chapter 8 - Ronald

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After the humorous event that happened that occurred. We went to class and continued with the night. After we finished class I went to hanabusa and grinned. "Hey hanabusa-san want to see somethung funny about kaname?" I asked completely aware of his obsession over kaname. He nodded as I dragged him away. Looking around making sure no one was in sight, I pulled out my cell phone flicking though the photos and showed him. "Look at kaname," I giggled pointing at him. Hanabusa tried but failed to muffle a laughter. We continued to talk about it but, it soon turned into a conversation about us. We got to know each other, we then soon grew close and closer. After a few hours of talking we bacame friend and the secret spy's of kaname and william's most embarrassing moment. Heck we laughed so hard when we agreed to be partners in crime!

"Sakura!!!!!!" A familiar voice screamed. I turned around as a figure engulfing in a bear hug. "Hana-san help!!!!" I yelled. Hanabusa pushed Ronald of of me as I ran over to hanabusa. "Saku who is this?" Hanabusa asked as Ronald fell flat on his face. "Ow! Chichi! Why you do that!" Ronald yelled as he fake cried. "Oh hi my name is Ronald Knox, nice to meet ya!" Ronald said with an extended hand. "Nice to meet you to! My name is Hanabusa Aido!Let's be friends all of us we can we called the spy group!" He said fist pumping. "Yeah but we need to each have a name that only we know off," ronald suggested. I nodded and thought. "I am C.C! This stands for Cheshire Cat!" I yelled. They nodded as they grinned also. "I am uh.... Maybe..... I....." Hanabusa thought as I and ronald interuped. "G.C21! Wow! Okay stop it, this ain't funny! Stop! Deadline!" We screamed random things as hanabusa sighed and stopped us. "So Ron what is your name?" Hanabusa and I asked in union. "And here it goes again. Well I guess Mr. Glasses?" We nodded in agreement and cheered. Soon we went back to the moon dorm.

"Saku? Is ronald gonna stay or not?" He asked. "Yes he is staying because you know he gets lonely back at home!" I giggled and continued to walk kaname's dorm. "Well bye and night also I hope you don't mind lending your spare uniform to ronald and share your room sorry.... Bye!" I said as I disappeared into the room.

A/n soz this is short 😅 it is only 441 words so sad wahhhh! Please forgive me! Stay safe until next time!

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