Pulling A Favor Part One

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Here's the next chapter.....


When five in the evening came upon me; I fixed a bowl of the Korean pink ramen, which I forgot the name of, which is my favorite ramen, and I enjoyed eating it with cut up boiled eggs in it, and I washed my bowl, including my chopsticks well, me setting them to dry.
I brushed my teeth well; and rinsed my teeth and tongue too, as well as I put on more pink lip gloss, and made sure I looked good in my blue floral sundress, and blue flats.

I grabbed my purse, putting my phone, that's now charged, into my purse, and packed an extra charging pack within it, and it's cord, because I don't know if I can have my phone on there at the bar, because Eric didn't tell me the rules as of yet.

I then leave out of my apartment; me locking the door behind me, and walk to my red Toyota, unlocked my car, me getting into my driver's side, me buckling in, and stuck my key in the ignition, me wiggling the key for a bit, then jerked the key forwards, and it started with a purr.
I pull out of my driveway, and headed towards Shreveport.
The drive was an enjoyable one, since I flicked on the radio on the eighties channel, and Twisted Sister's We're Not Going To Take It played.

I nod my head, me humming as I drive, me once again looking for Fangtasia's building, and after about fifteen minutes, I found Fangtasia, me turning my blinker on so I can turn right, and I pull into the parking lot, me seeing that nobody was at the club yet, so I pull into park in a random spot.

I then turn my engine off, and stick my keys into my purse in a pocket, and zip my purse up.
I get out of my car, me pressing the lock button manually, and lock it up right before I shut the door, and once I shut the door, I walk up to the leather black doors, and I noticed they were unlocked, so I pull one leather black door open, and walk through the entrance.

A girl was behind the bar with blonde hair, her wearing a tube leather bikini, and jeans, as well as boots, and when she saw me, she screamed bloody murder, which startled me, and I put my hands up in a defense stance.
"I'm sorry."
I tell her.
"I didn't mean to scare you."

"T.....that's alright, but why are you here?"
She asked me.

"I'm the new employee."
I tell her, my hand upon my big breasted chest.

"Oh right!
Eric told me about you.
Eric ain't here yet.
Neither is Pam."
She tells me.
"I'm Ginger."

"My name is Alexis.
Nice to meet you Ginger."
I hold out my hand for her to shake and she shakes it, then pulls her hand away.

"When will Eric be here?"
I ask her.

"Around seven and it's six thirty now."
She tells me.

"Why seven?"
I ask her.

"That's the time he gets up.
Vampires sleep during the day, and if they don't they get weaker, and start to bleed."
Ginger tells me, and that was quite shocking she said that.

That's strange."
I tell her.

"Do you wear any silver jewelry?"
She asked me.

"I have a nickel allergy, so I wear real silver?"
I ask her.

"Because silver isn't good for vampires."
Ginger tells me.

"I thought that was with werewolves?"
I ask her, me confusaled.

She giggled at me; her telling me next.
"Don't believe everything you've seen in movies either.
They can be seen in mirrors and holy water is just water.
There are religious vampires too."

"I didn't know vampires could believe in Jesus?"
I ask her.

"Well; Eric never met Jesus.
He's not that old.
He was born one thousand years ago, during the viking era.
Vikings settled in America first before people on the Mayflower."
She tells me more.

"I didn't know that."
I tell her honeatly my thoughts.

"I take it you learned about me from Ginger?"
I jump a little where I stood, which is the second time I got startled tonight, and look over my shoulder, seeing Eric walking into the bar.
"Ginger is quite the talker mind you."
He smirked at me as he walked up to me.

"Oh; I don't mind her telling me about you."
I tell him, me smiling warmly at him.
"I do need to know about my new boss though, so it's a good thing I'm learning about you."

He stood tall over my five foot four stature, and looked down at me.
"I take it you know Sookie Stackhouse?"
Eric asked me.

I blink in confusion at him.
"Yes; she's a friend, but why are you asking me this?"
I ask him.

"She owes me a tremendous favor.
One favor I would like to collect, and as my secretary, I would like you to tell her I have come to collect on the favor.
So do have her visit tonight.
Go to her work and bring her here."
Eric says to me, and by the sound of his voice, he truly wants to speak to Sookie about something important, so I nod.

"I'll drive to Merlottes and ask her to come here."
I tell him, then ask him.
"How did you know me and Sookie spend time together?"

He walked by me and as he does so he says.
"I can smell her on you."

I blink in shock, me looking up at him over my shoulder, and he looked back at me over his shoulder, and I truly wondered what his relationship with her is, like why is he so demanding at wanting me to nab Sookie, and bring her here to talk to her?
Was she involved with Eric?
Was she Eric's friend?
I guess I will find out.

I then tell him.
"I'll go now, but first I'll give you my number."
I turn towards him, and he stopped walking towards the hallway, towards his office, and he turned to me, and I pull out a tiny notepad from my purse, and a pen, and write my number on it, and hand it to him.
"Call me or text me if you need anything else in the future.
I'll get going."
I tell him, though I'm afraid I'll get scolded by Sookie for working at Fangtasia.
I have to do my job to pay rent, so I'll tell her it's none of her concern.

I left the bar, and get into my vehicle, me buckling in, and stick my key into the ignition, wiggling it a little, then turn it forward, and it started with a hum, and I pull out of Fangtasia's parking lot, and headed down the long fifteen minute drive of the road towards Bon Temps.
But Merlottes is a longer drive away; so I'll make it in twenty minutes.
I had the radio on the eighties channel, and random songs played, me listening to them to keep my uneasy-self calm as I finally made it into Bon Temps after several minutes went by, and I start driving towards the direction Merlottes resides, and eventually I pulled into park on the dirt road parking lot.

I then turn my engine off; me getting out, as well as manually locking my door, and shut it behind me.
I walk up to the bar, me walking inside the bar, and I stood at the entrance, me looking around for Sookie, and I found her serving drinks to a couple of road workers, so I walk up to her, and say to her.
"Sookie; I need to talk to you."

"I can't.
I'm working."
She then started walking away from me, and I follow her.

"Eric wants to cash in on that favor.
He wants to talk to you tonight."
I tell her, and she stopped walking, and turned to face me, her face not looking happy at all I mentioned Eric, which got me to wondering why she was so upset when I mentioned Eric.

"Tell Eric I'll come tomorrow night and why are you working for him?"
She sassed me.

"I told you I got a job at a bar."
I tell her.

"You didn't tell me it was a vampire bar though."
She sassed me again, her hands upon her hips.

"I was afraid you would act like this, because let me tell you, I'm not a child anymore, and can take care of myself, Sookie.
I'll let Eric know about you coming tomorrow night, but I doubt he'll be happy.
His request seemed urgent."
I tell her.

"I don't care if it's urgent.
I got bills to pay and you can tell him that he better pay me ten thousand dollars this time for this favor.
Now I need to get back to work Alexis."
Sookie replied; and I nod in understanding, but I could tell she does not like Eric by the hateful tone in her voice.

"Alright I'll go; but you better meet him at his bar tomorrow night."
I tell her.

"I will.
Now go back to his bar."
Sookie waved me off and got back to waitressing tables.

I left Merlottes; and get into my red Toyota, me bucking in, and shutting the door, after I had unlocked it with it's key on the door, and I stick my key into the ignition, jiggle it a little, then turn it forward, and it turned the engine on, and I pull out of the dirt driveway of Merlottes, and headed towards Shreveport, to Fangtasia.
I just hope Eric won't be mad I couldn't bring Sookie tonight, but instead she agreed on tomorrow, so I hope he's satisfied with tomorrow night she comes to his bar to talk with him.


To be continued....

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