Chapter 1

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One year later

A lot can happen in a year. So, here's the update. Mary and I have been at my place with my other friends, catching up, and me introducing Mary to them. There names are Alexandra and Alexandria. There twins with copper eyes and white hair. They have green tips. There my closet friends. The others usually hang (no pun intended) around our leaders[2] house.

You see, us clan[3] of vamps live in a small abandoned town. We've all claimed our own house, not that far away from our leaders house, and we live peacefully away from humans. The legends about this town keep people away.

Anyway, Mary has evolved nicely from when I first bit her. Her hair and eye color fully changed. Her hair is now black with pink streaks (us vampires love to dye our hair) and silver eyes. And her hair is no longer messy, it's now smooth. Her clothing style changed as well. She now dresses like the rest of us. And she is no longer a nerd (I guessed right). She's really cool, like me. Her whole attitude has changed. I know I didn't know her from before, but just being around her in the beginning I could tell what her personality was.

Well, now that you're caught up, let's get on with our story.

Right now, Mary and I are laying on the ceiling of my house, talking.

"I'm so bored." Mary said.

"Me too. There's never anything to do. Wanna go out of-" I was cut off by Mary sitting up, with the look of excitement in her eyes.

"I've got it! Heh, those losers will be so shocked."

"What." I questioned lazily.

"Let's go to Hogwarts and freak everybody out! Everyone there thinks I'm dead. They would be in for a definite surprise. Plus it's Harry and Ron's fourth year. They would've started a few days ago."

We both smiled, knowing what each other were thinking. We got up, went back to the ground and prepared ourselves.

We got out of our pajamas and changed into some clothes, then we did our makeup and hair and nails, even some eyeliner, and flew in the direction of Hogwarts.

After a while, we finally got there. We landed in The Forbidden Forest, wanting to make a dramatic entrance. A lot of kids were outside, talking and laughing with each other. Even though it's the middle of the day, it's pretty cloudy and you can't even see the sun.

"You ready for this, Mary?"

"Oh yes. I can't wait to see the look on those losers faces when we emerge from this forest."

With that, we started walking towards the edge of the forest. A few kids looked up, squinting in our direction, then continued to talk. As we got closer, more kids started to look.

Then, we walked out of the forest. Kids looked at us in shock. Mary was right, there faces our priceless.


A black haired boy ran up to us along with two red heads, might have been brother and sister, and tackled Mary in a hug. Other kids caught on and came up as well. Mary looked uncomfortable, so I playfully smirked.

"Hermione! You're alive! You look so different." Said the red headed girl, examining Mary's outfit. A lot of kids looked a mixture of shock and happiness, but I think mostly shock. Mary told me what she was like before I bit her, and she definitely looked a lot different than how she looks now. Everyone was staring at her, and then noticed me. They stared at me in shock as well, looking from me to Mary.

Mary sped over to me, causing everyone's heads turn, their eyes wide.

"Should we tell them?" I asked Mary with an eyebrow raised.

"I think we should." Mary answered sarcastically.

"Hello everyone. It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, for those of you who forgot me, let me introduce myself. My name is Mary, and this is my friend Elizabeth."

"We never forgot you, and your name is Hermione." The red head boy said.

We both smirked at that, causing that boy to look at Mary weirdly.

"What happened to you?"

"Many things, Ronald, things that you won't understand. Not that you would if you could." Mary mumbled that last part that only I could hear, making me laugh.

"And who are you?"

"Elizabeth." I said boldly. The boy looked at me strangely, like how he looked at Mary. I smirked, looking at Mary who was smirking as well.

"We're you in the Forbidden Forest this whole time?" The red haired girl asked.

"No. I'm not stupid. I was with my friend, Elizabeth."

The girl looked a little taken aback by that answer. Heh. This girl was probably Mary's friend when she still went alive.

Just then, a blonde boy and what looked liked his sidekicks pushed their way through the crowd to us.

"What's going on-" He was stopped short by the sight of us, looking us up and down. Mary smirked, walking up to him.

"Long time no see, Malfoy."


"That's right. And it's Mary now. I'm surprised you recognized me. Thought I was dead, did you?" Mary said with a strange version of confidence. The boy, Malfoy, just kept staring. What are there humans problems? Why do they keep staring at us? That's when Malfoy turned his attention to me.

"And you are?"

"Elizabeth. Mary's best friend." I said while putting my arm around Mary's shoulder. Everyone just stared for a little while. Ugh. We should just go.

"Mary, should we leave?"

"Yeah, why not. We can come back when everyone here isn't being weird."

With that, we took off in the direction of our home.

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