68🔸 Venuka

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I stared at him incredulously for a while not even trying to connect his answers with my question "You sure have not taken any sip out of that drink, have you ?"

He let out a titter "I am impressed by your growing sense of humour"

Crossing my arms over my chest I smirked "You may call it adverse affect of bad company"

"Can't say I'm not proud" He patted his own back like a proud father making me shake my head at his childishness.

I looked around "Where is Satya?"

"With Parth" He answered walking toward a mace before picking it up.

"And he would be at?" I walked near "I've not seen him since morning"

"They went to rescue the kidnapped children" Govind replied while scrutinising the weapon

"Arjun took Satya with him?" Now that was interesting.

"Parth didn't take Satya but she insisted on helping the children and I couldn't refuse her" He gave me a sheepish smile.

"Don't you think it's a bad idea" I raised my brows "Arjun and Satyabhama a—"


We both looked at the angry respond and found an enraged Satyabhama standing in front of us and before we could ask her anything she began "Actually it's the worst idea. I should have gone by myself. He is such a..." She marched inside the mansion while I and Govind shared a secret glance before following her in.

Sitting on the couch she looked up at me "I still can't believe he'd trick me like that"

"What did he do?" I asked, barely suppressing my curiosity while ignoring the auspicious voice in my head.

"He told me to wait in the chariot while he would bring some water for us and never returned" Satyabhama's words made my heart drop at the pit of my stomach. That did not sound like my husband, he would never act so impulsive or irresponsible especially when he knew Satyabhama was alone.

"I know it's his stupid way to send me back" She huffed

"I don't think so" Govind murmured "Parth would never act so reckless"

"Swami, do you really believe Arjun isn't strong enough to fetch some water without getting abducted or killed?" Satya rolled her eyes before sitting down on the couch "He was reluctant about me accompanying him from the beginning"

"That's something he did to mess with you Satya, he is well aware of your prowess and he would do anything but disrespect that" I could feel my breath coming short as I looked up at Govind "Something is wrong even Dhrisht has not returned yet, Govind please do something"

"Calm down Kalyani" He placed a hand on my head "Even if anything is wrong, Arjun is a capable of taking care of it but still for you, I'll look for him"

"I..I really didn't think Arjun could be in danger" Satya stood up side glancing at Govind who replied "Well, he is not"

I remained silent gazing at the dark clouds and blinding rays of thunder before closing my eyes as the vague images of last night floated before me. I could still feel his breath fanning my skin, the softness of his lips and the love in his eyes and right this moment I wanted nothing but to see him before me.

I knew he was mighty enough to not get into any trouble like Govind said but when did our heart ever listened to the logic of brain? Almost never. Opening my eyes I saw the Sun peeking out of the clouds as I pleaded silently to my husband "Come back Arjun, please"

Third Person

"Please don't—" The Naga pleaded while blood oozed out of his mouth, his eyes stuck in the sharp edge of the blade against his neck "I really d-don't kno—ahh" He let out another growl when the man pushed the blade more into his skin, drawing blood

"You do" The calm voice sent shivers down his spine "And you'll tell me" The man's lips twitched slightly before removing the blade and yanking him with his hair and throwing him on ground "Because if you don't, you'll not have this tongue to plead for your life or the life to plead for"

Arjun again yanked the man up through his hair and pushed him against and ancient tree making the back of the Naga man's head bleed "Where you've kept the children and who is making you do all these?"

"I don't know, I'm telling you the truth I just did what I was instructed" He choked and when Arjun tightened his grip on his hair the Naga continued "The moment I saw you there alone with weapons, I knew you were a threat so I used my illusion power to weaken you but—"

"But you had no idea that stupid illusion of yours would not work on me" Arjun let out a chortle "Since you're not willing to tell me anything, there's no point of letting you live, is there?"

Arjun saw the ultimate fear of death in his eyes so he played along and as he was about to stab him the man let out a screech "NO! I will, I will tell you"

Arjun breathed heavily waiting for him to continue "We've been living in this forest from centuries but recently the city men have started invading in our space, to expand their land they're destroying our adobes, so our leaders are doing whatever they can to protect us"

"By kidnapping innocent kids?" To say Arjun was disgusted would be an understatement "And it's not only forest that you can reside but under water as well where no human can reach you"

"Ho-How do you..."

"I am Kaunteya Arjun"

The man's eyes went wide when realisation seeped in, he knew the man in front of him was anything but ordinary but he had no idea it would be Arjun. They had a good history with the Pandavas and it only got better when their Princess married the third Pandava.

"If I knew..."

"If you knew you wouldn't hurt me but some other innocent with your illusion" Arjun was infuriated by this entity before him but he kept his calm "Are the kids dead?"

"No, We've kept them as our slaves" He mumbled.

"And Prince Dhrishtdyumna?" Arjun questioned

"He is kept captivated in the royal prison"
Arjun released him "Lead me to them"

"I'll be given death sentence" The man broke down "I've a family who needs me"

"You've my protection" Arjun assured making the man look up at him, the third Pandava's amber eyes shone with determination and the Naga man understood there was no way to escape so bending his head he nodded "Alright"

Dhrishtdyumna blinked his eyes several times to clear his blurry vision but in vain as he let out a low groan, he felt another splash of something similar to water and then he saw him, Arjun "A-Arjun?"

"Are you alright?" Arjun asked while Dhrishtdyumna tried to sit straight but another wave of dizziness washed over him

"How did you—" Dhrisht then looked around and found himself in a jungle and a bunch of kids standing few feet away. His eyes shifted back to Arjun "You found them?"

"Not all of them" Arjun's jaw clicked as he recalled the events that followed when the Naga to their village in the jungle. The kids were kept together and were being sold, the ones he had rescued told him only three among them had been sold. Two of them were in the village so it was easier to find them but there was a girl who had been taken by Nakshesha, one of chief commanders of Vasuki.

Arjun had no intention on harming any Nagas but to settle matters but the former party was in no mood so he did what he had to, he had to kill few of the Nagas to rescue the kids and to make things even worse there was no leaders around with whom he could talk to except—

"You need to hurry"

Arjun looked back at the woman standing few feet away while Dhrisht questioned "Who is she?"

"I am Venuka, Sister of Vasuki" The woman replied with a smile.

Note : KMG mentions Vasuki's sister as Arjun's wife in Vanparv but no story or name regarding her is found in any of the authentic versions. Especially BORI, where there's no mention of Vasuki's sister Some think it's Ulupi but I don't believe her to be Ulupi neither do I believe in her existence, but there's always a chance yk...

The name Venuka and her story everything is  entirely my imagination. And, I may or may not make her Arjun's wife 😼'may' being the key word

I had already mentioned before even starting the book that I'd be adding some folklore characters but without disturbing the main events. I hate reminding this again again but... anyways, hope you liked this chapter

Jay Shri Krishnarjun

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