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Playlist: sad by XXXtentaction.

She takes the file to the meeting room then leaves the warehouse.
Throughout Valerie's ride back home. She is glad at the thought of her mother still keeping chinedu's memories.
It's already 7pm when she reaches her doorstep and she's really tired. She takes out her spare key and opens the door.
      She steps in meeting the house in an unorganized state with throw pillows that are supposed to be on the couch scattered on the floor. The dining table filled with used plates and the corridor linking to every room in the house filled with the twins toys.

Oh geez, what the heck she thought

She somewhat new that this might be one of her mum's punishments but she knows not what she has done
In her tired state, she  places the pillows back on on the couch, she sweeps the sitting room, cleans the dining table and washes the plates, picks up the girls toys and puts it in their room and by the time she's done, it's already 9pm. She opens the door to her room and falls asleep like a log.
"Chisom!!!" She falls off the bed on the sound of her name. She rubs her eyes and aids her sore butt. She walks to the sitting room and her mum looks very annoyed.

"Yes mum" she said with sleepy eyes because she isn't a morning person.
"Your bad luck has rubbed off on my warehouse, why did I have the lowest customers than usual yesterday?"  She says looking at Valerie. If looks could kill, Valerie would be six feet under.

"Mum I don't....." She's cut off by her mum
"Shut your mouth you unfortunate child!, I made the biggest mistake in my life by sending you to the warehouse"

What exactly did I do wrong, it's not my fault. She says in thought.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!!!" She says lashing out
Valerie looks into her mother's eyes.

"I'm sure you chased away the customers with your hideous face" and Valerie keeps an uncomfortable gaze on her mum .

" So you're looking me in the eye after all you've done!!!" Her mum says.

I seriously don't understand, I did as instructed.
So she looks down.

"This girl, you don't have respect and I'll make sure to deal with you in this house, you'll regret knowing me as a mother!" Her mother's face red with anger and her voice laced with violence.

"Get out of my side you disgrace" she says with a long hiss and Valerie leaves the sitting room with no emotion.

She doesn't know how to feel about what just happened because she has been through worst in the past. She remembers the fact that she has to go to school in a few hours thanks to her mum waking her before the alarm and she also has to meet up with the troublemaker of the previous day.

Why is she always treated this way even when she does nothing wrong.

And how do you guys think her meeting with Shane will go?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.
And don't forget to vote.

This chapter is dedicated toprincaaaaay  teen_rogue Teefabulous  Orangee1 Authoress_Alexa powertino

And every other person reading this book, thanks so much.

Bye loves

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