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I wake up feeling really warm. I don't even remember falling asleep. I look up a little and see yoongi's face. My eyes widen and everything suddenly clicked.

I panic when I realize Yoongi's arms are wrapped around my waist so I can't move. I just bury my head into Yoongi's chest again and close my eyes. If I can't get out of it, I might as well enjoy the comfortableness of it.

Right as I nearly fell back into sleep, I hear yoongi inhale sharply like when I hugged him. I hesitantly pull back and look at yoongi. He looks into my eyes and I try not to be scared when I see his eyes are red.

He gulps but doesn't look away. "How bad does it hurt?" I ask quietly. "Pretty bad." He answers. "Where do you need to get it from?" I ask. "I can get it anywhere but the wrist and neck are the best." He replies hesitantly. I pull away and we both sit up. I hold my left arm out to him. "Are you sure?" He asks. I gulp but nod.

He stares at my wrist for a minute before he grabs my hand and about halfway between my wrist and elbow. He pulls my wrist to his mouth and I see his fangs appear. He squeezed my hand lightly and I squeeze his hand back. I feel his fangs sink into my wrist and I let out a soft whimper and grab his hand tighter while clamping my free hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming.

I feel tears pricking my eyes but I inhale and exhale deeply so I don't cry. I feel his fangs sink deeper into my wrist and I gulp quickly. A single tear falls but I ignore it. I try to focus on anything expect the sound of yoongi gulping my blood and the pain in my wrist.

After a few minutes he pulls away and wipes the blood from the side of his mouth. "I'm sorry seorin." He whispered and wiped away the tear that had fallen. I move my hand away from my mouth and look at my wrist. There is a bit of blood flowing from where his fangs were.

"Come here, we need to clean that." He said and grabbed my other hand, pulling me into the bathroom that was connected to my room. He carefully cleans it but doesn't put anything on it. "It's best to leave a bite mark exposed. It heals quicker that way. " He said. I nod and thank him for cleaning it.

"I'm really sorry for hurting you." He apologized again. "It's fine yoongi, I told you to." I respond. "Jin is going to kill me." He chuckled weakly. "He won't. I will make sure he doesn't." I reply. We go back into my room and just listen to my songs while we wait for jin to barge in and make us eat.

"Breakfast!" Jin sings as he suddenly appears. Yoongi and I sigh and go to the kitchen. Once again, I had something better than everyone else. We all start eating in silence.

"Seorin." Jin suddenly calls. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "Yes oppa?" I say in a questioning tone. "What is that." He asks and points to my arm. "It's nothing." I immediatly reply and try to hide my wrist under the table.

Jin stands up and walks over to me. He grabs my arm and gasps when he saw my wrist. "Which one did this?!" He nearly yelled. "I'm fine, let me go." I protest. "Seorin." He says sternly. "Oppa, let go of me." I say. "Which one was it." He narrowed his eyes at me. I yank my arm away and glare at him. "I said I was fine." I say. "I don't care if you are fine or not. I asked who did it." He raised his voice. "It isn't important." I raise my voice as well. "Seorin." Jin nearly yells. "I'm not hungry anymore." I glare at jin and turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist, the one yoongi bit. I shriek and yank my wrist away. "Seriously?!" I yell at him.

"Which one bit you." Jin asked slowly. "Why is it so important?!" I ask rudely. "I don't have to explain myself. Now answer me." Jin demanded in a dangerously low tone. "Oppa, please." "Seorin." He says. "I'm sorry oppa, please just stop. I am completely fine with it whether you are or not and it shouldn't matter who bit me." I speak in a desperate and soft tone.

He stares into my eyes and looks sad. "I just want to protect you." He whispered. "I'm fine oppa, if I wasn't I would have told you." I say and hug him. He hugs me back tightly. "You promise if you were scared or upset you would tell me?" He asks. "Of course." I whisper. He sighs and pulls away. "At least finish eating." He said. I nod and sit back down. That was eventful.

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