Pure Heart

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Here's the next chapter......

If I don't reply to comments in the evening on my message board or in the comments lately it's because I'm sleeping around 7pm to 5am.
The storms in my area is making me miserable with arthritis pain and neuropathy pain.
Though I'm taking my antidepressant that helps neuropathy, it can still act up worse from storms.
I'm letting you know this.
My sleep schedule is never the same due to I was born this way.

Let's get to the story.

Songs I do like of Lady Gaga's is Poker Face, Just Dance, Bad Romance, and Born This Way.
I only listen to the songs when in a good mood, which lately I been doing.


The song Bring Me To Life was playing as I entered Fangtasia, me walking through the crowd, and I saw Eric sitting on a stage, that people were admiring him from afar, with a look they wanted to have sex with him, me noticing this environment is sex ridden big time.
He was sitting on an antique big chair that was black, it looked like it was made during the Victorian era.
There was also a smaller chair that was designed the same to his left, that was from the same era, and it was light brown.

I walk towards the stage; and I walk up the steps, and he looked up at me from his book he was reading, the book seemed to be a history book about the first World War, and he closed it, and asked me.
"Why did you not bring Sookie with you?"

"I'm sorry; but she said she will come here tomorrow night.
She says she has bills to pay.
She also wants you to pay her ten thousand dollars this time."
I tell him, me twiddling my thumbs nervously.

He sighs in an annoyed fashion, and avoided my gaze.
"As long as she agreed to come to this bar tomorrow.
If she does not come I will be displeased."
He ran his fingers through his blonde hair that's losing it's blonde to brown, and I realized he does that when he's stressed.
He looked to me.
"You stare."

"Sorry; I was waiting for you to say anything else for me to do."
I tell him honestly this.

He motioned to the other chair.
I have nothing else you can do for me."
I do as asked of him, and sit on the light brown antique chair.

I look up at him and ask him.
"So can I ask why you want to see Sookie?"

He looked down at me.
"I need her to help me find someone."
He replied.
"I will have you go with me when the time comes."

"Go with you where?"
I ask him, me confused he wanted me to travel with him somewhere.

"To Texas.
Who I need to find is in Texas.
It will take some convincing to have Sookie help me."
Eric tells me, him giving me a serious look.
"Who I need to find is very important to me.
He made me what I am."

"Made you who you are?
You mean a vampire?"
I ask him and he nods.

"My maker.
He is a very respected vampire, and the only vampire who killed his maker, who is above all, and there is none other like him."
Eric tells me, and I saw a far away look upon his face, as if he's remembering someone he loves and cares about, that reminded me of a family kind of love, like whoever his maker is, that person is like a father to him, or maybe a brother.

I could tell this person he's talking about meant the world to him, so I felt obligated to help him, because I know what it's like to lose family, since I lost my parents in a car accident when I was fifteen, them crashing over a bridge, and since then I've been on my own raising myself.
The only family I have to me is Sookie, Jason, Tara, and Lafayette, and though they are my friends, to me they are family.

I then put a hand on his arm, me giving him a look that I cared he missed this person, and say.
"Anyway I can help I will do it, because I know what it's like to lose someone important to you."
I give him a warm light hearted smile to reassure him I'd help him.

He looked down at my hand upon his muscular arm, then back up at me.
"Thank you."
He says as I pull my hand away from his arm.

"Anytime Eric.
After all I am your secretary and I can be your friend if you want?"
I tell him, me doing a closed eyed smile at him.

"A friend?
You are too much."
I open my eyes as he says this, me still smiling at him, and he avoided looking at me, him seemingly embarrassed I mentioned I'll be his friend by his body language, as he grabbed his book again, and started reading it once again.

"I treat my friends like family actually.
I think you'll like I'm your friend."
I tell him.

"Do whatever you wish.
I will not stop you."
He replied coldly, but I recently noticed that's just his personality, because he has issues expressing how he feels.
I'm one to notice things like this because I'm autistic.
Autistic folk tend to notice things around them more than other people.
But not always can they take in body language cues, but I can, since I'm high functioning.
I just can't understand jokes people tell me, though I joke around myself or become goofy.

"Thank you.
I'm glad I have your permission."
I tell him, me holding in the urge to giggle at him, because he's acting so cute to me, him avoiding looking at me, him being embarrassed I said what I said, but I had a feeling if I giggled, that he would not be happy in the least I did so.

"So is your maker a nice vampire?"
I ask him, me curious about his vampire friend.

"He is ruthless towards his enemies.
Due to he is the only vampire that killed his maker, he is very much feared, yet very much respected I told you, so he is hardly nice.
However he could have changed, since it has been awhile since I saw him."
Eric admits honestly to me, his baby blue eyes never leaving the page he was reading of his history book.

"You sound like you really care about him, and have a deep fondness, and love for him?"
I say to him, me asking him this.

"I indeed care about him as any progeny would.
Pam is my progeny as well and cares about me."
Eric tells me, him finally looking at me.
"A human would not understand the bond a maker and his progeny would have, unless the human becomes turned themselves by a vampire, who becomes their maker."

"I may not understand it, but I can see how you care about him, like a father and brother all at once.
To you he is your only family you have left."
I tell him honestly my thoughts.
"I'm one to notice these things.
Call me empathic and compassionate; but I tend to understand more how people feel towards other people, no matter who they are to another person."

He looked at me with a look he's amazed I said that, and he replied to me.
"You are not like other humans.
Your compassion and empathy for others is truly fascinating, but people can take advantage of it if you do not watch yourself."

"I know; but to me there's nothing wrong with being empathic or compassionate towards people, even towards people who are no longer human, you know."
I reply to him, and continue on talking to him.
"Whoever your maker is I know he's very much loved.
I'm actually envious; because I lost my parents at a young age, so when I see bonds like this you have with your maker, it makes me realize how lucky I was to have my parents years ago, that is until their accident happened, that killed them.
But I'm also lucky I have Sookie, Jason, Tara, and Lafayette too as my friends, who I see as my new family too."

Eric then took my chin in his hand, making me tilt my head up, and he says to me.
"You are too pure hearted.
Be careful or people; human or vampire,  will taint that pureness of your heart."
His thumb gently ran along my bottom lip slowly, and I realized he had that hungry look upon his gaze like last time, like every other vampire gazed at me like that at my last job, but he lets my chin go.
"It is getting late.
Go home.
Come back at five thirty in the evening."

I stand up and say to him.
"Thank you.
It was nice talking to you Mister Northman."

He stared up at me with a displeased look upon his face, as if I wronged him.
"I told you to call me Eric."

I'm used to formalities."
I say to him with much honestly, and I grab my purse I set upon the floor, and wave at him.
"I'll see you tomorrow night."
I then walk down the stairs of the stage, and left the bar.

I unlock my red Toyota with it's key manually, and get into the car, me buckling in, and shutting the door, and I stick the key into the ignition, wiggled it a little, then turn it forward, it starting it's engine with a purr, and I pull out of Fangtasia's parking lot, and started heading home in Bon Temps.


To be continued....

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