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After arriving back at the mansion, jungkook was bouncing around. "I see why you call him a little devil now." Jimin whispered to me. I nod and my eyes go wide as a 'I told you so' face.

"I'm tired. Good night!" I shout and I go back to my room. "YOU JUST WOKE UP!" Namjoon yelled back. "WELL I AM EXHAUSTED!" I argue as I slam my door shut. "But you just woke up." Yoongi says. I jump and hit my back on the door. "Will it kill you to walk?" I ask sarcastically.

He chuckled and backhugged me as I went to lay down. "So now that you can hug me, you won't leave me alone?" I sigh as he chuckles.

"Soerin." Yoongi said, suddenly he sounded serious. "Yoongi." I turn around and face him. "I don't really know how to ask this, but will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, the blush on his pale cheeks stood out like the color black on white.

"Y-you like me?" I stutter, blush creeping it's way up my neck and onto my cheeks. "I don't know how I developed these feelings so quickly, it just happened. I don't really know how to confess or anything since I have never liked anyone before." Yoongi admitted. "Me either." I say with a giggle.

"So?" Yoongi asked hesitantly. "Yes, I will be your girlfriend." I say. A giant smile envelops my face while yoongi smiles his precious gummy smile.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks. "You don't have to ask." I say with a giggle. Yoongi leaned in and placed his lips on mine. I immediatly felt weak but I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. One of his hands remained around my waist while the other cupped my cheek.

"LUNCH IS R- oh. Never mind I saw nothing." Jin made both yoongi and I pull apart and look at the floor, blushing even worse than before. "Well if you are hungry lunch is ready, you don't have to eat though. Bye bye!" Jin disappeared.

Yoongi and I looked at each other, embrassed. We both chuckle and go back in for a hug. I peck his lips and then sit my head in his chest. "Lets eat, I'm not tired anymore." I mumble. We go into the kitchen to see everybody intently listening to jin.

"It was so fluffy and adorable and they were both blushing and EEK!" Jin rambled. "Totally didn't see anything." I mumble. Jin jumps and sinks into his seat. "So you two are a thing now?" Jungkook asked, perking up. We both nod and everybody squealed.

After lunch, I got a text from jieun. It didn't come as a surprise though.

Ji : hey can you come to your house? Like now?

Me : depends, why?

Ji : well I can't explain but for one, jaebum keeps whining about how he misses you.

Me : aww I miss him too. Ugh, can I bring yoongi?

Ji : ne, that would actually be perfect.

Me : okay. Something you need to tell me?

Ji : all in due time.

Me : alright miss secretive. I will be there soon.

"Yoongi, jieun and jaebum want us. Let's go." I say as I put my phone in my pocket. He grabbed my hand and we were in my house.

I walk to my room and see jaebum and jieun talking excitedly. "NUNNA!" jaebum tackled me in a hug. "Jae, get off of me, you're heavy." I tease. He gets off of me and helps me up. "No hug?!" I act offended. Jieun sheepishly smiled but didn't hug me. "Are you okay jieun?" I ask.

"Yeah but can I talk to yoongi oppa alone?" She asks. I gulp and look between them. Yoongi looked confused.

"Okay. Come on jae." I say and grab jaebum's arm, dragging him to the living room.

"What is going on with her?" I ask him as soon as we sit down. "Nunna promise me you won't get mad when I tell you." He looked nervous.

"Jaebum, tell me." I look at him sternly. He sighed and played with his fingers, something he does when he is nervous.

I grab his hands and look into his eyes. "Tell me." I say softly. "She is confessing to him." He replied. "Confess as in..." I trail of and jaebum gulps.

"As in she is telling him how she truly feels for him." Jaebum clarified. I jump up and run to the room. I open the door and saw something I was hoping I wouldn't see.

Jieun was leaning over and had her lips pressed against Yoongi's. I slam the door shut and cover my mouth so I don't cry.

What is the point in confessing and asking me to be your girlfriend if you are going to kiss someone else or let them kiss you?

I run out of the house and to the garden nobody knew was in my backyard. I kneel down and just cry.

I knew I fell for him too fast. I shouldn't have been so dumb. I shouldn't feel so hurt and betrayed we only just started dating a few minutes ago so it obviously didn't mean anything.

I shouldn't be torn. Maybe jieun will finally be happy. Maybe yoongi will be happy, even if it isn't with me. Maybe I was never meant to be happy. Maybe this was all just a big mistake.

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