"

"No you are not!" My much stronger voice impeded her weak plea "Friends don't go behind each others back"

"I didn't go behind your back, pray don't accuse me of something like this" Her tone turned defensive as she came near "Princess, it was Padmini who had heard you and Rajkumar's conversation. I didn't tell anyone anything"

"Padmini?" I let out a scoff a "Padmini knows about it" I stated to myself "Don't tell me every single women of this palace are now mocking my—"

"No no, Its just her and Subalika" She lowered her eyes "It was Subalika's idea, I had tried to stop them but"

"But what?" I screamed "You know what Malini, I don't give a whit about Padmini, Subalika but you. I trusted you, you certainly have no idea the value it holds"

"I am sorry"

"I'm tired of everyone chanting this phrase" I swallowed the knot in a rather painful way "Does Kuhu know? Please tell me she doesn't"

"She has no idea" Malini whispered, her eyes red and swollen from tears that were still trailing down "You are right, I've broken your trust but if anything, it was out of affection. I've been with you since the day you were born, watched you grow up, fall in love and become this beautiful strong selfless soul that you are" She paused "So whatever the punishment may be, I'll accept it"

There were words knotted around my throat but nothing came out. I knew I could never punish Malini even if I wanted to but could I befriend her again? Trust her like I used to? Never and knowing Malini that was punishment enough

I slowly turned away and closing my eyes inhaled sharply "You may go now"

"What?" Her voice leaped in disbelief "Pr—"

"Go now" I ordered and I heard the sound of her anklet slowly moving away before I stopped her "And Malini, You may move back to Panchala now. I no longer require you"

"Am I dreaming?" Govind who was kneeling down and caressing a baby deer stood up with it in his arms "The Queen herself at my doorstep" He then looked around "Technically it's your doorstep but—"

"Why do the people I trust keep hurting me, Govind?" A lone tear trailed down my eyes as I ambled near "Am I really that rigid or...or"

"Whoever keeps hurting you, it's on them Sakhi don't try to justify their deeds by finding nonexistent faults in you" He looked down at the deer "And that includes me"

"I promised myself to never ask you this but" I wiped the tear and looked up "Did you ever think of me when you asked him to abduct Subhadra?"

His ineffable eyes stared down at me while his loose curls occasionally kept blocking his vision as they danced with the wind. An elysian smile curved his lips "I did but Arjun's marriage with Subhadra was far too important, the bond between Kaura—"

"Politics again" I muttered

"Why ever not?" He strolled "Politics help to change the society, The world is changing and not in a way that our ancestors hoped it to be. The darkness of Adharma is prevailing faster than it should. Greed, fear, lust,jealousy have consumed human beings who have forgotten the basic requirement that need to be a human. Bhu Devi is burdened Kalyani"

I was quiet for awhile, trying to digest what he just told "A-Alright but what it has anything to do with my question?"

My question brought an abrupt halt in his track as he slowly turned around as he answered "Everything" The deer tried to break free so Govind let it before continuing in his captivating voice "Kalyani, we are here to fulfil a purpose that is unfortunately far greater than our emotions and personal affairs. The earth needs to be purified and for that it needs sacrifices which some chosen ones are made to do"

"And I am one of them?"

"One of the most important one, if I might add"He stated making me roll my eyes.

"Besides" He began, the indescribable radiance was replaced with his usual impish smile "I knew Parth was incapable of loving anyone, even my sister, the way he loves you so my plan was a win win for everyone" 

I couldn't help but let out a scoff "Really"

"Be honest to yourself, Did you not feel the intensity of his emotions? The longing in his eyes and the guilt in his actions?"

I remained silent because I did. I felt it through his breath, his kisses, his smile and tears. From the day he had returned, Arjun had apologised in every way possible and for what? Simply obeying the rules of Sage Narad or engaging in polygamy like every Kshatriya men.

"I did but..."

"Kalyani, I wish I could tell you to take as much time as you want but I can't. The time is near and Arjun is destined to accomplish things that no one else can and you" He stepped closer, warmth scintillating across his large "Kalyani, You  are his strength, he needs you and you need him"

"Time for what?"

"It's getting too hot here, don't you think?" Ignoring me gracefully he made a small man bun with a yellow band "I was planning for a small trip at the bank of Yamuna after we return to Kandavprasth"

A new character will be introduced in next chapter :D

Hint, She is mentioned in KMG but not in BORI ;)

Anyways, hope you liked it, I know I had announced I'll update tomorrow but they updated my schedule an hour ago 🥲 Will update this Sunday again because the next chapter is almost done.

Thanks for reading :)

Jay Shri Krishnarjun

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