A Day Off part 1

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"So you are saying that nothing not even the smallest thing has happened today, or last night?" I wake up to Deans voice.
"Nope. Not a thing." Daddy says
"So we can have a fun day daddy no evil things?" I ask rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
It has been a couple of months now since I meet my Daddy and my uncle. In that time I have been scared. Demons monsters. And they constantly talk of Grandpa John. I honsetly was so ready just to have a day to play.
"How long has it been since we've had a day off?" Daddy asks Dean
"Too long I say." He replied taking a sip of the brown liquid from a bottle.
"I say we hit the clubs see if you can get lucky if you know what I mean." He smiles at Daddy.
Daddy just shakes his head.
"Yeah I can go and 'get lucky' too" I say not knowing what that means.
"NOOOOOO" Daddy says grabbing me.
Dean chuckles and apologizes to Daddy and Daddy then tells me to never ever repeat what Uncle Dean says. He's a bad influence on me.
"Hells right I am." Dean chuckles.
"We are doing stuff with Via toda Dean." Daddy says slowly.
"I calling today Via day. We do what she wants to a limit of course."
Dean shakes his head but eventually gives in.
"Ok ok we'll what the kid wants but I draw the line and dress up and tea parties." He says drinking the brown liquid again.
I wonder what that stuff is. I wonder what it tastes like.
Dean goes and takes a shower and Daddy goes out to buy some more clothes for me. This leaves me completely unsupervised. I walk over to the table and climb into the chair reaching out for this glass Uncle Dean filled with this brown liquid.  There is only a swallow left.  So I grab the glass and chug it down. Once I am done I immediately feel dizzy.
"Whoa." I say laughing.
Everything begins to spin.
"This is fun." I hiccuped.
1 minute later my head is pounding and my tummy hurts. Suddenly I feel like I am going to throw up and I run over to the garbage can.
Sam's POV:
I come to the motel room after buying Via a whole new outfit. I little red shirt that says I am a little angel, a pair of black skinny jeans along with socks, knee high black leather boots, and a leather jacket that feels to her rib cage and ends a couple of inches away from her wrist. While I was there I also saw a thing of ponytail holders and clips along with head bands. So I bought a couple of those too. And lastly was a little choker that I am sure she will love. I walk to the door and here what sounds like throwing up inside. 
Dean must be drunk I tell myself. But when I walk in I see Via head over s trash can puking and Dean's in the shower singing Metallica. I look around and see that Dean shot glass is empty. The poor thing. I then walk over to the counter and pick up some hangover meds. I then cut one in to quarters.  I then fill a glass with walk and walk over to Via. Whom is now just dry heaving. I give her the medicine and after s few minutes she's fine.
"Daddy" she says
"Yes" I answer
"I never want what Uncle Dean is drinking ever again." She pouts.
I chuckle a little as I place her in my lap. Dean walks out all done with is shower and walks over to his drink.
"Dude," he said gesturing to me. "You drank my drink."
"What, no!" I say "Via got into it."
Dean's face hardens. I now he's going to scold her.
"No need Dean. She has suffered he enough. She has been puking the past hour probably." I say
He smirks.
"So you learned not to drink Uncle Dean's drinks." He say getting down to her level.
"No need to crouch down to my height it makes me feel short." She smirks at him.
He ruffles her hair and goes out to get food and what not.
I pick Via up and take off her old and dirty clothes. I then run a warm bath. I slip in a little bubble soap and bath toys. I then set Via in the tub and wash her cherry hair. She splashes around and plays around. Once I am finished I grab a puppy hooded towel that I bought for her. I dry her off and put her in her clothes finish it with her little knee high baby black leather boots. That when Dean walks in. I move out of the way and watch as Dean hands her two gifts one the length of my forearm and another able to fit into the palm of my hand. She looks at him uncertain.
"I realized that lately I have been a little cold or cruel to you. But I figured that if you are going to be my niece. Might as well make the best out of it." Dean shurgs.
She tears open the gift excitedly. She opens up the big one and there I see a stuffed cheetah the length of my forearm. She squeals with joy and hugs him.
"Tank you Uncle Dean."
Dean hugs her back and chuckles.
"You have one more." Dean handing her the smaller one.
She tears it open and I see a necklace with the symbol Dean and I tattooed on. She looks at Dean as he puts it on.
"So nothing can ever posse you." He grins.
She smiles back and fiddles with it. I pull out a gift that I got her.
"Well I was waiting for your birthday but I can't allow Dean to show me up so here." I hand her the gift.
"Bitch" Dean growls at me
"Language" I say to him "child in the room."
"Daddy a 'bitch'" she grins.
"Now look what you've done." I say to him.
"Never say the word 'bitch' again. Hear me?" I ask
She nods and opens the gift. She holds a little gold locket in the shape of a pair of angel wings. She reads what it says.
"'A family that neither heaven or hell can divide.'" She tears up a little.
"'Happy birthday Via. Love daddy.'" She cries a little with happiness.
"So sappy" she opens it.
Inside the locket and smiles. It is a picture of me smiling on one side and Dean on the other.
"Tank you daddy." She hugs me.
"No problem sweetie."
"Let's go have fun now."
She says putting on the locket and grabbing Dean's hand and dragging us outside. I am so happy I have her here with me.

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