chapter 7 - RUN!!!!

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Third person aka author POV
After the awkward incident. Sakura stepped out of the bathroom new and fresh. She dried her hair in the silence of the room. Kaname was secretly eyeing her(pervert!) While pretenting to read his book. 'She looks so much like juri' he thought as his eye kept following her every move. "So um..... Kaname let's never speak of this again okay?" She said as she faced the window. "Fine." He replied as he set his book down.

She sat on her bed, taking out her phone and flicking though the pictures remembering all the good times she had. After hours of endless flicking she set her phone down and snuggled into the comfy mattress that kanane had set out for her. "Nig- I mean morn- oh who am I kiding, have a nice um........ Sleep?" She said questionly. "Yes, and to you too have a nice sleep," kaname chuckled at her confusion. Sakura shrugged and let sleep take over her.

(Night time! Uh 3:00?)
Sakura POV
I was having a nice dream and I didn't want it to end! Kaname tapped me thousands of times to try to wake me up. But nope I just ignored him. He sighed and left the room. A few moments later he comes back with someone......

Kaname POV
After endless of minutes trying to wake sakura up, I sighed in defent. Thinking for a moment I realized who can wake her up. I walked out the door and head to her 'brother's'  room to ask for help. Upon nearing I heard yelling and whining. What on earth is going on? I knocked on the door.  "Grell answer it you stupid brat!" A voice yelled. "No!" 'Grell' answered. "Ugh! Come in!" The voice yelled. I opened the door to see them both dress. The red head I believe grell was in the floor pouting and the other one, william was kicking him. "What do you want mister president?" He asked glaring at me. "You better of not done something to my sister," he growled. I shook my head and mentioned him to come. "Your 'sister' sakira is refusing to wake up and I believed you knew who too do that so I came to you," I answered. Suddenly his emotionless face turned into an evil grin. 'This gotta be interesting'. When we arrived, I opened the door to sakura and mine dorm. He held up as note book that said, 'where the bathroom?' I poi noted to my bathroom as he grabbed a bucket. I looked at him questionally as he head to the bathroom. Moments later he returned with a bucketful of water. He put a finger over his lip, telling me to be quiet. He crept towards her with the bucket in hand. Towering over her, he began to tip the bucket as the water spilled out. Splash! "Ahhhhh!" Sakura yelled as she jointed awake. Suddenly her bangs fell over her eyes. William quickly dripped the bucket and grabbed me dashing out the door. "RUN!!!!" he yelled as he sprinted out the door. I ran still confused. Suddenly, sakura appeared out the door with a mad look. Now I understood why we need to run. She was terrifying a hell! I swear I can piss myself because if this. I dashed after william as sakura was catching up to us and was now on our tails. She was fully dressed in her uniform but had an evil glint in her eyes as she followed us. We dashed to the main hallway of the dormitory, we jumped down the first story to the bottom, running for our lives. "I am gonna kill you! How dare you wake me up!" She yelled as she jumped down. "I told you not to do that william-san!" A figure said I believed he was raven. "We warned you and sorry kaname we didn't tell you!" I think Ryan called after us. "William what is this about?!" I yelled as I dashed out the main doors with william. "Let's just say that she hates getting wet and being woken up while she sleeps, also she is not gonna stop until she gives us a hard core beating. But it is worth it!" He yelled as he turned on a corner. "Shit! Why you no tell me sooner!" I yelled following him. "I don't know now shut up since she will kill us once she finds us!" He scearms and dashed for the back of the building. I nodded following him. Once she finds us we will be dead meat! Everyone stared at us confused as we dashed towards them. "William! Kaname! You are gonna pay!" Sakura yelled as she ran towards us. The door opened just in time as we dashed out. God help us! I prayed. But nope god didn't help. Sakura was on our tails as we slowed down to make sure the day class didn't know of your abilities. "Kya!" The girls screamed but I had to run if I don't I will die tonight! Zero and yuki gave us a questioning glaze but soon their eyes were popping out of their heads.

Zero and yuki POV
Kaname and this dude is being chased?! And by a little girl? Hahahahaha they look so afraid!

Author POV
Kaname and william ran past the day class and the discipline committee as they were trying their best to not  laugh in the duos faces. Sakura was hot on their tails as they ran towards the headmasters office. They brusted through the doors and hid behind him. "What's-" Kain began only to be interrupted by the one and only sakura.  "Father can you please hand over kaname and william," she asked innoncently. "Headmaster no!" We yelled as she gave us a sickening sweet smile. "Why not?" He asked. "She gonna kill us!" We said as we clung onto his legs. Zero and yuki came in and saw what had happen. No longer could they keep it in, they brusted out laughing. "You look like two children holding onto dear life!" Zero said as he held his stomach rolling over laughing harder. Yuki tried to stop but failed miserably. Kain was giggling at their actions as they clung to his legs. The two pouted as they huffed.

Sakura secretly snapped many pictures too show to her friends.

A/n sorry that kaname and william are out of character and zero too but come on I couldn't help it! They need to have fun also! Well hope you enjoyed it~

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