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I am waiting in sojin's apartment with yoongi, jungkook, and jaebum. I knew her passcode so we easily got in.

"Okay so then you will act like you forgive her." "Right, and then jieun said she will meet you at the restraunt so you have to act all couple like." "And then I will text her using your phone." "And then I come out and do my part of this." We all nod and smirk as we finish discussing our plan.

We hear a click and look to see sojin come in with an icepack to her face. I smirk knowing I am the reason for that.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" She yelled as she saw us. "Jagi, just sit down. Jebal." Jaebum spoke sweetly. She hesitated but sat down.

"Is what she said true? Did you cheat on me with him?" Jaebum asked, gesturing to jungkook. "I'm so sorry, I never loved him though! I only love you!" She immediatly yelled.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT WITH JUNGKOOK RIGHT HERE?!" I yell at her, standing up. "SIT DOWN!" She yelled. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I yell as I step towards her. "Seorin." Yoongi said quietly.

I sigh and close my eyes before sitting down again. "Jaebum, you understand right?" Sojin asked in an annoying high pitched tone.

"Of course jagi!" He smiled brightly. "YOU WHAT?!" I scream at jaebum. "Nunna, I know what she did was wrong but she needs a second chance." Jaebum tried to justify. "TELL THAT TO JUNGKOOK! DOES HE DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE AT DATING HER TOO?!" I retort. "Nunna, it's okay." Jungkook whispered.

I glare at sojin as I pull jungkook into a hug. "He is just a big crybaby who is upset he didn't get his way." Sojin smirked. I calmly put jungkook on the couch and walk over to sojin with a smile on my face.

After a minute of just staring, I punch her. The force was so strong the entire chair tell backward with her. She rolled out of the chair and I kicked her as hard as possible in the gut, making her couch up blood.

"SEORIN!" Yoongi yelled. This wasn't part of the plan but I couldn't help it. Well I was supposed to lightly slap her because we knew she would say something rude, but I had to go overboard. Yoongi pulled me back and sat on the floor, pulling me into his lap. I sigh and cuddle into his chest as he hugs me.

"I'm done with this stupid plan. I can't do this to her. You went too far nunna." Jungkook sneered and helped sojin up.

"Let's go." He says. "Wait, you forgive me?" Sojin weakly asked. "Ne, please take me back. I can be good for you." He pleaded. "Okay kookie." She responded. "Let's go to dinner just to rub it in." He suggests. "I'm in pain but let's go." She agreed. The two leave without another word.

Jaebum runs up to me and smirks. "Did you call her?" He asks. "She is on her way, go quickly." I usher him out. Even after he leaves, I stay in the same position with yoongi. "You couldn't help it could you?" He asked.  "Nope, jungkook is so fragile. I had to." I respond.

We both get up and run to the restraunt, getting ready for our part in this plan that is definitely still on.

We see jaebum and jieun looking like a couple as jungkook and sojin walk down the street. I see sojin gasp and point to jaebum. Jungkook does as planned and acts disgusted.

She suddenly breaks down in tears and falls to the ground. Jungkook smirked and walked over to us. Jaebum and jieun come from the restraunt and come to us too. We all high five and cheer.

"How does it feel sojin? Why are you even crying? First you choose jaebum over jungkook then jungkook over jaebum and then you cry when you see jaebum with someone else. You are weak and I am sad and ashamed to call you my sister. I hope you know that."

I walk away from her crying figure and go to the group. I hug jieun tightly and we both smile. "So are you and yoongi oppa dating yet?" She asked. I kick her shin and she drops to the floor. I help her up and we both giggle.

"Yoongi oppa, can you please just ask her out?" Jieun sighed and yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Okay, we have to go back now. Jin hyung wanted us back before dinner." Jungkook said.

Jieun and I hug for an eternity before I let her go and move to jaebum. "Thank you for letting me know about this." He said. "I'm sorry I had to." I reply.

"Nunna, why did you leave me for seven guys?" He asked. "Jae, we both know you will forever by my favorite." I giggle and kiss his forehead. "Saranghae nunna, visit soon." He hugged me again and I returned the hug. "Nado saranghae jaebum-ah, I will visit soon." I pull away from the hug and walk off with jungkook and jimin. Once we are out of sight of anybody, yoongi grabs my arm and we are back in the mansion.

"Well that was eventful."

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