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vampire teabags
chapter two :
the three heads

THE THING IS, the weekend came far too quick for Lottie's liking, and she dreaded going to bed that Friday night after a long journey in the Forbidden Forest. She knew Donna meant well, but she really didn't need anyone in her life ( Donna included ) but then again, she had too much of a faint heart to actually push her away. As a vampire, Lottie didn't fear many things but her one fear was turning into the monster her father was. He had no friends and he vehemently engraved that idea in her head for years, he didn't want her to roam the streets or even look at humans, unless it was feeding time. So she ran. Lottie needed a life where she was in control, where she made decisions, not her father.

That's when she decided to pretend to be a teenager, she looked the part anyway because she couldn't age. She enrolled herself into Hogwarts, with her father's money of course, creating a new version of herself and she called this version Lottie James. She never had a last name and she can't remember if her mom had one. ( Well obviously she had one, she was human! ) She was sorted into Hufflepuff, where she met her dorm mate and now friend, Donna Flair.

She was a shy, timid thing at first, and had no friends, no one wanted to befriend a halfblood who's grandmother betrayed Newt Scamander so when Lottie said hi, entirely because she thought it was friendly, Donna never budged away from her. Lottie loved Donna, in her own way of course, but that morning when Remus Lupin and another boy joined them for breakfast before the afternoon picnic outing, she debated on how much she really loved her bubbly friend.

"Lottie, this is Remus, the one I told you about yesterday." Donna pointed towards the boy with the brown hair, which covered his puppy brown eyes. Remus was adorned in scars and Lottie will admit that he was good-looking, no wonder Donna fell for him.

"I've heard much about you." Remus smiled at Lottie, his heart racing and Lottie nearly chuckled. "Don't worry, only good things."

Lottie smiled. "I'm glad."

"And this is Severus Snape." Severus Snape looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there and Lottie could actually say, she felt the same. She wasn't looking forward to the picnic, nor was her date so why should they go?

The rest of the breakfast went by quickly, mostly just Donna and Remus talking and giggling amongst themselves. Lottie and Snape barely spoke, when she'd ask a question ( what shampoo he uses ) he'd answer in grunts so she didn't even bother. The rest of the students were whispering with one another, all looking at their table, particularly their spot and Lottie didn't like it. Breakfast was nearly over when Quirinus Quirrell came up to Snape, talking in a hushed tone but thanks to her heightened senses, she could her him perfectly well.

"Be careful Severus, you've heard the rumors about Charlotte being a vampire, right?" He glanced at her before he looked at Snape once more. Lottie really needed to do something about Quirrell, yes the students didn't believe him but someone might. Snape said nothing but reply in a grunt and Quirrell left, literally sprinting away as if Lottie was going to jump on him and suck his blood out. ( It's not like she didn't, but that's a story for another day. )

"Are you alright Charlotte?"

Lottie looked at Snape. Did he just talk to her? And did he just call her Charlotte? "I'm fine, and I'm Lottie." That's how Severus Snape ended up in Lottie's ever growing list of people to feed on.

LOTTIE WILL GIVE Hogwarts credit for one thing, they knew how to make the children not miss their homes, not that Lottie had a home to miss anyway, they had picnics, they felt safe ( even with a bloodsucker among them ) and the headmaster actually listened to the children. Now Lottie loved Hogwarts, it was the only place she actually felt at home after she ran from her father's cold castle all those years ago, but she didn't like the students that much. Some were rude, like Sirius Black and James Potter, especially James and even though they irk her, she can't do anything but suck their blood.

Lottie did not feed on the children of Hogwarts, she swears it. They were idiots and she didn't want their idiocy to sink into her blood as well, though that's not even possible. However, that afternoon, as she sat crossed legs next to Severus Snape, Donna and Remus not so far from them, she decided that some weren't so bad. Remus was actually funny and she did enjoy Snape's company. Somewhat.

"I think I was four, five, somewhere around that age and I was so scared, I pissed myself." Remus chuckled, finishing off his story and Donna giggled, while Lottie and Snape shook their heads. Humans were odd, to say the least.

"You are officially in my weird people list." Lottie declared, still not believing that Remus Lupin pissed his pants when he thought he saw a ghost for the first time.

"But you only have a who to kill list?" Donna wondered outloud and if Lottie could, her cheeks would've flushed a bright red when Snape and Remus looked at her weird.

"Then Remus should be glad he's the first person on my list." Lottie mumbled, opening the basket Remus packed for the four of them. She could see strawberries ( which she hated ) and a few baked goods.

"I'm honored." The boy smiled then stopped Lottie when she wanted to unwrap a weird looking package. "Wait, that was packed by Sirius and to be fair, he might be my best mate but I don't trust him that much when it comes to food. It might be rotten, since he kind of hates Snape."

Snape scoffed. "Kind of? That's an understatement."

"I mean, it can't be that bad, right?" Donna questioned, hands already diving for the package and despite Remus' pleading, she tore it open.

Lottie was first to scream, jumping on her feet and Snape followed closely, backing away from the scene, for in front of Donna lay three fish heads, eyes staring up at the young vampire. Remus immediately apologized, hastily wrapping the heads in the paper again and he tossed them behind him, watching as they landed a few feet way from them.

"I'm sorry, I didn't ━━" He began apologizing but the semi blonde girl shook her head, glaring at her friend.

"No, you're not." She grabbed Snape's hand. "Your friends are vile creatures that don't deserve to roam this world, and I thought you were different. And you know they hate us, but you allowed Sirius to put those heads in there." Lottie took a step back. "We'll be at the kitchens."

an. I always wanted Lottie and Snape to be friends, since I love Snape ( cause me writing a twenty two chapter fanfic about him didn't point that out enough ) so yeah, I swear she's not weird........she just has Ichthyophobia.......sorta

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