chapt. 31 - demons released

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Kaname POV
Sakura and Eva, or should I say Elura and Emina are just driving is up the walls.
Things have just been getting out of hand.
Yuki has been getting worried, extremely worried about them, especially Sakura.

When the two demonic girls I side of them aren't activated they are usually found sulking in the corner.
Guren, has trued casting a spell to conceal the demonic girl to be locked again in a chamber to keep them at bay.
But... It is way harder then it seems.
Elura and emuna never stay in one spot.

We tried to keep them still but they just protect themselves by teleporting away with an evil laughter looking at us as we struggled to catch them.
William, grell, ronald, senri and takuma have been looking super stressed.
First of all it is because of Elura and Emina's behavior.

Second, Eva and sakura's lifes are at risk. One wring move can kill the two girls.

Third of all, the intense power that radiates off if them.

Raven and Ryan have been trying to protect the girls body from harm and danger, and are doing a fine job... But... Their spirits are or are going to be gone soon if we don't hurry up and fix this.

Guren doesn't seem all to please seeing them like this.
"What are we going to do? We have to get something to drive those demon girls out if the girls' bodys. They are growing weaker by the minute, especially on there must powerfullest form," guren growled and placed his head on his palm sitting down with a scrunched up face.
"Come on think, think, if we can drive elura out then emina can certainly be gone too, but if Emina is driven out Elura most likely would be able to escape..." Guren sighed rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"And we only go three months to drive them out or else sakura and Eva die," I told him as he slammed his hand on my desk.
"I know that! But we need to find away to get them ou-"he was interuped as Raven stepped in.

"Guren?" A voice called out as I looked up, I saw a unfamiliar male.
"Kureto," guren growled. This 'kureto' narrowed his eyes at Guren then looked at me.
"Hello my name I'd Kureto, and you are?" He asked

(He is from owari no searph and so is guren ^^)

"Kuran Kaname a pleasure to meet you," I said.
He grunted and looked over to guren.
"K-kureto?" A small voice called out.

Eva stood there at the door looking at the male.
"Kureto..." Sakura said looking at him.
Eva's eyes widden as if she were going to cry.
She ran towards him.
Her eyes were filled with tears as she hugged him tightly.
"K-kureto, t-they share ba-back," she hiccuped as she cried into his chest.

He looked down at her pittyfuly as he carassed her hair.
"It is okay, I will find away to help you," he smiled kindly at her ad guren stared in envy.
"Elura and Emina was kind enough to let us two free for a few day," salura said looking down.

Eva flew over to sakura and patted her back.
They both had dark eye bags under their eyes, indicating that they hadn't slept in weeks.
Eva flew over to kureto and sat on his lap laying her head on his chest.
Her legs feel limply beside her.
Her hands rested on her lap.
Her wings closed behind her.

She closed her eyes as kureto carassed her hair.
Sakura laid her head on Yuki's lap as she carassed her head.
Sakura closed her eyes as the two females slept peacefully.
Kure to carried Eva to her room and Yuki carried Sakura to her room.

Kureto POV
Eva and sakura were sharing the same room so we sat there... Watching them sleep.
Both of us exchanged small talk here and there.

Then they started to sweat, they breathed hard as they switch from side to side, having a hard look on.
Kaname and Guren bursted through the door.
Gruen raced over to Eva and held her down tell me to do the same.
Kaname and Yuki did it too for sakura.

They thrashed as they screamed.
The night class came in.
Raven and Ryan pushed through and split.
Ryan held sakuras leg down as raven did that too Eva.
They screamed and screamed sending everyone's eardrum to its death.

Slowly the girls calmed down as they jointed awake.
"Sakura!" Eva yelled as she flew towards sakura.
"Eva!" She yelled as they hugged.
"Y-your alive!" Eva screamed in joy.
"You too! Omg!" They cried as they hugged each other.
"But, it isn't over sakura, they are here now," Eva said as her eyes glowed grey.

She looked behind her as two girls fell from nowhere.
"Ugh!" They screamed as the two took formation.
"Why you..." The girls growled as their nails sharpened.
Eva held her scythe and sakura with her sword.

Both girls had there eyes glowing dangerously at each other.
"Who are you," kaname growled.
"Oh~ forgotten us already?" They asked with a smirk.
The room darkened as spotlights appear out of nowhere.
"Elura minasawa,"
"Emina minasawa~"
"And together we are the minasawa twins," they said with a smirk.

They got into defence mode as they looked as if they were to kill each other.
"Prepare to die minasawa twins," sakura and Eva said.
"Ha! Yeah right kuran twins," they smirked.
Kaname looked at them curiously.
"Wait... What?" Kaname asked.

"Oh? Kaname doesn't even know his own sisters~" they smirked.
Kaname looked over to them as they smiled sadly.
"Kaname... I am your lost youngest sister, Kuran Eva," Eva smiled sadly
And so did Ronald, Grell and William.
"Wha?" He said.

"They hide me from you," I said looking at him.
"How? Why?!" Kaname yelled.
"I am a demon obviously, that is why!" I yelled as a wave if power gusted out of me.
Sakura hugged me as I patted her head.

Kaname POV
"Wait..." The minasawa sisters called out.
"We will let you off the hook, if," Elura said.
"What?" Sakura growled.
"If w-we can be friends..." Emina said.
Eva bursted out laughing.
The two twins stared in confusion at the kuran twins as they laughed harder.

"Hm... Fine," Eva said with her eyes glowing.
The kuran twins smirked as they went to the minasawa twins.
"Excuse me would you men stop staring at us?" Eva growled.

Everyone then looked away.
The girl shook hands as they smiled.
"We have a deal?" Eva asked.
"Yes, a deal it is," elura said with a light smirk.

"Okay! Out!" Eva said pointing to the door everyone left except the four girls.
Before kureto left, Eva and Sakura hugged him and Guren, making a aching pain in my chest.
I shook it off, I have Yuki, there isn't much more I need anyways...

A/n christmas~ Christmas! It is here! Yay!!!!!! Love you guys so, so much! Also thank you for putting up with NY late updates and horrible story this year... T^T
I love you guys so much! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas this year!

Stay safe, and until next time... Pie~

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