Chapter 2

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Mary's P.O.V.

"Oh my god! I can't believe we did that!" I said while laughing.

"I know! They were so shocked! Why didn't we do this before?"

"You said to wait a year for a good reaction, remember?"

"Oh, ye- oh no. Mary, we can't leave."

"Why not?"

"The sun. Quick, into the forest!"

I looked behind us and saw that the clouds were clearing up and the sun was about to hit us. I followed Elizabeth into the Forbidden Forest, landing with a thud in the dirt. Elizabeth landed on a log, steadying herself. Then, we snapped our heads in the direction of the school when we heard some kids coming in our direction.

"Great. They saw us." I said.

"Should we run, or do you not care?" Elizabeth asked me.

"It's fine. Let's just get this over with."

With that, I sat on the log next to Elizabeth who was crouching and hugging her knees to her chest, looking tired. I was too, since we were usually asleep by now.
After a few more minutes of waiting, I noticed that the kids, specifically Harry, Ron and Ginny approach us, along with a big group of kids at their heels. I nudged Elizabeth in the side, causing her to look up, smirking. I got up rather quick, making the humans to step back a little. I walked up to the three, preparing myself for any arguments that may come my way. But they didn't say anything. So I decided to start it off.

"So, I guess you're all wondering how this happened, right?" They kept staring. I rolled my eyes and made my way around them, so I was facing the crowd. "Right. So, a year ago, Harry and I were sprinting through this forest, for reasons I will not share. Harry Potter was ahead of me, and I was only a few feet behind him. But for some unknown reason, he didn't here me get tackled by my friend Elizabeth over here," I gestured to her, still sitting on the log, watching me, " shouting for help. He ignored me. Jus like everyone else in this god-forsaken world." I told them, getting more irritated at I went on. "So, long story short, Elizabeth made me feel wanted, and took me somewhere where there are people like me. A vampire. And, that concludes my story, so bye bye." I said, waving my fingers at them, making it clear that I wanted them to go. But, of course, they didn't move. I rolled my eyes, and then did something I hate doing, because it makes me look really stupid, which is flashing my fangs by opening up my mouth wide and putting my hands up, simulating claws. This sent them running, and luckily the group mostly consisted of first years, so I scared more of them off. But one person remained, besides Harry, Ron and Ginny, who were still behind me. Malfoy.

I was confused, but ignored that feeling. I turned back to the, well, let's call them trio, and walked closer to them.

"So, is that a good enough explanation for you?" I said sweetly. They didn't respond (shocker), so I walked back over to Elizabeth, who was dozing off. I smiled, sitting next to her, looking up at the sky. Apparently, the clouds came back when I was talking. I poked Elizabeth on the cheek, causing her to jolt up.

"We should really be going now. It's quite late for us." I told the trio, smirking. I stood up, grabbing Elizabeth, who was nodding off again, and jumped into the air, once again in the direction of our home, and started flying away.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

When we got back home, I was so relieved. Those humans can really tire you out. I kicked off my shoes, going into my room and falling face first into my bed, not caring about changing.

When I woke up a few hours later, the sun was completely down. I stood up, walking out of my room and noticed that Mary was cooking breakfast for us. I walked by her and sat down on the couch, fiddling with the torn up arm of it. Then, Mary handed me a cup of noddles with chopsticks, and a small glass of blood. I put both things on the coffee table and and grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. We ate our noodles while talking about what had just happened, and laughed at their stupid facial expressions. Then, right about the time we were finishing our food, our front door opened, and in came Alexandria. She sat down next to me on the couch, eating what remained of my food.

"Where's Alexandra?" Mary asked.

"She's talking to the leader about the next food trip."

Oh, I should mention that Alexandra is our leaders number two. Well, she's more of an assistant, but she has really important jobs. Like getting us food, or setting up a patrol team. The patrol teams usually stay around gas stations near our little town, listening to the conversations of the humans, to see if there talking about rumors about a society living in this ghost town.

Anyway, Alexandra is usually trying to convince the leader to let us turn people into vampires, because there's not many of us left. So far, she has been unsuccessful. But, she stays hopeful.

The three of us were talking about what we would do today, I really just wanted to sleep in, but they had other plans.


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