when they found out

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The next morning the kurans woke up to see sakura sleeping soundly on the couch. They were confused on how she had got there so they took her back to her crib. "Nya!" The girl shouted as she was placed in the crib. She opened her wine eye and kept the other closed (like shuu from diabolik lovers if you don't get it then search him up and you will get it). Juri gasp at how that eye looked and was happy to see that she had opened her eye. She was curious to see the other one but let it slide.

It has been 2 years and they have only seen one of her eyes the other one was shut and never opened. Then on a fateful day she opened her black eye. "Leave me alone scum! You now see my eyes! Happy?! I have eyes of monsters! I never showed my black eye for reasons you scums," sakura yelled in anger as she stormed to her room. Her family kept annoying her about wanting to see her other eye.

In the living room, juri and haruka stood there dumbfounded. Then that suddenly turned to disgust. "She is a curse to us all!!!" Juri yelled. Haruka kicked the door down with a dark aura. "How dare you hide that you are a monster you worthless daugther! How can i even call you that! You should have never opened yours eyes or even better never been born!" Haruka yelled and slapped sakuras face repeatedly.

Sakura was always the quiet one. She never cause trouble but when she is angry she is dangerous. Kaname saw what happened and ran up to his father trying to stop him. Sakura was now cover and drowning in her own blood, her black eyes was now closed once more.

"Father what are you doing?!" Yuki yelled as she tried to defend her twin. "Yuki step away from that monster! She is a curse and a waste of space in our small world!" Her mother cursed  the poor injured child. Yuki shook her head in disagreement. "No! Sakura is one of the kindest and best siblings I can ask for right kaname?" Yuki said. Kaname nodded and continued to defend sakura. Juri stepped over to them and grabbed sakura by her hair and dragged her out the room. "Mother no!" The childern yelled desperately trying to get a grasp on their younget sister. Juri ran to the basement and basically threw sakura in the floor. "Never leave this room or interact with my childern EVER or else you gonna get punished," juri said as she spun on her heels and walked way. Sakura kept her straight face on desperately trying to hold back her tears. When juri left she broke down. Tears stained her face. The tears then mixed with the blood that was on her body. She curled up into a ball and let her ears and tail to pop out.

After hours of crying silently she feel asleep on the cold marble floor. 

(Next morning)
Juri came to 'visit' sakura today to give her a piece of her mind.

Sakura POV
I heard foot steps and quickly I made my ears and tail disappear. Then waited for juri to come. Yes I can feel her presence. She came and place a cup of blood on my night table with a disgusted face. She then face me and slapped me. She kicked my face and stabbed my arm and leg. I bit my tongue to hold back my screams and tears. I looked at her with my wine eyes and held an emotionless face. I will get use to this I will get use to this, I reassured myself and sat there looking at her with an emotionless expression. Once she was done she walked away from the bloody mess she cause! I grabbed my cup a looked at it. I then chucked the liquid out the window. I sighed and then cleaned myself up. Fortunely there is a bathroom here that I can use. Once I washed and dried my bloody stain clothing and body I faced the mirror to see my scars had healed. I smirked and my eyes glowed red and a light grey.

Opening my mouth I see my fang from my vampire side. Oh did I forget to mention that I am a demon neko? If not then here it is. I don't need blood and it is of no use to me, Blood tables are useless to me.

The same thing happen over and over again. I have grown use to the pain and still have my emotionless face on. Haruka and juri switch and take turn touturing me. I don't care ether way since I am not  hurt. This continued to happen for 4 years.

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