Uncle Bobby

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Via's POV:
Daddy and Uncle Dean put me in the car. We drove off and before I knew it some random guy popped up next to me.
"Don't scream." He says in a low and scary voice.
Being 2 years old I did the only sensible thing. I screamed.
"DADDYYYYYY. STRANGER DANGER" and that's when the lights go out.
Sam's POV:
I watch as Cas puts two fingers on my daughter and she is knocked out. I look at him with a shocked look. He turns to me.
"What? She was screaming I had to quite her down." He said as if what he did was the only sensible thing to do.
"I was going to calm her down." I say to him.
"I told her not to scream" Cas points out.
"She's two years old and you are a complete and utter stranger what was she supposed ta do." I say to him.
"I did not rebel against heaven to be scolded my you Sam." He says darkly.
"Wake her up now." I say to him
He sighs placing to fingers on her and she bolts up. I grab her and hold her in my lap.
"Sweetie this is Castiel. He's an angel."
She smiles and her fangs come out as they do when she is really excited and when she eats meat. Her eyes change color from their normal bright crystal blue with a hint of gray to complete gray as she looks at Castiel.
"Your wings are beautiful." She said cocking her head a little to the side.
"Thank you" Castiel's says.
She giggles and crawls back into my lap. Once she realizes where we are she starts to bounce in my lap.
"Uncle Bobby. Uncle Bobby. Uncle Bobby." She chants with excitement
She has seen Bobby a few times before and she loves that man. He doesn't admit it but I am pretty sure that he loves to see her too. We pull up into the drive way and park the car. Dean unlocks the doors and Via opens the door and bolts out.
"UNCLE BOBBY" Via squeals as loud as her two year old little lungs can.
Bobby wheels out to the front porch and brightens up at the sight of Via.
"VIA!" Bobby shouts back
He allows her to climb in his chair and gives her hug and let's her ride back into the house.

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