chapt. 30 - Elura and Emina

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Sakura POV
"O-ow, w-where are w-we? Eva... Eva, EVA?! Where is she?!" I panicked and looked around.
I looked down to see that I was again in my true form.

My sword was laying of to the side with my black heels.
I looked down to see my chocolate hair  flowing down my side and off the bed.

My red head band was still on, but my red and black dress what of to the side.
I looked down curiously to see that my outfit had changed...

It was a long silky white nightgown that loosely hugged my figure.
It was a tad bit too transparent for my liking but that didn't matter right now...
Firstly I need to know where Eva is cause I know that she too fainted.
How? Well since we both have two forms both with very different personalities but we don't express the second one unless needed.
But, we are connected. Both of us know if the other is injuried or is weak of power, in need of help, dead and or they have fainted, ect...

And second of all I want to kill however changed me since it might if been a boy and this would be the death of him.
Suddenly I hear a groan and a clanking sound.

I raced over towards the sound and spotted Eva. She two was in her true form.

But there were chains tightly wrapped around her ankles, arms and neck like some collar almost, it looked as if it were to choke her.

Both her wrists had a chain like thing wrapped securely around her petty hands.

Her ankel where the same. I wondered what happened to her to make her have these awful things on her. (Don't be a perv people!)

"Damn it," she muttered as she loomed at the chains if an annoyed expression. "Ugh... Damn you," she cursed as she spread her black, white and grey wings.

"Oh great," she sighed and looked up at me. "Sakura hello!" She smiled at me.

Her nightgown was somewhat similar to mine but wasn't as transparent.

"Hello Eva..." I smiled. She nooded and flew up from her bed. "However dress us is so dead," I laughed evilly. "Hmph, don't they know that you never ever touch our clothing and re-dress us? Oh wait they don't," Eva smirk.

"But they are about to sister," I grinned.
I ran behind her as she flew towards kaname's room.
She knocked in the door but still was in the air since if she tried to walk in these chains surely she will trio and fall.

"Come in!" Kaname yelled as Eva opened the door. "Curse this," she face palmed as she landed and rolled through the door and returned back to flying.
I laughed at Eva as she had a pissed look.
"You know kaname, you could make the doors bigger or wider so that, I MAY fit," she growled.
I laughed harder as she glared at me.

"Sakura? What do you need sis?" Yuki asked with a goffy grin.
"We were here to ask kaname how dressed us," I had a sinister grin plastered on with an evil laugh.
Eva nodded with a equally frightening smirk.
"C-calm down girls," Yuki sputtered hiding behind Kaname.
His face paled as he hid behind his chair for protection.
(I know ooc is real! Don't judge)

Eva brusted out laughing leaning forward as I fell backwards laughing our heads off.
Suddenly we switched back to our normal form.
"Wait... Sakura what is... Why are we here?" Eva asked as she tried to walk but fell flat on her face.

"I am not sure Eva, probably... Wait... Those chains?!" I pointed out as she facepalmed.
"It is happening again, well we are in for it again..." She signed as we switched again.

"Bwahahaha! Did you see them so frightened so scared! Ahaha!" We laughed hard, so much that we held our stomach in pain.
"So the girl have found out hm? This better be fun..." Eva smirked.

Kaname POV
"W-who are you two?" I asked finally building up the courage too.
"Oh~ it is me Eva~" she smirked.
"No your not!" I growled.
The two girls laughed so much that they looked like they were going to die.

"Fine~ your 'sister' and I aren't really them~  They are trapped within us! 'Sakura' here is actually my sister~
And before when they save Yuki we let them take control of there body," 'Eva' laughed.

I narrowed my eyes as they switch once more. "Ugh!" They screamed holding there heads.
"Please be more gentle!" The shouted.
I looked at them as they looked down.

"Sakura? What is happening?" Yuki asked as sakura looked down.
"I'll tell you... But don't tell anyone, if you do we both may not make it out alive..." Eva said as sakura stay silent.
"Those girls you met they what you to know so we can tell you so listen closely okay?" She said looking up.
I nodded as she sighed.

Sakura POV
"We were there when it happened...

"Hello~" the two beautiful ladies smirked as they lured closer to us.

"My name is Elura nice to meet you," said the purple head.
"My name is Emina~ now give it up hands us your body~" the yellow head smirked.
"Stay way from Sakura!" Eva defended as her eyes flashed a crystal color.

They glared at us. Withon seconds they prounce at us and sank there fangs in our skin.
Before they could take the transformation fully and kill both of us.
Raven and Ryan came in and threw them of us.
Elura vanished and Emina did too.

Flashback end

"And from then on they had always existed inside us. For me these chains identify that they control half of our bodies. These chains only appear on me since I have the elder twin, Elura inside me. She gives us a chance to live but now, those two are bored and are trying to take over.
Ryan and Evan must know of this and are probably going to fetch Lord Guren to try and cure us... Since last time he was able to do it," she growled name guren.

Then there was a loud bang on the main door...

A/n who could it be? Stay tune to find out~ and until next time, stay safe... Pie~

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