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Sam's POV:
I feel something heavy fall onto my lap.  I look down and see Via asleep. I smile and stroke her red curly hair. I feel her shivering so I start to take off my jacket to give to her.
"Whoa whoa dude what are you doing?" Dean says glances to me then back to the road.
"She's cold so I am giving her my jacket." I says annoyed putting my jacket on Via. She the snuggles deeper into my lap. I smile at her. I love that I have someone else here. Someone I  can protect and care for. Someone I can  show the world to and someone who won't be a pain in my side like Dean. 
"I don't even understand why we still have her here  we should've left her to fate. Because who knows now we might have vampires and or vampire hunters up our ass." Dean complains.
"I kept her because it'll be nice to have someone around whoses not a pain in the ass like you." I say cocky like.
"Wow Sammy I am proud of you. Putting on your big boy pants are we?" He asks with a smirk.
I just scoff and roll my eyes. As we pull up to the hotel I cradle Via in my arms and she slowly wakes up.
"Daddy where are me you and your boyfriend?"
Aww she called me her daddy wait what?
"No no" I say to Via as Dean stares at her.
"This" I say putting my hand on Dean "is my brother your uncle."
"Oh" she says with a yawn
And she falls back asleep.
"Why do people keep thinkin we are gay. I don't look gay so it must have something to do with you." Dean says pointing at me.
I push his finger down.
"Shut up and just forget about it." I say as I lay Via down next to me and we all fall asleep.


Via's POV:

I wake up and see my daddy is sleeping. I kiss his forehead and crawl off the bed, I suddenly hear a thump and screaming. I look out the window and see vampires dragging a girl through the parking lot. I crawl over to Dean jumping up and down on him.

"Uncle Dean" I say to him

He moans and rolls over.

"Uncle Dean." I say to him

He pushes me off of him.

"Go back to bed Via" He says to me.

That's when the vampires break in. They carry off with me.

"DADDY, DADDY, UNCLE DEAN, HELP ME!" I scream for them.

"VIA!" Daddy yells.

I see his face.

"Dadd-" and everything goes black.

------hours later.

I scream.

"AHHHHHHH. PLEASE STOP." I cry and beg.

"Why did you run away Via?" Vilo asks me

"Because you're an ass." I say spiting blood in my mouth from where I was punched really hard at him.
"Why you insulting little slut."
"At least I am better than you. Why do you want to kill me anyway? Vilo"
"Why" he asked me in shock "because your different and we can't have different Via. I don't want to do this I just have to."
"Really because it seems your getting a kick out of it to me." I say to him.
He then takes my arm and pins it to the pole.
"No pleas no more." I beg
I may be a smartass and a badass but I am still only 2. Vilo smiles as he takes his knife and stabs my arm tracing on it slowly.
"I am your daddy." Vilo says
"No you're a jackass whom for some reason only Satan knows wants me dead."
"I don't want you dead sweetie." Vilo says
"Really?" I ask
"Yup. I want you in tiny pieces." Vilo stabs my leg.
I shriek and yell:
"You crazy ass son of a mother fucking shit damn bitch" I growl at him.
"Why you little..." Vilo says raising the knife.
Suddenly the doors fly open.
"Get away from her." My daddy yells
Vilo stabs me in the shoulder with the knife.
"VIA" Daddy called.
He ran through cutting off heads. I watch as Vilo runs away.
Daddy cuts the ropes and picks me up. He hugs me to his body as I hug him back with my good arm.
"Oh thank god Via you're alright."
I cry in pain. Daddy looks at all the wounds and takes me to the motel room. Once we are there daddy tells me to be brave. He pours this brown liquid on me and the pain is brutal but I don't cry. I stay tuff.
I watch as tears fill Via's big beautiful blue eyes. Once I finish with the visible wounds I remove her shirt to see the ones underneath. She has burn marks and bruises. It is horrible. I then notice scars all over her.
"Where is this from?" I say stroking one on her side.
"Vilo used to beat me a lot because I wasn't like the other vamps." She sniffles.
I move her shoulder length curly cherry red hair back. I then look at her face and see more scars. I also notice that she has freckles. She is so cute. I am glad she is with me. Once I finish with her wounds I allow her to go to sleep. I then being to research how to take of a vampire child. There are millions of lures.
"You know she can't stay." Dean says to me.
"Why not?" I ask him.
"She's endangered here with us." Dean says "I mean just tonight she could've died"
"I am not abandon Via Dean" I say
"I am not saying abandon her." Dean retorts. "I am saying that we should leave her with Bobby"
"I won't" I say to Dean
"Ugh. Why are you so attached?"
"Because she reminds me of the child that I wanted to have with Jessica. Because she is a freak to her own kind like me!!!!" I snap at him.
"Sam" Dean says
"Save it" I say "I am going on a walk. Via better still be here when I get back." I leave slamming the door.
I won't let Via leave me. I refuse to allow that to happen for as long as I live.

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