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vampire teabags
chapter one :
meet lottie james

BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE, Charlotte James would like to clarify a few things if you'd like to carry on with this hell ride. Number one - don't ever call her Charlotte, unless you don't value your life. Her mother was Charlotte - and she was dead so please, just don't. Lottie really hated that name, it sounded like a blondes name and she wasn't blonde, she was slightly blonde. Number two - don't ask about why she wears jackets when it's hot out or why it she never took off her gloves, again, unless you don't like living. Lottie will just mumble about her complexion when really she was pale but don't ask any further! Number three - don't ask her why she looks like she's a painting come to life or why she didn't have freckles or dark spots or acne because mate, you will die. And lastly - don't ever, no matter the circumstances, ask her why she disappears into the Forbidden Forest every Friday, well that one is mostly for her annoying dorm mates ( Donna Flair ) and not the students but the point still stands. Whatever you do, don't ever forget those things, unless you fancy yourself a grave.

The day starts with Lottie James heading down to the Great Hall, Donna Flair right by her heels. Now, Lottie didn't really have much friends and she didn't ask Donna to be her friend cause in all honesty, Lottie didn't need or want friends. She's a vampire for heavens sake, why would she need friends? Friends are made of flesh and in that flesh is blood ( Lottie didn't need to understand the human anatomy, all she needs to know is where to sink her teeth into ) and Lottie need blood to survive, duh. But Donna didn't get the memo, and to be fair how would she when Lottie didn't make the message clear enough?

"Oh Lottie, did you hear what that awful sixth year student said about you?" Donna whimsically said, sighing as she did. Donna really hated it when people told awful things about her only friend. "I didn't like it."

Lottie rolled her eyes. Donna was your typical squishy Hufflepuff, heart of gold, tears of ichor and the warmest smile of all. ( Another reason why Lottie didn't want to have friends, she knew she was a sucker for humans like Donna and she'd want to protect them. ) "Was it worse than the one where Sirius Black called me a succubus whore?"

Donna shook her head. "No but it still was awful, he called you a blood sucker Lottie, he called you a vampire! It was awful, I didn't like it."

Lottie momentarily stopped breathing. Now she could handle the other name calling ( demon, satan were just a few ) and other stupid jabs at her nature but no one had come this close to figuring out what she really was. Even Dumbledore didn't know, she hoped. She really tried to hide what she was, Lottie just wanted a normal life away from her dead human mother ( who died like in 1609 ) and her vampire father ( humans call him Vlad and luckily they don't know about his offspring ) and her very stupid vampire family. She wasn't going to up and move just cause some idiot was clever enough to deduce that her pale skin, lack of eating fish, golden eyes all pointed to her being a vampire.

Lottie finally spoke, taking a seat at the Hufflepuff table with Donna right next to her and Amos Diggory across them. "Whoever it was, he's just a moron. Imagine me being a vampire, " She chuckled stiffly. "That's entirely bonkers."

"I know but it's still wrong of Quirinus to say something like that."

Lottie spit out her pumpkin juice. "Q said that?!" Let's just be clear, Lottie wasn't friends with the boy but she's always watched him from afar, it seemed like he was intriguing enough for her. ( She's kidding, she usually stalks into his dorm at night, just to have a little drink and wipe his memories - she always does, she swears it. )

"Yeah, your crush said that." And Donna thought Lottie liked him, just cause she always watched him, Lottie thought it was much easier this way.

"Whatever, he's still stupid." She scoffed, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her robes and Donna slapped her hand, shaking her head and Lottie cracked a grin. "It's not like we wash our own robes Don, that's why Hogwarts has house elves."

"So? We still need to make the job easier for them." The blacked haired girl scolded her, dishing up food from the extravagant meal in front them. "Anyway, enough of the awful things, who are you going to ask to the picnic outing this Saturday?"

Lottie raised a brow, confused that Donna even asked. "Why would you even ask me Don? I'm going with you, of course."

Being a vampire had its perks, Lottie had super speed, super hearing, mind erase powers, mind reading and eternal youth. ( And an unquenchable thirst for blood but hey. ) So when Donna's heart began beating fast, Lottie was curious as to why.

"Oh - Remus Lupin asked me to go with him." Aha, that's why. "I was going to tell you yesterday but then I heard that awful rumor about you and I forgot."

"It's fine, I'll just not go." Lottie dismissed it, waving her off and she went back to her meal, eating the meat first.

"No Lottie! This is why people start rumors about you being a vampire and other awful stuff!" Donna shook her head. "You don't have any friends besides me and you're pushing me away as well at times, " So she did get the memo then. "And you barely go outside, you barely talk to people." She sighed. "Please just ask someone, or I can set you up on a date with one of Remus' friends."

"Yeah cause they didn't call me a succubus whore and they definitely didn't douse me in goo last year." Lottie scoffed, remembering how hard it was to get the red goo out her hair. It took her two days.

"That was Sirius and James, and besides, they don't know how amazing you are!" Donna smiled, really hoping that her moody, pale friend would agree to it. She was a sucker for romance, and she absolutely loved setting people up. She set Marlene McKinnon and Sirius up and so far, smooth sailing. ( Well she hoped, she's never seen them act all romance-y. )

"Fine, but not with Lupin's friends or Q." Lottie sighed, she really didn't believe that she was agreeing to this nonsense but like Donna said, all the name calling and vampire allegations was a result of her not talking to enough people. Donna counted as people though, right?

"Yaay!" Donna clapped her hands together, smiling so big her braces showed off. Donna was a muggle born witch, the kindest one Lottie has ever met, besides Lily Evans that is and she unfortunately became attached to her just like that. "I'm so excited! You'll love him!" She stopped. "Or her?"

"Any is fine, I'm not romantically attracted to anyone - besides Q of course." She added when Donna raised a brow. "Just find me someone I can see a friend in. Not a lover."

When Donna said nothing but squeal, Lottie knew shee wasn't safe. She just hoped whoever the person was, didn't mind having their memories wiped.


an. hey! I hope you like this chapter! I FUCKING LOVE DONNA and I want them to end up together, I'm a simp for my own characters and i love that Donna is all fairies and sunshine and Lottie is all death and gore, I love it! But Donna and Remus, omw they're sooo cute together and come on, it's gonna be spicy, her lover is a wolf and her best friend is a vampire, sooooo spicy!!!! Anyway, that's Lottie James. I like living lol

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