The brith

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Violets POV:
I turn in bed to Vilo. And I run my fingers over his chest.
"I had fun yesterday." I whisper to him.
He chuckles and turns to me. I then go to the bathroom. I then take out a baby tester as I always do.
Vilo POV: 
I lay back down with my arms under my head as I sigh. I suddenly hear a scream coming from the bathroom. Violet super speeds over to me and shoves the baby tester in my face. Positive. I look at her and she is crying. And smiling.
"We're having a baby!" I say on the verge of tears my self. Out of joy not sadness.

************** Time skips nine month

Violet's POV:

I sat there waiting in my hospital bed as Vilo holds my hand. He rubs his thumb over my knuckle in a circle. It helps me relax. Next thing I know the doctor walks in.

"Congratulation Mr. and Ms. Vamp"

I find it weird that nobody questions our last name.

"You 2 have successfully given birth to a beautiful baby girl."

The nurse comes in with a pink blanket. I cover my mouth as tears begin to welded in my eyes. They hand me my baby. She is beautiful with her black hair and blue eyes staring at me. Stealing all the information she could from me. I guess she was finished because she went off staring at her father. I hug her deep to me chest and sigh.
"We have the most beautiful girl ever." We took her home that night along with the doctor and the nurse. I cut the nurses throat and filled up a bottle for Via. That's what we named her. Dear little Via. I hand Via the bottle and  she took it but the she spit it out along with a mouth full of blood. I pick up the bottle, pour it and rinsing it out. I shrug thinkin that she doesn't like human blood yet. So I go out and get blood from a cow and hand that to her. She spits it out again. I give her a questioning look. I shrug and hand her a bottle full of milk. She drinks it happily. Vilo comes in.
"Why isn't she drinking blood?" He asks me angrily
"I don't know. She doesn't like it." I say passive.
"Well that means she is different and we can't have different" Vilo decrees.
He slowly pulls out his knife. I realize that he is going to kill her. I step in front of him. And put my hands over my child.
"No don't hurt her give her until her second birthday that so when she has to be accepted into the tribe right?" I plead.
"Ya" he says lowering his knife a little.
"And remember the way to get on is that you have to drink a child's blood that is your age." I look at him.
"Yes, I am aware of that." He says crossing his arms over his chest.
"Just give her until then I beg of you." I plead to him.
"Fine." He said leaving the room.
I quickly grab Via and cradle her in my arms as I sob. She soon starts to cry. I eventually calm her down and put her to sleep. I wipe a year off my face and there is one thing I know for sure I have to get her out of here.
Via's POV: (first one yeah)
It'S exactly 2 days before my 2nd birthday party. And within my life my mom as tried to escape with me 348 times. Each time both her and I get a beating. But recently she has stopped trying to escape. And whenever my father used to beat me because I wouldn't eat or drink blood she used to stop him. But now she just sits and watches or leaves. And she used to always bring me food I would eat but she doesn't anymore. I have been extremely hunger. So I just go out and beg strangers for food. I drag my self out of bed when my father yells for me. I look at the clock and realize it's the time of my party 2:00 am on the nose.
"VIA" my father yells.
I get dressed in a black leather tank top and black short shorts. And I slip on my sandals and walk down stairs. When I get down there I am shocked by what I see.
I see a little girl my age tied up to a pole. While her parents lay mauled to shreds on the floor. I can tell it is her parents. I can tell my the smell only their blood. I walk up to my father and see my mother with all my clothes in a bag. I shrug it off and think of nothing. When I get to my father and I fall to my knees. A smile spreads across his face. He then does and ancient vampire chant as I feel my vampire powers come to me. My fangs, speed, intelligence(which my father lucked out on) and my want for blood. But I only felt three things go into me not four. My father commands me to stand and I do. He then point to the little girl and says:
"Eat her. Show that you are one of us my child?"
The girl begins to sob and beg for her life.
"Please don't kill me. I want to go home and see my kittens and my puppy. I want to go home and see my abut and uncle and my siblings." She begs in between sob.
My father strikes her with anger.
"SHUT UP!!!" He commands her.
She screams but only for a second and does as she is told.
"Now eat sweetie." My father places his hand on my back and guides me towards her.
"What?!" I ask getting over shock "no!!" I protest
"DO IT OR SO HELP ME SATAN I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!" He yells as he goes to strike me. But he is interrupted.
Two black men come in screaming and chopping off heads. My mother quickly grabs my hand as we run into the woods.
"Faster sweetie faster." My mother begs.
I can't go any faster. It takes a complete 3hours(when human blood is added)before I get my vampire powers. And since I didn't eat the girl it will take me 24hours. But still I try. But I trip over a root. I hear men and my dad screaming for me and my mother. My mom picks me up and super speeds me out of there. Soon we bump into 2 young boys. I think they are a couple. They look like one anyway. My mother begs the men not to kill me or her.
"Please spare us. Please I am trying to keep my little girl alive. Spare us I beg of you." I cower at the sight of one of the men. He looks very scary and like he never smile. To be honest his looks makes me think he is a total jerk. But when the other guy with light shaggy brown hair whom looks tired from restless nights looks at me I feel safe.
"What the hell are you?" Man in the leather jacket says pointing a gun at my mom.
"Please don't shoot." I beg him.
"Then answer my question." Me says repeating his question."what are you?"
"We're" my mother sad while calling me to her. I crawl over to her while the man with the brown shaggy hair points a gun at me. Once I get to her my mother cradles me in her arms and stand s up slowly finishing her sentence.
"Vampires. Please take my child." She hands me to the guy with the shaggy brown hair. He cradles me I his arms and I snuggle into his chest.
"Please she is the key to a new race of vampire. Quickly I will draw the hunters away take care of her." My mother says. She kisses my forehead and says to me handing the guy holding me a gift.
"Don't open that gift until you are 18. I love little Via. Remember that what I am about to do is for our kind and you. And that I will love you always." She hugs me tight , runs away then yells.
"Over hunters come and get me."
"Run go on." She hisses at us as she runs away. The guys stay frozen until the scary one with the leather jacket says:
"Quick while we have a chance lets ditch the kid and go."
"What?" The one holding says "no Dean we are not going to abandon her. And leave her to die."
"Sam." The named Dean says "she's a vampire she might suck out our blood."
"What?!" I say in shock "Ewwww no that is nasty. You are nasty." I scrunch my nose up in distaste
"What do you don't drink blood?" The one named Sam asks me.
"No I don't drink blood of any kind. That's why my momma said I different" I say looking at them annoyed
Sam raises his eyebrows at Dean points at me as if to say see. Dean just scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"Find she can stay but let's just get a move on and get out of her. But just for the record when she sucks all of the blood out you in the middle of the night don't say I didn't tell you so."
The guys then take me to this car that Sam told me was called the Impala. Sam sits next to Dean whom is driving. Sam buckles me into him. Dean looks over and groans.
"Please don't tell me you are going to be the type of parent whom is over protective and shelters their kids."
"No I am not." Sam says unbuckling me. "Please how am I going to shelter her. We're demon hunters for god sakes. And yes I will be a bit over protective because we're demon hunters and she is 2 years old." Daddy (that's what I will call Sam now) say throwing his arms in the air and re buckles me in and sits next to me not buckled. "Plus you drive like a mad man and I am not goof to get her killed. "
"Fine. Don't have to be all bitchy about it. Jesus." He puts the key and the engine turns in and away we go.
A couple minutes within the ride I look to Dean.
"Nice ride." I smile.
Dean looks back at me shocked but smirks.
"You know" he says talking to daddy whom turns from the window to look at him. "she's startin to grow on me." I giggles as he ruffles my hair. And goes back to driving. Eventually the lull of the rise begins to make me tired and eventually I fall asleep.

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