chapter 1- presents

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Today is mine and Yuki's birthday! I snuck my gift in the present pile when they weren't looking. I smiled softly and mouth a happy birthday to my dear older sister. I then ran out and silently left.

Yuki pov
Today is my birthday... Yay... I don't feel excited you know why? Yep cause of sakura. She is my sister yet my parents only pay attention to me. I feel bad and regretful. I should have been stronger! I should have been there to protect her from our parents... Yet... I couldn't.... I am weak.... I am sorry. I giggled and faked my happiness in order to shield my pain and regret. Then the time came to open the presents. I saw a particular present and it was in a code.

Dear yuki,
Happy birthday dear older sister! I hope you have a great day! Congrats on your engagement! I am so proud of you onee-san! Thank you for being there for me like an older sister should. I love you please know that. Don't tell juri and haruka who this is from or else I am dead meat. I hope for the best for your future sis!

Love, sakura.

I read as mother and father asked me who's present that was. I felt bad but I had to lie. "Oh no this is just a random box I found don't worry," I giggled and slipped into my pocket I quickly grabbed a present and opened it. As the night went on I tried to slip out of the room to go thank sakura for her present, but it was difficult. Then it was time for bed I sat on my soft mattress and opened the present carefully. Inside was a beautiful necklace(pic).

A tear dropped from my eye as I found another piece of paper.

'Yuki now we match! I have the same thing! It was a set for three I thought I would share one with you and kaname. Love you hope you like it! Sakura.'

I clenched it in the the palm of my hand and brang it close to my chest. No I don't like it. I love it. Thank you little sister.

Yuki placed it on her and succeeded after many failed attempts. She smiled and went to bed.

Sakura POV
I sat on my bed looking at my necklace. Sighing I laid down and placed my arm over my eyes. Suddenly I felt one of the fatal injuries re-opening. I sighed and went to replace the bandage. I slowly walked to my bag and starts to pack my things. Looking at my dagger that can change to any weapon that I wished, I placed it back into it holder. I then decided to pay a quick visit to kaname and yuki. Kaname was first. "Psst, kaname," I whispered and poked him. He groaned and pulled me I to the bed hugging me like a teddy bear. "You idiot it is sakura not Mr. Teddy bear," I hissed. He opens his eyes and rubbed them. I then sat on his bed looking at him. "Here! Now we trio match!" I said handing him a necklace identical to Yuki's and mine. I put on the necklace  for him. He said thank you and handed me a present. "This is your birthday gift," he said and went back to sleep.

I then slipped out and into Yuki's room. I missed her head and guess what! She pulled me into the bed hugging me like a teddy bear. God she and kaname are the same. I looked down to see her wearing the gift I got her. I patted her head a giggled. She woke up and hugged me. "I swear you and kaname are the same," I giggled. She looked at me with a confused look bit let it slide. "Sakura-chan I got you this I hope you like it," she yawned. I smiled and opened it. As soon as I did my eyes tears up and a tear slide down my face. Yuki's  eyes widen as she started to panic. "Do you know like it?" She asked I shook my head. "No..." I said as she look sad, "...I love it," as  I finished, she let a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness," she said as she faceplanted into the bed. I patted her head and smiled. She then yawned and went to sleep again.

I then teleported to my room and placed the presents in my bag.

Kaname present
A rose that blossoms every ten years that is perservent

yuki present
A new dress

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