1 - The Mystery Capsule and the Black Hedgehog

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Today was a bright day in Pensilvania, and Vampirina was playing with her friends Demi and Gregoria and with her pet Wolfie and they were having a lot of fun

Vampirina: Wolfie! Get it! (Throws ball)

Wolfie: (chases the ball)

Demi: Wow! That was a good throw Vee!

Gregoria: I totally agree, I wonder where did it end

The ball that Wolfie was chasing was bouncing in the garden a lot, untill it ended up in the right side of the house. Wolfie then heard a clanking sound and went running towards her owner very scared

Vampirina: What's wrong Wolfie?

Wolfie: (barks scared at the side of the house)

Demi:(gasps) Is there an evil troll on the side of the house?!

Gregoria: Oh no!

Vampirina: Let's see what's in there

Demi:(scared) Are you sure Vee?

Gregoria:(scared) Yeah... those trolls are trickters...

Vampirina: I'm sure there's not any trolls in there

Demi: If you say...

Vampirina started walking towards the side of the house very carefuly so whoever was there didn't get scared. When she saw what was there, she was surprised to see a space capsule in the side of the house

Vampirina: Demi! Gregoria! Come here!

Demi:(poofs in front of Vee) What happened Vee?! Did a troll attacked you?!

Gregoria: Yeah! What's--? (Sees capsule) Whoa...

Vampirina: Did you guys ever see this thing before?

Gregoria: Not if I remember well

Vampirina: Let's see what's inside

Demi: But what if it is a prank from the trolls?!

Vampirina: I hope is not...

As she opened the capsule, she saw that there was a black hedgehog with red stripes and white chest fur on his chest inside that capsule

Vampirina was so surprised to see a creature like him in a capsule, it was the first time she saw a hedgehog like him

Vampirina: Oh my... look at this poor creature...

Demi: Glad is not a troll...

Gregoria: Is just a hedgehog... but it looks like he doesn't feel well I think...

Vampirina: Let's get him inside the house...

Demi used a floating spell to get the hedgehog inside the house. Meanwhile, Vampirina was still looking at the capsule and she saw 3 things in there: two guns, a disc with data and a old photo of and old man and a girl

Vampirina: Maybe this is a clue where he lived, I think I should ask him where does he come from...

Inside the house, Oxana and Boris were taking care of the hedgehog kid who was still asleep, they were surprised to see a creature like him

Oxana: Boris... what do you think this child is?

Boris: Demi says that is a hedgehog, but where did it came from?

Just then, Vampirina came in with Poppy and Bridget with some towels and warm water. Oxana put a wet towel in the creature's forehead and they waited untill he wakes up

Poppy: What is that?

Vampirina: I think is a hedgehog, but not a normal one

Bridget: Poor creature... what happened to it?

Vampirina: I just found him in a capsule...

Poppy: In a capsule?

Vampirina: Yeah... and these things were in there... (shows objects)

Bridget: In where do you think this came from?

???: (groans)

Demi: Is waking up!

Everyone (except Demi): Huh?

When the creature woke up, Vampirina touched his head and he looked at her

???: Ugh... where am I?

Vampirina: Hey... are you okay?

???: I'm... fine... (looks around him)

Poppy: Huh? You okay?

???: What is this place?

Vampirina: This is my house... I just found you in that capsule and you were asleep

???: In a capsule?!

Demi: Um... yes...

???: Oh no... I remember now... I was sent in that capsule when she died...

Bridget: Who died?

???:(sniffs) Maria... those agents shoot her when she sent me to Earth in that capsule...

Gregoria: Wait! Who's Maria?

???:(sobs) She was my friend... she was like a sister to me... (sobs uncontrollaby)

The black hedgehog cried as he remembered something he lived in his old home. Vampirina gave him a hug to confort him and he started to calm down

Vampirina:(hugs ???) Shh... you don't have to cry... is okay...

???:(breaks hug and wipes tears) Thank you...

Vampirina: No problem, and by the way, I'm Vampirina

Poppy: I'm Poppy

Bridget: And I'm Bridget

???: S-Shadow...

Gregoria: So Shadow... where do you came from?

Shadow:(signs) This will be hard to explain... but I actually didn't lived on Earth...

Poppy: What do you mean?

Shadow: I don't think I should tell you... because you may feel sad for me...

Oxana: Oh darling... you don't have to be afraid...

Boris: Yeah! You can tell us if you want...

Vampirina: We want to know where do you came from...

Shadow: Are you sure?

Vampirina: (nods)

Shadow: Okay... I will tell you...

As everyone sat down to hear the hedgehog's story, Shadow signed and he started to talk

What is his sad backstory?

Next chapter: Shadow tells his past, and it really is sad

Remember that Shadow belongs to the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise

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