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"Truth or dare?" I ask jieun. "Truth" "Do you like anybody?" I ask. "Me, myself, and I. You too." She responds making us both chuckle.

"Truth or dare?" She asks me. "Dare." "I dare you to spend the rest of the night in that haunted building." She says. "Alright, we can continue the game tomorrrow. The building is only ten minutes from here. Just sleep here tonight and text me in the morning when I can come back." I stand up and start walking off to the door.

"Make sure to send tons of pictures from inside!" Jieun yells at me. "You got it!" I yell back as I exit my house and close the door behind me, phone in hand.

I walk to the old abandoned building and look at it for a minute. The rumors of this place being haunted are all false and only a wimp would be scared. I let out an emotionless laugh before walking in.

I take a few pictures here and there with me doing peace signs or sticking my tongue out and winking. Just stupid stuff jieun and I always do in pictures.

I walk further in and find a set of stairs. I walk up them and shiver a bit as a rush of wind blows over me. I am only wearing short shorts and a black crop top with a backwards, black snapback so it's easy to get cold.

I just shake it off and go to the top of the stairs. There is nothing in the room so I walk around. "This is probably where I will sleep." I mumble to myself. I keep walking around though.

I find a bathroom that is miraculously working. I would think that the water would be cut off but, guess not.

I sigh and lean against the wall. I pull my phone out and see it just hit nine. Still have at least three hours before I go to sleep.

"What are you doing here?" A low and raspy voice asks. A shiver is sent down my spine by the voice alone. I look around but don't see anybody.

I put my phone back in my pocket before calling out. "Ugh, hi?" I ask. A boy appears right in front of me out of thin air making me gasp and stumble back until I hit the wall.

"I asked what you were doing here." He repeats. His skin is extremely pale and he has small cat eyes. He is taller than me though. He is wearing ripped jeans and a plain white T-shirt but with just that he looks really good.

"A friend dared me to stay the night here. I could ask you the same thing though." I reply and stand straight up since I was originally against the wall from stumbling.

"You shouldn't be here. Nobody comes here." He says in the same raspy voice. I gulp unintentionally and my mouth feels dry. How is he so intimidating? Nobody intimidates me. I am the intimidating one here.

"You should feel intimidated." He says and steps towards me. I stay in place and glare at him. "Who said I was intimidated?" I ask. Even though I thought it, he doesn't know. "You said it in your head sweetheart. I know exactly what you're thinking." He smirks and takes another step closer making me lean back a little.

"Then what is my best friends name?" I ask. "Jieun." He simply replies. My eyes widen and I start to get curious. How can he read my mind? Is he some sort of superhuman?

"It doesn't matter how I can read your mind or if I am some sort of superhuman." He deepens his smirk and steps closer yet again. This time, I take a step back and immediatly hit the wall.

"Scared yet?" He asks and his eyes turn a red color. My eyes widen and I panic a little. "What are you?" I spat. "I'm your worst nightmare." He replies and steps forward yet again, leaving no room between us now.

He stares into my eyes and then he looks down to my neck. He then looks back into my eyes which show how scared I really am.

"HYUNG! DID YOU FIND THE HUMAN?!" A voice yells from somewhere. "Up the stairs jiminie." The boy in front of me replied. A boy about the height of the boy in front of me walks in. He is wearing skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt with a black beanie.

"She's cute." The boy, jiminie, says. I narrow my eyes and glare at him. I snap out of the trance I was originally in and push the boy away from me, not knowing what was wrong with me before. He stumbles a few steps before returning my glare.

"What even are you?" I ask in a venomous tone. "Vampires!" The boy who ran up the stairs said. "JIMIN!" the other boy yelled and slapped the back of his head. "Sorry yoongi hyung." Jimin mumbled.

"Let me get this straight. You two are vampires?!" I nearly shriek. The one called Yoongi grumbles something under his breath making the other boy, jimin, stare at the floor and mumble something under is breathe as well, nothing of which I can hear.

"Well I guess there is no point in denying it." Yoongi grumbled. "So how exactly am I supposed to react?" I raise an eyebrow. "Well most people scream and run." Jimin said with a shrug. "Yeah, not happening. Any other reactions?" I ask. "The others usually scream when we drink their blood." Yoongi's smirk returned as he spoke.

"Nobody is taking my blood." I cross my arms. "We will see about that." Jimin smirked and walked towards me.


(A/N) - I will be posting a chapter every other day as well as some other book. So bacially I will be posting two books at once until this book is all posted!

I hope you guys enjoy the book!


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