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"Let me get this straight. You two are vampires?!" I nearly shriek. The one called Yoongi grumbles something under his breath making the other boy, jimin, stare at the floor and mumble something under is breathe, nothing of which I can hear.

"Well I guess there is no point in denying it." Yoongi grumbled. "So how exactly am I supposed to react?" I raise an eyebrow. "Well most people scream and run." Jimin said with a shrug. "Yeah, not happening. Any other reactions?" I ask. "The others usually scream when we drink their blood." Yoongi's smirk returned as he spoke.

"Nobody is taking my blood." I cross my arms. "We will see about that." Jimin smirked and walked towards me.

As soon as he gets into reach, I kick his shin and jump behind him, grabbing his arm, and forcing him to the floor. He is now laying on the floor with one arm behind his back, held by me, and me on top of him. He chuckled as I pulled his arm further back making me stop and raise a questioning eyebrow.

Before I could even process what happened, I was laying on my back with jimin on top of me and my arms pinned above my head.

"But I want your blood." Jimin teased. "Get off of me." I grumble as I try to move my arms but he is way too strong. "Can we keep her hyung? I like her!" Jimin smiled while staring at yoongi. "Sure. Her blood is obviously unique, the smell itself drives me crazy." He responded making my heartbeat speed up in fear.

"So what's your name?" Jimin looked down at me with an innocent smile. "Like I'm going to tell you!" I nearly yell. "Well you are ours now so it would be easier for both of us if you just behave." Jimin pouted, grip not weakening though.

"I never asked for this! Let me go!" I beg. "Ani." Jimin stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. "Please tell me your name." He asked. I stay quiet and think of a way I can get out of this.

"Nothing you do will work. If we want, we can hear your thoughts as if you are speaking. We will know exactly what you will do and when you will do it. You can't trick yourself so you can't trick us either." Yoongi speaks. "Why?" I whisper.

Both jimin and yoongi sigh and shake their heads. Jimin gets off of me, much to my surprise. "We won't let you go. We can't. Please understand." Jimin speaks quietly. "Jimin." I whisper, scared to speak any louder. He looks at me with sad eyes and I can tell he is sincere.

"There is no way I can convince you to let me go?" I ask. Jimin and yoongi shake their head in unison. "I don't have much of a life to leave behind anyway but please let me say goodbye to my best friend." I ask. "How do we know you aren't just going to run away or tell someone about us?" Yoongi raises an eyebrow.

"One of you come with me." I say simply. "Hyung, you go. You are emotionless but I will see her saying goodbye and get sad and guilty." Jimin immediatly said. "I'm not emotionless, I just don't show my emotions." Yoongi grumbled.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and pull my phone out, dialing jieun's number. "Seorin? Are you okay?" She asked as soon as she picked up the phone. "I'm fine but umm, I need to talk to you about something." I say, glancing at the two boys. "Is this so you can get out of the building?" She chuckled. "No, come here if you are that unsure. I need to tell you something either way." I respond, silencing her chuckles.

"Are you sure your okay unnie?" She asked. "I don't know." I reply and shake my head, holding back tears. I don't cry, never before this, and not now. "I will come there, just sit tight. Meet me outside." She said and hung up.

I inhale sharply and put my phone in my pocket before walking down the stairs with yoongi following me. "How do I explain some guy beside me?" I ask him. "Make up something." He shrugged again causing me to roll my eyes.

I walk outside of the building and sit in the grass, yoongi doing the same. After a few minutes, I see jieun and she immediatly looks at yoongi and back to me. She sits beside me on the grass.

"I'm leaving." I mumble quietly. "Your what?" Jieun nearly shrieked. "Leaving." I whisper and shut my eyes tightly. "Where is this coming from and who is this guy?" She asks. I gulp and take a deep breathe.

"He isn't important but I meant to tell you last week but I lost track of time and forgot. I didn't want to say goodbye and I just realized when I had nothing else to think about. That's when I knew I had to tell you." I answer with a lie. "When are you leaving?" She hesitantly asked. "Tomorrow morning." I reply hoarsly.

She pulls me into a hug and I immediatly start crying. She pulls me into her lap and she sits her chin on my head while rubbing circles on my back. She is crying too, I can hear her whimpers and feel her tears.

"Why unnie?" She chokes out. I shake my head and hug her tighter. The one thing I hate most is being vulnerable and I have never been more vulnerable. "I love you seorin, even if you leave, don't forget that. We will always be like sisters." She said, voice cracking twice. "I don't want to leave." I whimper.

I pull away from her and look into her eyes. "We both look so weak." She mumbles. "Only for each other " I agree. We hug each other again, tighter than ever.

After about ten minutes, I pull away and move off of jieun's lap, sitting on the grass again. "Make sure to contact me unnie." She says. "I will, I promise." We both stand up and I hug her again. "Be safe." She whispers. I nod and smile weakly. "Always." I choke out.

We hug one more time before jieun walks away. I sniffle and shake my head, wiping away the tears that remained.

"This isn't happening." I whisper.

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