Day off part 2

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Via's POV:
Daddy puts me on the bed.
"What do you wanna do?" He asks me.
My stomach growls.
"Eat" I say excitedly.
"Well I like this day all ready" Dean says
We all hop into the car with me in the back. We get into the diner uncle Dean and I order a burger and daddy orders a salad. Once finished I told daddy that I want to go to the park. So we did. Once I was at the park I was running around having the time of my life. I was swing from a swing laughing when something bad happened.
"Hey that's our swing." A pudgy girl yells at me
"No it's not" I say confused "it's a park swing" I slow down
"Oh going to get smart with me." She says whipping her long brown hair and glaring at me with her brown eyes.
She grabs my hair and drags my by it.
"Daddy!" I yell
My daddy runs over and takes me away from the girl and that's when her mother comes over. My dad cradles me on his arms.
"What's going on here?" He asks the little girls mom
"I was about to ask the same thing." She says snooty like.
"Well my child yelled daddy and I see your little girl dragging her by her hair." He says angry.
"What? My darling angel Tabitha would never do that." She says
"How old is your daughter?" My daddy asks
"She is 5" the woman says
"Well my little girl is two and your little angel was dragging her." He says trying not to rip her head off.
"As if I bet your little demon is lying." She sneers
"No I am not. I was on the swing and she said that it was her swing and I told her that it is a park swing." I say innocently.
I then jump to the ground to Tabitha.
"Shut up. You little bitch." Tabitha said slapping me.
Her mother then shoves me to the ground. My uncle Dean comes over.
"What the hell is going on here?" Uncle Dean demands.
He looks down and see me on the ground with a hand mark on my face and tears in my eyes.
"Who did that?" He asks
"I did" the mother sneers "problem?"
Dean shows his gun and starts to clean it.
"No. No problem. Sam is anyone looking."
The two people ran away and I screamed to them.
"I hope satan sucks out whatever soul you dumbass fucking bitches have left."
Daddy shakes his head and smiles while uncle Dean laughs. Once back at the apartment daddy and uncle Dean chase me around the room tickling me. I laugh all day and squeal. We all then watch a Disney movie uncle Dean bought.
"It's called the Lion King." Uncle Dean says putting it into the motel DVD player. Halfway through the movie my eyes fluttered shut and I fell asleep right there in my daddy's arms.
Sam's POV:
After then movie ended I look down at Via whom is deep asleep. I smile at her and tuck her in bed and kiss her forehead stroking her hair as I sit beside her on the bed.
"I have never seen you treat anyone like this." Dean says.
"Well ever since dad died I decided that it would be nice to teach someone to be a hunter." I smile at her.
"Well don't be sappy." Dean says as he falls asleep.
I curled up next to Via and we both fall asleep.

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